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1、醉翁亭记英译杨宪益、戴乃迭潘正英罗经国谢百魁刘师舜杂谈分类: 英语翻译 醉翁亭记 欧阳修环滁皆山也。其西南诸峰,林壑尤美。望之蔚然而深秀者,琅琊也。山行六七里,渐闻水声潺潺,而泄出于两峰之间者,酿泉也。峰回路转,有亭翼然临于泉上者,醉翁亭也。作亭者谁?山之僧曰智仙也。名之者谁?太守自谓也。太守与客来饮于此,饮少辄醉,而年又最高,故自号曰“醉翁”也。醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也。山水之乐,得之心而寓之酒也。若夫日出而林霏开,云归而岩穴暝,晦明变化者,山间之朝暮也。野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出者,山间之四时也。朝而往,暮而归,四时之景不同,而乐亦无穷也。至于负者歌于途,行者休

2、于树,前者呼,后者应,伛偻提携,往来而不绝者,滁人游也。临溪而渔,溪深而鱼肥;酿泉为酒,泉香而酒冽;山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。宴酣之乐,非丝非竹,射者中,弈者胜,觥筹交错,坐起而喧哗者,众宾欢也。苍然白发,颓然乎其中者,太守醉也。已而夕阳在山,人影散乱,太守归而宾客从也。树林阴翳,鸣声上下,游人去而禽鸟乐也。然而禽鸟知山林之乐,而不知人之乐;人知从太守游而乐,而不知太守之乐其乐也。醉能同其乐,醒能述以文者,太守也。太守谓谁?庐陵欧阳修也。The Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard Ouyang Xiu The District of Chu is encl

3、osed all around by hills, of which those in the southwest boast the most lovely forests and dales. In the distance, densely wooded and possessed of a rugged beauty, is Mt. Langya. When you penetrate a mile or two into this mountain you begin to hear the gurgling of a stream, and presently the stream

4、 the Brewers Spring comes into sight cascading between two peaks. Rounding a bend you see a hut with a spreading roof by the stream, and this is the Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard. This hut was built by the monk Zhixian. It was given its name by the governor, referring to himself. The governor, co

5、ming here with his friends, often gets tipsy after a little drinking; and since he is the most advanced in years, he calls himself the Old Drunkard. He delights less in drinking than in the hills and streams, taking pleasure in them and expressing the feeling in his heart through drinking. Now at da

6、wn and dusk in this mountain come the changes between light and darkness: when the sun emerges, the misty woods become clear; when the clouds hang low, the grottoes are wrapped in gloom. Then in the course of the four seasons, You find wild flowers burgeoning and blooming with a secret fragrance, th

7、e stately trees put on their mantle of leaves and give a goodly shade, until wind and frost touch all with austerity, the water sinks low and the rocks at the bottom of the stream emerge. A man going there in the morning and returning in the evening during the changing pageant of the seasons can der

8、ive endless pleasure from the place. And the local people may be seen making their way there and back in an endless stream, the old and infirm as well as infants in arms, men carrying burdens who sing as they go, passersby stopping to rest beneath the trees, those in front calling out and those behi

9、nd answering. There the governor gives a feast with a variety of dishes before him, mostly wild vegetables and mountain produce. The fish are freshly caught from the stream, and since the stream is deep and the fish are fat; the wine is brewed with spring water, and since the spring is sweet the win

10、e is superb. There they feast and drink merrily with no accompaniment of strings or flutes; when someone wins a game of touhu or chess, when they mark up their scores in drinking games together, or raise a cheerful din sitting or standing, it can be seen that the guests are enjoying themselves. The

11、elderly man with white hair in the middle, who sits utterly relaxed and at his ease, is the governor, already half drunk. Then the sun sinks towards the hills, mens shadows begins to flit about and scatter; and now the governor leaves, followed by his guests. In the shade of the woods birds chirp ab

12、ove and below, showing that the men have gone and the birds are at peace. But although the birds enjoy the hills and forests, they cannot understand the mens pleasure in them; and although men enjoy accompanying the governor there, they cannot understand his pleasure either. The governor is able to

13、share his enjoyment with others when he is in his cups, and sober again can write an essay about it. Who is this governor? Ouyang Xiu of Luling.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)The Story of the Old Drunkard TowerOu-yang HsiuThe prefecture of Chu is surrounded with hills on all sides. The wooded ravines of the south-west

14、peaks are particularly beautiful. Lo, there is Lang Ya Hill shrouded in deep, luxuriant blue. After a few miles walk in the mountains, the murmur of a stream will gradually come within hearing that is the Brewing Fountain pouring down between two peaks. By turning round the peak along a bending path

15、 there appears a tower standing like a perching bird above the fountain that is the Old Drunkard Tower. Who built the tower? A Buddhist monk, the Wise Immortal. Who gave it the name? The Prefect refers to himself. The Prefect comes to drink here with his guests. Only a little drinking will make him

16、drunk; and being the eldest he therefore calls himself the old drunkard. The old drunkard is not interested in the wine, but in the hills and rivers. The joy of hills and rivers, found in the heart, mingles itself with the wine.To illustrate, the sunrise dispersing the mists over the woods, and the

17、return of clouds dimming the caves below the rocks this is the alteration of light and shade, which represents the morning and evening in the mountains. Sweet smell emitting from the fresh wild grass; luxuriant shades made by the fine trees; the high, clear skies, windy and frosty; rocks standing ou

18、t of receding water these are the changes of the four seasons in the mountains. Going out in the morning and coming back in the evening, one finds each of the four seasons has its different scenery, and the pleasure is inexhaustible.As for the carriers on the road, the wayfarers taking rest under th

19、e trees, some shouting ahead and some score behind, and others bent with burdens going to and fro without a break these are visitors from Chu itself. To angle at the stream where the stream is deep and the fishes are fat; to brew the fountain water into wine where the water is delicious and the wine

20、 is clear; and with mountain game and wild vegetable placed before him in a confused manner that is the Prefect at banquet. The pleasure of revelry is music neither of string, no of bamboo. The shooters hitting the marks; the chess-players scoring victory; winecups and counters mixed together; and p

21、eople sitting down and rising up with much noise the guests are happy and merry. And amidst the crowd a man with a sallow face and white hair, being hardly able to stand firm that is the Prefect made drunk.Soon the sun touching the mountain, and the shadows of men being scattered in confusion the Pr

22、efect, followed by his guests, is going back. In the shades of the groves warbling is heard up and down the birds are enjoying themselves after the departure of the visitors. The birds enjoy mountains and woods, but understand not the pleasure of men; and men enjoy the pleasure of following the Pref

23、ect in excursion, but they know not what pleasure the Prefect enjoys. He who shares their pleasures in drunkenness, and when awake can relate it in writing this is the Prefect. Who is the Prefect? Ou-yang Hsiu of Lu Ling.(潘正英 译)The Pavilion of the Drunken Old ManChu Zhou is surrounded with mountains

24、. The forests and valleys on the southwest ridge are especially beautiful. Lying in the distance, where the trees grow luxuriantly and gracefully, is the Langya Mountain. Six or seven li up the mountain path, a gurgling sound grows clearer and clearer. It is from a spring that falls between two moun

25、tains. The spring is called the Wine-Making Spring. The path turns and twists along the mountain ridge, and above the spring rests a pavilion perching aloft like a bird with wings outstretched. This is the Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man. Who built this pavilion? Monk Zhixian, who lived in the mount

26、ain. And who furnished it with that name? It was the prefect, who named it after his own alias. The prefect often comes here to drink wine with his friends and he easily gets tipsy after a few cups. Being oldest in age among his companions, he calls himself the drunken old man. The drinkers heart is

27、 not in the cup, but in the mountains and waters. The joy he gets from them is treasured in the heart, and now and then he will express it through wine-drinking.In the morning, the rising sun disperses the forest mists, and in the evening, the gathering clouds darken the caves and valleys. This shif

28、ting from light to darkness is morning and evening in the mountains. In spring, blooming flowers send forth a delicate fragrance; in summer, the flourishing trees afford deep shades; in autumn, the sky is high and crisp, and the frost, snowy white; in winter, the water of the creek recedes and the b

29、are bedrock emerges. These are the mountain scenes in the four seasons. Going to the mountain in the morning and returning home in the evening and enjoying the beauties of the mountain in different seasons is a delight beyond description!Carriers are singing all along the way, and pedestrians are ta

30、king rest beneath the trees. Some are shouting from the fore and are answered by others from behind. There are hunchbacked old folks, and children led by their elders. They are people from Chuzhou who have come here in an endless stream. Some are fishing by the creek where the water is deep and the

31、fish are big. The water itself is faintly scented and the wine brewed from it is crystal clear. Upon the prefects banquet table is a sundry layer of dishes, including the meat of wild beasts and the flavorings of edible mountain herbs. The joy of the feast lies not in the musical accompaniment of st

32、rings or flutes, but in winning the games, such as throwing arrows into the vessel, or chess playing. Wine cups and gambling chips lay scattered in blithe disarray. The revelers, now sitting, now standing, cavort madly among themselves. These are the prefects guests, and the old man with wizened face and white hair among them, who is half drunk, is none other than the prefect himself.As dusk falls, o

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