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1、安徽省中小学新任教师公开招聘考试中学英语2016年安徽省中小学新任教师公开招聘考试中学英语I.单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Sarah,would you please give me some more milk?Im sorry, but_is oneB.noneC.everthingD.it2.Tony, youve got a fever.You_that cold shower last night.A.might not haveB.could have hadC.hadn

2、t haveD.shouldnt have had3.With lots of wounded people, the quake-stricken area is_for medical assistance now.A.crazyB.oppositeC.desperateD.reluctant4.Since hes been thrown out of Eton, where will he go to school and what will_him in the future?A.become ofB.stand byC.turn onD.refer to5.Chinese write

3、r Cao Wenxuan was awarded the Christian Anderson Award in 2016, making himself the first Chinese_such a prize.A.wonB.has winD.winning6._he tried to cover the truth, it came out at last.A.No matter whatB.WhateverC.No matter howD.However hand7.How can you make such a tasty cake, Mrs. Cook?The_

4、is to follow the directions in the cookbook!A.featureB.planC.costD.trick8.Can I bring Aaron to your party tonight, Maggie?_Hes my friend too.A.By all means.B.How come?C.Let me see.D.Youre welcome.9.Mr. Smith, who_as a teacher in our school for about 20 years, is now our mayor.A.has workedB.workedC.w

5、orksD.had worked10.Only with joint efforts_a better living environment.A.we can haveB.can we haveC.we haveD.have we11.It is vital that every citizen in China_the core socilist values to to applyD.would apply12._impressed us most was that he combined Chinese poetry with

6、his paintings.A.ItB.WhatC.ThatD.Which13.Its_real relief for us to know Anna was saved from_fire last night.A.the;aB.the;theC./;aD.a;the14.The method of forming new words, like disappointment, unintelligible or comfortably, is called_.A.comoundingB.conversionC.derivationD.abbreviation15._, the father

7、 of English Poetry and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340.A.William BlakeB.Geoffrey ChaucerC.Frabcis BaconD.John DrydenII.完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Admittedly, the best way of learning a foreign language is to stay

8、for a long period of time in the target language country._16_few learners had or have an opportunity to do so.Most have to endure the_17_process of just studying it at home or in the classroom.The better our English is, the more we realize how first language accelerates or_18_our learning.The move f

9、rom intermediate to higher leves of_19_in English is closely associated with the ability to make_20_regarding vocabulary and collocation.This is certainly not an issue in the early stages of study._21_, advanced learners prefer to rely on first language to make these decisions.In the past, the mothe

10、r tongue was an_22_part of many local textbooks used at all levels, Translation_23_and to first language was popular in language teaching.However, this use of first language was later_24_, as it often slows foreign language learning.The obvious_25_is that more and more language teachers tend not to

11、speak their mother-tongue in the classroom.Thus, it seems that we_26_the value of translation too much.In general there are currently two major trends toward it.The first suggests that using the target language exclusively in the classroom is the only way to_27_all the principles and requirements of

12、 language teaching.In fact, many teachers feel_28_about saying a word in their mother-tongue.They feel it is_29_and not in keeping with modern trends.The second is represented by those teachers who_30_use the mother-tongue in the classrooms for checking understanding, clarifying meaning, chatting an

13、d so on.16.A.PuroselyB.UnfortunatelyC.StrangelyD.Morally17.A.gradualB.easyC.primitiveD.painful18.A.predictsB.absorbsC.hindersD.interests19.A.competenceB.fluencyC.volumeD.accuracy20.A.mistakesB.choicesC.preparationsD.suggestions21.A.SimilarlyB.SoC.YetD.Besides22.A.academicB.independentC.altemativeD.e


15、.up and downB.back and and and thenIII.阅读理解(共12小题,每小题2分,满分24分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIn 1922, Englishman Howard Carter found the tomb of an Egyptian king named Tutankhamen.Some reports say that above the entrance to the tomb, a curse was written:Death shall come on swi

16、ft wings to him who disturbs the peace of the king.Carter ignored the curse.He and his friend Lonrd Carvarvon broke into tomb.They found an amazing collection of treasure and three mummies.A few months later, Lord Carvarvon, aged 57, got sick and died.The doctor didnt know the exact cause of his dea

17、th, but said perhaps it was from an infection started by an insect bite. Its said that when he died, there was a short power outage and all of the lights throughout Cairo went out.At his home back in England, his favorite dog howled and dropped dead. Even more strange, when the mummy of Tutankhamen

18、was unwrapped in 1925, it was found to have a wound on the left cheek in exactly the same position as the insect bite on Carvarvon that led to his death. Reporters quickly developed the story.By 1935, they claimed that 21 deaths were due to theMunmmys Curse.However, according to Herbert E.Winlock th

19、e director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, by 1934, only eight people directly connected to the tomb had died.Indeed, Howard Carter, the man who actually opened the tomb, lived to almost 65 before dying of natural causes. But perhaps some connection did exist.In 1999, a German sc

20、ientist suggested that the deaths were possibly caused by mold-extremely small, dangerous growths that can survive for thousands of years, even in a dark, dry tomb, For this reason, archeologists now wear special masks and gloves when unwrapping a mummy.31.The best title for the passage is probably_

21、.A.An Ancient Egyptian KingB.The Mummys CurseC.Egyptian MummiesD.Unwrapping a Mummy32.The underlined wordoutagein paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to_.A.shockB.failureC.disasterD.therapy33.Who contributed most to the spread of the curse?A.Reporters.B.Doctors.C.Carvarvon.D.Scientists.34.What can

22、 be inferred from the passage?A.Howard Carter died soon after he opened the tomb.B.Lord Carvarvons right cheek was actually bitten by an insect.C.A total number of 21 deaths were closely related to the curse.D.Mold might be the scientific explanation for the strange deaths.B Imagine the solitude fel

23、t by Marie Smith before she died earlier this year in her native Alaska, at 89.She was the last person who knew the language of the Eyak people as a mother-tongue.Or imagine Ned Mandrell, who died in 1974he was the last native speaker of Manx.In remote parts of the world, dozens more people are on t

24、he point of taking to their graves a system of communication that will never be recorded or reconstructed. Should anyone lose sleep over the fact that many tongues are in danger of suffering a similar fate?Compared with groups who advocate saving animals or trees, campaigners who advovcate preservin

25、g languages are themselves a rare breed.But they are trying both to impede and publicize an alarming acceleration in the rate at which languages are vanishing.Of some 6, 900 tongues spoken in the world today, some 50% to 90% could be gone by the end of the century.In Africa, at least 300 languages a

26、re in near-term danger, and 200 more have died recently or are on the verge of death.Some 145 languages are threatened in East and South-east Asia. Some languages even face a threat in the shape of political power bent on imposing a majority tongue.A youngster in any part of France soon realized tha

27、t whatever you spoke at home, mastering French was the key to success.Nor did English reach its present global status without ruthless tactics.In years past, Americans, Canadians and Australians took native children away from their families to be raised at boarding schools where English rules. The r

28、esult is a growing list of tongues spoken only by white-haired elders.For instance, Njerep, one of 31 endangered languages in Cameroon, reportedly has only four speakers left, all over 60.The valleys of the Cauncansus used to be a paradise for linguists in serch of unusual syntax, but Ubykh, one of

29、the regions mysterious tongues, officially expired in 1992.35.What led to Marie Smiths solitude?A.The language she spoke will never be recorded.B.People around her could not understand her.C.Shes a native of Alaska but lives far away from it.D.Shes the last person having Eyak as mother-tongue.36.Wha

30、t do campaigners in Paragraph 2 strive to do?A.Take measures to take down spoken languages.B.Record and reconstruct all the vanishing languages.C.Slow down languages vanishing and make them known.D.Speed up the rate of learning a certain foreign language.37.From Paragraph 3, we can know that_.A.mast

31、ering French holds the key to ones career successB.the vanishing languages are promoted by political figuresC.some languages are threatened by certain political powerD.English stands out from languages due to its own advantages38.The last paragraph implies that in the future the number of langyages will_.A.stop fallingB.stop increasingC.begin to climbD.continue to decreaseC

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