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1、综上所述,汉译英考查考生熟悉大纲要求的语法、词汇以及相应的短语搭配,并在此基础上灵活运用所学语言并清楚、迅速、正确地表达。 考生要尽量作到“提纲挈领”、“死记硬背” 并“瞻前顾后”。 作题步骤: 理解原文:理清关系 分析原句:提纲挈领 保持完整:一丝不苟 关注语法:瞻前顾后 校改补正:小处着手三、翻译标准毋庸讳言,翻译属主观性测试,译文常常是仁者见仁,智者见智。 但是译界公认的翻译标准应是符合原语(source language)与译语(target language)在意义上对等。在我国,早期翻译家严复提出翻译标准“信”、“达”、“雅”影响较大,也有许多人在此基础上将翻译标准概括为“忠实”和

2、“通顺”。翻译首先要求忠实。忠实就是译者应完整地将原语内容表达出来。翻译也要求通顺。通顺指译文符合写作规范,通顺易懂,明白晓畅。四、六级考试中汉译英并不要求妙笔生花、文才斐然,更不要求生锰怪偏、语不惊人死不休。考生只需要按照句子所给部分,找出中文对应的短语,按照英文的句法结构重新组织出正确的译文。简言之,四、六级的翻译标准就是保持译文准确、流畅。四、双语对比不言而喻,汉语属于汉藏语系,而英语属于印欧语系。这两种截然不同的语言,在语音、语形、语义、句法等各个方面都存在着巨大的差异,翻译时最忌讳“望文生义,字对句照”。 如:天天向上(day day up),我爱人(my lover)、 黄书(ye

3、llow book),街委会妇女(street woman) 语言是文化的载体,是人类长期发展交流的结晶。而人的思维有着共通之处,这也反映在语言文化方面。 如:如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice 有志者事竟成 Where there is a will, there is a way. 另一方面,由于中西语言文化的差异,经常回出现语义空缺,或者不对等的现象。乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens 健壮如牛 as strong as a horse(一)词汇对比 汉语是表意文字,汉字之间的排列组合可以表达相当丰富的内涵和语义。所以要做到“词义对等”,考生需要“去伪存真

4、”,“得意忘形”。“good” “好”He is a good father. 他是一位慈爱的父亲。He is a good Christian. 他是一位虔诚的基督徒。He is a good son. 他是一位孝顺的儿子。He is a good husband. 他是一位称职的丈夫。一一对应 有些汉语词汇和英语呈一一对应关系,即汉语中出现的词汇内容,只对应一个英语词汇,而且他们所指的内涵相同。这类词汇一般是专有名词、专业术语、生活常见词等。 例如: the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国the United States of America 美利坚合

5、众国the Great Wall 长城WHO 世界卫生组织the Forbidden City 紫禁城dictionary 字典一对多、多对一 有些英语和汉语词语间有意义重叠部分,它们在意义的概括范畴上有宽狭之差。(1)英语的一个词汇对对应多重汉语含义。Wife 妻子,爱人,夫人,老婆,老伴,媳妇,堂客,内人,糟糠,孩子他妈Sister 姐姐,妹妹,修女Marriage 结婚,娶,嫁Charge 收费,控诉,充电,冲锋Hot 热,辣,有电的,节奏强的,撩人的最典型的 Die 死,亡,故,卒,逝,毙,崩,死亡,丧亡,故世,谢世,毙命,合眼,阵亡,献身,捐躯,千古,夭折,牺牲,断气(多达100多个

6、)(2)多个英语词语对应一个汉语意思,需要考生根据上下文的关系选择最适用的含义。例如: 轻柔 soft, gentle, tender,mild, kindly同义、反义型对偶词语汉语的四字词组因其表达丰富、节奏性强、琅琅上口,深受人们的喜爱。 1.两个同义词构成四字对偶词 e.g. 感恩戴德 丰功伟绩 骄傲自大 粗心大意 2.对联构成谚语较为常见 e.g. 人要衣装,佛要金装 物以类聚,人以群分 3.有些四字词组由重叠字构成 e.g. 破破烂烂 马马虎虎 4.有些词汇有一对反义词组成 e.g. 大小 长短因此,翻译时,考生需要了解中文词组的含义才能抓住重点,切记亦步亦趋。(二)结构对比 英语

7、属于语法型或形合型语言,而汉语属于语义型或意合型语言。1.汉语前因后果,英语前果后因。汉语:付费后你就可以走了。对应:You can leave now, after you pay for the bill.2.汉语中常用人作主语,英语却常用物作主语。我有一大堆工作要做。A huge amount of work needs/waits to be done.3.汉语多主动,英语多被动。在他的国家,美圆在任何一家银行都可以自由兑换.US dollars can be exchanged at will in any bank in his country.4.汉语多用简单句,英语多用复杂句我

8、家就住在路边。路过人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的苹果 酒。这酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人从未挑剔过。As we live near the roadside, we often had the travelers visit us to taste our cider, for which we had great reputation and I confess that no one of them ever found fault with it.5.汉语轻时态,英语中时态。我看过这本小说,还不错。Ive read the novel and it is quite good.译例:故乡或

9、许是(你的双脚会永远离开但心却决不会离开的)地方。主干部分:Hometown is a place.定语从句:your feet might quit for good but your heart never整句翻译: Hometown is a place which your feet might quit for good but your heart never.(三)翻译技巧正译、反译:汉语有些句子表面否定,但其对应的英语却不一定用否定译法,反之亦然。汉语否定:你这一趟行程不会失望的。 英语正译:Youll find this trip rewarding. 汉语否定:不管怎么样,

10、反正工作不能停。Come what may, the work must go on. 汉语肯定:馆内展品禁止触摸。 英语反译:No articles are touchable in the museum.赶快把这个消息报告给将军。Dont lose time to send the news to the general.双重否定:有时为了加强语气、达到一定的修饰效果,汉英都会使用双重否定句型。 常见的双重否定结构有:不是正是 noother than再也不 nottoo没有就不 notwithout没有没有的 nonot没有不能的 hardlynot例句:He is no other t

11、han the president himself.You cant be too careful.There is no one who cant understand the rule.In fact,there was hardly any activity or social event that could not be set to music.状语从句汉语的状语通常都在主句之前,而英语则常位于主句之后。带状语从句的句子类型很多,其中比较状语从句是翻译的难点。较典型的英语结构有: 非常 more than 与其不如 morethan 不过,不多于 no more than 不超过,

12、不多于 not more than与一样不 no morethan不如那样 not morethan Im more than happy to meet you here. She is more mother than wife. She is more wise than pretty. There are no/not more than five people in the class room. I learnt the company no more than I first came in. He has not more money than you do.定语从句 1.后置

13、法如:小男孩一动不动盯着餐桌上的食物的眼神说明他很饿。 主干分析:The little boys eyes showed he was hungry. 定语从句:that were fixed on the food on the table 整句翻译:The little boys eyes that were fixed on the food on the table showed he was hungry.2.合并法他将自己的青春无私地奉献给了医学研究,这项研究使世界上更多的人得到幸福。He dedicated his youth unselfishly to the medical

14、 study, which has enabled more people to gain happiness in the world.3.融合法他和助手谈过话。助手表示一定尽力帮他度过难关。He had a talk with his assistant, who assured him that he would do his best to help him.4.there be结构法楼下有人找你。There is a man downstairs who wants to see you.5.带介词的定语从句我刚才和她说话的那个姑娘是我表妹。The girl to whom I ju

15、st spoke is my cousin.这是一个我们可以长时间争论的问题。This is a subject about which we might argue for a long while.强调句式 汉语通常用“的确”或“真的”来加强语气,而英语可以用数种方式进行强调。1.形容词very/right等强调。2.助动词do/does/did强调。3.句式It isthat/who强调。强调主语:正是小明得到了奖章。 It was Xiao Ming who gained the medal.强调状语:他考试的时间正是下午。 It is the afternoon that he ta

16、kes the exam.4.强调方式方法时,副词或介词短语出现在句首起强调作用,此时句子倒装。只有用这种方法,才能吸引他的注意。Only in this way can his attention be attracted.孩子们都走了。There went the children.倒装句式1.汉语无主语的句子常译成由副词there, here, now, then等出现在句首引导的倒装。 铃响了。 There goes the bell. 瞧约翰来了。 Here comes John. 现在该你了。 Now comes your turn. 也有由so, neither, nor引导的倒

17、装句。 “I like this movie.” “So do I.” He never went again, nor did he write to apologize.2.有些带有让步从句的句子可使用对应的倒装句式。 他虽然聪明,却没有多少洞察力。Smart as he was, he had not much insight.3.汉语句子出现强调方位或方式的短语时,英语部分状语提前, 此时句子倒装,句中的谓语动词常用不及物动词。 门道里站着一个拿着枪的人。 In the doorway stood a man with a gun. 在前面坐着一位老妇人。 Ahead sat a be

18、autiful young lady.4.英语否定副词在句首时,句子倒装。 Hardly had she arrived when it began to rain. Never have I seen such a pretty girl.5.英语介词短语或副词在句首时,句子倒装。 On no account must this door be opened. So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.6.对应英文句中分词短语在句首时句子倒装。 站在门道里的是一个拿着鲜花的少年。 Stand

19、ing in the doorway was a young man with flowers. 坐在地上的是一伙年轻人。 Seated on the ground are a group of young people.7.英语句中作表语的介词短语、形容词和副词提前到句首时,句子倒装。 On either side of the road were rows of trees. Nearby are houses built by the local farmers themselves. Higher up were forests of pine tress.8.对应的英文句子如需强调动

20、作,则助动词或情态动词后的原形动词提前到句首,句子倒装。 不管用多少时间,这个问题我们一定要解决。 But however long it takes, solve it we must.被动语态常见的用法有:据说 It is said that据报 It is reported that据推测 It is estimated that有人认为 It is believed that人们猜想 It is supposed that众所周知 It is well known that必须承认 It must be admitted that应当指出 It is should be pointed

21、 out that有时汉语中出现的词汇“为”、“得到”、“让”、“遭”和“给”也都包含被动含义,英译时应有所体现。偷窃为社区人们所憎恨。Theft is hated by the people in the neighborhood.他的提议遭到婉拒。His offer was turned down.五、六级实战演练2008年6月真题1. We can say a lot of things about those_(毕生致力于诗歌的人):they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.2. Mary couldnt have received my l

22、etter,_(否则她上周就该回信了).3. Nancy is supposed to_(做完化学实验) at least two weeks ago.4. Never only_(老两口互相争吵) since they were married 40 years ago.5. _(一个国家未来的繁荣在很大程度上有赖于)the quality of education of its people.答案82. who devoted their whole lives to poems/ have spent their whole lives on poems 83. or she shoul

23、d have replied (to me) last week84. have finished his chemistry experiment85. has/had the old couple quarreled with each other86. The future prosperity of a nation largely depends on/ The prosperity of a nation is largely dependent upon2007年12月真题1. But for mobile phones,_(我们的通讯就不可能这么迅速和方便).2. In han

24、dling an embarrassing situation_ (没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了).3. The Foreign Minister said he was resigning_ (但他拒绝进一步结实这样的原因).4. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning_(而动物的行为主要依靠本能).5. The witness was told that under no circumstances_(他都不应该对法庭说谎).82.our communication would not have been so rapid and co

25、nvenient / cant be so rapid and convenient 83.nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor84.but (he) refused to make further explanation (for doing so)/ to further explain the reasons 85.while animal behavior depends mainly upon (on) its instinct is mainly that of its instinct86.should he lie to t

26、he court2007年6月真题82.The auto manufacturers found themselves_(正在同外国公司竞争市场的份额).83.Only in the small town _ (他才感到安全和放松).84.It is absolutely unfair that these children_(被剥夺了受教育的权利).85.Our years of hard work are all in vain,_(更别提我们花费的大量金钱了).86.The problems of blacks and women _(最近几十年受到公众相当大的关注).82. competing with foreign firms for market share83. does he feel secure and relaxed84. are deprived of the rights to receive education85. not to mention the large amount of money we hav

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