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1、小学的英语外研版一起二年级的下册Module+7doc小学英语外研版一起二年级下册课题学习程度分析教学目标教学重难点课前准备电子备课教案Module 7 Unit 1 课型 new 课时 1本模块的重点还是练习现在进行时,话题围绕六一儿童节,学生会非常感兴趣,动作练习是关于节目表演的,可以让学生边学单词边表演,提高学生的学习兴趣。掌握本课词汇: Children sDay, play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance掌握本课重点句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.Sam is saying a p

2、oem.They re doing a dragon dance.3、祝贺孩子节日情感交流词汇: Children s Day, play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.Sam is saying apoem.They re doing a dragon dance.CD-ROM、 单词卡片教学活动过程 教学调整Step 1.Warming up1、 Greetings.2、 Sing and do the actions: I m listening to

3、music.3、 Look and guess:Whats he /she doing? What re they doing?最后两幅图分别是 Lingling is singing a song./Amy is dancing.Step 2.Presentation1.T :同学们,一年当中,我们要和家人、朋友一起庆祝很多的节日。那么哪个节日是专为我们小朋友而设立的呢?教师引导孩子回答: “儿童节(Childrens Day ) ”并随机将 “Childrens Day 写”在黑板上,然后反复读几遍,让学生跟读。T:属于同学们自己的节日来到了, Let s have a party, OK

4、?S: OK!T: 聚会上,大家都要表演很多的节目,那么你知道这些用英语怎么表达吗?(课件出示图片)老师通过肢体语言给学生讲解,并借机将这些词组写在黑板上,等学生明白了之后,让学生跟读、指读,可以鼓励同学们当小老师来教全班学生,老师要注意及时矫正学生的发音,必要时可以用夸张的口型或者放慢语速给学生做示范。2.T :同学们,今天, Xiaohu .Amy, Lingling, Daming 和 Sam 也正在一起庆祝儿童节,我们一起来看看他们是怎样庆祝的?T:Open your books,listen then answer the following questionsWhat is Dam

5、ing doing?What is Sam doing?What are children from Class 2 doing?(课件出示问题,教师让学生读问题, 再打开书,放录音,让学生认真看书听录音看看、听听他们是怎样庆祝儿童节的。 )3.听完一遍之后,教师可以请几位同学站起来说出问题的答案。4.教师再放录音,每句后停顿,请学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调,教师要注意纠正学生的错误发音。Step 3.Practice1、大屏幕出示儿童节, Look and say. “Whats he /she doing? What rethey doing? ”2、承接上一活动, “It s Chi

6、ldren s Day, what are you doing学生用”“ I m ”来回答。3、 Do some exercises.( 课件出示问题 : listen and number, listen andtick)Step 4.Production1、 There are lots of festivals in a year. Now look.( 大屏幕出示一些熟悉的节日,一起描述 )2、 Learn the song: It s Children s Dayodayt.3、教师和学生一起玩 “神仙棒 ”的游戏。教师首先给学生介绍游戏规则:每个学生的食指就是自己的 “神仙棒 ”,

7、当你的手指指向某位同学时,这位同学就会根据你所说的做出相应的动作, 比如你把 “神仙棒 ”指向了 Tom 并说: “Tom is dancing. ”Tom马上从座位上站起来做唱歌的动作,并且还要重复 : “I am dancing . 然”后 Tom 就可以用自己的 “神仙棒 ”去指挥下一个学生。Step 5.Home workTell your friends what you are doing on your favourie festival.教后反馈课题学习程度分析Now in this unit they begin to describe what is another per

8、son doing. So teacher organized many activities like chant, guess game, sentence chain. to make deep impression of What is he/she doing? He/She is .Module 7 Unit 1课型new课时2本模块的重点还是练习现在进行时,话题围绕六一儿童节,学生会非常感兴趣,动作练习是关于节目表演的,可以让学生边学单词边表演,提高学生的学习兴趣。教学目标教学重难点掌握本课词汇: Children sDay, play, some, say, poem, cla

9、ss, dragon dance掌握本课重点句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.Sam is saying a poem.Th ey re doing a dragon dance.关爱学生、增强师生情感词汇: Children s Day, play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.Sam is saying a poem.They re doing a dragon dance.课前准备 CD-ROM、

10、 单词卡片教学活动过程 教学调整Step 1.Warming-up教师带学生一起做游戏 “大头照连连看 ”。请七位同学到讲台上来,其他同学都是 “照相机 ”。把这七位同学按照顺序编上号,然后按照顺序请在讲台上的几位同学一个连一个地做出各种自己喜欢的姿势,教师带领其他学生发号施令: “Number one ,go! ”然后 1号同学就说出自己正在做的姿势,如 “I am dancing . 而”后其他六位同学也逐一说出自己的动作。最后由各位充当 “照相机 ”的学生评选出 “最佳上镜奖”、“最有创意姿势奖 ”等,老师将给予这些同学奖励。Step 2.PresentationT: Wha t do

11、you like doing? Now, let s do some exercises大家.分组,把你喜欢的告诉小组长,填写表格,再进行汇报评价。(表格每组一张)T: It s Children s Day. We are very happy.T:Now, Let me see which group is the winner 。然后每个小组选出一个同学代表小组表演,最后评出 “最佳表演奖 ”,并发送小奖品。3.听完一遍之后, 教师可以请几位同学站起来说出你所听到句子中的一个。然后请学生打开书,再次放录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾画出课文中含有 “ ing ”的单词,并根据上下文以及图

12、片猜猜是什么意思。4.教师再放录音,每句后停顿,请学生跟读,模仿录音中的语音、语调,教师要注意纠正学生的错误发音。 Step 3 .Practice1.教师告诉学生,老师将描述课本活动 1 其中的一张图片,学生认真听,然后指出老师所描述的图。例如:T:Sam is saying a poem.S:( point to Sam saying a poem. )T:Daming is doing a play with some children.S:( point to Daming doing the play. )2.老师演示完之后,让学生两人一组,一个学生尽可能多的对图片进行描述。另一个学

13、生则需指出所描述的图片。最后请几组同学上来展示,说得又多又好,指的准确的小组老师需发送小奖品对其进行鼓励。教后反馈 学学习兴趣很高,对表演充满浓厚的兴趣课题学习程度分析Module 7 Unit 1 课型 new 课时 3本模块的重点还是练习现在进行时,话题围绕六一儿童节,学生会非常感兴趣,动作练习是关于节目表演的,可以让学生边学单词边表演,提高学生的学习兴趣。掌握本课词汇: Children s Day, play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance掌握本课重点句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.

14、Sam is saying教学目标a poem.They re doing a dragon dance.祝贺节日、培养艺术感知教学重难点词汇: Children Day,s play, some, say, poem, class, dragon dance句型: Daming is doing a play with some children.Sam is saying a poem.They re doing a dragon dance.课前准备 CD-ROM、 单词卡片教学活动过程 教学调整Step 1. Warm-up and preview1.Greet with the Ss

15、.2.Sing the song together: I m listening to music.(CAI)3. Practise:I m doing She/He is doing (It will be showed on the computer)Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it provides situati

16、ons to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2. Presentation(1) Ask “Do you know what festivals there are in a year? ” “What festivalsis for children? ” “ How do you usually spend Children s Day? ” Encourage thestudents to answer in English or in Chinese.Teach the programs such as doing a

17、play, singing a song, saying a poem, dancing, doing dragon dance .It will be prepared by cards.T: Today,Daming, Sam, Lingling, Amy and Xiaohu are celebratingChildren s Day. Doyou want to know? Present the new title :It s Children sDay today.(On the blackboard)(2) Listen and answer.The qustions will

18、be showed on the computer: What is Daming doing?What is Sam doing? What are children from Class 2 doing? Let Ss listen and try to answer the questions.(3) Listen and repeat.First, ask the students to follow the tape. Then I ll check theirpronunciation. If they make a mistake, I ll correct it .With t

19、he help of recorder to give them the real English language.Purpose: Recorder can provide a real situation for the Ss to develop thelistening.Step3 Practise:1.Look and say.It will be showed on the computer.A: It s Children s Day. B: He/She sThe Ss practice the expressions by saying and doing in pairs

20、.Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss abilityof communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.2. Listen and number.Number the pictures what Ss heared.3. Listen and tick.Purpose: To check the knowledge Ss have learned in this period.Step 4. Add-ac

21、tivityMake a survey.Divide the whole class into two groups to have a competition. Give theinstruction and do a mime. The students do as I sayStep5 Summary and homeworkSs will sum up the knowledge they learned from this unit. I will help Ss ifnecessary.Tell your friends what you are doing on your fav

22、ourie festival.教后反馈 学生的现在进行时掌握很不错课题 Module 7 Unit 2 课型 new 课时 4学习程度分析教学目标教学重难点学生练习了许多现在进行时的句子,基本上能够掌握这个句型的结构,能够根据汉语意思说出几个简单的句子,给他们提供跟多的图片,进行跟多的练习巩固所学知识。熟练掌握单词与短语: flying a kite, sleeping, having a picnic熟练掌握重点语句: Were having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.丰富假日生活,陶冶情操单词与短语: flying a kite, sleepi

23、ng, having a picnic重点语句: Were having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.课前准备 CD-ROM、 单词卡片教学活动过程 教学调整1. Warm up:Teacher : Hello, boys and girls. How are you ? I m very wellthank. you.Sit down please. What s the weatherIlike?mhappy to have this lesson withyou. Are you happy? Ok ,Now let s sing(a Stan

24、dsong. up).Sing a song: “ I mlistening to the music . ” (actions)2. Revision:Before the new lesson, let s look at the big screen.1)Show the words : do- doing . Who can read it? (The Students read it.)2)Teacher: You did a good job, I made the words different colours, green,blue and black. Do you know

25、 why? What s the difference?.3) Teacher: Yes, do-doing, run-running, write-writing.4)Now let s make sentences with these words? (Look at the big screen) (Do it one by one.)-What are you doing? - I m .-Whats he/she doing?-Hes/She s .3. New lesson:1) Teacher: Please look at this picture.(put the pictu

26、res on the blackboard)This is Tingting s family, Where ohs Tingting?yes,thisis Tingting, this isfather, mother and grandma. They re having a picnic.(show the wordscard)picnic means they redrinkingeating, and playing in a beautiful place.Read the words( read in pairs)And father is flying a kite; (rea

27、d and do the actions) ; mother is eating; grandma is sleeping(read in a low or high voice)2) Teacher: Now open your books , listen and point,then answer some questions.Students: Read and discuss in pair then answer(Show the questions on the screen.)3)Read after the teacher. Teacher Circles the verbs

28、 with ing.4.Practice:Look at your papers and do it. ( write by themselves and then report )5.Homework:Listen to the tape and recite the text.教后反馈 All of the students are very interested in this unit,Most of them can master thematerials,they can use the verbs with ing freely.A few of the students jus

29、t canread and understand it,but not master it.I d like to give them chance to practicemore.课题学习程度分析教学目标教学重难点Module 7 Unit2 课型 Revision 课时 5学生练习了许多现在进行时的句子,基本上能够掌握这个句型的结构,能够根据汉语意思说出几个简单的句子,给他们提供跟多的图片,进行跟多的练习巩固所学知识。熟练掌握单词与短语: flying a kite, sleeping, having a picnic熟练掌握重点语句: Were having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.了解生活的美好,热爱设个生活单词与短语: flying a kite, sleeping, having a picnic重点语句: Were having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.课前准备 CD-ROM、 单词卡片教学活动过程 教学调整Step 1 Warming up1、 Free talk between th

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