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1、专升本综合英语作业与答案docC) dissolved D) disintegratedThe senior librarian at the circulation desk promised to get the book for me D she remembered who last borrowed it.A)ever since B) much asC)even though D)as soon asWhat the guardian did was in fact to C the child of the joys of life.A)abandon B)cancelC) de

2、prive D) feedThe car industry is notoriously _B to strikes.A)capable B) proneC) trendy D) ableNow in China many large stores use discount coupons as B toattract customers.B)A) motivesincentivesC)awards D) rewardsAmericans are highly C , and therefore may find it difficult tobecome deeply involved wi

3、th others.A) moving B) movableC) mobile D) motiveRickets can result from a diet A in vitamin D.A) deficient B) shortC) inadequate D) failingId like to B a special seat for the concert on May 5th.A) deserve B) reserveC) preserve D) conserveScientists generally agree that the Earths climate will warm

4、up over the next50 to 100 years B it has warmed in the 2000 years since the IceAge.A) as long as B) as much asC) as soon as D) as well asThe Olympic Games can B its history back to the sixth centuryB.C.A) find B) traceC) chase D) followHydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe C it provide

5、sthe building blocks from which the other elements are produced.A) so that B) but thatC) in that D) provided that宁夏师范学院成教学院综合英语IV 作业题号一四五、-八七总分总分人得分There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that b

6、est completes the sentence.Mark your answers on your answer sheet.Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free in its pure form, owing to the fact that it always D with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.A)combined B) having combinedC) combine D) combinesIt was recently reported that a Japanese b

7、anker who had been in serious financial trouble B suicide in a moment of wild despair.A)performed B) committedC) executed D) terminatedI am sorry I havent got any money-. I have B my wallet at home.A)missed B) leftC) put D) forgotIt is very difficult for him to B between blue and green.A) contrast B

8、) distinguishC) separate D) compareThe new sports center D for all kinds of leisure activities.A) deals B) suppliesC) furnishes D) catersAccording to the law of the country, the Parliament will have to be D before the General Election.A) decomposed other. The results show him to be remarkably accura

9、te, for it seems he has made the proportion of black to bright in the brightly illuminated disc almost identical with that in the disc which stood in shadow. But there is nothing photographic about his perception, for when the matched disc, still spinning, are photographed, the resulting print shows

10、 them to be quite dissimilar in appearance. The disc in shadow is obviously very much darker than the other one. What has happened? Both the camera and the person were accurate, but their criteria differed. One might say that the camera recorded things as they look, for the person recorded things as

11、 they are. But the situation is manifestly more complex than this, for the person also recorded things as they look. He did better than the camera because he made them look as they really are. He was not misled by the differences in illumination. He showed perceptual constancy. By reason of an extre

12、mely rapid, wholly unconscious piece of computation he received a more accurate record of the external world than could the camera.In the second experiment a person is asked to match with a color card the colors of two pictures in dim illumination. One is of a leaf, the other of a donkey. Both are c

13、olored and equal shade of green. In making his match he chooses a much stronger green for the leaf than for the donkey. The leaf evidently looks greener than the donkey. The percipient makes a perceptual world compatible with his own experience. It hardly needs saying that cameras lack this versatil

14、ity.In the third experiment hungry, thirsty and satiated people are asked to equalize the brightness of pictures depicting food, water and other objects unrelated to hunger or thirst. When the intensities at which they set the pictures are measured it is found that hungry people see pictures relatin

15、g to food as brighter than the rest (i.e. to equalize the pictures they make the food one less intense), and thirsty people do likewise with drink” pictures. For the satiated group no differences are obtained between the different objects. In other words, perception serves to satisfy needs, not to e

16、nrich subjective experience. Unlike a photograph the percept is determined by more than just the stimulus.The fourth experiment is of a rather different kind. With ears plugged, their eyes beneath translucent goggles and their bodies either encased in cotton or wool, or floating naked in water at bo

17、dy temperature, people are deprived of considerable periods of external stimulation. Contrary to what one might expect, however, such circumstances result not in a lack of perceptual experience but rather a surprising change in what is perceived. The subjects in such an experiment begin to see, feel

18、 and hear things which bear no more relationship to the immediate external world than does a dream in someone who is asleep. These people are not asleep yet their hallucinations, or so-called autistic perceptions, may be as vivid, if not more so,17.Large amounts of food imports placed a great strain

19、 on the countrys gold C .A)storage B) depositC) reservation D) reserves18.A strong, sandy wind blows from the C hill in front of their house.A)empty B) isolatedC) bare D) remote19.Every drug that is put on the market has undergone B tests.A)exhausting B) exhaustiveC) exhaustible D) exhausted20.There

20、 is always C traffic in the city center at rush hour.A) strong B) fullC) heavy D) manyIn this section there are several passages followed by twenty questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your a

21、nswers on your answer sheet.TEXT AIt is often helpful when thinking about biological processes to consider some apparently similar yet better understood non-biological process. In the case of visual perception an obvious choice would be color photography. Since in many respects eyes resemble cameras

22、, and percepts photographs, is it not reasonable to assume that perception is a sort of photographic process whereby samples of the external world become spontaneously and accurately reproduced somewhere inside our heads? Unfortunately, the answer must be no. The best that can be said of the photogr

23、aphic analogy is that it points up what perception is not. Beyond this it is superficial and misleading. Four simple experiments should make the matter plain.In the first a person is asked to match a pair of black and white discs, which are rotating at such a speed as to make them appear uniformly g

24、rey. One disc is standing in shadow, the other in bright illumination. By adjusting the ration of black to white in one of the discs the subject tries to make it look the same as the than any normal percept.21.The underlined it in line 7, paragraph 1 refers to .A)Perception. B) One of the experiment

25、s.C) The answer. D) The photographic analogy.22.The first experiment shows that .A)A person could record the external world more accurately than a camera.B)A camera could record the external would as it really was.C)A person could record the external world as it really was.D)A person could record th

26、e external world in more on less the same way as a camera could.23.In the third experiment, .A)Everybody has to go hungry because they will be asked to look at pictures of food.B)People are asked to change the lighting so that the pictures look equally bright.C)People are asked to describe the light

27、ness of the pictures.D)Satiated people see less clearly than hungry or thirsty people.24.People deprived of sense in this fourth experiment .A) Usually go mad. B) Dream very easily.C) Lack perceptual experience. D) Experience usual things.TEXTBGenghis Khan, the great Mongol conqueror, was bom in abo

28、ut 1162. His father, a petty Mongol chieftain, named the boy Temujin, after a defeated rival chieftain. When Temujin was nine, his father was killed by members of a rival tribe, and for some years the surviving members of the Family lived in constant danger and privation. This was an inauspicious be

29、ginning, but Temujins situation was to become a lot worse before it got better. When he was a young man, he was captured in a raid by a rival tribe. To prevent his escaping, a wooden collar was placed around his neck. From this extremity of helplessness as an illiterate prisoner in a primitive, barr

30、en country, Temujin rose to become the most powerful man in the world.His rise started when he managed to escape from his captor. He then allied himself with Toghril, a friend of his fathers, and chieftain of one of the related tribes living in the area. There followed many years of internecine warf

31、are among these various Mongol tribes, in the course of which Temujin gradually fought his way to the top.The tribesmen of Mongolia had long been known as skilled horsemen and fierce warriors. Throughout history, they had made sporadic raids into northern China. However, before the rise of Temujin,

32、the various tribes had always spent most of their energy in fighting each other. By a combination of military prowess, diplomacy, ruthlessness and organizational ability, Temujin managed to weld all of these tribes together under his leadership, and in 1206 an assembly of the Mongol chieftains proclaimed him Genghis Khan, or “ the universal emperor”.The formidable military machine that Genghis Khan had asse

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