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高中英语Module 6 Animals in Danger 教案13页.docx

1、高中英语Module 6 Animals in Danger 教案13页课时计划课时1课题Module 6 Animals in danger New words课型New教学目标1. Enable the students to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges Dam with the target language.2. Enable the students to find the clues about the writers journey.3. Enable the students to know the definitions

2、of the words, such as cave, cliff etc.重点1. Get the students to describe the scenery of the Three Gorges Dam with the target language.2. Discuss the questions of prehension.难点Enable the students to find the clues about the writers journey.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A project

3、or 3. A puter教法Explanation-guidance-do the exx again教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4 Introduction1. endanger vt1) Smoking endangers your health.危害2) He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life. 威胁endangered adj.濒临灭绝的3) Most of the whales are endange

4、red.4) The tiger is a endangered species.1)城市里被污染的空气正严重地危及人们的健康。The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the people.2)它是世界上一种快要灭绝的动物。It is a kind of endangered animal in the danger out of dangerdangerous adj. 危险的The man is in danger.此人处境危险。The man is dangerous. 此人很危险会

5、伤害别人。Practice :Walking along the bank, he is _ _ of falling into the river. It is _ for children to swim in the river. He has been very ill, but the doctor says that he is now _ _ _.We ought to be doing our best to save _ species. 2 extinct a. 灭绝的,熄灭的1) Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of ye

6、ars. 灭绝的2) An extinct volcano. 一座死火山extinction nplete the sentencesIf we continue to _ _ _ (破坏自然环境), _ _ _ will bee _(更多的动物会灭绝).1) The Tibetan antelope is an animal whose wool is worth a lot of money.2) The idea is well worth considering.3)The museum is worth a visit.Conclusion:1) be worth + some mo

7、ney 值多少钱2) be worth doing 值得做3) be worth + n 值得做The findings of the report are worthy of attention.Her performances worthy to be remembered/ worthy of being remembered.It is worthwhile to have a try/ having a try again.Conclusion:worthy worthy of being done/ to be done 值得be worthy of attentio

8、n/ consideration / support 值得注意/考虑/ 支持worthwhile adj.It is worthwhile to do/ doing 干某事是值得的句型转化:1. His suggestions are worth considering. His suggestions are _ _ consideration. His suggestions are worthy _ _ _. His suggestions are worthy _ _ _.4. condition1) The miners there worked in terrible condit

9、ions. 环境 n (c)2) Hes in excellent condition for a man of his age. 状况/身体极好 n (u).3) Shes in no condition / out of condition to travel.她的身体状况不宜旅行(不甚健康).on condition that 条件是working / living conditions 工作/生活条件(环境)5. involve v. 1)包含,含有; 2)使陷入使卷入,牵涉 3) 需要1) Painting the room involved moving out the piano

10、.2) The job involved me/my living in London.3) Dont involve me in solving your problems!4) The second accident involved two cars and a lorry.involve doing sth 包括;需要做involve sb in 使卷入be / get involved in sth 与某事有关Translation:1)我被卷入了汤姆和杰克的争吵中。I was involved in the quarrel between Tom and Jack.2)手术需要在你

11、的心脏里放一个小导管。(tube)The operation involves putting a small tube into your heart.3) I prefer teaching methods that actively involve students in learning.我喜欢能使学生积极参与学习的教学方法。6. concern1) We are all concerned about his health.2) Concerned parents held a meeting.3) Were all concerned for her safety.4) Im co

12、ncerned that they may have got lost.拓展:That is fine, as far as we are concerned.As far as spelling is concerned, hes never been a strong student.concerning prep. 关于,有关Practice:Richard was called in by the police to answer questions _ disappearance of John, whose relatives were so _ his present situa

13、tion.A. concerning; concerning aboutB. concerning; concerned aboutC. concerned; concerning about7 The animals are skinned on the sport, and the wool taken to India, where it is made into the shawls. 当场Translation :几分钟之内,一辆救护车就赶到了现场。An ambulance was on the spot within minutes. Word guessingCan you sp

14、ot the difference between these two pictures?发现His collar were spotted with ink, so he wanted to have his coat washed.满是斑点He was spotted cheating in the exam. 发现a scenic / his historic spot 风景胜地/ 古迹8. focus1) The focus of attention has changed. n.焦点2) Today we are going to focus on the questions of

15、homeless people. 集中于3) I quickly focused my eyes on the athletes who were crossing the finishing line. 集中注意力(attention )目光,精力(energy)于Practice1)你应该努力把思想放在工作和学习上。You must try to focus your mind on work and study. 2)大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。All eyes were focused on the speaker. HomeworkReading the text in detai

16、l and finish all the reading exercises on the book.Look & saySpeakRead & do exx245151板书 Module 6 Animals in danger The 1st period New wordendanger vt1) Smoking endangers your health.危害2) He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life. 威胁endangered adj.濒临灭绝的3) Most of the whal

17、es are endangered.4) The tiger is a endangered species.1)城市里被污染的空气正严重地危及人们的健康。The polluted air in the city is badly endangering the health of the people.2)它是世界上一种快要灭绝的动物。It is a kind of endangered animal in the world.教学后记The Ss have difficult in getting some words in listening.课时计划课时2课题Module 6 Anim

18、als in danger Introduction & reading课型New教学目标1. Enable the students to understand the endangered animals.2. Enable the students to find the ways to save the endangered animals.重点Enable the students to understand the endangered animals.难点Enable the students to find the ways to save the endangered ani

19、mals.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法Explanation-guidance-do the exx again教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Step 3IntroductionLook at the pictures and tell the names. Siberian tigers Leopard zebra gorilla Lion owlBrainstormingHow many kinds of a

20、nimals do you know? Animals living on land:_Animals flying in the sky:_Animals swimming in water:_Group workHow much do you know about the Siberian tiger and the giant panda?1. What do the giant panda and Siberian tiger have in mon?2. What can we do to help them in their struggle for survival?Match

21、the words with the meaningsconservation endangered extinct habitatreserve species struggle survival wildlife1. a type of animal or plant2. the place where an animal lives naturally3. protection, especially of natural things4. in danger5. a fight which lasts a long time6. an area of land where animal

22、s are protected7. dead (for a species, not a single animal)8. continuing to live9. living in a natural state, away from people10. wild animalsDiscussionLook at the reasons why some animals are being extinct. Which is the most important? Discuss your ideas with other students.1. They are killed for b

23、ody parts or food.2. People want them for pets3. People have moved into their natural habitat4. They are killed by pollution.5. They are killed by climate change.ReadingRead and find out the idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1 A. The reason for the trade.Paragraph 2 B. The result of the battle.Paragr

24、aph 3 C. Jiesang Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes.Paragraph 4 D. The present situation and the future of the battle.Paragraph 5 E. The process of the trade. F. The battle against the trade.G. The illegal trade of wool.Read the passage again and say what the numbers and dates refer to1. 50,

25、0002. $ 5,000 3. 1975 4. 138 5. 2% 6. 3,000 7. 5,000 metres 8. 1997 Homework Some exx in the workbook.Look and sayLearn & do exxRead & do exx25191板书 Module 6 Animals in danger The 2nd Period ReadingParagraph 1 A. The reason for the trade.Paragraph 2 B. The result of the battle.Paragraph 3 C. Jiesang

26、 Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes.Paragraph 4 D. The present situation and the future of the battle.Paragraph 5 E. The process of the trade. F. The battle against the trade.G. The illegal trade of wool.教学后记The Ss still need to do more exercises.课时计划课时3课题Module 6 Animals in danger Reading课型

27、New教学目标1. Enable the students to understand the endangered animals.2. Enable the students to find the ways to save the endangered animals.重点Enable the students to understand the endangered animals.难点Enable the students to find the ways to save the endangered animals.学情分析The Ss can finish the task. 教

28、具课件1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A puter教法Reading-getting information-speaking教学程序教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等)师生活动时间分配Step 1Step 2Reading1. Word practiceFind the words in the passage1) high ground _2) a piece of cloth people wear on the shoulders. _3) money you make by selling something. _4) a group of an

29、imals which live or move together._5) to cut the skin off an animal. _6) an order not to do something. _7) a surprise visit_2. Consolidation (paragraph 1)_ a _cold day, Jiesang Suonandajie found a group of _ killing the _ Tibetan antelope. He asked them to _ their guns. But the poachers had an _- there were more of them. As a result, Jiesang was shot and killed. He had _ to save the Tibetan antelope.3. Consolidation (paragraph 3)1) The poachers shoot whole herds of antelopes at a time, _ (只留下那些毛不那么值钱的幼崽

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