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1、T (for True) if the statement agrees with the information given in above paragraph.F (for False) if the statement contradicts the information given in above paragraph.N (for Not given) if the statement is not given in the above paragraph. A Life of Quiet DesperationI was much more nave and trusting

2、ten years ago than I am today. I believed that all policemen were good, all doctors were caring, and all people shared my concern for their fellow man. I realized with anguish the folly of making such generalizations when my sister, Laura, committed suicide. I was not only angered about my own naive

3、ty but also outraged by the uncaring attitude of the people I encountered following the tragedy.My own lack of understanding left me unprepared for Lauras death. I often visited her at Veterans Administration Hospital where she was a patient of a halfway house for mentally ill veterans. Whenever I w

4、as with her, she appeared to be relatively happy. I realized, after her death, the tremendous effort she had made to appear that way for my benefit. I knew she had been diagnosed as a chronic depressive; I didnt understand the extent of her depression. Although Laura had made previous attempts to en

5、d her life. I was still shocked by her ultimate success. I should have realized how desperate she was because, in her usual protective way, she tried to prepare me. I received a letter shortly before she died in which Laura had written, “The panic and desperation are overwhelming.” I did not heed he

6、r cry. When we first learned of Lauras intentions, my family received no assistance in trying to determine whether she was dead or alive. My sister Carol received a letter from Laura which began, “Please forgive me. I just cant stand to live anymore.” We immediately called the hospital and learned t

7、hat Laura had already been missing for twenty-six hours. But despite our plea, no one at the Veterans Administration Hospital or the police department would agree to search for her. The Thompson of the VA Hospital stated that Laura was no longer their responsibility since she had voluntarily left th

8、e hospital grounds. Donna Edwards of the police departments Missing Bureau indifferently remarked that hey could do nothing because Laura was “government property.” After driving to the hospital, a four-hour drive from our home, we began a systematic and never-racking verbal investigation of Lauras

9、friends, cab companies, and hotels. We found Laura, but our worst fears were confirmed. We were too late. What really makes me angry is that no one tried to stop her. According to Kathy, a friend of Lauras who was also a patient at the VA center, something particularly upsetting happened to Laura th

10、at day. After being assured by her doctors secretary that the doctor would see her, Laura went to his office. Her psychiatrist rudely told her she would have to make an appointment for the following week. When Laura protested, he yelled, “Get the hell out, or I will call the guards!” Laura got the h

11、ell out, determinedly went to her room where she wrote her last letter, then left the center. A short while later, Kathy saw Laura waiting at a bus stop. She asked Laura where she was going, and Laura replied, “I am on my way to executioner.” Kathy, aware of Lauras desperation, begged the hospital p

12、ersonnel to do something to stop her, at least, to call us. They refused. It took us only two hours to find Laura once we arrived in town; her death might have been avoided if we had been notified immediately or if the hospital personnel had taken appropriate action themselves. Despite what might ha

13、ve been, the cruel reality was that Lauras retreat from a life she found unbearable was finally complete. Lauras life was one of quiet desperation. She silently screamed out the agony of her existence, but no one listened. She silently begged for help, but no one heard or cared. At least not enough.

14、 The anger I felt at this “dont give a damn” attitude has not significantly lessened after all this time. Statements:1. When Laura committed suicide, the writer realized that she had been too nave in thinking that all people had a caring heart for others.2. It was the writers lack of understanding o

15、f her sisters suffering and neglect of her that led to her death.3. When the author visited Laura in the hospital, Laura complained to her about the cruelty with which she was treated.4. Laura tried to appear happy in front of her sister to please her.5. When Laura was missing, the hospital realized

16、 that she was determined to commit suicide.6. The hospital declared that Lauras missing was not their responsibility since she had left without their permission.7. The hospital informed Lauras family by writing them a letter saying Laura had left the hospital.8. Laura was a war veteran and lived at

17、the VA center. 9. The police departments Missing Persons Bureau said tat Laura was “government property”, which means that she was a patient in a government hospital and so was the responsibility of the government.10. Kathy, Lauras friend, informed the family when Laura was missing. II CWD Choose th

18、e best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. It is necessary to _ to a rapidly changing society.A. adopt B. adapt C. adhere D. adept2. The captain of the ship _ the passengers that there was no danger. A. assured B. ensured C. insured D. assumed3. The young girl managed to _ from Asi

19、a to Europe after she married a French man. A. emigrate B. immigrate C. transfer D. remove4. They are trying to _ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A) expose B) exhibit C) exhaust D) exploit5. The dial records very slight _ in pressure A) adjustments B) variations C) varieties D) modif

20、ications6. The teacher told the students in her conversation class to _ their talk to the topic. A) restrain B) condense C) restrict D) confine7. If the diver is in deep water, he must come to the surface slowly in order to allow his body to _ to the change in pressure. A. alert B. adopt C. improve

21、D. adjust8. You can rest _ that we will try our best to help you whenever needed. A. insured B. ensured C. assured D. reassured9. When we moved to France, the children _ themselves to the new surroundings very well. A. adapted B. brought C. received D. adopted10. Tom _ his house against fire. A. ass

22、ured B. ensured C. secured D. insured11. His modest business eventually _ into a multinational company. A. expanded B. extended C. exploited D. explored12. There was a _ sense of embarrassment in the air. A. separate B. distinct C. distinctive D. divided13. Although he is very young, he is _ at play

23、ing the piano. A. adopting B. adapting C. adept D. adjusting14. We are dreaming of a life full of change and _. A. variety B. variation C. adjustment D. modification15. As soon as they arrived at the town, they went out to _. A. explore B. extend C. expand D. exploit16. The baby was left _ to the wi

24、nd and rain. A. expanded B. extended C. exposed D. revealed17. We have been doing a lot of gardening _. A. late B. latter C. latest D. lately(Key: 1-5 B A A D B 6-10 D D C A D 11-15 A B C A A 16-17 C D)III: Word Building (WB) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word forms of the words given in t

25、he brackets 1. His views lack _: one day he is a conservative, the next he is a liberal. (consistent)2. The case was dismissed because of _ evidence. (sufficient)3. They won the battle because of their massive _ in numbers. (superior)4. He is thinking of going into _, trying to become a Member of Pa

26、rliament. (political)5. A standard criticism of _ research is that it tries to prove what most people with common sense already know. (social) 6. The light went out and the entire hall sank into complete _. (dark)7. A new _ of teaching would be carried out in our school next semester. (method)8. _ i

27、s a branch of science and technology that deals with the behavior of electrons. (electron)9. The _ of confidence when faced by difficulties is one of his big problems. (adequate)10. He told us that he was the _ of Queen Victoria. (descend)Key:consistencyinsufficientsuperioritypoliticssociologicaldar

28、knessmethodologyElectronicsinadequacydescendantIV: ECT Translate the English sentences into Chinese.1. Key: 结合对远古人骨的研究,这一图谱证实了非洲是人类的诞生地,因而也是人类迁移的石始发地。1. The same map, in combination with ancient human bones, confirms that Africa was the birthplace of humanity and thus the starting point of the origi

29、nal human movements.2. Key: 保护土著人权益活动家们担心科学家可能会利用土著人谋利:从当地人血样中提取的基因物质可被用于商业目的,却不给DNA提供者以足够的报酬。2. Activists for native populations fear that the scientists could exploit these peoples: genetic material taken from blood sample could be used for commercial purposes without adequate payment made to the

30、groups that provide the DNAV: Guided Writing For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Going on Studying or Going to Work according to the Chinese outline, and you must use at least 120 words.1. 有些人决定毕业后读研2. 有些人决定毕业后工作3. 我的看法Sample:Going on Studying or Going to Work Current

31、ly, the major dilemma which most students face upon graduation is to continue pursuing postgraduate studies or to find a job immediately. Those who decide to go to work immediately cannot wait to put what they have learned into practice. They believe that only by application can a person master knowledge in the real sense. Most important of all, they can live on their own and have the f

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