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1、M5单词英标版1 2015届高三复习第五模块 词汇复习一、 认知词汇(准确掌握词义和相关短语,能正确发音和拼写)Section I 人物描绘A) 性格倾向: 1. cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的 2. sensitive adj. (同义:allergic) 敏感的,易生气的,体贴的 be sensitive to sth. 3. reliable adj. 可依赖的,可靠的 (同义:dependable) 4. cautious adj. 谨慎的,小心的 be cautious about sth./doing sth. 5. conservative adj. 保守的,守旧的

2、6. enthusiastic adj. 热情的 7. patient adj. 有耐心的 (反义:impatient) be patient with 8. aggressive adj. 有进取心的,好斗的 9. ambitious adj. 有(野)心的,志向远大的 10. determined adj. 坚定的,果断的 11. direct adj. 直接的12. easy-going adj. 随和的,悠闲的13. energetic adj. 精力充沛的14. humorous adj. 幽默的15. outgoing adj. 外向的,开朗的 16. practical adj.

3、 务实的(同义:down-to-earth)17. stubborn adj. 固执的,倔强的18. straightforward adj. 直截了当的(反义:roundabout) 19. strong-minded adj. 有主见的(同义: strong-willed) 20. innocent adj. 天真的 21. talkative adj.健谈的,话多的 (反义:quiet)22. jealous adj. 嫉妒的,吃醋的 23.bad-tempered adj. 易怒的,爱发脾气的 24. optimistic adj. 乐观的 25. pessimistic adj. 悲

4、观的 26.calm adj.从容的,镇定的 27. persevering adj.坚忍不拔的 28. open-minded adj. 愿意考虑别人意见的,思想开明的 29. courageous 勇敢的(反义:timid) 30. flexible 灵活的,易变通的B) 品质态度: 1.cruel adj. 残忍的2. confident adj. 自信的3. demanding adj. 苛刻的,难满足的4. polite adj.(反义:impolite/rude) 5. independent adj. 独立的;公正的,无偏见的6. relaxed adj.(人)放松的,冷静的,镇

5、定的;(地方、氛围)安静的,自在的 7. considerate adj. 体贴的,为(他人)着想的 (但:considerable) 8. tough adj. 坚强的,能吃苦耐劳的9.diligent adj.勤奋的10. generous adj. 慷慨的 11. greedy adj. 贪婪的 12. mean adj. 卑鄙的 13. honest adj.(反义:dishonest) 14. modest adj. 谦逊的15. noble adj. 崇高的,品质高尚的16. self-centred adj.以自我为中心的17. selfish adj. 自私的18. shall

6、ow adj. 浅陋的,肤浅的19. thoughtful adj. 沉思的,深思的;体贴的,关切的 20. sympathetic adj. 有同情心21. warm-hearted adj. 热心肠的,有同情心的(反义:cold-hearted)22. elegant adj. 文雅的 (同义:graceful)C) 智力与能力: 1. bright adj. (clever, smart, wise, intelligent, sharp, intellectual ) 聪明的,有智慧的2. brilliant adj. 聪颖的,才华横溢的 3. foolish adj. 愚蠢的 (si

7、lly, stupid) 4. forgetful adj. 健忘的(absent-minded) 5. gifted adj. 有天分的,天赋高的 (talented) 6. simple adj. 头脑简单的7. ridiculous adj.愚蠢的,荒唐的 ( absurd) 8. disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的 9. clumsy adj.笨拙的,不灵巧的 10. capable adj.有能力的,足以胜任的( competent ) 11. qualified adj. 具有知识或技能的;符合资格的 12. competitive adj. 有竞争力的巩固练习一) 找出反

8、义词 A B 1. polite a) stupid 1. tense a) gentle 2. smart b) mean 2. diligent b) talkative 3. flexible c) mild 3. severe c) lazy 4. generous d) rude 4. silent d) careless 5. strict d) rigid 5. cautious d) relaxed 二)根据释意和首字母,写出相应的单词 1. not liking changes or new ideas c_ 2. extremely clever or highly ski

9、lled b_ 3. not spending more money than necessary e_ 4. determined not to change your opinion or attitude s_ 5. determined to be rich, powerful, famous, etc. a_ 6. believing that good things will happen in the future o_ 7. not talking much about your own abilities or possessions m_ 8. feeling or sho

10、wing a lot of interest and excitement about sb./sth. e_ 9. honest and direct in what you say f_ 10. that can be trusted to do sth. well or that you can depend on r_ 三)根据话语的内容,选出一个与说话人的个性相匹配的词 down-to-earth gifted sensitive easy-going selfish aggressive reliable forgetful direct considerate absent-mi

11、nded generous1. Helen: I always think of others wishes and feelings before I reach my final decision. (_ )2. Linda: I dont care about other people. Ive got my own problems. ( _)3. Tom: Id like to buy some lovely presents for my friends this coming holiday. ( _)4. Rebecca: Its hard for me to concentr

12、ate on my work. I am always considering something else. ( _)5. David: I have to write his number down or Ill forget. (_)6. Fiona: Im not easily annoyed or get angry. (_ )7. Mark: If I say Ill do it, then I will. You can trust me. (_ )8. Ann: Im able to understand other peoples feelings and problems.

13、 (_)9. Chantal: I am honest and open and I always say straight whats on my mind. (_)10. Sandra: I play the piano well at an early age. ( _)11. Ella: If I want to get what I want, Im very determined to succeed. (_)12. Frank: I always do practical things. I never pretend. (_ ) 四)根据所给的汉语或首字母提示,在空白处填上适当

14、的词或短语 Every time I read “if I had the power of sight for three days ,” I cannot help being t_ by its author, Helen Keller, an ordinary but great, i_ American woman. I have so much a _ for her because she _(对生活乐观). She turned deaf and _(失去听觉) when she reached the age of only 19 months. Since then, sh

15、e lived in a world of d_ and s_, and communication seemed only a dream for her. To many people it would have been a disaster to lead such a life. Helen Keller, however chose a different path. Instead of _ _ (抱怨不公的命运) and ending her days in distress , the s_ woman faced her life challenges c_ and str

16、uggled _(过积极的生活). Under the g_ of her teacher, Ms Sullivan, who_(对她耐心、友善), Helen learned to read and write. Besides, Helen Keller was often e_ to nature on purpose and introduced to life experiences in different ways, which helped her understand that nature could be _(不仅美丽而且残酷). Eventually, she beca

17、me _(一位杰出的作家) and published a number of books, many of _ inspire people to go for their dreams . Helen has _(为我们树立了光辉榜样) in the manner she p_ through her tough life and f_ her potentials. At the end of this famous writing mentioned above, she wrote, “In the night of the last day of sight, I should n

18、ot be able to sleep; my mind is full of the m_ of the three days. They are so p_ to me and Ill keep them in my heart for the rest of my life. Indeed, well never be g_ for what we have until we have lost it. So, ladies and gentlemen, it is really necessary for us to c_ and appreciate w_ we already ha

19、ve”. Section II 生物及生命科学A) 生物物种:1. wildlife n. (U) 野生动物、生物 a wildlife habitat 2. botany n.(U)植物学 ( botanical botanist ) 3. species n. (pl. species) 种,物种 a rare species of beetle; a conservation area for endangered species 4. fibre ( / fiber) n. 纤维素;纤维 a high/low fibre diet; nylon and other man-made f

20、ibres 5. root n. 根,根茎;根源;根基 1) root vegetables; 2) have root(s) in ; 3) Money, or the love of money is said to be the root of all evil. 4) be rooted in 6. seaweed n.海草,海藻 7. bush n. 灌木 ;the bush (尤指非洲或澳大利亚的)荒野 8. wood(s) n. ( C )树林,林地 (forest) 9. crop n. 庄稼 10. seed n. 种子,籽;起源,起因 1)the seeds of the

21、conflict; 2) the number one seed; 3) After his divorce, he let himself go to seed. 11. branch n. 树枝,分支,分部,支流 branch out (into sth) 涉足(新工作),拓展(新业务) The company has now branched out into selling insurance. 12 trunk n. 树干;象鼻;大衣箱;(人的)躯干 trunk road 干线,干道 13. maple n. 枫树 14. insect n. 昆虫 15. pest n. 害虫 16

22、. seal n. 海豹,印章 under seal 密封,加盖印信 17. dolphin n. 海豚 18. turkey n.火鸡 19. goat n. 山羊20.butterfly n.蝴蝶,蝶泳have butterflies in ones stomach 心慌,紧张 21. camel n. 骆驼 22. goose n. 鹅(geese),鹅肉( U ) 23. parrot n.鹦鹉 24. seagull n.海鸥25. sparrow n.麻雀 26. worm n.蠕虫,寄生虫bookworm书迷,书虫 27. zebra n.斑马zebra crossing 斑马线

23、 28. antelope n.羚羊29. bat n. 蝙蝠,球拍 30. penguin n.企鹅31. monster mnst n.怪物 32. tortoise t:ts n. 乌龟B) 生命科学 1. gene n. 基因 genetic genetically genetic code genetics 2. DNA 3. clone n./v. 克隆 4. embryo n.胚胎 5. stem cell 干细胞 6. tissue n.(人体的)组织 7. organ n.(人体的)器官)8. identical twins 同卵双胞胎 9. nutrition n. (U)

24、营养 nutritious malnutrition 10.bacterium n. (pl. bacteria)细菌 11. biotechnology 生物科技 12. biochemistry n. 生物化学C) 其它: 1. endangered 2. extinct 3. habitat 4. reserve 5. die out 6. give birth to 7. come out 8. feed on 9. take in 10. protect from 11. be secure /safe from 12. be home to 巩固练习一) 根据解释,写出相应的单词。

25、1. f_ one of the many thin threads that form body tissue such as muscle2. w_ animals, birds, insects, etc that are wild and live in natural environment3. t_ a mass of cells that form different parts of humans, animals and plants4. n_ the process by which living things receive the food necessary for

26、their growth and health5. t_ the thick, main stem of a tree, which the branches grow from 6. w_ an area of trees, smaller than a forest7. c_ a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food 8. h_ the place where a particular type animal or plant is normally found9. e_ (of a certain type

27、 of animal or plant) that is no longer in existence 10. r_ a piece of land that functions as the protected area for animals, plants, etc. 二)根据首字母提示,在短文的空白处填上适当的词短语的正确形式。 Nature provides man with f_ and shelter. There exist countless s_ of animals and plants on our globe. However, d_ to human activit

28、ies, many of them are e_ or just d_ o_. One of the missions of human activities is to s_ food from nature, but such is the often c_ where humans are too greedy. They always take it for g_ when they kill too many animals for meat and fur and c_ d_ too many plants for food and medicine. They never giv

29、e it a s_ thought when they destroy many wild places to build their homes, while these places used to be h_ for many animals and plants. As a result, the e_ balance has been broken and the w_ is suffering, s_ is man. It is time man a_ for his selfish behavior. Luckily, not all human beings are fools, as some of them have e_ their a_ or organizations to a_ to others to join hands and protect the l_ natural resources. This task wont be fully completed until every one t_ a_ . In this s_, man has a long way to go before he can live in h_ with nature. Sect

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