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1、高级英语2第三版复习资料Lesson 1 Pub Talk and the Kings English词汇(Vocabulary)intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的 -indulge (v.) : give way to ones own desire尽情享受;从事于 -meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble, wind 漫步;闲逛, 蜿蜒,

2、曲折-conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation交谈者;(尤指)健谈者 -anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually personal or biographical轶事,逸事 -intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己 -on the rockscolloq : in or into a c

3、ondition of ruin or catastrophe (婚姻)破坏的;失败的 -musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手 -delve (v.) : investigate for information;search发掘;调查(研究) -recess (n.) : a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place幽深处 -desultorily (adv.) : aimlessly;at random随意地;无目的地 -alchemy (n.) : an early form of

4、chemistry,whose chief aims were to change baser metals into gold:a method or power of transmutation; esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better炼金术;变化物质的方法或魔力 -tart (adj.) : sharp in taste;sour;acid辛辣的;尖酸的;刻薄的 -convict (n.) : a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced b

5、y a court罪犯 -churl (n.) : a farm laborer;peasant农民;庄稼人,乡下人 -rift (n.) : an open break in a previously friendly relationship分裂;失和 -scamper (v.) : run or go hurriedly or quickly急驰,快跑 -rendering (n.) : a translation翻译 -bilingual (adj.) : of,in or using two languages(用)两种语言的 -intercept (v.) : seize or s

6、top on the way,before arrival at the intended place拦截;截断;截击。 -abuse (v.) : use wrongly;use insulting,coarse or bad language;scold harshly滥用;辱骂,口出恶言 -coin (v.) : make up;devise;invent(a new word,phrase,etc)编造;杜撰(新词、新短语等) -tussle (v.) : fight,struggle,contend,etcvigorously or vehemently斗争,搏斗;竞争 -dande

7、lion (n.) : any of several plants of the composite family,common lawn weeds with jagged leaves,often used as greens,and yellow flowers蒲公英(属) -pejorative (adj.) : disparaging or derogatory轻蔑的;贬低的 -facetious (adj.) : joking or trying to be jocular,espat an inappropriate time滑稽的;诙谐的;(尤指在不适当的时候)开玩笑的 -un

8、derling (n.) : a person in a subordinate position;inferior disparaging(通常作蔑词)下属; -edict (n.) : an official public proclamation or order issued by authority;decree法令;命令;布告 -immune (adj.) : exempt from or protected against something disagreeable or harmful不受影响的;可避免的 -ultimatum (n.) : a final offer or

9、demand,espby one of the parties engaged in negotiations,the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relations and unilateral action,the use of force etcby the party issuing the ultimatum最后通牒 -chimpanzee (n.) anthropoid ape of Africa,with black hair and large,outstanding ears(非洲)黑猩猩 -短语 (Expre

10、ssions)make a point: explain fully what one is proposing充分解释 例: All fight,youve made your point;now keep quiet and let the others say what they think好啦,你已经把话说清楚了;那就别说了,让别人谈谈看法。 -in a flash: suddenly,very quickly转瞬间,立刻 例: Just wait hereIu be back in a flash就在这儿等我,我马上就回来。 -on the rocks : (colloq)in or

11、 into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的 例: Tims marriage is on the rocks提姆的婚姻亮起了红灯。 -get out the bed on the wrong side: to be cross or grouchy早晨起来便心情不好 -lay down : to assert or declare声明,颁布 例: The regulations lay down a rigid procedure for checking safety equipment法令规定了一套严格的安检程序。 -on win

12、gs : in flight;continually moving about像飞一样地,飘飘然 例: The birds are on wings in the sky鸟儿在空中展翅高飞。 -turn up ones nose at : to sneer at,scorn嘲笑,轻蔑 例: The children turned up their noses at my home cooking孩子们嘲笑我的厨艺。 -in the shoes of : in anothers position站在别人的立场上,设身处地 例: Im glad Im not in his shoes with a

13、ll those debts to pay off我庆幸不用像他那样去偿还所有的债务。 -come into ones own : to receive what properly belongs to one,espacclaim or recognition得到自己该得的东西,如荣誉或世人的口碑 -sit up : (colloq)to。become suddenly alert;be surprised or startled吃惊,警觉 例: I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。K

14、ey to ExercisesIII. Paraphrase1. And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.2. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view. In a conversation we should not try to establish the force of an idea or argument.3. In fact a person who really e

15、njoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.4. People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each others lives.5. The conversation could go on without any

16、body knowing who was right or wrong.6. These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields; but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meat beef.7. The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the

17、 culture of the rulers.8. The English language received proper recognition and was used by the king once more.9. The phrase, the Kings English, has always been used disparagingly and jokingly by the lower classes. The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educat

18、ed people.10. There still exists in the working people, as in the early Saxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.11. There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent. V.

19、 Translation:A.1. 动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也称不上谈话。2. 闲聊中常有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中不存在输赢胜负。3. 或许是由于我年轻时常常光顾英国小酒馆的缘故,我觉得酒馆里的闲聊别有一番韵味。4. 我不记得一起聊天的人是在什么情况下说出那句话来的显然她不是有备而来,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话但是她那句话十分自然地融进了我们的闲谈里。5. 每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到来自下层人民的抵制。6. 词语本身并不是现实,它不过是用以表达现实的一种形式而已。标准英语就像诺曼人的盎格鲁式法语一样,也是一种对现实的阶级表达。

20、7. 让人们学着去讲规范英语也许不错,但不应当把它当作为一条必须执行的法令,也不应当使它完全拒绝来自下层的改变。8. 要是有谁闲聊时像写文章那样标点分明,或者像写一篇要发表的散文一样咬文嚼字的话,那他一定是个最糟糕的聊天者。9. 看到福斯特笔下写出“当今时代的阴森可怖的长廊”时,其用语之生动及由其所产生的有力甚至可怖的形象不禁令我们心头一震。10. 那天晚上,如果我们当场弄清了“标准英语”的定义,也就不可能有那一场交谈了。B第9段有人举出了一个人所共知的例子,它至今仍然值得三思。我们谈到饭桌上的肉食时,使用法语词汇,而谈到提供此类肉食的牲畜时,则用盎格鲁撒克逊语(英语单词)。在猪圈里的是猪,饭

21、桌上吃的是猪肉(来自法语porc)。在地里放养的叫牛,餐桌上的叫牛肉(来自法语boeuf)。鸡变成禽肉(法语叫poulet)。牛犊变成小牛肉(法语叫veau)。即使为了避免所谓的高雅,我们的菜单不用法语,但它所用的英语仍然是诺曼式的英语。所有这一切向我们表明在诺曼征服英国后所存在的深刻的阶级裂痕。第10段耕种土地、喂养牲畜的撒克逊农民吃不起肉,肉都到了诺曼人的桌上了。农民只能吃在大地上乱窜的兔子。既然这种肉很便宜,诺曼贵族自然不屑去吃。于是兔子肉和兔子用的是一个词,而没有变成法语lapin的某种翻版。第11段当我们今天听着关于用两种语言进行教育的争论时,我们应设身处地为当时的撒克逊农民想一想。新的统治阶级用法语来对抗撒克逊农民自己的语言,从而在农民周围建起一道文化屏障。当英国人在“觉醒的赫里沃德”这样的撒克逊领袖带领下起来造反时,他们一定在文化上经历了大量的羞辱。标准英语如果那时候有这个词的话在当时已经变成法语。而九百年后我们在美国这儿仍然继承了这种影响。Lesson 3 Inau

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