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1、汇编中国人民银行法汇编中国人民银行法中国人民银行法【Title】 Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Peoples Bank of China (2003 Amendment) Effective 【法规标题】中华人民共和国中国人民银行法(2003修正) 现行有效 【法宝引证码】CLI.1.50973(EN) Date Issued: 12-27-2003 Effective date: 03-18-1995 Issuing authority: Standing Committee of the National Peoples Cong

2、ress Area of law: Banking & Finance 发布日期: 2003-12-27 生效日期: 1995-03-18 发布部门: 全国人大常委会 类别: 金融 【本法变迁史】 中华人民共和国中国人民银行法19950318 全国人大常委会关于修改中华人民共和国中国人民银行法的决定(2003)20031227 中华人民共和国中国人民银行法(2003修正)20031227Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Peoples Bank of China (Adopted at the Third Session of the Ei

3、ghth National Peoples Congress on March 18,1995. Amended according to the Decisions on Revising the “Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Peoples Bank of China” at the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National Peoples Congress on December 27,2003) Contents Chapter I Genera

4、l Provisions Chapter II Organization Chapter III Renminbi Chapter IV Business Operation Chapter V Supervision and Control over the Banking IndustryChapter VI Finance and Accounting Chapter VII Legal Liabilities Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 中华人民共和国中国人民银行法 (1995年3月18日第八届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过 根据2003

5、年12月27日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议关于修改,中华人民共和国中国人民银行法,的决定修正)(相关资料: 法律5篇 行政法规2篇 部门规章84篇 司法解释2篇 其他规范性文件1篇 地方法规21篇 裁判文书8篇 修订沿革 相关论文57篇 实务指南) 第一章 总则 第二章 组织机构 第三章 人民币 第四章 业务 第五章 金融监督管理 第六章 财务会计 第七章 法律责任 第八章 附则 Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则 Article 1 This Law is hereby formulated for the purpose of establ

6、ishing the status of the Peoples Bank of China (PBC), clarifying its functions, ensuring the correct enactment and implementation of the state monetary policies, and establishing and perfecting a macro-control system through the central bank, as well as maintaining the stability of banking industry.

7、 第一条 为了确立中国人民银行的地位,明确其职责,保证国家货币政策的正确制定和执行,建立和完善中央银行宏观调控体系,维护金融稳定,制定本法。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 2 The PBC is the central bank of the Peoples Republic of China. As the central bank, the PBC shall formulate and implement monetary policies, prevent and dissolve financial risks, and maintain the stabil

8、ity of banking industry in the country under the leadership of the State Council. 第二条 中国人民银行是中华人民共和国的中央银行。 中国人民银行在国务院领导下,制定和执行货币政策,防范和化解金融风险,维护金融稳定。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义 相关论文2篇) Article 3 The aim of monetary policies is to maintain the stability of the value of currency and thereby promote economic grow

9、th. 第三条 货币政策目标是保持货币币值的稳定,并以此促进经济增长。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义 相关论文3篇) Article 4 The PBC shall perform the following functions: 1.Promulgating and implementing orders and regulations in relation to its functions; 2. Formulating and implementing monetary policies in accordance with the law; 3.Issuing Renminbi

10、(RMB) and control its circulation;4.Supervising the inter-bank borrowing or lending market and inter-bank bonds markets; 5.Administering foreign exchange, and supervising inter-bank foreign exchange market; 6.Supervising gold market; 7.Holding, controlling and managing the state foreign exchange res

11、erve and gold reserve; 8.Managing the state treasury; 9.Maintaining the normal operation of the systems for payments and settlements of accounts; 10.Directing and disposing the anti-money-laundering work of the financial industry, being responsible for capital supervision and measurement over anti-m

12、oney-laundering;11.Being responsible for the statistics, investigation, analysis, and forecasting of the financial industry; 12. Undertaking the relevant international banking operations as the central bank of the state; and 13. Other functions assigned to it by the State Council.In order to impleme

13、nt monetary policies, the PBC may carry out financial operations in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter IV of this Law. 第四条 中国人民银行履行下列职责: (一)发布与履行其职责有关的命令和规章; (二)依法制定和执行货币政策; (三)发行人民币,管理人民币流通; (四)监督管理银行间同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场; (五)实施外汇管理,监督管理银行间外汇市场; (六)监督管理黄金市场; (七)持有、管理、经营国家外汇储备、黄金储备; (八)经理国

14、库; (九)维护支付、清算系统的正常运行; (十)指导、部署金融业反洗钱工作,负责反洗钱的资金监测; (十一)负责金融业的统计、调查、分析和预测; (十二)作为国家的中央银行,从事有关的国际金融活动; (十三)国务院规定的其他职责。 中国人民银行为执行货币政策,可以依照本法第四章的有关规定从事金融业务活动。 (相关资料: 裁判文书1篇 修订沿革 条文释义 相关论文3篇)Article 5 The PBC shall report to the State Council its decisions concerning the annual supply of currency, intere

15、st rates, foreign exchange rates, and other major issues specified by the State Council for approval before implementation.The PBC shall, after making decisions on matters concerning monetary policies other than those as specified in the preceding paragraph, carry them out immediately, and then repo

16、rt them to and put them on record at the State Council. 第五条 中国人民银行就年度货币供应量、利率、汇率和国务院规定的其他重要事项作出的决定,报国务院批准后执行。 中国人民银行就前款规定以外的其他有关货币政策事项作出决定后,即予执行,并报国务院备案。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 6 The PBC shall submit to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress a report on monetary policies and the

17、operation of the financial industry. 第六条 中国人民银行应当向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出有关货币政策情况和金融业运行情况的工作报告。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 7 The PBC shall, under the guidance of the State Council, independently implement monetary policies, perform its functions and carry out its operations according to law free from any int

18、ervention of local governments, departments of governments at all levels, public organizations or individuals. 第七条 中国人民银行在国务院领导下依法独立执行货币政策,履行职责,开展业务,不受地方政府、各级政府部门、社会团体和个人的干涉。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 8 All capital of the PBC shall be allocated by the state and owned by the state. 第八条 中国人民银行的全部资本由国家

19、出资,属于国家所有。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 9 The State Council shall establish a financial supervision and administration coordination mechanism, and shall formulate the specific measures for it. 第九条 国务院建立金融监督管理协调机制,具体办法由国务院规定。 (相关资料: 条文释义 相关论文5篇) Chapter II Organization 第二章 组织机构 Article 10 The PBC shall

20、have one governor and a certain number of deputy governors. The governor of PBC shall be nominated by the Premier of the State Council, and affirmed by the National Peoples Congress for the post. Whereas the National Peoples Congress is not in session, he or she shall be affirmed by the Standing Com

21、mittee of the National Peoples Congress and appointed or removed by the president of the Peoples Republic of China for the post. The deputy governors of the PBC shall be appointed or removed by the Premier of the State Council. 第十条 中国人民银行设行长一人,副行长若干人。 中国人民银行行长的人选,根据国务院总理的提名,由全国人民代表大会决定;全国人民代表大会闭会期间,

22、由全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定,由中华人民共和国主席任免。中国人民银行副行长由国务院总理任免。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 11 The PBC shall institute a system in which the governor assumes the full responsibility. The governor shall direct the work of the PBC and the deputy governors shall assist the governor in his or her work. 第十一条 中国人民银行实行行长负责

23、制。行长领导中国人民银行的工作,副行长协助行长工作。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 12 The PBC shall establish a monetary policy committee whose functions, composition and working procedures shall be prescribed by the State Council and reported to and put on records at the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress. The

24、monetary policy committee of the PBC shall play an important role in the state macro-control, and in the formulation and adjustment of monetary policies.第十二条 中国人民银行设立货币政策委员会。货币政策委员会的职责、组成和工作程序,由国务院规定,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。 中国人民银行货币政策委员会应当在国家宏观调控、货币政策制定和调整中,发挥重要作用。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 13 The PBC sha

25、ll, upon the need of performing its functions, establish branches as its representative organs, and exercise centralized and unified leadership and control over these branches. The branches of the PBC shall, upon the authorization of the PBC, be responsible for maintaining the stability of financial

26、 industry and handling the relevant business operations in the areas under their respective jurisdictions. 第十三条 中国人民银行根据履行职责的需要设立分支机构,作为中国人民银行的派出机构。中国人民银行对分支机构实行统一领导和管理。 中国人民银行的分支机构根据中国人民银行的授权,维护本辖区的金融稳定,承办有关业务。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 14 The governor, deputy governors and other staff of the PBC s

27、hall be diligent in performing their functions, and may not abuse their power and conduct malpractice for gaining private interests, or hold posts concurrently in any other banking institution, enterprise or foundation. 第十四条 中国人民银行的行长、副行长及其他工作人员应当恪尽职守,不得滥用职权、徇私舞弊,不得在任何金融机构、企业、基金会兼职。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义

28、) Article 15 The governor, deputy governors and other staff of the PBC shall keep state secrets according to law and have the duty to keep secrets of the banking institutions and the clients in relation to their performance of functions. 第十五条 中国人民银行的行长、副行长及其他工作人员,应当依法保守国家秘密,并有责任为与履行其职责有关的金融机构及当事人保守秘

29、密。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Chapter III Renminbi 第三章 人民币 Article 16 The legal tender of the PBC is Renminbi (RMB). Renminbi shall be used for repaying all public or private debts according to its face value within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, and no organization or individual may refuse

30、to accept. 第十六条 中华人民共和国的法定货币是人民币。以人民币支付中华人民共和国境内的一切公共的和私人的债务,任何单位和个人不得拒收。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 17 The basic unit of Renminbi is Yuan and the units of fractional currency of Renminbi are Jiao and Fen. 第十七条 人民币的单位为元,人民币辅币单位为角、分。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 18 Renminbi shall be printed, minted and i

31、ssued uniformly by the PBC. When issuing new Renminbi, the PBC shall make a public announcement of the issuing date, face values, designs, patterns and specifications of the new. 第十八条 人民币由中国人民银行统一印制、发行。 中国人民银行发行新版人民币,应当将发行时间、面额、图案、式样、规格予以公告。 (相关资料: 修订沿革 条文释义) Article 19 Any counterfeiting, altering or illegal printing or minting of the Renminbi is prohibited. Any selling or buying of the counterfeit or altered Renminbi is prohibited. Transportation, possession or use of the counterfeit, altered or illegally printed or minted Renminbi is prohibited. Deliberate damaging of Renminbi is prohibit

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