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1、 in a head-on collision; be at fault; under investigation; make comments on/upon; comment on/upon; be in (stable/serious) condition; be found doing; eight out of ten; as a result of; consequently; suffer (from); witness; victim; 常用句型1. sb. was doing sth when the accident happened.2. sb be reported t

2、o do/ have done sth.3. It is reported that sb/sth .4. According to police reports, it is closely linked to.5. A recent report shows/ suggests/ indicates.6. It is said that.7. It is estimated that it has caused a loss of. 基础写作常见框架 Organization of a news reportA news report should always have an eye-c

3、atching short headline which introduces the topic. It should also be divided into well-structured paragraphs, that is: a) an introduction where details about the time, place and people involved in the incident are given; b) a main body consisting of two or more paragraphs where the event is develope

4、d in detail, giving information about the reason it happened and its result; c) an ending where comments or actions to be taken are briefly mentioned. Passive Voice and Direct/ Reported Speech can be used to make the news report more interesting.Introduction-Paragraph 1 Summary of the event (time, p

5、lace, people involved)Main Body-Paragraph 2 4 Development of the event in detail, causes, consequencesConclusion-Final Paragraph Peoples comments/ action taken 写作评析假如你是某学生英文报社小记者,请根据下列表格内容,写一篇英文新闻报道起火地点浙江杭州市潇洒酒吧时间2008年12月20日23:00原因十余名高中生开生日派对,在室内燃放小型烟火救援人员数百名消防员,警察,附近居民伤亡情况5人死亡,34人不同程度受伤经济损失至少1000万元

6、影响引起当地政府和全社会的关注写作要求:1. 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,可适当拓展2. 字数100-120优秀作文 Fireworks Set Fire in BarFive people were killed in a fire accident at 11:00p.m. on Dec. 20, 2008 in Xiaosa Bar in Hangzhou.The fire broke out when about ten senior high school students were having a party and set off some fireworks i

7、nside the bar. Someone present at once called 119 and called in the firefighters. The police and the people in the bar tried to come to help but it was too late. Altogether five lives were claimed and 34 people were injured in the fire. All of the injured are now in hospital under treatment. It is e

8、stimated that the fire has caused a loss of 10 million yuan and it has attracted a lot of attention from the local government and the whole society.问题作文 Fireworks Set Fire in Bar On Dec.20 2008, a fire broke out in the Xiaosa Bar in Hangzhou, at 23:30, which was caused by a dozen of high school stud

9、ents who held a birthday party, setting off fireworks inside the bar. Hundreds of firefighters, soldiers and local people fought bravely the fire until it finally put out. The fire caused a loss of 10 million yuan at least. More seriously, it cost 5 deaths as well as 34 bad injuries. Not only are al

10、l the people concerned about the fire, but also the local government is thinking of the lesson they get from the fire.Exercise 1I 根据所听到的内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项1. When did the two men see the unidentified flying object? A. Yesterday evening. B. On Saturday evening. C. Last Friday evening.2. What were the

11、 two men doing when seeing the UFO? A. Walking their dogs. B. Waiting for the spaceship.C. Flying kites on the moors.3. How did they describe the object?A. It was like a bright ball.B. It was a round silver object.C. It gave out pleasant music.II 根据你所听到的内容填空UFO over the Yorkshire MoorsTwo Yorkshire

12、residents, Steven Bruce aged 35 and James Murray, aged 38, _seeing an unidentified flying object hovering over the deserted moors last Friday evening. The two men were walking their dogs when the whole sky was lit up by a bright light and a whizzing sound was heard. later a silver object appeared in

13、 the sky. The object floated above them for about fifteen minutes and then . Bruce immediately contacted the local police station to report the . It appears they were not the only witnesses. “We over forty calls between 7:30 pm and 8:45 pm from people to have seen a UFO,” admitted police sergeant J.

14、F. Stable.Experts are the Yorkshire moors for any clues in an attempt to explain the sightings. As a of the incident, hundreds of UFO fanatics came to the moors on Saturday evening to watch the sky and wait for the spaceship to reappear. III 写作训练你是校报记者,请根据以下所提供信息给校报写一新闻稿。When: early yesterday mornin

15、gWhere: at the junction of Mill Road and Wrights Lane, WestbridgeWho: Jackie Hill, a night nurse, 22, driving a yellow Nissan Cherry along Mill Rd. William Stephens, 27, driving a delivery van out of Wrights LaneWhat: The car crashed into the van at the junction. Why: no traffic lights at the crossr

16、oads; not seeing the stop signHow: Two were injured seriously. Exercise 21. What is the news report about?A. A car accident.B. A gas explosion.C. A fire breakout.2. How many people were injured in the accident?A. 14.B. 2. C. 16.3. What is Heather Fowles in the text?A. A cleaner in the shopping centr

17、e.B. A shop assistant in the shopping centre.C. The boss of the shopping centre.Gas Leak Results in TragedyIn the early hours of Saturday morning, the West Cross Shopping Centre. Wolverhampton, was devastated by a gas explosion. , nobody was killed in the blast, but fourteen people were , two of the

18、m seriously. Eight hours before the blast occurred, shop assistant, Heather Fowles had called the Gas Board, as she had noticed the of gas, but the Gas Board workers did not detect any .“The explosion was like a flash of ,” said cleaner, Iris Adams, one of the less seriously injured . She states tha

19、t she saw her boss, John Wilson, being lifted into the air and thrown against a wall by the blast. Mrs Adams and Mr Wilson were under the rubble for more than an hour before fire-fighters managed to them. Police inspector, David Chamberlain that several other complaints had been made about the smell

20、 of gas. The continues today.假如你是某报社记者,请根据所提供的作者的日记内容写一篇新闻报道。1. 用新闻报道的格式,涵盖作者文中的主要情节2. 行文通顺,连贯;字数120左右3. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数It all began one hot afternoon while I was on a sailing holiday in the Mediterranean with my parents. As we approached the coast of Procida, we all agreed that it was time we droppe

21、d anchor and stopped to have lunch. We were just about to start eating when Dad pointed out a fishing boat that had stopped near ours to pull in its nets. As we were watching, I suddenly noticed a fin sticking out of one of the nets. I could hardly believe my eyes: it was a dolphin.Immediately, I gr

22、abbed a knife dived into the water and swam towards the fishing boat as fast as I could. As soon as I got there, I cut a hole in the net so that the dolphin could swim away. The coastguard later told us that not only was the fisherman using illegal nets, but he had also been fishing in a prohibited

23、area.After the rescue, I felt sad that people could be so cruel to such intelligent, friendly creatures, but at the same time, I was glad that I had saved the dolphin.Sixteen-year-old Andrew Truman was praised last night for his bravery when he saved a stranded dolphin just off the coast of Procida

24、last Monday. Exercise 31. What is mainly talked about in the report?A. A sled dog race.B. A fishing race.C. A swimming race.2. How long was the race covered?A. 1,500km.B. 25,000km.C. 1,600km.3. When was the last record set?A. In 1980.B. In 2000.C. In 1985. Record set in sled dog raceFisherman Charli

25、e Boulding won the Yukon Quest Sled Dog Race in record time Thursday, the 1,600km route from Whitehorse, Y.T., 15 hours faster than ever before.About 200 people Boulding, who lives in the bush near Nenana, Alaska, as he crossed the finish line on the Chena River in 10 days, 20 hours and 12 minutes.

26、He broke the 1985 record by Joe Runyan.“It was a easy race,” said the grey bearded musher. “But you all got to me now. Ive got to take care of my dogs.”Boulding won $25,000 US from the Quest organization and a matching $25,000 from a dog-food company for using its .Bruce Lee of Denali Park, Alaska,

27、was second, five minutes behind Boulding. He was with his finish, running with the minimum eight dogs.“Being down to eight I didnt have enough to push them,” he said.John Schandelmeier of Paxson, Alaska, finished in place. 假设你是李华,在英国参加夏令营时成为下图中的交通事故的唯一目击者,请根据图中信息加上合理想象陈述事故发生的时间、地点、原因、过程和结果,写一篇报道向报社投

28、稿。词数控制在120150之间。Your nameLi HuaDate of accidentJuly 26Time of accident3:40 p. m.Exercise 41. How many vehicles were involved in the accident?A. Two.B. Three. C. Four.2. What was the speed of Mr. Amberlys car when he saw the van behind?A. 80 mph.B. 90 mph.C. 100mph.3. What is to blame for the acciden

29、t according to the police?A. The high speed.B. Their carelessness.C. The traffic jam.“. There have been further road accidents following yesterdays heavy rain. Early last night two motorists suffered serious in an incident involving three vehicles. Mr Rey Amberly from Newden was traveling along Pyke

30、 Road at around 90 mph when he the van behind his car driven by Mr Joseph Brown, moving out to him. Mr Amberly braked slightly in order to let the driver of the van , but instead of slowing down, his car on the slippery surface and into a third vehicle, coming from the other which was driven by Mr Luke Porter. All three vehicles were

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