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1、I was greatly taken aback when I finally got the clue about what she was driving at .对于只有书本知识却无工作经历的求职者,本公司评价不高。Our company thinks no much of those who have only book knowledge but no working experience .党内应该提倡民主,形成人人都能畅所欲言的气氛。We should create a democratic atmosphere in the Party so that everyone ca

2、n speak his mind.当我们将城市居民所享有的权利也给与农民工时,我们的社会就会更加和谐、更加稳定。When we extend citizens rights to the peasant workers, our society will be more harmonious and stable.当社会责任和个人利益发生冲突的时候,每个人都应该清楚该如何抉择(clash with) Everybody should know how to choose when their social responsibility clashes with their personal i

3、nterest.对自己天生的性别不满者建议工作单位为反性别穿戴和其他发泄方式提供方便。The people having on internal battle with sexual identity suggested that their working places accommodate their cross-dressing and other expression.多么遗憾,他到来的时候,正好我们又走了。It is a pity that his arrival coincided with our departure!对于有些女性,生孩子并不会导致非此即彼的结果辞职在家带孩子,

4、或继续工作而不带孩子。For some women, bearing a child does not have to result in a black-and-white situationhaving to quit work to stay home with the baby or not.大城市的第三产业越来越多的依赖于外来务工人员,这种情况已经形成。如果没有大批的务工人员参加到城市的建设中来,许多城市的发展将逐渐趋于停滞。The situation that the third industry in megapolis increasingly relies on guest

5、workers has entrenched. Without legions of them to participate in the cities construction, the development of many cities would grind to a halt.大学生要有使用好图书馆的条件,只有这样,他们的知识面才会拓宽。College students must have access to a good library, through which their knowledge and experience can be broadened.多亏了政府的资助和好

6、心人的捐款,那些贫困地区失学的孩子们才得以重返校园。The school dropouts in poverty-stricken areas came back to school by courtesy of the subsidies from government and donations from the kind people.但愿我的弟弟别再整天玩网络游戏了。否则,他将无法完成学业。I wish my younger brother would desist from playing network games all day, otherwise he would have

7、to discontinue his studies.F父母把自己的爱和关怀无私慷慨地给予了孩子。然而,当他们年迈之时,其中一些却只能无奈的独自生活。Parents lavish their love and care on their children. However, when they become old, some of them are condemned to live alone.G根据约翰莫奈(John Money) 教授的研究,在影响我们择偶的诸多因素中,最说明问题的是一种被称为爱图的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编码信息,记载着我们的爱憎(telling) Among al

8、l the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most telling, according to John Money, is what he calls our lovemap- a group of messages encoded in our brains that describes our likes and dislikes归结起来,这场争执只是东西方不同的爱情表达方式的问题。The conflict boils down to the different ways in whic

9、h eastern and western people express their love.H和他说期望的相反,这次他并没有得到升职。回到家后他把怒火发泄到妻子头上Contrary to his expectation, he failed to be promoted this time. After returning home, he vented his anger on his wife.火车以飞快的速度行驶,一天的旅行就把他从白雪皑皑的北国带到了赤日炎炎的南方。The train was moving at such a good clip that one days trav

10、el brought him from the northern part of the country covered with white snow to the south with scorching sun.J尽管他对自己的主意满怀热情,但他的客户却毫无兴趣。Although he was enthusiastic about his idea, his clients didnt show a glimmering of interest .尽管已经被包围了将近一周,战士们发誓绝不将阵地放弃给敌人(yield to) Although they have been sieged f

11、or almost a week, the soldiers swear never to yield the ground to the enemy. 记者们蜂拥而上,前去欢迎载誉归来的英雄。在一片鲜花和掌声面前,英雄激动地畅说了自己的这次太空之旅。The reporters came in droves to welcome the hero returning home with high praise. In the face of flowers and applause, he waxed eloquent excitedly about his space trip.经历了这场战

12、争,问题非但没有得到解决,两种文明之间的深深敌意却逐渐产生。Previous problems remain unsolved in the wake of the war, Over and above, deep enmity has set in between two civilizations经济的发展更多地依赖于社会的稳定。因此,当前压倒一切的问题是保持稳定。Economical development mainly hinges on social stability. Therefore, the overwhelming issue nowadays is to mainta

13、in stability.尽管期望这种集成电路作为一种锁存器电路,他也可以作为推荐的标准触发器。Even though this IC(integrated circuit)is supposed to work as a latch circuit, it can also be made to function as RS(recommended standard) flip-flop.家道中落之前,他们无法想象自己会对住小房子、吃干面包、喝白开水的简朴生活也很知足。Before they came down in the world, they couldnt imagine that

14、they would content themselves with the simple life: a small room, dry bread and plain boiled water.尽管他的科研工作不断出现困难,但他都一一克服了,并最终发现了这种新的元素。Though difficulties kept on cropping up in his work, he still succeeded in finding this new element after solving all the problems.K克隆的寿命是否受到被克隆父母的年龄的影响当然不是一个在短时期内就

15、能说清的问题,这有待于人类长期的,不懈的努力。Certainly, it is not a question likely to be answered in a short period of time,whether a clones life span is affected by the years its parent has already lived, but one requiring our long-term and unremitting efforts .恐怖活动日益猖獗,但是我们始终相信,在世界各国建立反恐联盟的基础上和在各国人民的鼎力支持下,反恐事业将会迎来胜利的一

16、天。 Terrorism is becoming rampant . However, we always believe that the cause of counter-terrorism will for sure succeed on day, based on an alliance between nations andchampioned by people from all around the world .L两派都认为再强硬的枪支法对降低犯法率也是无能为力的,关键是对人的教育(concur) The two groups concurred that even the t

17、oughest gun laws would have no effect on crime rate; the key lies in the education of people.来自世界各地的游客都为这座宫殿所展示出来的美丽与智慧而着迷(be taken with)Tourists from all over the world are really taken by the beauty and intelligence shown in this palace令我们欣慰的是,这次大会中的投票表决挫败了某些国家遏制中国的企图。To our relief, the vote in th

18、is assembly stopped certain countries from containing China.M没有人能想到,这位伟大作家的坟墓只有一小块木板作标记,上面写着他的名字,字迹几乎被岁月磨掉了(obliterate)No one could expect that the great writers grave was marketed by a small wooden board, bearing his name, the letters of which were nearly obliterated by time.美国的生活方式以对物质充足的尊崇为典型。The

19、 American life style is characterized by reverence for material abundance.N你根据什么说那位长官收受贿赂?如果没有任何线索我们很难展开调查。On what ground did you say that the official has taken bribes ?If you couldnt offer us any clues, it would be unlikely for us to make investigations .那些赞成建设文化艺术项目的人认为文化环境会吸引更多的游客,这将给当地居民带来宏大的利益

20、一些人甚至把建设文化艺术项目与发展经济建设等同起来(equate.with) Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents. Some people even equate the build of such projects with the improving of economic construct

21、ion. 那天早上在亚洲最大的农贸集市上,我看见至少十万人相互推挤着购置牲畜,这个情景令我难忘(jostle)That morning in the largest rural market in Asian, I saw at least a hundred thousand people jostled with one another to buy livestock, which is so unforgettable to me. 年青一代渴望即时的满足,什么都想要,而且马上就想得到。The younger generation has a strong propensity for

22、 instant gratification, wanting it all and wanting it fast.你父母那么爱你,你竟然这样粗暴的对待他们,你如何能为自己的行为辩解?How can you justify your rude behavior to your parents who love you so much?那位超级明星突然造访一座海滨小城,第二天这则消息在当地报纸的头版显著刊登。That superstar descended on a small costal town, which was splashed across the front page of t

23、he local newspaper.Q清晨新鲜的空气,鸟儿的歌唱,街道两旁的花草树木,夜晚的星辰,所有这一切都会使人感到生活是无限美好的。The fresh morning air, the singings of birds, the trees and flowers on the sides of the street, and the stars at night conspire to make you feel how beautiful the life is.R如果你怀着远大理想,你就把自己置身于通向你的目标的条件下了。If you cherish great expecta

24、tions in your mind, you put yourself into a condition that is conducive to your goal.人们怀疑公司的这项举措是否符合绝大多数员工利益。People have doubts if the measure taken by the company is in the interests of majority of employees .如今人们对汽车的依赖性越来越强,即便是上下班只有1英里的路程,也要驱车前往。Nowadays people become increasingly dependent on aut

25、omobiles. Despite one mile round trip to work, they will resort to automobiles.如果政治家想赢得选举胜利必须努力表现自己。A politician must project himself if he wants to win an election.儿时的贫寒和艰难激励着这位总统毫不动摇的走自学成才的道路,以致在这方面成为是人的楷模。The poverty and hardships during his childhood encouraged this president never to waver in h

26、is determination to be a self-made man, which has been a model for the world.人们一提到西安就会联想到大雁塔和兵马俑。People always connect Xian with the Big Goose Pagoda and Terracotta Warriors and Horses.S社会结构和改变可能会间接影响到犯罪率。比如说,经济波动往往会导致工作机会减少,失业增加,因而引发犯罪率上升。Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect crime

27、incidences . For example, economic fluctuations always lead to fewer job opportunities and rising unemployment, thus causing an increasing crime rate .四位前总统与现任总统乔治布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆典礼(dedication) Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication ceremony for the Ronald R

28、eagan Presidential Library.虽然一般情况下孩子到年龄就会学习,但认识能力的出现并非永远一帆风顺。Although, generally speaking, kids learn when they are old enough, the cognition doesnt emerge without a hitch.首先,在夸张的溢美之词面前,我们绝不骄傲,这样我们才能战胜困难,取得更大的成功。First and foremost, in the face of hyperbolic tributes, we should never be proud. Only b

29、y doing this, can we triumph over difficulties for greater success?随着生活节奏的加快,人们感到时间的紧迫,驾车的速度越来越快,马路就像赛场跑道,高速行驶的汽车严重威胁着行人的安全。With the quicken pace of life, people feel time presses and drive their cars faster and faster, which makes the roadway look like a race track. The automobiles running at a hig

30、h speed sorely threaten the safety of pedestrians.水坝不太坚固,挡不住洪水,结果洪水冲破堤岸,淹没了河边的房子。The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters, so that the river had burst its banks and folded the houses by the river.虽然歹徒夸口绝不会给活捉,但被围之后,他毫不反抗就屈服了。Though he boasted he would never be taken alive, the outlaw submitted to the police without a struggle when surroun

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