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Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sisiter 说课稿 八年级英语.docx

1、Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sisiter 说课稿 八年级英语Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sisiter. 说课稿一. 说教材1. 教材简析本单元教材内容是围绕学会使用形容词的比较级来对日常生活中身边的事物进行比较,进而选择最佳方案,以及比较谈论各人的不同特点而展开的教材的编排贴近学生的生活实际,具有时代气息;教材内容图文并茂,设计新颖,形式多样,既培养了学生的朋友观,又教会他们关注自己身边的人,同时增强了交际能力和比较判断能力.教学目标语言目标: a.学习使用形容词的比较级b.谈论个性特征能力目标: 学习比较身边的事物并

2、选择最佳方案情感目标: 通过本单元的学习,学会与朋友友好相处,培养乐观,积极向上的性格教学重难点重点词汇词组taller, shorter, thinner, longer, calmer, wiler, quieter, funnier, heavier, more athletic, popular, serious, outgoingbe good at, as, both, though难点:运用所学知识去描述,谈论,比较身边的事物及人物特征,并作出最佳选择二说教法,学法指导学生以“主动参与,乐于探究,交流与合作”为主要特征的学习方式,即自主学习,探究学习,合作学习在理解的基础上习得语

3、言在用中学,学中用三教学手段任务型教学模式四课时分配五课时(四节新授课,一节复习课)五教学过程第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)教学目标:在同一话题下培养学生的听说能力Step 1 Leading inShow the photos of Yao Ming and Pan Changjiang.以学生喜欢的明星来感觉,形成对比,引出比较级.这样的导入会达到润物细无声的效果,使学生形成积极的情感,主动思维,并形成良好的语感。Step2 Match 1aMatch each word with the oppositeStep 3 Listen 1b此处也可设计一个猜测游戏.(一名学生描述

4、班里一位同学并和自己作比较,其他同学猜所描述的人是谁.) 此活动是1b的升华.Step4PairworkShow some photos of stars and practice the drill.Eg:Liu Huan is heavy. Fei Mao is heavier. Fei Mao is heavier than Liu Huan.Li Xiaopeng is athletic. Stallone is more athletic.Stallone is more athletic than Li Xiaopeng.Drill:Is that?No,it isnt.Its.H

5、e/She isthan.Step5 Listen(2b)Listen and chooseHow are Tina and Tara different?TinaTarafunnierquietersmartermore seriousMore outgoingMore athleticStep6 Listen(2a)Listen and complete the chartfunny serious outgoing quiet smart athletic wild big fat thin tall heay dirtyStep7Pairwork(2c)Ask and answerIs

6、 Samthan Tom?/Is Tomthan Sam?SamTomsmart*tall*athletic*quiet*thin*funny*Step8Make a Survey让学生随意调查班里同学现在和以前的外貌,性格,并填写表格,做好比较进行汇报.NamesBeforeNowsmallereasierhottermore interestingStep7 PairworkAsk and answerIs Samthan Tom?/Is Tom than Sam?SamTomsmart*tall*athletic*quiet*thin*funny*Step8 Make a survey调

7、查你的同学以前和现在的外貌和性格,填写表格,作出比较并进行汇报。NamesBeforeNowReport:Step9 Summary学生总结。让学生来做课堂小结,抓住了学生“敢于开口说英语”的心理,突出主动学习的重要性;教师作综合陈述,犹如给学生一颗定心丸,给学生增添了信心。Step10 QuizStep8 Summary学生总结。Step9 Quiz用所给单词的正确形式填空:1、Tom is than Sam. ( calm )2、My hair is than hers. ( short )3、Pedro is than Paul. ( funny )4、Li Ping is a litt

8、le than me. ( outgoing )5、Vera is than Maria. ( smart )6、Tina is much than Tara. ( athletic )7、Liu Li is a little than her sister. ( quiet )8、Ruth is than Rose. ( serious )9、Jala has hair than Juva. ( curly )10、Paul is than Pedro. ( thin )Step11 HomeworkWrite a short passage about things that are th

9、e same and different between you and your friend.Step10 HomeworkWrite a short passage about things that are the same and different between you and your friend.1、教学反思:教学反思:教师在探究活动中的主导作用非常重要。体现在对教材的钻研、教学过程的设计、情感的激励、探究学习氛围的营造等各方面。如在本课中,学生在探究活动中出现了拍手、拥抱、欢笑等场面;在讨论热烈时,课堂似乎有吵闹之嫌。以传统眼光来看,会觉得学生纪律不尽人意。但如在当时对这

10、些行为进行批评,会打击学生探究的积极性。因此,只要学生的确是在积极参与活动中出现上述情况的,教师可宽容待之,营造出宽松的探究气氛。教师还要有较强的应变能力,在学生思维受阻时巧妙引导,思维活跃时适时激励,有了思维成果后适当奖励 要真正成为学生学习的促进者、组织者和指导者,关键是转变传统的教学观念和教学行为。第二课时(SectionA 3a-4)教学目标:学会描述,比较人物的外貌及性格特征。Step1 Leading inShow the photos of Liu Li and Liu Ying and have a contestEg:I think Liu Li is more outgoi

11、ng than Liu Ying.Ithink Liu Li is smarter than Liu Ying.这一设计不仅复习了上节课的知识,而且也为本节所要学的内容作好了铺垫。Step2 Read 3a and write“T”or“F”Step3 Groupwork重点词汇a. as you can see some ways c.both的用法d.however与 common f.asas/not asasStep4 Pairwork/make a surveyAsk,answer and say1) Do you have any friends? Who

12、are they?2) Are your friends the same as you or different?3) Can you tell us something about your friends the differences between you two.Eg:Tom is my friend. We both but we are different Ithan TomStep5 Summary and test第二课时(SectionA3a-4)教学目标:学会描述,比较人物的外貌,性格特征。Step1 Leading inShow the photos of Liu L

13、i and Liu Ying then have a contest.Eg:I think Liu Li is more outgoing than Liu Ling.这一设计既复习巩固了上节知识,又为学习本节内容作好了铺垫。Step2 Read 3a then write “T”or “F”Step3 Groupwork重点词汇 some ways b.look the same c.look different d.both的用法 e.用hers造句f.hower与but g.用more than造句 h.asas/not asasStep4 PairworkAsk,answer

14、 and say1)Do you have any friends? Who are they ?2)Are your friends the same as you or different?3)Can you tell us something about your friends the differences between you two?Eg:Tom is my friend. We both but we are different I than TomStep5 ChantA friend in need is a friend indeed.Friendship is ver

15、y important in our life.We may have many friends.Some are the same as me.Some are different.一首小诗不仅能让学生感受到学习的乐趣,而且还能培养他们的朋友观。Step6 SummaryStep7 QuizA.译短语1、擅长 be good at 2、与一样 the same as 3、在某些方面 in some ways 4、与不同 be different from5、看起来不一样 look different 6、看起来像 look the same7、一张我和我双胞胎妹妹的照片 a photos o

16、f me and my twin sister8、喜欢去参加晚会 enjoy going to parties 9、更外向 more outgoing10、更强健 more athleticB.B.组词成句。1. sister, outgoing, Im, than, more, my2. is, as, me, friend. My, same, the3. photos, me, my, here, of, are, sister, twin, and4. both, enjoy, football, we, games, watching5. friend, likes, the, to

17、, as, best, Hollys, do, same, things, does, sheStep6 HomeworkStep8 Homework你能向Gina进一步介绍你的好朋友吗?请比较一下你和Tara的相同点和不同点。Dear Gina,You want to know more about Tara. Well, You know, in some ways we look the same, and tin some ways we look different. _教学反思:教学反思:我将本课与平时教法相比,觉得运用探究方式更能充分发挥学生的主体性,学生思维的广度、深度、密度更

18、大,更易形成良好的学习方法、策略。本课 80% 左右的时间是学生活动, “ 以学生为主体 ” 的教学理念得到了发挥。小组学习的形式,又增强了学生的合作意识。这在编儿歌等过程中表现得特别明显。其中,最大的不同是学生的情感体验。从发现规则时的喜悦,到巩固规则时的兴奋,运用规则时的大功告成,学生体验到了探究学习的快乐。而这种体验,又促进了学生外语学习的积极性。他们下课了还不想休息,仍想着编谜语等活动充分说明了这一点。真正达到了外语教学“激励情意”的目标。第三课时(SectionB1a-2c)教学目标:通过对人物性格的描述,比较,树立学生正确的择友观,不断地完善自我。Step1 Leading inL

19、isten to an English song“Friendship Forever” then ask“Do you have any friends?”, “What do you think a good friend should be like?”这样的导入能自然地引起学生的兴趣和想要表达的欲望。Step2测测你的朋友观第三课时(SectionB 1a-2c)教学目标:通过比较,评价,树立正确的朋友观。Step1 Leading in“Yes” “No” game测测你的朋友观Is he a good friend?1. When you fight with others, he

20、 helps you to fight.2.When you are tired, he does homework for you.3.When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea.4.When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly.5.When you dont know the answers in the exam, he gives you the answers to copy.Step3What kind of things are important in a friend?Answer“

21、Yes”or“No”Step2 Answer the questions”Yes”or”No”A good friend_ a. has cool clothes._ b. is popular in school._ c. likes to do the same things as me._ d. is good at sports._ e. is good at school work._ f. makes me laugh.Step4 Listen and fill in the chart(2a)Step5 PairworkTalk about Holly and Maria and

22、 their best friendsA: Hollys best friend is funnier than she is.B: Well, Maria and her best friend are both tall.Step6 A chantA friend in need is a friend indeed.Friendship is very important in our life.We may have many friends.Some are the same as me.Some are different一首小诗让学生在紧张中尝到了轻松与快乐。Step7 Summ

23、ary and testStep3Listen(2a)Listen and fill in the chartStep4 PairworkTalk about Holly and Maria and their best friends.A: Hollys best friend is funnier than she is.B: Well, Maria and her best friend are both tall.Step5 Make a survey调查你的同学他们的朋友观,并作出调查报告。Eg:Kay thinks a good friend makes her laugh,but

24、 Lisa thinks a good friend is more outgoing than sheStep6 Summary and test用方框内的词填空。both laugh popular is good at more athletic interest writingthough should different1. Tim is than I am. He does sports every day.2. Lily and Lucy are outgoing. They have lots of friends.3. I like listening to songs. C

25、oco is my favorite singer.4. Edison showed great in science when he was a little boy.5. Nina went to school she didnt feel very well today.6. Im from Rick. He is calmer than I.6. Its not polite(礼貌的) to at others when they make mistakes(错误).8. Who do you think get the job, Ruth or Olive?9. I enjoy .

26、I want to be a writer when I grow up.10. Peter English. He often helps me with my English.Step8 HomeworkStep7 HomworkMy views on friendship 我的朋友观第一步,请在下列列出的选项中选择你认为符合你的品位的。标记-J第二步,请根据你挑选的选项,结合你的好朋友,完成一篇小作文。开头已经给出。I think a good friend_ a. is good at sports_ b. is good at schoolwork_ c. is popular at

27、 school_ d. likes to do the some things as me._ e. has cool clothes and hair style ( 发型 )_ f. makes me laugh_ g. is more athletic than me._ h. likes telling jokes._ i. has good grades.I like to have friends who are different from me. I like to have friends who _教学反思:教学反思:从课后反应看,多数学生体验到了成功的快乐,形成了主动积极的学习态度,基本达到了探究性学习的目的。这让我觉得特别快乐。在本次尝试中,我也发现了一些问题。比如,如何管理课堂,做到 “ 放 ” 而有 “ 度 ” , “ 活 ” 而不 “ 乱 ” ?如何在探究活动中照顾到学生的个别差异?如何利用小组群体力量,使那些对学习不感兴趣、成绩差、注意力不集中的同学也至始至终较积极地参加探究活动?其中如何将研究活动设计成既符合外语学习理论,又符合学生身心发展特点、知识能力水平,是我感到最困难的。

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