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1、7欠债 _8怒目而视 _9暗中监视;侦查 _10削减 ;删节 _11不久以后 _12增加体重 _13节食 _14避免做某事 _Unit31抚养;培养;教育;提出 _ 2前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说 _3偶然;无意中;不小心 _4盯着看;凝视 _5导致;做出解释 _6与此相反;正相反 _7冒险 _8衣衫褴褛 _9关于;至于 _10说实话 _11事实上 _12关心;在乎 _13打赌 _14迷失在;专心于 _Unit4laugh at 嘲笑on the other hand 另一方面fall into deep thoughts 陷入深思approach 靠近live a memorable l

2、ife 度过一个难忘的生活in reality 事实上1及时;终于_2产生;分娩 _3轮到某人;接着 _4阻止;制止 _5挡住(光线) _6感到高兴;感到振奋 _7既然 _8突发;爆发 _9密切注视;当心;提防 _10和;以及 _11依靠;依赖 _12熟悉;掌握;理解 _Unit51与其;不愿_2定居;平静下来;专心于 _3设法做 _4看见;瞥见 _5对有天赋 _6在远处 _7远到;至于 _8在去的路上 _9去;到 _10梦想 _11在黎明时 _12去商业区 _Book4 unit11献身于专心于 _2离开;启程;出发 _3过着的生活 _4(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌_5蔑视;瞧不起 _6查阅

3、;参考;谈到 _7碰巧;凑巧 _8(偶然)遇见;碰见 _9专为而设计;专供而 _10继续;坚持 _11与有共同之处 _12迫不及待要做某事 _1幸亏;由于;因为 _2摆脱;除去 _3对感到满意 _4宁愿;宁可 _5逐渐增强;建立;开发 _6导致;造成(后果) _7集中(注意力、精力等)于 _8盛产;富于 _9. 使免受(影响;伤害等); 使不含(有害物) _10(与相比)更喜欢 _11喜欢;愿意 _12除此之外;另外 _Unit3 fail sth.做某事失败Besides 除此之外make the best of sth. 充分利用get along well with 与相处很好avail

4、able adj. 随时可以得到的increase ones confidence 提高某人的信心1直到现在 _2对满足 _3穷的;缺少的 _4挑出;辨别出 _5切断;断绝 _6好像 _7担任主角;主演 _8对挑剔 _9闯入 _10寻找 _11突然大笑起来 _12成就感 _1保卫以免受_2相反地 _3很可能有希望4总的来说;通常 _5舒适;快活;自由自在 _6丢脸 _7背对;背弃 _8以为基础 _9小心 _10在远处;在远方 _11因某事向某人道歉 _12同某人握手 _1以而闻名 _熟悉 _3实现 _4难怪;不足为奇 _5玩得高兴 _6根据模仿;仿造 _7面对面 _8接近 _9活跃起来 _10

5、提前 _11各种各样的 _12提醒某人某事 _名词性从句和定语从句练习.用适当的引导词填空1. I want to know _you can come back at 800 tomorrow.2. Its up to you to decide_youll go there, by air or by train.3. He asked me_told me the accident.4. The reason why he failed is_he was too careless.5. I dont believe the rumor_he killed his daughter.6.

6、 I dont know_he will agree to the plan or not.7. He_has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.8. The fact_she works hard is well known to us all.9. Would you tell me_the nearest post office is?10_you dont like him is none of my business.答案1.whether/

7、at9.where10.That.从表格中选择适当的关系词填空aswhichthat1Such persons_Lily knows have given her a lot of help.2This book of Toms,_I finished reading this morning,was very boring.3She said she came out first,_was a lie.4_we have seen,oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.5This is the first problem_I met.6

8、Let me show you the novel that I borrowed from the library_was newly open to us.7She is wearing the same hat_I wore yesterday.8Is this the car for_you paid a high price?9Can you remember the scientist and his theory _we have learned?10The only problem_troubled him has already been solved.答案1.as2.whi

9、ch3.which4.As5.that作文指导:多种英语句式考生的英语水平在提高,所以高考中对作文的要求也在不断提高。高考英语写作的评分标准主要强调以下四个方面:1.覆盖所有内容要点;2.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;3.使用了较复杂结构或较高级词汇;4.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。要想让自己平淡的作文变得内容丰富,有效提高写作的得分档次,就必须从词汇、语言和行文逻辑方面入手。词汇方面要做到:1.词义确切,选词贴切。平时要注意同义词或近义词在意义以及 用法上的不同;2.用词通俗,简洁易懂,特别是要避免重复用词;3.选词要做到多样化。用词单一会使文章显得苍白无力,多样化的选词可以

10、增强语言的表现力,使文章的内容更丰富。 学会使用经典句型是做好写作题的关键。考生既要注意使用最常见的五种基本句型:1.主语谓语;2.主语谓语宾语;3.主语连系动词表语;4.主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语;5.主语谓语宾语宾语补足语,同时还要学会灵活运用各种语法和句法结构,使自己的作文卓尔不群。1简单句并列句复合句例1我们整天都在忙,这一点大家都知道。(1) We are busy all day. Everyone knows that.(2) We are busy all day, and everyone knows that.(3) We are busy all day, which ev

11、eryone knows./As everyone knows, we are busy all day.例2他喜欢踢足球,也喜欢打篮球。(1) He enjoys playing football. He also likes playing basketball.(2) He enjoys not only playing football, but also playing basketball.(3) Not only does he enjoy playing football, but also he likes playing basketball.2主动语态被动语态例1他在英语

12、方面取得了很大的进步。(1) He has made much progress in his English.(2) Much progress has been made in his English.例2我们应该努力地减少空气污染。(1) We should make great efforts to reduce air pollution.(2) Great efforts should be made to reduce air pollution.3使用短语例1过去几年里,我们的城市发生了很大的变化。(1) Our city has changed a lot in the pa

13、st few years.(2) Great changes have taken place in our city in the past few years.例2这辆汽车的质量很好,价格也合理。(1) The quality of the car is good. The price of the car is also reasonable.(2) In addition to its good quality, the price of the car is also reasonable.4. 使用非谓语动词1)使用不定式例1他赶到车站,可是火车已经走了。(1) He hurrie

14、d to the station, but the train had left.(2) He hurried to the station, only to find the train had left.例2明天的会上我们将讨论这个话题。(1)Well have a discussion about the topic at the meeting that will be held tomorrow.(2) Well have a discussion about the topic at the meeting to be held tomorrow.2)使用过去分词例1她出去了,后面

15、跟着一些学生。(1) She went out, and some students followed her.(2) She went out, followed by some students.例2我坐在教室后面,看见老师进来了。(1) I was seated at the back of the class and saw the teacher come in.(2) Seated at the back of the class, I saw the teacher come in.3)使用现在分词例1我们读报就能了解外面世界的更多信息。(1) If we read newspa

16、pers we can get more information about the world outside.(2) By reading newspapers we can get more information about the world outside.例2他给我写了一封信,告诉我发生的事。(1) He wrote me a letter and told me what had happened.(2) He wrote me a letter telling me what had happened.5使用各种从句例1他今天早上迟到了,这让老师很惊讶。(1) He came

17、 late this morning, and it made the teacher surprised.(2) What surprised the teacher was that he came late this morning.例2许多人抱怨公交车太少,他们要花很长时间等一辆公交车,而车上通常满载乘客。(1) Many people complain that there are so few buses. They have to spend a long time waiting for a bus, and it is usually crowded with a large

18、 number of passengers.(2) Many people complain that there are so few buses that they have to spend a long time waiting for a bus, which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.6正常语序倒装语序例1我直到半夜才睡觉。(1) I didt go to bed until midnight.(2) It was not until midnight that I went to bed.例2我们几乎

19、不知道国内外发生的事。(1) We seldom/hardly know what is happening both at home and abroad.(2) Seldom/Hardly do we know what is happening both at home and abroad.7. 一般句式强调句式例1前几天,我在公园里把手机丢了。(1) I lost my mobile phone in the park the other day.(2) It was in the park the other day that I lost my mobile phone.例2我们

20、在这一点上意见不一致。(1) We don t agree at this point.(2) It is at this point that we dont agree.8完整结构省略结构 例1我希望能成功,可我没成功。(1) I haven t succeeded, though I hope that I can succeed.(2) I havent succeeded, though I hope to.例2如果有必要,你可以找老师帮忙。(1)If it is necessary, you can turn to your teacher.(2) You can turn to

21、your teacher if necessary.9从句祈使句例快点动身,否则你会赶不上火车的。(1) If you dont start now, you will miss the train.(2) Start at once, or/otherwise youll miss the train.10. 适时使用虚拟语气例该采取措施防止这样的事情发生了。(1) We should take measures to prevent such a thing from happening again.(2) Its time that measures were taken to prevent such a thing from happening again.11. 不可小视的before例1三天后他回来了。(1) Three days later he came back.(2) It was three days before he came back.例2应该将废水处理以后再排放进河流。(1) We should treat waste water and then pour it into rivers.(2) Waste water should be treated before it is poured into

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