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1、 Section A The Temptation of a Respectable WomanStep One: Warm-up Activities QS: 1. In our daily life, we always come across all kinds of temptations, for example: materials. Could you give us some real stories about temptation? 2. How to avoid or resist the temptations? 3. Why do the people give wa

2、y to the temptation and make big mistakes?Step two: Language Points1. temptation n. 1).U the action of tempting sb. avoid temptation 避开诱惑 yield to / give way to the temptation of 经不住 . . 的诱惑 2).C a thing that tempts or attracts sb. 诱惑物 e.g. All that money is certainly a big temptation. tempt: v. att

3、ract sb. or make sb. want to do or have sth. e.g. Cant I tempt you to have another helping? He felt tempted to ask the boss to give him some days off. 2. idle a. 1). without any particular purpose 无目的的 an idle glance漫不经心的一瞥 e.g. I dont know why I asked just idle curiosity. 2). unwilling to work; laz

4、y; wasting time 闲散的,懒散的 e.g. Men are left idle when machines break down. There are few idle people in their department. 3). not working or operating productively 空闲的,闲着的 e.g. We cant afford to have all this expensive machinery lying idle. 3. penetrate v. 1)move into or through (sth.) 穿透,渗入,进入 e.g. O

5、ur eyes couldnt penetrate the darkness. The rain penetrated through to his skin. 2) understand sth. that is difficult to understand or is hiddene.g. Science can penetrate many of natures mysteries. No one could penetrate the meaning of the inscription. 4. nuisance n. C things that causes trouble or

6、inconvenience 恼人的人或事物 e.g. These cars are a real nuisance. They claimed that the noise from the concert was causing a public nuisance.5. nonsense n. U meaningless or foolish ideas, words or behavior 胡说,废话e.g. I believe that the report is nonsense and nothing but a waste paper. They think the governm

7、ents new ideas are nonsense.6. sheer a. 1). (of clothes) thin, delicate and weighing little(织物)极薄的,轻的sheer nylon tights 透明的尼龙连裤袜 2).(used for emphasis)nothing except; complete 完全的,彻底的e.g. It is sheer nonsense. It would be sheer folly to buy such a large car - we wouldnt be able to afford to run it.

8、7. observation n. 1). C a remark based on sth. one has seen, heard评论e.g. He made some interesting observations on the current economic situation. She made a few general observations about my work. 2). U,C the action of watching sb. / sth. carefully观察;观察记录 close and careful observation of an animals

9、behavior e.g. The patient was kept under observation all night. They have published their observations of these birds. 8. respectable: a. considered to be socially acceptable because of having a good character or appearance e.g. She is a respectable young woman from a good family. He wanted to becom

10、e a writer, but his father didnt think it was a respectable profession. Compare:respective: a. of or for each one; particular and separatee.g. Neil came down from Sydney for the meeting and Lisa flew in from Perth, and when the meeting had finished, they returned to their respective homes. 9. Please

11、 note that annoyed is modified by a little. Annoyed can also be modified by other adverbs, like somewhat / very / a bit / pretty / much / rather / quite, etc. e.g. I was a bit annoyed, for I forgot to put your name on. Eventually a senior official arrived for talks with the police, somewhat annoyed

12、that he hadnt been told of where the talks would be held. 10. Here no means not at all, and can be used as an adverb before comparatives.The exam is no more difficult than the tests youve been doing in class. e.g. Its no colder today than it was yesterday but its no warmer either. Some people can ea

13、t what they like and get no fatter. 11. for the most part:1) usually; in general多半,就大多数而言,通常e.g. For the most part, he is friendly. Their remarks are for the most part correct. For the most part, he is honest. 2) mostlye.g. I found them, for the most part, a happy, contented group of people. The peo

14、ple of this town are, for the most part, quiet and well-behaved.12. impose ones company / oneself upon / on sb.: 硬缠着某人e.g. Dont impose your company / yourself on people who dont like you. The outing was ruined for everyone by a drunken tramp who imposed his company on the party and could not be shak

15、en off. 13. accompany sb. to some place: go with sb. to some placee.g. I was six years old and had to be accompanied to the cinema by my parents. 14. for my part: as for me; in my opinion; as far as Im concerned就我而言,至于我e.g. I, for my part, was excited to see the Big Ben in London. For my part, I thi

16、nk he is innocent. 15. be full of surprises: do unexpected thingse.g. Shes always full of surprises. 16. count upon / on: expect with confidence; rely on料想;依靠,指望e.g. Were counting on winning this contract. Im counting on you to help me. The company was counting on his making the right decision. 17.

17、take sth. / sb. seriously: consider sth. / sb. to be important认真对待e.g. If we take it seriously, we will want to learn more about the factors which affect it. Some people laughed at her, but after a while they began to take her seriously. 18. make a fuss:1)(about) express unreasonable anxiety or exci

18、tement about sth. esp.that is not important对小题大做,对大惊小怪 e.g. There is nothing to make a fuss about. You shouldnt make all that fuss about so simple a matter. 2) (over / of) pay a lot of attention to sb., usu. to show ones lovee.g. They made a great fuss of the new baby. When I arrived, my cousins mad

19、e a big fuss of me. 19. the last thing:1) sth. that is desired in the least 最不需要的e.g. The last thing we need is to have the police involved. The last thing he needed right then was more bad news about his son. 2) sth. that is taken as the last one 最后一件事e.g. The last thing he did before he fell fast

20、asleep was to slip Sandys diary inside his pillow.20. run down: (cause to) weaken or exhaust in mind or vigor(使)筋疲力尽,衰退e.g. His health ran down to a dangerous level. Since he took that extra job, hes really run himself down. 21. seat sb. / oneself: (formal) give sb. a place to sit; sit down in a pla

21、cee.g. He seated himself at one end, and Emily sat beside him. Then she seated herself opposite him, and drew forward the small table.22. object to: feel or express opposition to or dislike of不赞成,反对e.g. We object to being blamed for something that we havent done. He objects to the label magician whi

22、ch people often give him. 23. length: n. a piece of sth., esp. of a certain length or for a particular purposee.g. She was calm and stood patiently while he attached a small gold ball to a length of chain around her neck. Feed the animals by hanging a piece of raw meat on a length of thread. 24. mak

23、e an observation upon: make a comment about sth. or sb., usu. as a result of watching how they behavee.g. She has made some general observations on possible future developments. The book is full of interesting observations made on the nature of musical composition. Observation also means the action

24、of watching sth. / sb. carefully. e.g. She was admitted to hospital for observation. The police have him under observation. 19. in no sense: not at alle.g. In no sense can the issue be said to be resolved. His mind was in no sense brilliant. 20. melt: v. slowly go away or disappear (used about sb.s

25、feelings, etc.) (cause to) become softer or less stronge.g. The tension in the room began to melt. He only has to look at her, and she melts. Nothing could melt the tyrants heart. melt away: disappear or make sth. disappear graduallye.g. The noon sun will melt away the fog. Their differences melted

26、away. 21. a succession of: a number of things following each other closely一系列,一连串e.g. The reason is that a succession of statistics suggest a rapidly weakening economy. He thought life was just an endless succession of parties and dinners. 22. drink in: look at or listen to with great interest陶醉于;如饥

27、似渴地倾听e.g. We just stood there drinking in the scenery. They drank in the words of their leader. He drew in his breath as he drank in her youthful beauty. 23. Note the structure might have done is used to say that if a particular thing had happened, then there was a possibility of something else happening. The structure could have done can also be used in this way.e.g. She said it might have been all right, if the weather had been good. He could have got tickets if he had

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