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1、4. After graduation from college ,Hawk decided to _(放弃学医,开始学物理).5. Doctor often say that _(吸烟过多容易致癌).UNIT Three1. In China, it is unlawful _(未经许可砍伐树木).2. These years , the rate of interest always _(在4和6之间浮动).3. The director wants us _(加快生产这种新汽车).4. The number of rooms in their hotel _(和我们酒店的房间数量一样多)

2、.5. Jim was ill those days . And _(更糟糕的是,他又失业了).Unit four 1. Be careful, you two! _(那座小桥一点也不安全).2. After a few years ,_(他已经完全适应了这个城市的生活).3. He told us he had learnt French for years, but _(结果证明他的话是假的).4. When she finished working , she_(为照顾本地区的老人而操心).5. Seeing a red light ahead,_(司机不得不慢了下来).Unit fiv

3、e Translate the Chinese into English1. Were sure that these programmes _(将对医学的发展产生重大影响).2. You have grown up,_(因此不要总是依赖你的父母给你好的建议).3. _(一谈到兴奋剂的作用),Dr. Smith has much to say.4. It is said that every year _(这个城市约有200人死于心脏病和高血压).5. Found to have taken drugs,_(本约翰被取消了男子100米跑金牌).:Unit sixTranslate the Ch

4、inese into English 1. You cant get a clear reception,_(因为你的收音机没调好)。2. When the war was over,_(英国释放了大部分的战俘)。3. _(政府已采取一系列措施)to the river from flooding.4. Jack didnt listen to me for_(他正在专心地看那部连续剧)5. While reading the novel,_(我觉得无法与书中的人物产生共鸣).Unit seven 1. When we got there, we found_(房间里挤满了陌生人).2. He

5、 claimed that _(他关于那件事的报道是以事实为依据的).3. My teacher used to tell me _(幸福在于给予而不在于索取)。4. The picture is so large_(它几乎占据了整个面墙)。5. Their performances are far from satisfactory,_(我们的表现也是如此)。Unit eight1. Nowadays, more and more people_(宁愿使用信用卡也不愿使用现金).2. (尽管生活费用高)_Jack had to stay in New York to finish colle

6、ge.3. Several investment banks closed down_ (由于不能满足客户的需求).4. Hearing someone calling my name,_(我本能地站了起来).5. We couldnt believe the fact that_(他卷入了那宗谋杀案).Unit nine1. _(有什么用)saying this again and again?2. The criminals know how to play the system and _(逃避制裁).3. Medical workers _(为防止SARS扩散付出了高昂的代价).4.

7、In his opinion, the inflation_(与政府的经济政策无关).5. Many Chinese reader _(爱读有大团圆结局的小说).Unit ten1. Smith was not sure whether he was fit for the job,_(但他还是决定尝试一下).2. Once Charles started a job,_(他总是把它干到底).3. Stark tried to join the army,_(但因身体不好而遭到拒绝).4. We still trust him_(只要他不再犯这样的错误).5. Angela used to b

8、e a model,_(最近她决定重新干这一行). Answer Unit one 1 The more he will earn 2 I still view him as 3 We no longer believe him 4 In addition to the dictionary he wanted5 Either he or I was wrong Unit two 1. came up with no answer 2. my family goes back to the eleventh century 3. it is the responsibility of all

9、parents to bring up their children 4. give up medicine and take up physics instead 5. too much smoking is likely to lead to cancer Unit three 1. to cut down the trees without permission 2. varies between 4 and 6 3. to speed up the production of the new brand car 4. is the same as ours 5. worse still

10、, he was out of a job 1. The bridge is anything but safe 2. she has adjusted herself to the life in this city 3. what he said turned out to be false 4. was concerned about taking care of the old people in the neighborhood 5. the driver had to slow down 1. will have much effort on the development of

11、medicine2. so dont always rely on your parents for good advice 3. when it comes to the said effects of stimulants4. about 200 people in this city die of heart attack and high blood pressure5. Ben Johnson was stripped of the gold medal for the mens100meter race 1. because your radio is not properly t

12、uned2. Britain set free most of the war prisoners3. The government has taken a rang of measures4. he was concentrating on the TV serial5. I felt unable to identify with the characters in itUnit seven1. that the room was pocked with strangers2. his report about it was based on fact3. that happiness l

13、ie in giving but not in taking 4. that it almost takes up the whole wall5. and the same is true of ours1. would rather use credit cards than pay in cash2. In spite of the high cost of living expense 3. for failing to meet the customers needs4. I stood up instinctively5. he was involved in the murder

14、1. Whats the good for 2. get away with it3. have paid high price for the prevention of the spread of SARS4. has notion to do with the economic policy of the government5. like to read novels with a happy endingUnit ten 1. but he decided to give it a shot 2. he would see it through3. but he was turned down because of his poor health4. as long as he doesnt commit the same kind of mistakes5. and recently she decide to take up the profession again

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