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1、柴油天然气单燃料汽车改装方案柴油/天然气单燃料汽车改装方案CONVERSION PROGRAM FOR DIESEL TO CNG SINGLE FUEL VEHICLES改装方案CONVERSION PROGRAMXX燃气设备(上海) Technology Techforgas (Shanghai) Ltd.二OO九年九月 September, 2020目录Content一、 序I Introduction现代汽车工业的进展给社会带来了庞大财富,但也一样带来了严峻的废气排放污染。Modern automobile industry has brought tremendous wealth,

2、 but also caused serious pollution. 汽车排放污染对大气污染的分担率达到了30%-60%(而被称为“绿色汽车”的天然气汽车在环保方面具有显著效益,汽车尾气中一氧化碳可减少97%,碳氢化合物减少72%,二氧化硫减少90%,噪音减少40%,致使人体呼吸道疾病及癌症的苯、铅粉尘等减少100%),已成为城市污染的要紧来源。Automobile polluting emissions account for 30% -60% of air pollution, having become a major source of urban pollution (howeve

3、r, green cars using clean natural gas have significant environmental benefits; carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and sulfur dioxide in vehicle exhaust are reduced by 97%, 72%, and 90% respectively, in addition to noise reduction of 40%; benzene, lead dust which can lead to human respiratory disease and

4、cancer are reduced by 100%). 天然气汽车进展从上世纪30年代起,已有70连年的历史,专门是近些年来,先进的电子技术和机械制造技术使天然气汽车的平安性和操纵性能取得保证,续驶里程由初始5070千米提高到300-400千米以上;天然气汽车气瓶重量和加气站的体积大为减少;给汽车加注天然气同加注燃油一样方便,快速充气仅需515分钟,因此天然气汽车技术已趋于成熟。Since its development in the 30s of the last century, CNG vehicles have developed for some 70 years. Especia

5、lly in recent years, advanced electronics and mechanics have greatly enhanced the safety and performance of CNG vehicles. Continued driving distance has increased from the initial 50 70 kilometers to over 300-400 km, and cylinder weight and the size of filling stations have seen a significant drop.

6、It is equally convenient to fill gas as oil fuel, and fast filling only takes 5 to 15 minutes; all this shows that CNG vehicle technology has matured. 目前世界上天然气汽车保有量已超过600万辆(其中货运和客运车中以柴油/天然气单燃料车占多数),要紧散布在富气贫油的意大利、新西兰、阿根廷、印尼等国家和环保法规严格的美国、日本等。Currently, there is a CNG vehicle ownership of over 6 millio

7、n (of which freight and passenger cars are mostly diesel / CNG single-fuel type), distributed predominantly in Italy, New Zealand, Argentina, Indonesia and other countries with rich reserves of gas and scanty oil resources, and in countries with strict environmental regulations like United States an

8、d Japan. 欧美的一些专家以为,从技术成熟度、经济性、易普及程度、资源等方面因素看,柴油/天然气单燃料汽车是最具进展潜力的汽车。Some European and American experts believe that, based on factors of technical maturity, economy, easy penetration and resource availability, diesel / CNG single-fuel vehicles have huge development potential. 从进展的目光看,我国有可能进入天然气开发和应用领

9、先的国家行列,因此,在现时期大力进展柴油/天然气单燃料车是解决油价节节升高,运输本钱不断上涨,加油站布局不合理,石油供需矛盾突出的有效途径和保障车辆正常运营的有效手腕。From a development perspective, China may enter the ranks of the leading countries in exploration and application of natural gas. Therefore, diesel to CNG single-fuel conversion can be used effectively to address iss

10、ues of escalating oil prices and transportation costs, irrational filling station distribution and the obvious contradiction between oil supply and demand, and to ensure the normal running of vehicles. XX燃气设备(上海),采纳国际先进改装技术,配备专业的技术效劳团队,结合中国实际情形,为您提供适合本土情形的解决方案。Technology Techforgas (Shanghai) Ltd.,

11、having internationally advanced conversion technology and professional service teams, will provide you with solutions suited to China local conditions. 现我公司针对西安柴油货运车提供如下解决方案:The solutions we provide for Xian diesel freight vehicles are as follows. 二、 改装资质II Qualification for the conversion为合法改装CNG柴油

12、/单燃料车,需要在省质量技术监督局申请一套压力容器安装维修许可资质。(要紧负责部门为省质监局特种设备处) In order for diesel to CNG single-fuel conversion to be legally viable, a license for pressure vessel installation and maintenance shall be available by applying to the Provincial Bureau for Quality and Technical Supervision. (The responsible depa

13、rtment is the Special Equipment Branch of the Provincial Bureau for Quality and Technical Supervision) 五、 改装场地及设备要求V Conversion site and equipment requirements 改装场地要求Requirements for the conversion site改装厂需设在具有二级维修资质及以上的修理厂,要求能独立大修各型柴油发动机。The conversion facility is required to have the secondary or

14、above qualification for repair and maintenance, capable of independently overhauling various types of diesel engines. 改装场地要求两条以上地沟,地沟外作业面积不小于300平米,要求电、水、暖、焊机及起重设备等配套。The facility shall have more than 2 trenches and no less than 300 square meters operating area around the trenches, as well as support

15、ing equipment for electricity, water, heating, and welding and lifting devices, etc. 检测设备Testing Equipment 1、 手提电脑1台(带USB串口),汽车电脑程序设定用One portable computer (with USB serial ports), for setting auto computer program2、 柴油车缸压表1套,检测发动机各缸压力One set of cylinder pressure meter for diesel vehicles, used for

16、checking engine cylinder pressure 3、 万用表1只,维修调试量电压用One multimeter for measuring voltage during maintenance4、 点火正时枪1把,检测发动机点火时刻One ignition timing gun for checking engine ignition time 5、 高精度电子秤1只(精度1克),加工发动机活塞用One high-precision electronic scale (accuracy 1g) for use in machining the engine piston6、

17、 20MPa高压试压设备1套One set of 20 MPa high-pressure testing equipment 改装厂所需工具设备The necessary tools included:1: 电焊机(大)1台Welding machine (large) 114: 工具车2台Tool Cart 22: 切割机1台Cutting machine 115: 工作灯6把Work Lights 63: 台虎钳1台Table vice 116: 插线板2套(轴式)Plug-line board 2 (axis)4: 台转1台Bench drill 117: 拉铆枪1把Riveter 1

18、5: 手电转(大)2把Electric hand drill (big) 218: 干电磁式手电转2把Dry electromagnetic flashlight switch 26: 手电转(小)2把Electric hand drill (small) 219: 丝锥柄1只(小,竖式)Tap handle 1 (small, vertical)7: 转头两套 swivel 2 sets20: 丝锥M6-M14, 1套Taps M6 - M14, 18: 汽保工具3套Auto maintenance kit 3 sets21: 起子各4把Drivers, 4 pieces each9: 8-

19、25套筒两套8-25 sleeve 2 sets22: 砂轮机1台Grinding machine 110: 电烙铁1把Electric iron 123: 35毫米开孔器1个35 mm hole saw 111: 电工专用工具1套Special electrician tool 124: 气焊设备一套Gas welding equipment 112: 电动扳手一把Electric Wrench 125: 榔头1把Hammer 113: 钳子2把Pliers 2三、 改装人员要求、具体分工III Personnel and division of duty 我公司配有专业技术改装人员,可提供

20、上门指导效劳,进行样车试改和培训工作。Our company has skilled conversion technicians providing on-site services, sample conversion and training.如何组织、治理改装(改装厂)人员:How to organize and manage personnel engaged in the conversion (in a conversion facility): (一) 安装人员要求分3组,每组5名。(i) The personnel are to be divided into 3 group

21、s of 5. 每组人员要求有机修工三名,电工一名,焊工1名。Each group requires three mechanics, one electrician and one welder. 其作业内容为:2名负责气瓶及管路安装;1名负责燃气装置安装;1名负责电器安装;1名负责发动机拆装(能大修各类发动机的机修人员)。The conversion involves the following operations: 2 people will be responsible for cylinders and pipeline installation; one for installa

22、tion of the gas device; one in charge of electrical installation; one in charge of dissembling and assembling the engine (a person capable of overhauling a variety of engines). (二) 焊接人员1名:具体负责改车进程中的各类支架制作,各类管接头的焊接及安装进程中的配合支持。(ii) The one welder will be responsible for the production of a variety of

23、stents, welding of connectors and support tasks. (三) 资料员1名:具体负责改车进程中各项档案资料搜集、整理、保管。(iii) The one filer will be responsible for the collection, collation, storage of files during the conversion. (四) 外勤1名:具体负责改车进程中所需材料、对外联络、和谐事宜、后勤保障等工作。(iv) The one coordinator will be responsible for materials needed

24、 in the conversion process, external liaison, coordination and logistics, etc. (五) 外协加工1名:具体负责加工改车进程中所需的配件,要求与改装进度紧密配合。(v) The one purveyor will be responsible for providing he needed parts, closely coordinating his work with the conversion progress. (六) 调试员1名:具体负责查验及调试单燃料车辆,要求熟悉各类电脑操作软件,并具有专业的汽车维修知

25、识。(vi) The one tester will be responsible for testing and commissioning of the single-fuel vehicle, who shall be familiar with various computer operating software and have professional knowledge of vehicle maintenance. (七) 试车员2名:要求对所改装车辆进行路试、载重实验等工作,并将发觉的问题及时报告给调试员。(vii) Two test drivers will carry

26、out road tests and load tests for the converted vehicles, and timely reporting to the tester for any problems found. (八) 厂方技术员1-2名:负责改车进程中的技术指导工作和查验工作。(viii) One or two factory technicians will be responsible for giving guidance and inspection work in the conversion process. (九) 治理人员两名:负责改装厂的任务下达及日常

27、治理工作。(ix) Two management staff will be responsible for task assignment and daily management. 四、 发动机具体改造实施方案:IV Implementation plans for converting the engine 在柴油车改装天然气进程中,需对原发动机进行改造,具体改造要求为:拆掉发动机缸盖、进排气支管、掏出活塞。The conversion from diesel to CNG vehicles requires changes to the original engine; specifi

28、cally it requires removal of the engine cylinder head, intake and exhaust manifold and the piston. 对原活塞进行加工,作用是降低原发动机紧缩比;在进气支管口加装骨气门座和骨气门体及混合器;在主水道安装水温传感器;在排气管上安装氧传感器;拆掉原车的柴油总泵,安装转速传感器;加工发动机缸盖(安装火花塞);对发动机水箱清洗。The piston shall be machined to reduce its compression ratio; install the throttle valve se

29、at, throttle body and the mixer at the intake manifold port; install temperature sensors in the main waterway; install oxygen sensor on the exhaust pipe; remove the existing master cylinder and install speed sensor; machine the engine cylinder head (mounting the spark plug); clean the engines water

30、tank. 改造发动机时刻排序:Schedule for converting the engine: 1、 拆发动机半天; half-day for removing the engine; 2、 同步加工活塞、缸盖、接头、焊接骨气门底座、焊接氧传感器螺帽座、水温传感器螺纹等半天; Half day for simultaneous machining of piston, cylinder head, connectors; welding throttle valve seat, oxygen sensor nut blocks, water temperature sensor thr

31、eads etc.; 3、 装配发动机半天; Half day for assembling the engine; 4、 安装操纵系统和供气系统1天; One day for installing the control system and gas supply system; 5、 调试检测半天。Half day for commissioning and test. 6、 样车安装可能需要7天时刻。It takes about seven days for assembling the sample conversion vehicle. 方案一:加工缸盖Plan One: Machi

32、ne the cylinder 加工发动机缸盖:原车的铜水套比较小,不能安装M14的火花塞,需把原车的铜水套拔出来,需从头加工铜水套后再镶入,加工完后缸盖试压,改换排气门座圈和研磨,加工缸盖要求精度高,精度达不到缸盖容易漏水,漏水会造成发动机工作不正常温度高。Machining the engine cylinder head: The original copper water jacket is relatively small for the M14 spark plug and it needs to be removed for machining and then replaced. Then, the cylinder head shall undergo a pressure test and change of exhaust valve seat ring and grinding. When machining cylinder head, the precision requirement i

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