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1、 Sherlock S01E00(Pilot) 1- Hows your blog going? -Fine. Good. Very good.-你的博客写得怎么样了 -不错 非常好 2-约翰华生医生的私人博客 3- Written much? - Not a word.-写了很多吗 -只字未写 4-John, its going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life.约翰 你需要一段时间才能适应正常生活 5-Sure.那是 6-And it will help so much to write about everything that

2、s happening to you.把你的一切遭遇写进博客 会有很大帮助 7-Nothing happens to me.我没什么遭遇 8-As far as we can see, no marks on the body.目前为止 并未在尸体上发现痕迹 9- No identification. - Same as the others.-无法确定身份 -就和其它几宗案子一样 10-Exactly the same.一模一样 11-Um, youre not phoning him are you?你不会是要打电话给他吧 12-Because we can handle this. We

3、 can absolutely handle it.我们能处理好 完全可以 13-Youve got work to do.你还有活要干 14-This is Inspector Lestrade. Please call me as soon as you get this.我是雷斯垂德探长 收到后请立即回电 15-I think were going to need you.我想我们需要你 16-John! John Watson!约翰 约翰华生 17- Stamford. Mike Stamford. - Right.-我是迈克史丹佛 -啊对 18-位于伦敦肉市场 全称圣巴塞洛缪医院 1

4、9- We were at Barts together. - Yes, sorry. Yes, Mike, hello.-我们以前一起在巴茨医院共事 -抱歉 你好 迈克 20- Yeah, I know, I got fat. - No.-没事 我知道我胖了 -没有 21-I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at.听说你去国外挨枪子儿了 22-What happened?情况如何 23-I got shot.我中了枪 24- So you still at Barts, then? - Teaching now.-你还在巴茨医院吗 -

5、现在教书 25-Bright young things, like we used to be.对着一群朝气十足的小屁孩 就跟我们以前一个样 26-God, I hate them. What about you?老天 我真讨厌他们 你呢 27-Staying in town till you get yourself sorted?处理停当之前 先住在城里吗 28-Cant afford London on an army pension.靠军队退休金没法在伦敦过日子 29-I dont know, get yourself a flat-share or something?那个 有去找人

6、合租公寓之类的吗 30-Whod want me for a flatmate?谁愿意当我的室友 31-What?怎么 32-Well, youre the second person to say that to me today.今天也有个人和我这么说过 33-Who was the first?是谁 34-How fresh?有多新鲜 35-Just in. Sixty-seven, natural causes.刚刚送来 67岁 自然死亡 36-Used to work here, donated his body.以前在这儿工作 捐献的遗体 37-I knew him. He was

7、 nice.我认识他 他人很好 38-Fine. Well start with the riding crop.嗯 那就开始鞭挞吧 39-So, bad day, was it?今天不太顺哈 40-I need to know what bruises form in the next 20 minutes.二十分钟后告诉我尸体的瘀伤情况 41-A mans alibi depends on it. Text me.某人的不在场证明就靠他了 发短信给我 42-Listen, I was wondering, maybe later.那个 我想问下 等一下. 43-Are you wearin

8、g lipstick? You werent wearing lipstick before.你怎么涂了唇膏 你以前从不涂唇膏 44-I just refreshed it a bit.我想换换形象 45-Sorry, you were saying?不好意思 你刚说什么 46-I was wondering if youd like to have coffee?我是想问 你想来杯咖啡吗 47-Black, two sugars please, Ill be upstairs.清咖啡 两块糖 麻烦了 我就在楼上 48-Okay.好吧 49-福尔摩斯的收件箱 50-收件人: 麦考夫 51-主题

9、: 回复: 一个不可能的情况 52-当你排除了所有不可能性 剩下的无论多不可能 都是真相 53-收件人: 格雷格森 54-主题: 回复:回复: 谁偷了教堂的钟 55-如果你能从卧室看到教堂 那么戴维斯就是小偷 56-发件人: 雷斯垂德 57-主题: 请给我电话 58-如题 59-雷斯垂德 60-Its a bit different from my day.有点时过境迁的感觉 61-Youve no idea.岂止如此 62-Mike, can I borrow your phone? No signal on mine.迈克 能借你手机用下吗 我的没信号 63-Well, whats wro

10、ng with the landline?你不能用固话吗 64-Id rather text.我喜欢发短信 65-Sorry, other coat.不好意思 我换了件外套 66-Oh, here. Use mine.给 用我的吧 67-Oh. Thank you.谢谢 68-This is an old mate of mine, John Watson.这是我的一个老朋友 约翰华生 69-Afghanistan or Iraq?阿富汗还是伊拉克 70-Afghanistan. Sorry, how did you know?阿富汗 不好意思 你怎么知道 71-Ah, coffee! Tha

11、nk you, Molly.茉莉 谢谢你的咖啡 72-What happened to the lipstick?你的唇膏怎么没了 73-It wasnt working for me.对我来说没什么用 74-Really? I thought it was a big improvement.是吗 我倒觉得效果很好 75-Mouths too small now.不然你的嘴看起来太小 76-Okay.好吧 77- How do you feel about the violin? - Sorry, what?-你对小提琴有何看法 -不好意思 你说什么 78-I play the violin

12、 when Im thinking.我在思考问题时会拉小提琴 79-Sometimes I dont talk for days on end. Would that bother you?有时我会连续几天一言不发 你会介意吗 80-Potential flatmates should know the worst about each other.未来的室友该彼此了解最坏的情况 81- Oh, you told him me about me? - Not a word.-你和他说起过我吗 -提也没提过 82- Then who said anything about flatmates?

13、- I did.-那谁说过室友的事了 -我 83-I told Mike this morning that I must be a difficult man to find a flatmate for.早上我告诉迈克 我这种人肯定很难找室友 84-Now here he is after lunch with an old friend而刚过午餐 他就带来自己的一个老友 85-clearly home from military service in Afghanistan.刚从阿富汗退役回来 86-It wasnt a difficult leap.这不难推论 87-How did y

14、ou know about Afghanistan?你怎么知道阿富汗的事 88-Ive got my eye on a nice little place in central London.在伦敦市中心 我看中一处不错的房子 89-Together we could afford it. Well meet there tomorrow evening, 7:00.我们应该能付得起房租 明晚七点在那里见 90-Sorry, Ive got to dash.抱歉 赶时间 91-I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.我大概把马鞭忘在停尸间了

15、92- Is that it? - Is that what?-就这样吗 -怎么 93-Weve just met and were going to go and look at a flat?我们才刚见面 就要一起去看房了吗 94-Problem?有问题吗 95-We dont know a thing about each other, I dont know your name,我们互相一无所知 我不知道你叫什么 96-I dont even know where were meeting.甚至不知道该在哪儿见面 97-I know youre an army doctor我知道你是个

16、军医 98-and youve recently been invalided home from Afghanistan.刚从阿富汗因伤退役回来 99-I know youve got a brother with a bit of money whos worried about you,我知道你有个挺有钱的哥哥很担心你 100-but you wont go to him for help because you dont approve of him,你却不肯向他求助 因为你看不惯他 101-possibly because hes an alcoholic,可能因为他是个酒鬼 102

17、-more likely because he recently walked out on his wife.更可能是因为他最近抛弃了自己的妻子 103-And I know your therapist thinks your limp is psychosomatic,我也知道你的咨询师认为你的瘸腿是身心疾病 104-quite correctly, Im afraid.我倒觉得一点不错 105-Thats enough to be going on with dont you think?这样应该差不多了吧 你觉得呢 106-The names Sherlock Holmes and

18、the address is 221B Baker Street.我叫夏洛克福尔摩斯 地址是贝克街221B 107-Afternoon.午安 108-Yeah, hes always like that.好吧 他就这德行 109-Mrs Hudson, our landlady.赫德森太太是我们的房东 110- Ah, Mr Holmes. - Sherlock, please.-福尔摩斯先生 -叫我夏洛克就好 111-Getting a special rate, owes me a favour.房东太太给我特惠价 她欠我个人情 112-A few years ago her husban

19、d got himself sentenced to death in Florida.几年前她丈夫在弗罗里达被判死刑 113-I was able to help out.我帮了她一下 114-You stopped her husband being executed?你救了他丈夫吗 115-Oh no, I ensured it.才不 我是给他板上钉钉 116-Sherlock!夏洛克 117-Come in, come in.快进来 118-Yep.你好 119-Well, this could be very nice. Very nice, indeed.这儿不错 真的很不错 12

20、0-Yes, I think so. My thoughts exactly. So I went ahead and moved in.当然 我完全同意 所以我提前搬了进来 121-As soon as we get all this rubbish cleaned out.只要把这些垃圾清理了就好 122-So, this is all your stuff?那这些都是你的东西咯 123-Obviously, I can straighten things up a bit.显然我可以稍微收拾一下 124-Thats a real skull?那真是颗骷髅吗 125-Friend of m

21、ine. Well, I say friend.我的伙伴 对我来说是 126-What do you think, Dr Watson?你觉得如何 华生医生 127-Theres another bedroom upstairs, if youll be needing two bedrooms.你们要是分开睡 楼上还有间卧室 128-Well, of course well be needing two.我们当然分开睡 129-Oh, dont worry, theres all sorts round here.别担心 这楼里什么人都有 130-Mrs Turner, next door,

22、 has got married ones.住隔壁特纳太太家那对还结婚了呢 131-Sherlock, the mess youve made.夏洛克 看你这乱的 132-Oh, I, um, looked you up on the Internet last night.昨晚我在网上搜了下你 133-Anything interesting?有什么有趣发现吗 134-Found your website. The Science of Deduction.找到了你的网站 演绎法 135- What did you think? - Quite amusing, I suppose.-有何想

23、法 -很有意思 136-Amusing?怎么个有意思法 137-You said you could identify a software designer by his tie你说你能通过领带判定对方是软件设计师 138-and, what was it, a retired plumber by his left hand.还能通过左手看出对方是退休的管道工 139-Yes, and I can read your military career by your face and your leg,没错 我还能通过你的脸和腿 看出你的军旅生涯 140-and your brothers

24、drinking habits by your mobile phone.通过你的手机 知道你哥的饮酒习惯 141-State of the place already!这地方真是乱透了 142- How? - You read the article.-你怎么做到的 -你也看过文章了 143-The article was absurd.那太荒谬了 144-But I know about his drinking habits. I even know that he left his wife.但我知道他的饮酒习惯 还知道他抛弃了妻子 145-What about these suici

25、des then, Sherlock?那几起自杀事件又如何 夏洛克 146-Thought that would be right up your street.这不正是你拿手的吗 147-Been a fourth one now.已经发生了四起 148-Yes, actually, its very much up my street.没错 我的拿手戏正好找上门来 149-Can I just ask, what is your street?那个 你的拿手戏是啥来着 150-Theres been a fifth.发生了第五起 151-Where this time?事发地点 152-B

26、rixton, Lauriston Gardens. Will you come?碧斯顿的劳瑞斯顿花园 你来吗 153- Whos on forensics? - Anderson.-这次的法医是谁 -安德森 154-Anderson wont work with me.他跟我不是很合得来 155-He wont be your assistant.他又不会当你助手 156-But I need an assistant.但我需要个助手 157-Will you come?你到底来不来 158-Not in a police car. Ill be right behind.我不坐警车 稍后就

27、到 159-Thank you.谢谢 160-Oh, brilliant!万岁 161-I thought it was going to be a dull evening.我本以为今晚会很无聊 162-Honestly, you cant beat a really imaginative serial killer说实话 赫德森太太 对着无聊的肥皂剧 163-when theres nothing on the telly, Mrs Hudson.可对付不了屡出奇招的连环杀手啊 164-I may be out late, might need some food.我会晚归 可能需要点吃

28、的 165-Im your landlady, dear, not your housekeeper.亲爱的 我是你房东 不是管家 166-Something cold will do.冷的就行 167-John, make yourself at home. Have a cup of tea, dont wait up.约翰 喝杯茶 别客气 别等我 168-Look at him dashing about. My husband was just the same.看他那急匆匆的样子 我丈夫以前也这样 169-But youre more the sitting down type, I

29、 can tell.你就沉稳多了 我看得出来 170-Ill make you that cuppa, you rest your leg.我来帮你沏茶 你先歇歇腿 171-Damn my leg!腿你个头 172-Sorry, Im so sorry. Its just sometimes this bloody thing.抱歉 非常抱歉 但有时这该死的情绪控制不了. 173-I understand, dear, Ive got a hip.亲爱的 我理解 我髋关节这也不好 174-A cup of tea would be lovely, thank you.有杯茶喝就太好了 谢谢 1

30、75-Just this once, dear. Im not your housekeeper.仅此一次 亲爱的 我不是你管家 176-A couple of biscuits, too, if youve got em.有的话 再来几片饼干 177-Not your housekeeper.我不是你管家哦 178-泰晤士报 发现第四起自杀案 179-雷斯垂德探长负责调查此案 180-Youre a doctor. In fact, youre an army doctor.你是医生 事实上 你是个军医 181-Yes.是的 182-Any good?做得好吗 183-Very good.相当好 184-Seen a lot of injuries then, violent deaths?那你一定目睹过无数创伤 致命伤 185-Well, yes.是啊 186- Bit of trouble too, I bet. - Of course, yes. Enough for a lifetim

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