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1、五年级英语上册第五单元教案主备教师使用教师使用日期月 日单元及教学内容Unit 5 Whose dog is it A Lets talk课 时第 1 课时课 题Unit 5 Whose dog is it总 课 时教学目标1)能听说认读句子“ Whose is it ? Its Zhang Pengs. Its his.”2)能运用句子进行简单的对话练习。3)能独立完成readandsay部分的任务,并引导学生了解常见的名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词,激发学生合作学习的欲望。教学重点能听说认读句子“ Whose is it ? Its Zhang Pengs. Its his.”教学难点名

2、词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的运用课 型New教学方法小组合作教学准备PPT、单词卡教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改一 、创设情境,综合复习1、Greetingeachother2、Sing a song “Bingo”3、Free- talk教师和学生示范说对话,生生两人一组进行对话练习。2、听读新知,初步感知1)学生自读课文,回答问题。2)师讲解重点句型:The yellow picture is mine. Whose is it ? Its his.3)教师带读课文句子,生跟着老师读句子。4)师生两人分角色朗读,适当纠正错误单词发音。3、情景交际,巩固新知1)Pl

3、ay the game: High and low vioce.2)Play the game: bomb game。3) 学生两人一组进行对话表演练习。 4)学生两人一组,改编对话。各小组进行对话分角色练习。4、拓展听读,整体感知1.拓展教材 reading 12.拓展教材reading 23.拓展教材reading 35、整体运用,灵活表达1、学生自己自由发挥,进行小组对话练习。跟唱歌曲。学生看图迅速对话。小组各种活动练习。同桌两人一组进行句子练习。学生集中注意力,快速反应说单词。跟读拓展材料。同桌交流交流让学生唱熟悉的歌曲,既能激发学生的兴趣,又能营造英语氛围帮助学生进入学习英语的环境中

4、。利用PPT可以使抽象知识变具体,更利于学生理解和掌握。生生对话,将新单词或新知识点放在已经学过句子中学习。教师出示本课主要内容的支架,学生根据支架将新旧知识结合,组织学生进行组内对话。板书设计 Whose dog is it Whose is it ? Its Zhang Pengs. Its his.课后反思主备教师使用教师使用日期月 日单元及教学内容Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Period 1 Section A Lets learn up 课 时第 2 课时课 题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?总 课 时教学目标1. 掌握新单词: his ,hers,

5、 theirs, ours, yours, mine .2. 掌握句型: Whose dog is that ? Its my dog. =The dog is mine.3.培养学生爱护小动物的情感。教学重点能准确的读出和写出新的单词。教学难点能理解和运用新单词、句子:Whose dog is it ? Its your dog. /The dog is yours.课 型新授教学方法跨越式教学准备课件教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改创设情境 综合复习Step1 : 预习温故(用时6分钟)1. 序数词复习。2. T: Which season do you like be

6、st? S: Spring.T: When is April Fools Day? S: Its on April 1st. T: When is your birthday, Mike? S1: My birthday is on August 5th. T: Whose birthday is in October? (教师板书这些句型,并强调划线部分)二、 听读新知 初步感知1、Learn words : his, her, their, my ,your 2、T: Read after me :his dog, our dog, mydog. S: his dog, her dog,

7、their dog, our dog, my dog.T: Do you have a pet? S: Yes. / No.3. T: Look! Whose dog is it? S: Its( ) book. T: The dog is ( )(标有下划线的地方可替换其它单词)4. Listen to the tape and follow reading.三、情景交际 巩固新知1、Look,say and complete2、Lets play (接龙游戏) 将学生分成5组,每组发一个单词,也可以用图片代替。 请本组同学配合,看词或是看图来说出一句完整话。说的又快又正确小组,教师可予以奖

8、励。四、拓展听读 整体感知Reading1 Reading2五、整体运用灵活表达根据幻灯片框架编对话完成练习册上的习题。温故而知新,积极参与复习。Free talk学生小组活动做对话师生对话努力学习新单词Play a game and make a competition.小组做游戏To make the students be more interested in English andTo improve the studentsspeaking ability.consolidate the target language.To make the students be more int

9、erested in English 板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Its his dog. = The dog is his. Its her dog. = The dog is hers.Its my dog. = The dog is mine. Its their dog. = The dog is theirs.Its your dog. = The dog is yours. Its our dog. = The dog is ours.课后反思主备教师使用教师使用日期月 日单元及教学内容Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Lets spell

10、课 时第 3课时课 题Unit 5 Whose dog is it? 总 课 时教学目标1. 能拼读含有字母组合ing和nk的单词。2. 能掌握并会拼读? ?k即字母组合ng及nk发音规则3. 培养学观察和情景交际能力教学重点能拼读包含字母组合ng 和nk 。教学难点能理解Story time部并熟读。课 型新授教学方法跨越式教学准备教材相配套的教学课件。教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改Step1 :创设情境综合复习(3分钟)1. Sing a song together.“Animals are everywhere”2.通过课件复习学过的字母组合th ch, sh发音,

11、分别找学生发音并读出相关词语,最后分小组齐读看哪组读的最好.Step 2. 听读新知初步感知(13分钟) (一)“ng” 发音。 1. 听录音,引导学生观察long,sing, ring三个单词的相同点都有“ng”。(二)“al”的发音。 1.听录音,引导学生观察think ink, trunk三个单词的相同点都有“nk”。 2.T: “nk” pronounce ?kStep 3. 情景交际巩固新知(8分钟)1. Read listen and chant Just listen. Listen and follow it. Lets chant together. 2. 学生完成教材50页

12、图表Step 4. 拓展听读整体感知(13分钟)1 Can you describe the pictures?参考词汇:storybooks jumping. singing eating watermelon.drinking 2 write the sentences on your book ( Step 5.整体运用灵活表达(3分钟).Lets chant! Think think thinkWhat do you think?Pink pink pinkI like pinkBank bank bankThe money in the bankLong long longMy ha

13、ir is longRing ring ringYour ring is bling bling. Sing togetherLearn new wordsAsk and answerTalk with each otherTo make the students be more interested in English and consolidate the target language.To practice the students ability.To improve the studentsspeaking ability.Help students extend reading

14、 text.板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? ng ? long sing ring young nk ?k think ink trunk pink 课后反思主备教师使用教师使用日期月 日单元及教学内容Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Section B Lets talk 课 时第 4课时课 题Unit 5 Whose dog is it? 总 课 时教学目标1、 听录音完成Lets try的练习题.2、熟练掌握对话及重点句型:Where is Fido now ? Is he drinking water ? Can I play with him

15、 now ? Of course . Come here.3、培养学生热爱动物、大自然的美好情感。教学重点能听录音完成相应的练习题 。教学难点能熟读对话和灵活的进行句型替换练习。Is he drinking water? Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt.课 型新授教学方法跨越式教学准备教材相配套的教学课件。教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改Step1 : 创设情境综合复习 (3分钟)2. Sing a song together.“Animals are everywhere”2. Review words : climbing, jumping, eat

16、ing, sleeping, drinking, playing.3.Free talk 4. 给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上) read_ swim _ sit _ sleep _ dance _Step 2. 听读新知初步感知 (13分钟)1. Listen to the tape of Lets try part and finish exercises. Where is the dog ? (老师讲解录音中的重点句子)2. (出示图片)T: Where is the book ? S: Its on the desk. T: Where is the pen? S: Its

17、in the bag 3.教读Lets talk 部分 Keys phrase and sentences: Hes in the kitchen. Can you take him to the park? Of course. Come here. (教读和操练这些句子和短语)4. T: Listen to the tape of Lets talk and answer these questions . Is Fido drinking water ? Is he eating ?5. Listen to the tape again and follow reading.Step 3

18、. 情景交际巩固新知(8分钟)1. 分角色朗读课文。2. 灵活运用句型。3.我是小小解说员.灵活运用所学知识看图说话。Step 4. 拓展听读整体感知(13分钟)1 课本46-47页内容(详见课件)问题如下:a、What are they dong?b、Whose carrots are these?2 Reading2(师可自行设置问题)( Step 5.整体运用灵活表达 (3分钟)Reading3 Little red henSing togetherLearn new words and sentencesAsk and answerTalk with each otherTo make

19、 the students be more interested in English and consolidate the target language.To practice the students ability.To improve the studentsspeaking ability.Help students extend reading text.板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Where is Fido now ? Is he drinking water ? Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt .课后反思主备教师使用教师使

20、用日期月 日单元及教学内容Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Section B Lets learn P52课 时第 5课时课 题Unit 5 Whose dog is it? 总 课 时教学目标1、 掌握新单词: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking, sleeping.2、 掌握句型: Fido is sleeping. They are playing with each other.3、培养学生团队合作的精神与自主学习的意识。教学重点能掌握新单词,并知道如何在单词的后面加上ing。教学难点能用英语表达谁正在做什么。课 型

21、新授教学方法跨越式教学准备教材相配套的教学课件。教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改Step1 : 创设情境综合复习(3分钟)3. Sing a song together.“Animals are everywhere”失物招领) 3. Read Lets talk part of page 48.Step 2. 听读新知初步感知(15分钟)1. T: What do you do ? S: I eat banana./ I climb mountains. T: Teach and review words: sleep, drink water, cl

22、imb mountains.2.T: I do , You guess.(我做你猜)Look at me ,What am I doing ?(老师做睡觉状) S1:睡觉(sleep) T: Sleeping . I am sleeping . Use the same way to learn the other words: climbing, eating, playing, jumping, drinking.并板书在黑板上同时将每个单词的原形也板书在黑板。3 T: Are these rabbits eating? S: No, Theyre playing with each ot

23、her.4. Read these words together .Step 3. 情景交际巩固新知(5分钟)1.、Listen and repeat.(听录音并跟读)2. .Read aloud in your teams.(小组内自由读Lets learn中的单词和句子,然后大声读给你的组员听。)3、Show for us. (全班表演)Step 4. 拓展听读初步感知(12分钟)1.I can chant2.Dialogue 5(P66)3 Reading1(70) (师可自行设置问题)Step 5.整体运用灵活表达(4分钟)Our P.E. classWe all like PE cl

24、ass very much. Look, our teacher is _(talk) with us, Li Jian is_(play )football with his friends.Liu Ming is _(jump).I am _(watch )them play. We are so happy.Sing togetherLearn new words and sentencesAsk and answerTalk with each otherTo make the students be more interested in English and consolidate

25、 the target language.To practice the students ability.To improve the studentsspeaking ability.Help students extend reading text.板书设计 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Is he drinking water ? Yes, he is ./ No, he isnt .课后反思主备教师使用教师使用日期月 日单元及教学内容Period 6 Lets check Lets wrap it up Read and write课 时第 6 课时课 题Unit

26、1 My day总 课 时教学目标1、Can finish exercises of lets check2、Can understand read and write part .3、培养学生热爱动物、大自然的美好情感。教学重点能完成相关练习题,复习这个单元的重点句。教学难点能理解read and write 部分讲述的是什么。课 型New教学方法TPR教学准备PPT、单词卡教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学生活动设计意图个性修改 Step1 :创设情境综合复习 (3分钟)1. 师生相互问候。2. 教师播放歌曲Animals are everywhere.学生跟唱,活跃气氛。3. Review(

27、1) 出示本课A Lets learn/B Lets learn情景图片,复习单词(重点复习黑体部分的单词)。(2) 教师出示主情境图,复习本单元重点句型。Step 2. 听读新知初步感知.(15分钟). Read and write(1) 教师播放课文录音,引导学生带着问题听录音。Why doesnt Robin want to swim like a fish?学生回答后,教师指正。(2) 认真看图,回答问题。Where are Zoom and Zip today?What is Zip doing?(3) 学生再次阅读短文,并回答下列问题。What does Zip take pict

28、ures of? Why are the monkeys looking at Zoom and Zip?Answers:1 She takes pictures of a tiger and two monkeys.2 Theyre copying Zoom and Zip. (4) 学生根据自己的实际情况完成书上的填空题,并在四人小组内相互介绍他们在干吗。(5)Read and answer these questions: Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at _. The bear is _ The rabbits are _ The tiger is _ The elephant is _Step 3.情景交际巩固新知(6分钟)1. Lets check.(1) 在听之前,先让学生阅读课文中所

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