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1、剑桥雅思4听力原文剑桥雅思4听力原文test1_section1M: Good morning!W: Good morning! How can I help you?M: I understand that the school organizes umm, trips to differentW: Yes. We run five every month, three during weekends and two Wednesday afternoon trips.M: What sort of places?W: Well. Obviously, it varies, but alwa

2、ys places of historical interest and also which offers a variety of shopping, because our students always ask about that. And then we go for ones where we know there are guided tours because this gives a good focus for the visit.M: Do you travel far?W: Well, we are lucky here obviously because we ar

3、e able to say that all our visits are less than three hours drive.M: How much do they cost?W: Again it varies, between 5 and 15 pounds a head, depending on distance.M: Ah haW: Oh and we do offer to arrange special trips if, you know, there are more than 12 people.M: Oh right. Ill keep that in mind.

4、And what are the times normally?W: We try to keep it pretty fixed so that the students get to know the pattern. We leave at 8.30 a.m. and return at 6 p.m. We figure its best to keep the day fairly short.M: Oh yes and then how do we reserve a place?W: You sign your name on the notice board. Do you kn

5、ow where it is?M: Ah ha. I saw it this morning.W: And we do ask that you sign up three days in advance so we know weve got enough people interested to run it and we can cancel if necessary with full refund of course.M: Thats fine. Thanks.M: And what visit sub plan for this term?W: Right. Well. Im af

6、raid the schedule hasnt been printed out yet. But we have confirmed the dates and planed the optional extra visits, which you can also book in advance if you want to.M: Oh thats all right. And if you can just give some ideas of the weekend ones so I can, you know, work out then to see friends and su

7、ch IW: Oh sure. Well, err the first one is St. Ives. Thats on the 13th of February and we will have only 16 places available because were going by mini bus. And thats the day in town with the optional extra of visiting the Hepworth Museum.M: All right. Yes ah. That sounds good.W: And then theres a L

8、ondon trip on the 16th of February. And we will be taking a medium size coach so there will be 45 places on that. And lets see the optional extra is the Tower of London.M: Oh, Ive already been there.M: And you might get an extension of time to finish your assignment for me?W: If thats possible. But

9、I dont knowM: Well. Yes its possible. But extensions are normally given only for medical or compassionate reasons. Otherwise, thats really a question of organizing your study and we dont like giving an extension to a student who simply didnt plan the work properly. What did you get for your first as

10、signment?W: I got 87 percent.M: Umm. Yes, you did very well indeed. So obviously you can produce good work.W: I dont think I need too much extra time, as long as I can get hold of some important references.M: Well, since you did so well in your first assignment, Im prepared to give you an extra two

11、weeks for this one. So, that will mean you need to submit it about a month from now.W: Oh thank you.M: Now what about the reading materials? So you check out the journal articles in the list?W: Oh, no, not yet. There were about twenty of them I wasnt sure which ones should be most useful or all impo

12、rtant.M: Well theyre all useful, but I dont expect anyone to read them all because a number of them deal with the same issues. And let me give you some suggestions. The article by Anderson and Hawker is really worth reading.W: Right. Ill read that one.M: You should also read the article by Jackson b

13、ut just look at the part at the research methodology how they did it.W: Ok, Jackson, I got that.M: And if you have time the one by Roberts says very a lot of things although its not essential.W: Ok. If its useful Ill try with that one.M: Now the one by Morris. I wouldnt borrow with that at this stag

14、e if I were you.W: Ok, I wont borrow with Morris. Oh now, someone told me that the article by Cooper is important.M: Oh yes, but just look at the last part where it discusses the research result.W: And last theres Forster. I cant think why I included that one. Thats not bad and could be some help bu

15、t not that much.M: Now lets deal with the assignment question. Whats the problem there?W: Its graph from page 2.M: It seems to be the problem is just about the bar graph showing reasons why peoples change where they live.W: Well Ive got a photocopy but the reasons at the bottom are missing.M: Ok. Lo

16、ok at the first bar on the graph. Now that indicates the number of people who move because they want more space.W: Oh, I see. Bar one. Ok, now whats about the next bar?M: Bar two is to do with the people who live nearby disturbing them so they chose to move away to somewhere quieter. Now lets look a

17、t bar No.3. Another reason people change their places of living is because they want to be closer to the city.W: Ok. Proximity to the city is the issue.M: Now bar No.4 refers to problems when the owner of the property wont help fix things go wrong. In other words, the owner is not helpful and so the

18、 tenants move out.W: Ok, now what about Bar 5.M: Bar 5 is about those people who move because they need a bus or train to get among the city or to go to work.W: Ok, and Bar 6?M: Bar No.6 is mid-resting. That reason was given quite a lot. People move in because they wanted to be in a more attractive

19、neighbourhood.W: Oh yes. Thank you very much. test1_section4Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Ive been asked today to talk to you about the urban landscape. Therere two major areas that Ill focus on in my talk: how vegetation can have a significant effect on urban climate and how we can better plan ou

20、r cities using trees to provide a more comfortable environment for us to living.Trees can have a significant impact on our cities. They can make our cities, as a whole, a bit less windy or a bit more windy as that what you want. They can make it a bit cooler if its a hot summer day in an Australian

21、city or they can make it a bit more humid if its a dry inland city. On the local scale, that is a particular area within the city, trees can make the local area more shady, cooler, more humid and much less windy. In fact, trees and plantings of various of kinds can be used to make city streets actua

22、lly less dangerous in particular areas. How do trees do that, youll ask? Well, the main difference between a tree and a building is a tree has got an internal mechanism to keep the temperature regulated. It evaporates water through its leaves. And that means the temperature of the leaves is never ve

23、ry far from our own body temperature. The temperature of a building surface on a hot sunny day can easily be 20 degrees more than our temperature. Trees, on the other hand, remain cooler than buildings because they sweat. This means they can humidify the air and cool it, a property which can be expl

24、oited to improve the local climate.Trees can also help break the force of the winds. The reason that high buildings may keep windier at ground level is that as the wind goes higher and higher, it goes faster and faster. When the wind hits the building, it has to go somewhere. Some of it goes over th

25、e top and some goes around the sides of the building, forcing those high level winds down to ground level. That doesnt happen when you have trees. Trees filter the wind and considerably reduce it preventing those very large strong gusts that you so often find around tall buildings. Another problem i

26、n built-up areas is the traffic noise is intensified by tall buildings. By planting a belt of trees at the side of the road, you can make things a little quieter but much of the vehicle noise still goes through the trees. Trees can also help reduce the amount of noise in the surroundings, although t

27、he effect is not as large as people would like to think. Low frequency noise, in particular, just goes through the trees as that they arent there. Although trees can significantly improve the local climate, they do, however, take up a lot of space. Therere route system to consider and branches block

28、ing the windows and so on. It may therefore be difficult to fit trees into the local landscape. Theres not a great deal you can do if you have what we call a street canyon, a whole set of high-rises enclosed in the narrow street. Trees need water to grow. They also need some sunlight to grow and you

29、 need room to put them. If you have the chance of knocking buildings down and replacing them, then suddenly you can start looking at different ways to design the streets and to introduce.(End) test2_section1W: Oh, Peter, there youre. Its been ages. What catches so long?M: Sorry, Im so late, Sally. H

30、ave you been waiting long? W: Half an hour. But it doesnt matter. I had a coffee and I had been reading this guidebook for tourists. Sit down. M: Umm.W: You look very hot and tired. What would you like to drink?M: Id love really chill mineral water or something. Would you have another coffee?W: Yes,

31、 Ill. The waitress will be back in a moment. Why are you so late. Did something happen?M: Yes. You know I went to the bank to cash something travellers cheques. Well the exchange rate was looking very healthy but I went to the teller they told me that the computer system was temporarily down. So the

32、y couldnt do any transactions. They said the problem would be fixed in a few minutes so I waited. And then I started talking to another guy in the bank and I forgot the time.W: Oh, really? Someone you met in the bank. Does he work there?M: No, he was a tourist, from NY. His name is Henry. And hes been here for a week, but hes moving on to Germany tomorrow. Hes an architect and hes spending four weeks travelling along Europe. W: Just like us?M: Yes

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