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德国柏林自由大学 可接收中方申请人的课题组及教授清单.docx

1、德国柏林自由大学 可接收中方申请人的课题组及教授清单Freie Universitaet Berlin-China Scholarship Council Joint Program 2013Graduate Schools and Research Training Groups - Interdisciplinary Research within a Structured PhD ProgramTo young researchers from all over the world, the Freie Universitaet Berlin offers a number of hig

2、hly demanding doctoral programs. Graduate schools, and Research Training Groups all offer structured programs for obtaining a Ph.D. and are led by groups of professors. They are primarily of interest for interdisciplinary research themes.It is the objective that graduate students in these programs c

3、omplete their Ph.D. within three years.Doctoral Programmes are mostly taught in English, some only in German.The programs have their own application deadlines which can be found on their respective homepage. For some programmes, short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview. If you would l

4、ike to get admission to one of these programs, you have to contact the coordinator of the respective program in Berlin directly. You could either apply for a scholarship provided by the respective program or try to enter the program as a CSC scholarship holder. List of Graduate Schools and Research

5、Training Groups sorted by subject areas: Area Studies Humanities Social Sciences and Economics Natural Sciences, Life Sciences Medicine Area StudiesBetween spaces. Movements, Actors and Representations of Globalization (International GRK 1571) Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Stefan RINKE Address: Institute

6、for Latin American Studies, Rdesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 BerlinContact: Email: rinkezedat.fu-berlin.deInternet: School Caspian Region Environmental and Energy Studies Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Miranda SCHREURS Address: Dept. of Political and So

7、cial Sciences, Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science, Ihnestr. 21, 14195 BerlinContact: Prof. Dr. Miranda SCHREURS Email: schreursfu-berlin.deInternet: Latin America Studies from a Comparative and Transregional Perspective Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Mariann

8、e BRAIG Address: Institute for Latin American Studies, Ruedesheimer Str. 54-56, 14197 BerlinContact: Dr. Ingrid Simson Email: ingrid.simsonlai.fu-berlin.deInternet: promotionsstudiengang/kontakt/index.html Graduate School: Muslim Cultures and Societies Spokespersons: Pr

9、of. Dr. Gudrun Kraemer and Prof. Dr. Ulrike FreitagAddress: Dept. of History and Cultural Studies, Islamic Studies, Altensteinstr. 40, 14195 BerlinContact: Prof. Dr. Gudrun Kraemer and Prof. Dr. Ulrike FreitagE-Mail: and ufreitagzedat.fu-berlin.deInternet: www.geschkult.fu

10、 Graduate School of North American StudiesSpokespersons: Prof. Dr. Ulla HASELSTEIN, Prof. Dr. Winfried FLUCK, Address: John-F.-Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies, Graduate School, Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin Contact: Dr. Katja MERTINE-Mail: mertin(at)gs

11、nas.fu-berlin.deInternet: Graduate School of East Asia Studies Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott Address: East Asia Studies- Japanology, Ehrenbergstrasse 28, 14195 BerlinContact: E-Mail: verena.blechinger-talcottfu-berlin.deTel. (+4

12、9 30) 838-57104BackHumanitiesFriedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Irmela HIJIYA-KIRSCHNEREITAddress: Dept. of History and Cultural Studies, Japanology, Ehrenbergstr. 26-28, 14195 Berlin Contact: Dr. Susanne PHILLIPPS, Tel.: +49 (0)30 838 52931E-Mail: s.phill

13、ippsfu-berlin.deInternet: and Cultural Studies Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Claudia ULBRICH Address: Department of History and Cultural Studies, Koserstr. 20 , 14195Berlin Contact: Ms Katja GRIMM (Coordination) Email: katja.gri

14、mmfu-berlin.deInternet: Interart Studies Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erika FISCHER-LICHTE Address: Dept. of Philosophy and Humanties, Theater Studies, Grunewaldstr. 34, 12165 BerlinContact: Dr. des Regine Strtling

15、, Tel. (+49 30) 838 56179,Email: straetzedat.fu-berlin.deInternet: Languages of Emotion: Graduate School Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Gisela KLANN-DELIUS Address: Dept. of Philosophy and Humanities, Institute of German and Dutch Languages an

16、d Literatures, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 BerlinContact: Dr. Markus EDLEREmail: medlerzedat.fu-berlin.deInternet: Iconocity: On the materiality, perceptibility and operativity of writing (DFG Graduate School 1458) Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Sybille KRA

17、EMER Address: Dept. of Philosophy and Humanities, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 BerlinContact: Dr. Horst GRONKE Email: grako-schriftfu-berlin.deInternet: www.geisteswissenschaften. Graduate School of Ancient Studies“ (BerGSAS)Spokespers

18、on: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Therese FUHRERAddress: Hittorfstr. 16, 14195 BerlinContact: Dr. Regina ATTULA, Tel.: +49 (0)30 838 52238E-Mail: regina.attulatopoi.orgInternet:http:/ Sciences and EconomicsGraduate Center of

19、 Economic and Social Research Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Georg MERAN (DIW Berlin) Participating Professors at Freie Universitaet Berlin Prof. Ph.D. Irwin COLLIER (Economics), Prof. Dr. Juergen GERHARDS (Sociology), Prof. Dr. Viktor STEINER (Economics), Prof. Dr. Klaus ZIMMERMANN (Economics) Contact: Ms

20、 Sabine KLIEREMail: Gradcenterdiw.deInternet: Graduate School of Global Politics (detailed information)Director: Prof. Dr. Klaus SEGBERS Address: Dept. of Political and Social Sciences, Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science, Ihnestr. 21, 1419

21、5 BerlinContact: Ms Daniela SCHMIDT (Senior Program Manager)E-Mail: d.schmidtfu-berlin.deInternet: International Max Planck Research School for the Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics Participating Institutions: Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Freie Univers

22、itaet Berlin, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, University of Zurich Spokesperson: Prof . Dr. Martin VINGRON, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics Contact: E-Mail: imprsmpib-berlin.mpg.deInternet: Multilevel Constitutionalis

23、m: European Experiences and Global Perspectives(GRK 1263) Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Ingolf PERNICEUniversity of the Spokes-person:Humboldt Universitaet zu BerlinParticipatingscientists: Prof. Dr. Tanja BOERZEL, Prof. Dr. Ulrich K. PREUSS (Dept. of Political and Social Sciences; Otto Suhr Institute for

24、 Political Sciences)Contact: Email: Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) - Transnationale Beziehungen, Auen- und Sicherheitspolitik Spokes Person: Prof. Dr. Thomas RISSEAddress: Dept. of Political and Soc

25、ial Sciences, Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science, Ihnestr. 26, 14195 BerlinContact: Email: Internet: Research on Organizational Paths (Pfadkolleg Research School) Spokes Person: Prof. Dr. Georg Schreyoegg Address: Dept. of Business and Ec

26、onomics, Institute of? Management, Garystr. 21, 14195 BerlinContact: Koordination: Katherina SchuyE-Mail: infofu-schreyoegg.deInternet: http:/ Sciences, Life SciencesBerlin Mathematical School(Graduate School together with: Technische

27、 Universitaet Berlin and Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin) Chair Persons: Prof. Dr. John M. SULLIVAN Technische Universitaet Berlin (Chair)Prof. Dr. Juerg KRAMER, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (Deputy Chair)Prof. Dr. Konrad POLTHIER, Freie Universitaet Berlin (Deputy Chair) Address at Freie Univers

28、itaet: Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Mathematics, Arnimallee 6, 14195 BerlinCoordinator at Freie Universitaet: Prof. Dr. Konrad PolthierE-Mail: konrad.polthiermath.fu-berlin.deInternet: Genetic and Immunologic Determinants of Pathogen-Host-Interactions (

29、GRK 1121) Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Richard LUCIUSUniversity of the Spokes-person:Humboldt Universitaet zu BerlinParticipatingscientist: Prof. Dr. Lothar H. WIELER (Dept. of Veterinary Medicine; Microbiology and Epizootics)Contact: Email: wieler.lotharvetmed.fu-berlin.deInternet: www.zibi-graduatescho

30、 Biology of Nutrition: Integrated Research Training Center of SFB 852 Spokesperson of the Research Training Center: Prof. Dr. Johanna PLENDLAddress: Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Veterinary Anatomy,Koserstr. 20, 14195 BerlinContact: Email: anatomievetmed.fu-berlin.deInterne

31、t: Biomedical Sciences Joint Program of the Departments of Veterinary Medicine and Biology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Achim GRUBER Address: Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Robert-von-Ostertag-Str. 15, 14163 BerlinContact: Ms. Angela DABERKOW Email: drs-biome

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