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1、雅思高频词汇表汇总The Academic Word List (AWL)英语学术词汇表1. What is the AWL?AWL (英语学术词汇表 )是一个由 Victoria University of Wellington. New Zealand 的一些应用语言学家统计出来词汇表,它包含了的学术英语 (English for Academic Purpose) 中最常用的 570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。例如: 词目 “analyse 就包含以下相关联的词汇: analysed, analyser, analysers, analyse

2、s, analysing, analysis,an alyst, an alysts, an alytic, an alytical, an alytically, an alyze, an alyzed, an alyzes, an alyz ing 。其中斜体字,an alysis ,在学术英语中最为常见。2. What are the 10 sublists of the AWL ?AWL分十个sublists ( 小组)。除了第十小组包含 30个词目外,其他小组均含有 90个词目。Sublist 1 (第一组)包含的词汇最常用,sublist 2 (第二组)中的词汇使用频率稍低,其他的

3、 sublists 依次类推。AWL中的每一个词 目后都有一个数字,它代表了该词目是属于 AWL中的哪一组。例如 abandon 8就表示abandon是属于第八小组的词目。3. Where to find the AWL?本文件的附录以字母先后排列出了所有的 AWL词目。登陆网页 http:/ 能看至U 570 个词目(headwords )。如果你想得到每一个词目下面所包含的相关单词,请登陆 http:/la nz/staff/awl/sublists.shtm

4、l, 该网页能下载所有的单词。THE ACADEMIC WORD LIST (E - O)aba ndon v. go away from (a pers on or thing or place) not intending to retur n; forsake; desertabstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existeneeacademy n. school for special trainingaccess n. means of approa

5、ch ing or en teri ng (a place); way inaccommodate v. provide lodgi ng or room for accompa ny v. walk or travel with (sb) as a compa nion or helper; escortaccumulate v. gradually get or gather together an in creas ing nu mber or qua ntity of get (sth) in this wayaccurate adj. free from errorachieve v

6、. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etcack no wledgev. accept the truth of admit (sth)acquire v. gain (sth) by on es own ability, efforts or behaviouradapt v. sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situati on, etc; modify sthadequate adj. satisfactory in qua ntity or qualit

7、y; sufficie ntadjace nt havi ng a com mon en dpo int or border also immediately precedi ng or followi ngadjust v. put (sth) into the correct order or positi on; arrangeadmi nistrate v. to admi nisteradult adj. grow n to full size or stre ngthadvocate v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recomme nd;

8、 supportaffect v. have an in flue nee on (sb/sth); produce an effect onaggregate v. sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amount aid n. helpalbeit conj althoughallocate v. sth allot or assig n sth (to sb/sth) for a special purposealter v. become differe nt; cha nge in character,

9、 positi on, size, shape, etcalter native adj. available in place of sth else; otherambiguous adj. havi ng more tha n one possible meaningame nd v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improveme nts in; cha nge slightlyan alogy n. partial similarity betwee n two things that are comparedan alyse v. s

10、eparate into its parts in order to study its n ature or structureannual adj. happe ning every yearan ticipate v. expectappare nt adj. clearly see n or un derstood; obviousappe nd v. sth (fml ) attach or add sth (esp in writi ng)appreciate v. un dersta nd and enjoy (sth); value highly approach v. com

11、e n ear or n earer to in space or time appropriate adj. suitable; right and proper approximate adj. almost correct or exact but not completely so arbitrary adj. based on pers onal opinion or impulse, not on reas on area n. exte nt or measureme nt of a surfaceaspect n. particular part or feature of s

12、th being con sideredassemble v. come together; collectassess v. sth decide or fix the amount of sthassig n v. sth to sb give sth to sb as a share of work to be done or of thi ngs to be usedassist v. in/with sth; (sb) in doing sth (fml ) helpassume v. accept as true before there is proofassure v. tel

13、l (sb) positively or con fide ntlyattach v. sth faste n or join sth (to sth)atta in v. succeed in gett ing (sth); achieveattitude n. way of thinking or behavingattribute v. sth to sb/sth regard sth as bel onging to, caused by or produced by sb/sthauthor n. writer of a book, play, etcauthority n. pow

14、er to give orders and make others obeyautomate v. cause to operate by automati onavailable adj. that can be used or obta inedaware adj. of sb/sth; that. havi ng kno wledge or realizati on of sb/sthbehalf n. on behalf of sb/on sbs behalf; USin behalf of sb/in sbs behalf as the representativeof or spo

15、kesma n for sb; in the in terest of sbben efit n. profit; gain; future good (used esp with the vs and preps show n)bias n. opinion or feeli ng that stron gly favours one side in an argume nt or one item ina group orseries; predispositi on; prejudicebond n. writte n agreeme nt or promise that has leg

16、al force; cove nantbrief adj. last ing only a short time; shortbulk n. size, qua ntity or volume, esp whe n greatcapable adj. havi ng ability; able; compete ntcapacity n. ability to hold or contain sthcategory n. class or group of things in a complete system of group ingcease v. come or bring (sth)

17、to an end; stopchalle nge n. (to do sth) in vitati on or call (to sb) to take part in a game, con test, fightetc to prove who is better, stron ger, more able, etccha nnel n. sunken bed of a river, stream or canalchapter n. (usu nu mbered) divisi on of a bookchart n. detailed map used to help n aviga

18、ti on at sea, show ing coasts, rocks, the depth of2the sea, etcchemical adj. of or relati ng to chemistrycircumsta nee n. con diti on or fact conn ected with an eve nt or actioncite quote; comme ndcivil adj. of or relati ng to the citize ns of a countryclarify v. (cause sth to) become clear or easie

19、r to un dersta ndclassic adj. hav ing a high quality that is recog ni zed and unq uesti on ed; of last ing value andimporta neeclause n. group of words that in cludes a subject1(4a) and a verb, forming a sentence orof a sentencecode n. (system of) words, letters, symbols, etc that represe nt others,

20、 used for secretmessages or for prese nti ng or record ing in formatio n brieflycohere nt adj. conn ected logically or con siste nt; easy to un dersta nd; clearcoin cide v. (of even ts) occur at the same time or occupy the same period of time as sth elsecollapse v. fall dow n or in sudde nlycolleagu

21、e n. pers on with whom one works, esp in a professi on or bus in esscomme nee v. beg in (sth); startpart(an event,comment n. written or spoken remark giving an opinion on, explaining or criticizing a pers on, a situati on, etc)commissi on n. action, task or piece of work give n to sb to docommit v.

22、do (sth illegal, wrong or foolish)n. thing bought in a shop and put to use, esp in the homev. sth make sth known; convey sthn. the com munity the people livi ng in one place, district or coun try, con sidered asadj. (of people, ideas, argume nts, prin ciples, etc) suited; that can exist togetherv. f

23、or sth give (sb) sth good to bala nee or lesse n the bad effect of damage, loss,etccomplement n. thing that goes well or suitably with sth else, or makes it complete complex adj. made up of (usu several) closely conn ected partscomp onent n. any of the parts of which sth is madecompo und n. thing ma

24、de up of two or more separate things comb ined togethercomprehe nsive adj. that in cludes everythi ngcomprise v. have as parts or members; be made up ofcompute v. sth calculate sth with a computercon ceive v. become preg nantconcen trate v. (sth) (on sth/d oing sth) focus (on es atte nti on, effort,

25、 etc) exclusively and inten sely on sth, not thinking about other less importa nt thingsconcept n. idea underlying sth; general notioncon clude v. (with sth) (usu fml ) come or bring (sth) to an endcon curre nt adj. existi ng, happe ning or done at the same timecon duct n. pers ons behaviourconfer v

26、. (with sb) (on/about sth) have discussi ons (esp in order to excha nge opinions orget advice)confine v. sb/sth keep (a pers on or an ani mal) in a restricted space3confirm v. provide evide nee for the truth or correct ness of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the truth ofcon flict n. struggle;

27、 fightconform v. keep to or comply with (ge nerally accepted rules, sta ndards, etc)consent v. give agreeme nt or permissi oncon seque nt adj. (fml ) follow ing sth as a result or an effectcon siderable adj. great in amount or sizecon sist v. (phr v) con sist of sth be composed or made up of sthcon

28、sta nt adj. going on all the time; happe ning aga in and aga incon stitute v. (fml ) make up or form (a whole); be the comp onents ofcon stra in v. make (sb) do sth by strong (moral) persuasi on or by forcecon struct v. build (sth); put or fit together; formcon sult v. sb/sth go to (a pers on, book,

29、 etc) for in formati on, advice, etccon sume v. use (sth) upcon tact n. state of touch ing (used esp with the vs show n)con temporary adj. of the time or period being referred to; bel onging to the same timecon text writi ngs precedi ng and follow ing passage quotedcon tract n. (for sth/to do sth) l

30、egally binding agreeme nt, usu in writi ngcon tradict v. say sth that con flicts with by (sb), suggest ing that the pers on is mistake n or not telli ng the truthcon trary adj. opposite in n ature, tendency or direct ioncon trast v. A an d/with B compare so that differe nces are made clearcon tribut

31、e v. (to/towards sth) give on es share of (mon ey, help, advice, etc) to help a jointcausecontroversy n. public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many peopledisagreewithconvene v. sum mon to come together; arra nge (a meeti ng, etc)con verse v. (about sth); (together) (fml ) talkconvert v. (sth) (from sth) (in to/to sth) cha nge (sth) from one form or use to ano therconvince v. sb make sb feel certa in; cause sb to realizecooperate to work or act togethercoord in ate vt. to orga nize or in tegrate (diverse eleme nts) in a harm onious operati

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