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1、 The green trade barriers is the chronic problem of Chinas export enterprises, to our country caused great economic losses to our country in international trade at a very bad position. Its causes are mainly environmental issues of globalization, the rise of new trade protectionism and national techn

2、ical level, differences in economic strength. The solution to this problem the most effective way is the enterprise of a green marketing strategy.In the process of economic globalization, trade and closer ties between the global environment, and a major impact on world economic development. States h

3、ave introduced a variety of environmental protection laws, regulatory measures, however, these measures have resulted in a de facto trade barriers in developing countries from developed countries and even the challenges, so that our country in international trade at a very bad position. According to

4、 statistics, join the WTO, the impact of green barriers by the year 2002 only the loss of Chinas export trade volume of up to about 170 billion U.S. dollars. Green trade barriers on our exports, market size and export trade, export growth, foreign trade and export sectors (agriculture, food, machine

5、ry and electronic products, textile and apparel products, medicines, etc.), export volume, export costs, the effectiveness of exports and so on have been produced varying degrees of impact, and even the credibility of Chinas export enterprises and commodities, etc. are all adversely affected, leadin

6、g to some of the products of foreign consumer confidence in Chinas decline on Chinas exports have long-term adverse effects.1. Analysis of the formation of the green trade barriersFirst of all, the globalization of environmental problems is the external reason for the formation of the green trade ba

7、rriers. Environmentally sustainable development path chosen by triggered a worldwide environmental movement, it is in environmental issues against the backdrop of globalization, countries of the world through participation in international conventions, international environmental organizations, aime

8、d at protecting the natural resources, ecological environment and human health, environmental systems and standards. These systems and standards embodied in the trade, that is, from other countries, products and services to set up green barriers to restrict imports, thereby creating a de facto barri

9、ers.Second, the rise of new trade protectionism is the root cause of the green trade barriers. WTO trade protectionism did not make disappear, but increased competition forced the governments to reduce the level of protection in the tariff means the case, to find more effective non-tariff barriers t

10、o protect domestic markets and industries. Green barriers reasonable, legitimate and extensive features make it the preferred means of trade protectionism. Developing countries facing a hard choice: either to withdraw from the developed country markets, or followed by the developed countries, produc

11、tion and national economic strength is not consistent with the high input, high-tech green products. But in any case, developing countries have to pay a heavy price. From both the developed countries to protect domestic industries, has become a standard setter. This is the green barrier as a new for

12、m of protectionism in international trade to the rapid development of the fundamental reason.Third, the national technical level, differences in economic strength is green trade barriers objective reasons. Although people have recognized the concept of sustainable development, but they differ on how

13、 to achieve. Developed countries due to economic development level and high level of environmental protection technology, its environmental requirements and standards is also high. In developing countries due to financial and technical constraints, simply can not meet the environmental requirements

14、in developed countries. This is the objective, causing the green barriers. As world commodity with a wide range of production processes and standards varied, the development of uniform global environmental standards is extremely difficult Luoguo based on national interest considerations have to set

15、their own environmental standards, resulting in vastly different green certification and implementation of the system and indirectly caused his countrys products discrimination, the formation of a new green barriers.2. in order to respond to green marketing, green trade barrierDeveloping countries s

16、hould get rid of the dilemma of the situation as described above must be produced that meet environmental standards, and to achieve corporate profitability products. In my opinion, enterprises green marketing strategy is the most effective approach. Green marketing refers to the promotion of sustain

17、able development as the goal for the realization of economic benefits, consumer demand and environmental benefits of a unified, enterprise based on scientific and normative principles, through purposeful and planned to develop products and with other market players the exchange value of their produc

18、ts to meet market demand as a management process. Enterprises to implement green marketing strategies can not only make our products meet environmental standards, and by implementing green marketing idea can be realized cost reduction or increase value-added products in order to achieve profits. Spe

19、cifically, companies must grasp the following aspects:(1) A development of green products: By implementing green marketing ideas to reduce business costsGreen marketing should be built on green production basis. Green Product refers to the production, use and disposal of environmentally friendly or

20、endanger small conducive to recycling, and recycling products.Green production related to green product design, green materials, the use and the use of green packaging, and several other elements. In the green design, while ensuring quality of products under the premise firmly grasp the theme of the

21、 green, taking full account of products in the manufacture, sale, use and end of life issues such as post-recycling. Designed for use with a reusable, renewable, biodegradable and easy handling characteristics of the green material; attention to minimize the types of materials to increase their like

22、lihood of re-use, and to simplify the follow-up treatment, reduce waste and reduce raw material consumption. This will not only be able to achieve the environmental objectives but can also reduce costs, improve product value, thereby improving economic efficiency; the same time, pay attention to the

23、 use of green packaging. Green packaging is conserving resources, reducing waste, recycling after use or recycled easily and do not pollute the environment packaging. Green packaging in the developed countries have been widely popular in China is still in its infancy. This requires the Chinese enter

24、prises in the packaging process, we must strive to reduce packaging costs, but also taking into account packaging waste pollution on the environment, and constantly developed a new type of green packaging materials.(2) development of green technology: through technological innovation to reduce costs

25、Green Marketing in China at the present stage of development a key issue is how to do both economical and environmental protection, to resolve this problem the most thorough way to great efforts to develop green technology, the implementation of technological innovation. With the knowledge economy e

26、ra, the rapid development of high-tech world, an eco-friendly, green-oriented large groups of subjects is rising to the ecological and environmental protection as the center of wave shape. This green technology research and development has opened up broad prospects laid a solid foundation. Eco-techn

27、ology innovation will not only allow rapid popularity of green products, but also prompted a significant decline in production costs, thus providing the rapid diffusion of green marketing might.(3) establish a corporate brand image of green: The green brand to increase product value-added contentGre

28、en Marketing in the enterprise is required to establish a corporate focus on green brand image, through the corporate brand to increase the green content of value-added products, thereby enhancing the product price. Enterprises can use various media to publicize himself has done in the green fields,

29、 and actively participate in various matters relating to environmental protection, with practical actions to strengthen enterprises in the public eye impression. At the same time, companies should vigorously promote green consumption and fashion, warning people to use green products, green marketing

30、 support and guide the green consumer demand.(4) to Green Governance: By turning waste into Bora improve enterprise profitabilityGreen governance. Is to take effective measures to tackle pollution. This will require enterprises not only to achieve a useful resource of waste in the use and developmen

31、t of chemical harm into, but also to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises, will the other side of the waste as their raw materials or energy, turning waste into treasure, and thus to achieve the purpose of improving profitability of the business.Additionally, businesses shou

32、ld actively seek industry associations, government and business sector to support the diplomatic service. Through organized and exporting countries to negotiate as much as possible to develop practical products that environmentally friendly production standards in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises.外文文献译文二绿色贸易壁垒的成因及对策来源;经济研究导刊作者:高晓玲时间:2009, (09)摘 要:绿色贸易壁垒是长期困扰我国出口企业的问题,给我国造成了极大的 经济损失,使我国在国际贸易中处于极为不利的地位。其形成原因主要有环境问题的全球化、新贸易保护主义的抬头和各国技术水平、经济实力的差异等,而解决这一难题最有效的途径是企业实行绿色营销战略。在经济全球化的进程中,贸易与全球环境关

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