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本文(商务活动中的中西方文化差异商务英语毕业论文Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-04-10 完成时间: 2009-11-08 2009 年 11 月 08日毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-21答辩委员会表决意见22答辩过程记录表23课 题 商务活动中的中西方文化差异一、提纲引言1中西方文化差异在国际商务中体现1.1 中西方价值观差异1.2 中西方语言及非语言表达的差异1.3 思维方式的差异1.3.1感性思维与逻辑思维的差异1.3.2统一思维与对立思维的差异1.3.3螺旋型思维和直线型思维的差异1.3.4伦理和法制观念的差异2应对国际商务谈判

2、中中西方文化差异的策略2.1在谈判前做好充足的准备工作2.1.1做好谈判的计划工作2.1.2考虑谈判的策略2.1.3 对谈判的长期性做好思想准备2.2正确表达自己的意思,克服语言上的障碍2.3屏弃种族主义思想2.4提高法律意识,增强法制观念结束语二、内容摘要随着经济全球化的发展, 国际商务合作与交易等跨国经济活动与日俱增, 由文化差异引起的谈判冲突日益被越来越多的学者与商务人士所重视。本文从价值观语言思维方式伦理与法制等方面分析了中西文化的主要差异,探讨了在国际商务谈判中双方应采取的策略,以推动谈判过程中能顺利达成协议。三、参考文献1 李郁,张泳:浅谈国际商务谈判中的跨文化问题及对策.商业研究

3、,第308期,2004 2 肖靖:论国际商务谈判中的跨文化策略.商业现代化,第451期,2005 3 汤秀莲:国际商务谈判.南开大学出版社,2003 4 黄步苑:中西文化方式差异与国际商务谈判.商场现代化,第466期,2006 5 吴迅捷:跨文化商务谈判中应该注意的一些问题.中国期刊全文数据库,第8期,2005 6 赵伟君:中西文化冲突与我国跨文化商务谈判对策.商业研究,第258期,2002 The Cultural Comparison in Business Activities0000000 Abstract:Along with the economical globalization

4、 development, the international commercial cooperation and the transaction and so on the transnational economic activity grows day by day, causes the negotiations conflict by the cultural difference day by day takes by more and more many scholars and the commercial public figure. This article analyz

5、es main differences in values, language, aspects, way of thinking between Chinese and western culture, and it also discusses the strategy which both sides should adopt in the international commercial negotiations, impels in the negotiations process to be able to reach the agreement smoothly.Key word

6、s:International business;Cultural differences;StrategiesIntroductionJoins World Trade Organization along with our country, the foreign commercial activity is day by day frequent, the foreign commercial negotiations also rapidly increases. Not only the international commercial negotiations is the eco

7、nomical domain exchange and the cooperation, moreover is between the various countries culture collision and the communication. The international commercial negotiations carries on which between the different national different nationality is so. Receives respective national nationality along with t

8、he international commercial negotiations the political economy culture and so on many kinds of factor influence, but most difficult assurance is the cultural element. In the cultural difference caused in the international commercial negotiations cultural collision even to conflict, therefore, wanted

9、 the smooth development commerce activity, had to understand different national the cultural context and the difference, and enhanced strong points and avoid weaknesses in this foundation, formulate reasonably should to the strategy, could accomplish a task with ease in the international commercial

10、activity, moves towards successfully. 1. cultural differences showing in international commerce 1.1 value differences. The values took cultural the core factor, including the world outlook, the outlook on life, the relations between the human and the nature, the moral standard and so on. displays fo

11、r certain conforms to the social culture, has the durability, and the stability, of accepting the faith generally for the members of different social classes. China is taking the kernel as core Confucianism, initiates one kind of person own, interpersonal, the human and societys harmonious principle

12、, also is collectivism. Collectivism emphasis team goal, team spirit. It may be called the collectivism culture, the collectivism culture member is willing to sacrifice individual benefit, the demand and the goal for communitys benefit. Because of this, when carrying on the exchange, Chinese people

13、emphasized the personal interest must be subordinated to the social overall benefit, only when the entire society obtains the development, individual can obtain the biggest benefit. But the Western country is the individualism occupies its cultural core position. The western culture highlights the i

14、ndividual value, individual will, individual dignity, the individual freedom, individual emotion, the individual right and the personal interest. The entire society esteems the individualism vigorously, emphasized extremely the self-value realization, and weighs the life value by individual success.

15、 The material receives supremely extremely takes the main characteristic which is the Western culture individual value discusses supremely. Therefore, they in the exchange always take oneself as the center, namely take passing on as the center, the exchange language is straightforward, namely take t

16、he result as the guidance. In order to achieve own goal, do not hesitate to use each kind to convince the skill. 1.2. differences in language and non-language expressions. Because of the long-term cultural inheritance ,different countries have formed the bright language culture. The Chinese culture

17、fastidious humbly contains; “Thanks”such reply. in the Chinese custom the saying “ not need to thank” “is impolite”; But in English the reply is “That s all right.”(Relations), even if it is a easy case.”(Slight effort), it had reflected its honesty . individuality makes it widely known as foreign l

18、and culture. In the international commercial negotiations, negotiations all quarters besides use the spoken language to exchange, but also through hand signal facial expression and so on body languages expresses own opinion and the feeling. As a result of the cultural difference, the body language e

19、xpression way and its meaning differ from. If in world majority countries and area, the people many nod the expression approval or accept, shakes the head the expression not to agree with or the opposition, but is actually opposite in South African some countries, the people express the denial with

20、the nod, with shakes the head expresses the approval, this frequently makes and it negotiations foreign merchant is puzzled1.3 mode differences.The mode of thinking is related to the social culture . forming a thinking mode in the different social culture is structured to have the differences .Becau

21、se of the geographical position., the natural environment, the race origin, the historical vicissitude and the religious belief, the custom culture and the other differences, it then was formed differently, it had respective national culture characteristic consideration question, the understanding t

22、hing thinking mode. 1.3.1 perceptual thought and logical thinking differences.Chineses thinking mode is perceptual Chineses thinking in images way emphasizes by the shape sees the principle, opens by America really. It emphasizes is decides the goal or the result value standpoint of assess as accord

23、ing to some clear limits. The Chinese takes regarding the direct-viewing experience, but theoretically often pauses in the empiricism. But westerners thinking mode is rational, logic. Westerners abstract thinking way, emphasizes the conceptual analysis, the logic reasoning. It emphasizes does not ha

24、ve any value color the fact. 1.3.2 differences between unification thought and opposition thought China traditional culture emphasized “the human and a world myriad things body”, “gathers take the beauty one” as the highest boundary. Therefore the Chinese is familiar with observing the thing as a wh

25、ole and regarding the universe as a whole, conducting the synthetic study from the prospect view. The western unique sea land staggered geography characteristic bred in the Western culture to dare to inquire into the nature, the attention analysis, the attention object important guest body, the frie

26、ndly analysis thinking mode, the thinking mode they used mainly was the synthesis thinking mode which embarked from the concept of viewing the entire situation. In the international commercial negotiations, the Chinese negotiates the way is first the bulking property principle and the common interes

27、t which observes together on the related contract both sides institute launches the discussion. They mainly care about are the bilateral long-term cooperation possibility, therefore they avoid in the negotiations outset stage discussion detail question, and arranges the so-called concrete detail que

28、stion to later negotiations in to solve. This kind “discusses the principle first, latter discussed detail” the negotiations way is one of Chinas negotiations way most obvious characteristics. But westerner then is just the opposite, they pay great attention to “discuss the detail first, avoids disc

29、ussing the principle. The American uses especially the negotiations way is the partial orientation, takes the detail. The American as a result of the linear thinking and the analysis thinking mode influence, most takes between the thing the logical relations, heavy exceeds the whole specifically. Th

30、eir thinking mode manifests on the conference table is specifically “direct” and “concise”. Therefore, they are accustomed to come straight to the point, straightforward.1.3.3 differences between the screw thought and straight line thought s thinking mode is screw type, in the narration thing proces

31、sing revolves certain central thought, by the spiral form which repeats and also develops as one kind of question launches. Avoids cutting into the subject directly as far as possible. In the international commercial negotiations, the Chinese is using the implicit expression way, they think the implicit expression way surpasses the direct expression way. Otherwise, the Western worldview thought between the things is independent, all forward develop the change in the straight line, from this initiates “the linear inference” id

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