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1、中级口译教程翻译知识点整理+真题中国的对外开放1.实行对外开放,是中国推进现代化建设的一项重大决策,也是中国一项长期的基本国策。Opening up to the outside world is a major decision China has made to advance its modernization drive and it is also Chinas long-term basic State policy. 2.三十年来,中国全方位对外开放的格局已基本形成,开放型经济迅速发展。Over the past 30 years, a multi-directional ope

2、ning-up pattern has, by and large, taken shape in China and its open economy has grown rapidly.3.中国同世界各国各地区的经济技术交流与合作广泛展开。China has engaged in extensive economic and technological exchanges and cooperation with other countries and regions.4.这不仅是对中国的经济社会发展发挥了有力的推动作用,也为各国各地区企业到中国寻找商机、进行合作创造了有力条件。It ha

3、s not only given a strong boost to Chinas economic and social development, but also created favorable conditions for businesses of other countries and regions to seek business opportunities and conduct cooperation in China.5.当今世界,任何国家都难以在封闭的状态下得到发展。In todays world, a country could hardly develop in

4、isolation.6.中国将坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,有步骤地扩大商品和服务贸易领域的对外开放,为国内外企业创造公平、公开、平等竞争的条件,建立和健全符合国际经济通行规则、符合中国国情的对外经济贸易体制,为国外企业来华进行经贸合作提供更多、更稳定的市场准入机会。China will unswervingly implement the opening-up policy, steadily expand the opening-up in the area of commodity and serve trade, create a level playing field for open

5、 and fair competition between Chinese and foreign enterprises, establish and improve a regime for the foreign economic and trade cooperation which is consistent with international practice and which suits Chinas own national conditions, and provide oversea enterprises in China with increased and mor

6、e stable access to Chinese market so as to facilitate economic cooperation and trade between China and other countries.7.中国的发展离不开世界,同样世界的繁荣需要中国。中国顺应经济全球化的发展趋势,坚持在更大范围、更广领域和更高层次上参与国际经济技术合作,积极推动经济全球化向有利于各国繁荣的方向发展。China cannot develop independently without the rest of the world. Likewise, the world nee

7、ds China if it is to attain prosperity. Following the trend of economic globalization, China adhere to participate in international economic and technological cooperation on a larger scale, in wider areas and on a higher level in an effort to push economic globalization towards the direction of comm

8、on prosperity for all countries. 8.互利共赢是当今国际贸易发展的主流。Today, the mainstream of the international trade is to share successes, with all as winners.9.中国坚持实行互利共赢的对外开放战略,坚持在平等、互利、互惠的基础上同世界各国发展经贸关系,不断为全球贸易持续增长做作贡献。China adheres to its opening-up strategy for mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, and to deve

9、lop its economic and trade relations with other countries on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and reciprocity, and make constant contributions to the sustained growth of global trade.对外开放: Opening up to the outside world推进: advance现代化建设: modernization drive重大决策: a major decision基本国策: basic Stat

10、e policy全方位的:multi-directional对外开放的格局:opening-up pattern开放型经济:open economy三十年来: Over the past 30 years基本:by and large形成: have taken shape交流与合作: exchanges and cooperation(cooperation 不加S)广泛:extensive开展:engage in 发挥了有力的推动作用: give a strong boost to各国各地区企业: businesses of other countries and regions寻找商机:

11、 seek business opportunities进行合作: conduct cooperation创造了有力条件: create favorable conditions for同样: Likewise世界的繁荣需要中国: the world needs China if it is to attain prosperity顺应的发展趋势:Following the trend of更大范围: on a larger scale更广领域: in wider areas更高层次上: on a higher level各国繁荣:common prosperity for all count

12、ries的方向:the direction of以至于:so as to , in an effort to 互利共赢:不同表达方式:share successes, with all as winners./mutual benefit and win-win outcomes主流: mainstream不断为做贡献:make constant contributions to持续增长:sustained growth.互惠:reciprocity 平等、互利: equality;mutual benefit在封闭的状态下: in isolation坚定不移地: unswervingly有步

13、骤地:steadily 商品和服务贸易: commodity and serve trade为国内外企业创造公平、公开、平等竞争的条件: create a level playing field for open and fair competition between Chinese and foreign enterprises国内外企业: Chinese and foreign enterprises更多、更稳定的:increased and more stable市场准入:market access提供: provide sb. with sth.符合: is consistent w

14、ith; suit国际经济通行规则: international practice对外经济贸易体制: a regime for the foreign economic and trade cooperation亚太经济合作组织与中国1.亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)成立于1989年11月,是当今亚太地区进行官方合作的一个地区性经济组织。The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation , founded in November 1989, is now a regional economic organization for inter-governmental

15、cooperation in Asia and the Pacific rim.2.该组织的活动主要包括三个方面,即贸易投资自由化、商业活动便利化和经济技术合作。Its activities focus on three key areas: the trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation and economic and technological cooperation.3.这一组织在全球经济活动中具有举足轻重的地位。This organization occupies a pivotal position in

16、 global economic activities.4.亚太经合组织现有成员21个。1991年,中国大陆与香港、台湾地区同时加入该组织。APEC now has 21 members. China(mainland),together with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Region, joined this organization in 1991.5.亚太经合组织既为中国参与地区乃至世界经济活动提供了舞台,同时也促进了中国加快对外开放的进程。APEC not only provide China with an

17、 arena in which to participate in regional and international economic activities, but also propel the process of Chinas opening-up to the outside world.6.参与亚太经合组织对中国的影响是多方面的。首先,有利于扩大中国在地区中的经济利益。The APEC membership has influenced China in several respects. First, it has helped China extend the econom

18、ic interests in regional areas. 7.亚太地区是中国对外经济利益的主要所在。中国贸易额的80%是与亚太地区国家开展的,90%以上的外资来源于亚太地区国家。Chinas foreign economic interests mainly lie in Asia-Pacific region, for 80% of Chinas trade is conducted with, and 90% of the foreign capital in China comes from, countries and regions in Asia and Pacific ri

19、m.(for 引导原因句的连接词,前后句是因果逻辑关系)8.借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展,从而为中国经济、也可为亚太经济的发展做出贡献。Through APEC, China is able to join hands with its fellow members in achieving common development of this region, so as to making contributions to Chinese and also Asia-Pacific economic development.10.其次,借助这一地区论坛,有

20、利于中国与其他成员进行政策交流。This regional forum enables China to exchange ideas with other members in policy matters.11.每年一度的领导人非正式聚会,不仅为中国加强与其他成员国的相互了解提供了一个宽松的渠道,更主要的是传递了中国的对外政策,传达中国对外开放与国内改革的信息,有力地促进了中国经济的整体发展。The annual informal meeting of leaders provides not only a relaxed channel through which China and o

21、ther members get to know each other better, but more importantly an opportunity for China to make known its foreign policy and disseminate information relating to its opening-up to the outside world and its domestic reform, thus vigorously promoting the overall development of Chinas economy.12.作为亚太经

22、合组织中的最大发展中国家,中国自1991年加入该组织以来,本着平等互利、协商一致、求同存异、自主自愿的原则,坚持贸易投资自由化与经济技术合作并重的方针,全面参与了亚太经合组织的各项活动,对亚太地区合作进程发挥了积极作用。As the largest developing country in APEC, China has, adhering to the principles of respecting equality and mutual benefit, reaching consensus through consultation, seeking common ground whi

23、le reserving differences and emphasizing initiative and free will and persisting in the policy of laying equal emphasis on trade and investment liberalization and economic and technological cooperation, taken part in the various activities organized by APEC in an all-round way and played an active r

24、ole in acceleration the process of cooperation in Asia-Pacific region since it became a member of APEC in 1991.亚太经济合作组织:The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation官方合作:inter-governmental cooperation.亚太地区:in Asia and the Pacific rim包括三方面:focus on three key areas贸易投资自由化: trade and investment liberalization商

25、业活动便利化: Business facilitation举足轻重的地位:have a pivotal position in政策交流: exchange ideas in policy matters台湾地区:Taiwan Region提供了舞台:provide China with an arena in which to促进了进程:propel the process of .影响是多方面的: has influenced China in several respects利于扩大中国: helped China extend .中国对外经济利益: Chinas foreign econ

26、omic interests所在: lie in中国贸易额:Chinas trade 不用加volume开展: conduct with亚太地区国家:countries and regions in Asia and Pacific rim传达: disseminate中国加强与其他成员国的相互了解:China and other members get to know each other better有力地促进了: vigorously promoting传递了中国的对外政策:an opportunity for China to make known its foreign policy

27、非正式聚会:informal meeting宽松的渠道:a relaxed channel中国经济的整体发展:the overall development of Chinas economy借助亚太经合组织:Through APEC共同发展:achieving common development平等互利:respecting equality and mutual benefit协商一致: reaching consensus through consultation求同存异: seeking common ground while reserving differences自主自愿: e

28、mphasizing initiative and free will坚持:persisting in方针:the policy of并重:laying equal emphasis on A and B全面: in an all-round way发挥了积极作用: played an active role in进程: acceleration the process of国际经济司成立1.近日,外交部举行国际经济司成立大会。Recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an inaugural meeting of the Departmen

29、t of International Economy.2.国际经济司的正式成立,是新形势下外交服务国家经济发展的一项重要举措,此举让中国的经济外交再度引起关注。The official establishment of the Department of International Economy, which has once again drawn public attention to Chinas economic diplomacy, is an important measure for diplomacy to serve the economic development in

30、the new situation.3.经济外交在国际关系发展中发挥着重要作用,经济关系始终是国与国之间的重要关系,经济合作始终是国与国关系的重要纽带。Economic diplomacy plays an important role in the development of international relations. Economic relations have all along been important relations among countries, and economic cooperation is as always a key bond for count

31、ry-to-country relaitons.4.我国历来高度重视经济外交工作,经济外交始终是我国总体外交的重要组成部分,在国家发展和外交全局中发挥着日益重要的作用。China has all along been attached great importance to economic diplomacy , which constitutes an essential component of the overall diplomatic work of China and plays an increasingly significant role in national devel

32、opment and the overall diplomacy.5.外交部将以成立国际经济司为契机,继往开来,统筹规划,紧扣国际形势的变化,紧扣国家发展的需求,紧扣总体外交的目标,不断能推进经济外交工作,努力开创经济外交工作新局面。The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seize the opportunity of the establishment of Department, and carry forward the cause of predecessors and forge ahead in the future and make overall planning, keep closely with the variety of international situation and with the necessity of the nati

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