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1、主要是命题作文和图表作文主要是命题作文和图表作文基本要求:1.时间 30分钟 = 5分钟构思+20分钟动笔+5分钟检查2.字数 最好是170到180个单词 点行数即可 可以增加句子的长度3.语言比内容更加重要,语言是六级的灵魂,用精彩的语言论证平庸的内容,用地道的语言论证熟悉的内容内容的清晰度保证不得低分,语言的闪光度决定得到高分写最平凡的内容,用好的语言来表达4.要求:写三个自然段,卷面整洁第一段:语句精彩,无语言错误(阅卷老师一般会将第一段看完,用地道的表达,不要有语言错误)第二段:结构清晰(论证是否清晰),有闪光点(可以写得快些,要有连词,如第一第二第三)第三段:首尾呼应,语言多样标题看

2、不懂可以看中文大纲要求的意义用what is more him or her可数名词单数不能单独存在,要有冠词在前或用复数议论文开有最好用问句要求是: 1.有些人认为好2.有些人认为不好 可以写四段1问 2好 3不好 4我的观点(不用很多)3.我的观点a wide range of / a large scope of knowledgeno pains , no gains.More haste ,less speed.翻译替换原则:先用简单的白话中文代替,一直替换到能翻译为止。及格作文策略:卷面整洁,段落明朗(分为三段) 内容完整(包括所有要点),逻辑清晰(第一第二第三) 先总后分(总结分

3、说),连词用上高分作文策略:(一)避免语言错误(最后5分钟检查)(错误的用线划掉再写)1.主谓一致2.单复一致3.时态一致(在最后一段展望将来)4.词组搭配5.单词拼写(二)用此地道 1.不要用口语 you know wanna gonna cause hay man MMs2.不要用表态词3.收集地道用法(1)adj.+n. a sharp increase(2). v.+mit a crime achieve a goal(3) v. +adv.Decline dramatically(4) v. +prep./ 小副词break out /though/up(三)句式复杂,多样 复杂化:

4、1.名词前后添加修饰语2.多用副词,形容词和短语3.主谓之间添加插入语4.多个简单句通过合并,转化变成并列句、复合句多样化:5.长短句交替6.松散句,圆周句结合7.多用倒装句、被动句,非人称主语句一、句子的写作 造句的基本原则:简单句的基本结构1. 主+谓 Promises dont come easy.2. 主+谓+宾 Ill never break your heart.3. 主+系+表(adj.) Adam is smart.4. 主+谓+宾1+宾2 I owe Taoge 30 cents.5. 主+谓+宾+宾补 CS makes many people cooperative.(一。

5、)。名词前后添加修饰语名词前可以加的修饰语:形容词,代词,名词 women teacher名词后可以加的修饰语:分词,介词短语,副词,从句例子: People enjoy pets. A growing number of people old ,mind aged ,young ,teenagers ,kids ,children-enjoy keeps a great variety of pets ,such as dogs,cats,birds,pigs,elephant,and so on. Somes people point out that firecrackers are r

6、esponsible for fires and for injured. Some people who believe that firecrackers should be banned point out that danperous firecrackers are responsible for fires,which destroy property,and for injured suffered by people who set them off and by innocent bystanders.介词+。and + 相同介词+ .形容词的排列顺序: 限定词-数词-描绘词

7、-(大小、长短、形状、新旧、颜色)-出处材料性质类别(干什么用) (美丑) 美小圆旧黄,法国木书房一座日本造的丑陋的小木屋An ugly small Japanese wood house.(二)。多用副词,形容词和短语Developing countries economy has been developing.+at a considerably high speed in the past decades.(可以在国家出举具体的例子) Consider-allow for Explain-account for Oppose-take the opposite view ofForce

8、-put much pressure onEmphasize-place much emphasis on(三)主谓之间添加插入语 主,.,谓(1)副词 apparently=evidently显然 fortunately ,amazingly惊讶 undoubtedly 毋庸置疑(2)短语 most important of all ,even worse ,strange enough,after all,to ones surprise,to be exact,roughly speaking概括地说(3)句子 I guess , I suppose , it is suggested,

9、what we call, as we all know.正如我们所知道的。赛车一点都不安全Car racing is anythiong but safe.Car racing,I suppose, is anything but safe.Car racing,which is a need for speed as we all know, is anything but safe.(四)多个简单句通过合并转换成并列句,复合句两个简单句合并时平行关系并列句 加and从主关系复合句1.并列关系:一个并列连词只能连接两套主谓结构 (p49)常见并列连词 and or否则 but so for

10、 因为 nor 也不 yet但是 therefore then as well as 还有 both and 并且 neither nor either or not only.but also2.主从关系:哪是从句,哪是主句 他们之间是何种从属关系一个复合句只能有一个主句(1)名词性从句(主语、宾语、表语和同位语-that 引导的是完整句子,对前面的名词作修饰)(2)形容词性从句-定语从句(3)副词性从句-状语从句状语从句:时间 when,as,while,since,ever since,before,after,till,until地点 where,wherever,everywhere

11、,anywhere原因 because,as for,seeing that,since,considering,that,now that,in that条件 if,unless,as long as, on condition that,suppose,only if让步 although,though,even if/though,while,whoever,whatever,wherever,whether,wherever,however目的 so that, in order that,in case结果 so.that,so that ,such that方式 as asig/t

12、hough比较 than ,五)长短句交替 第二段段首一开始短句然后再是长句(六)松散句、圆周句松散句-主句在前,主谓结构出现早圆周句-分居在前,主谓短语出现晚(七)多用倒装句,被动句,非人称主语句1.倒装句前短后长主系表表系主of great important/henefits/signficance/influence + is + 主语+thatOf great importance is the widesoread aworens that efforts should be experted to prevent trees from being out. Amo

13、ng the disadvantages that.may bring to.are that +主语+v. Among the disadvantagers that cars may bring to our lives are that we could spend more time in traffic jams and spend more money on operation and maintenance fees. p56 2.被动句一般被动句 A is done (by B).经典被动句 It is said that you will leave the valley.

14、It is universally/generally/widely believed/held/agreed that.It must be pointed out / admitted thatIt can not be denied that.3.非人称主语句(1)强调句(主宾定时装) It is (was)that.It is the主语.,I suppose,that have/has given rise toIt is the tighter job market,I suppose,that has given rise to the increase in the numbe

15、r of unemployed college students in China.我认为是紧俏的求职时常导致了中国大学生失业人口的增长。It is only when,.that.只有当时去的时候,才懂得珍惜。It is only whtn you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value him.(2)it作形式主语或形式宾语It is necessary/conceivable/obvious/apparent thatIt is not merely time thatIt is

16、a wonder that总所周知,只是在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.It is the responsibility do 保护环境是每个公民的责任It is the responsibility of every citizen in our society to do this utmost to protect the environment.(3) 无生命主语If you compare bicycle with cars carefu

17、lly,you will find bicycles are superior to cars.= careful comparision of bicycle with cars will show the superiority of the former over the latter.If you +v.+., you will.-n. will show/bring you.If you only apply book knowledge,you wont get good results.The application of book knowledge alone wont br

18、ing you good results.不要只用it句型,要有多样性一对立观点性文章的写作提纲模式固定:1 一些人观点2 另一些人的观点3.自己观点文章至少要有三段写作步骤:1.中文提纲变主题(把中文变成中心思想)2.论述理由列短语(可以写在桌上帖自己名字纸条的背面)3.首段及段首要仔细写好,不要有错三大万能理由:健康 环保 浪费资源导致:cause lead to result in be responsible for 物做主语时(二)对立观点型文章写作逻辑结构pare11引出讨论主题2 概括一些人观点3. 分层讨论pare2 1.概括另一些人的观点2.分层论述pare31.总结自己的观

19、点2.陈述理由When it comes to.there is no consensus of opinions among people,some people consider that,Firstly.,secondly.,finally/what is more /moreover.Nevertheless/Nonetheless, still others advocate the point that.For one thing .,For another .,Therefore/Consequently Weighing up these two arguments , I s

20、till believe that.In additionTaking the factors mentioned above into consideration,We many reasonably conclude that.二,段落写作 中间论述段落 1.主题句2.扩展句3.结论句主体段写作原则:一个中心,两个基本点,坚持四项基本原则一个中心:主题句两个基本点:扩展句写法:列举法、举例法四项基本原则:坚持连词过度,表明逻辑关系 坚持词句替换,体现语言多样 坚持具体描写,增加文章长度坚持地道表达,表现文章亮度 (一)段首主题句1.位置:开门见山式最好2.段落主题句要点3.写作策略(1)翻

21、译提纲(2)补全提纲To my way of thingking.我认为Job hunting 求职三,解决问题性文章写法(一)。文章特点要求对一个问题通常是社会问题进行描述,分析其原因和文海,并写出解决办法。(二)写作逻辑结构pare11提出问题或现象2.简单描述Pare21.主题句(原因,影响,方式等)2.分层论述pare31作者观点态度2具体陈述解决措施提出问题分析问题解决问题引言段 论述段 结论段(若提纲中没有则自己补充好)解决措施:社会问题一般性解决措施国家,学校)怎样。2.人民(我们)怎样。 Generally speaking, it is imperative fo

22、r us to.For one thing,we should appeal to the authorities to legislate strict laws and regulations toFor another, we should cultivate people awareness that.我们大学生要怎么做1提高意识2采取行动 In view of the serrousness of this issue(可替换),effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First,it is cessenti

23、al that we college students should enhance our awareness of/that.secondly,we should start.一谚语警告句型(一)文章特点以某一英,汉共同存在的言语或警句为作文题要求解释其含义并举出例证(二)写作逻辑结构 para1 (1)点名要禅师的言语或警句(第一句就引出这句话)(2)用自己的话解释para2 (1) 我的观点态度 (2)举例论证(最好举两个)para3 总结全文,定下结论(通常为定义)万能例子:英语学习,体育运动二图标解释性文章写法(一)文章特点根据给定的图表写一篇先叙后译的文章,发觉图标背后的内涵注意

24、尽量不要用引用图表里的数据(二) 写作逻辑结构para1 概括图标总体趋势,粗略线条para2 (1)主题句 根据提纲 (2)分论点 一般为变化原词para3 好现象,预测未来坏现象,解决方法不好不坏,给出自己的观点pie chart饼图 graph曲线图 bar chart长条形图 table 表格(三)图标语言 重点首段首句It can be seen from the chart /table/graph that.The following chart/table/graph shows/indicates illustrates/regresents/points out thatA

25、s is shown in the chart /table/graph上升下降上:increase,rise,go up,jump,rocket,shoot up,surge下:fall decrease decline reduce,drop,drive,take a nosedive变化趋势:gradual,steady,marked,sharp,rapid ,sadden,sharply,dramatically,totally,entirely三,应用文写作(一)文章特点(二)考过的只有书信(拒绝信,求助信,投诉信,建议信)(1)。日期Dec,Jan,Jun 1st snd 3rd

26、4th 11th 12th 13th 21st 22nd 23nd 34th(2)称呼:1写给机构a,不知道负责人:Dear Sir or Madam, To whom it may concern 致有关人士 b,知道负责人Dear Mr./Ms. President/professor/manager/editor Luo 2写给个人a.关系不亲密:同上写给机构的b.关系亲密:Dear Violet(3)正文(4)祝福信:Best wishes!/The best regrads!签名:sincerely yours,yours faithfully3逻辑构成Dear Sir or Mad

27、am:Para1 1.自我介绍、问候 2.解释写信的原因Pare2 1.作者观点、态度 2.分层论著pare3 1总结观点 2再次寒暄 3期待回信4开头段a假如对方不认识你 I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior from the university ,majoying in advertisement.B,假如对方是你的朋友,问候收信人How are you these days?How are things going with you?I hope everything is fine.(1)投诉信I am writing to express

28、my dissatisfaction at/withI wish to make a complaint about/thatI am writing to draw your attention to the problem that.(2)建议信I feel that it would be beneficial if.I would like to suggest/recommend thatIt would seem to me that you could.(3)致歉I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide m

29、e with certain essential information regarding the following aspects.I would like to express my apologies for not being able to.(4)询问 I would like to obtain/request/seek/inquire about some information about.I am writing to ask if you can dome a faver.I would like some detailed information on/about(5

30、)主体段分23点论述,列举法,举例子同议论文主体段的展开P67(二)段落的衔接(6)结尾段a请求Please give this matter your immediate cottentionI would very much appreciate it ifas soon as possible.b.提供帮助I hope thesewill be helpful,and please fell free to contact me for more information.c.再次表示歉意或感激感激:Please accept my heartfelt thank and deepest gratitude,now and always.(forever and ever)歉意:In addition,let me apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused.7.期盼回信Looking forwordto your prompt re

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