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1、成人高考复习资料高升专英语0927核第一章 语音(5 分,3 分钟)英语共计 48 个音素,其中 20 个元音和 28 个辅音,从近三年成人高考解析,集中在“a,c,g,h,i,o,u,s,y,ai,are,ch,ea,ed,ex,ere,ew,oo,ou,ow,ch,sh,th,ure”这些字母和字母组合构成单词发音上,如:(C) 1、A value B family C baby D cat () (B) 2、A lab B table C math D attack ()(D) 3、A Snow B sale C ask D design()(C)4、A lunch B beach C

2、machine D chair ()(C)5、A check B change C chemistry D chocolate()办法指引:1、找同类项法。从 4 个选项中找出 2 个把握比较大选项,如读音相似,则从剩余 2 个选项中找到与这 2 个读音相似项或者不同项(依照熟悉限度)。如第 1 题,其中 family,cat 这 2 个单词咱们都比较熟悉,发音为/,剩余 2 个单词,其中 baby 也是我们较为熟悉单词,发音为/ei/,故 value 发音必定是/,答案选 C2、排除法。从 4 个选项中找出 2 个比较大选项,若发音不同,则其中之一必是答案。再从剩余 2 个中找出一种熟悉,以

3、拟定这 2 个选项中哪一种是答案,从而排除非答案选项,如第 5 题, check 与 chemistry 这 2 个单词, check 发/,chemistry 发/k/,故其中之一必是选项,结合剩余 2 个单词,change 较为熟悉,发/,故答案选 CAnswers:1-5 CBDCC同步强化练习:(B)1、A cut B human C luck D fun(A)2、A now B show C grow D yellow(A)3、A bathe B birth C thought D thank(C)4、A potato B polite C population D polite(D

4、)5、A feather B head C bread D beach(A)6、A cousin B south C ground D thousand(C)7、A task B respect C visit D same(B)8、A lady B july C very D busy(D)9、A hero B zero C Negro D wolf(B)10、A look B food C foot D good注:“oo”以 k 和 d 结尾单词普通发短音/u/,其他字母结尾发长音/u :/,但 food 与 foot 是一对特例,正好相反(C)11、A bamboo B shoot C

5、 wood D cuckoo(B)12、A hour B four C flour D our(B)13、A sailor B fairy C failure D tailor(A)14、A insure B leisure C measure D pleasure(D)15、A humble B hotel C horizon D honesty注:字母“h”在常用单词 hour、honer 和 honesty 是不发音。(B)16、A explain B exhausted C extent D expand(B)17、A dare B are C glare D spare(D)18、A

6、 thin B thought C three D breathe(A)19、A visit B loose C rest D purse(C)20、A could B court C piece D cost(A)21、A school B chair C teach D much(B)22、A angry B sing C hungry D English(C)23、A helped B stoped C stored D liked注:结尾是浊辅音,后加-ed 发/d/;结尾是轻辅音,后加ed 发/t/(C)24、A lively B knife C live D life(D)25、A

7、 gather B gift C goal D generalAnswers:1-25 BAACD ACBDB CBBAD BBDAC ABCCD第二章 词汇与语法(22.5 分,7 分钟)词汇与语法题共计 15 小题,根据考试大纲规定:需要考生掌握 个左右惯用英语单词和一定数量短语和习惯用语,这里总结了一某些常用短语供考生记忆,固然考生可根据中华人民共和国言实出版社出版全国各类成人高考应试专用教材书 P930 进行强化记忆。固定搭配也是考试经常考查知识点。after all 毕竟,all over 处处、遍及,all right 好,不错as usual 照例、像以往那样 as to 关于,

8、至于to the best of ones ability 尽自己最大努力 be able to do sth可以做某事above all 一方面 have access to 有机会进入 in accordance with 按照give an account 描述 accuse sbof sth因某事控告某人be accustomed to 习惯于 take action 采用行动adapt oneself to 使某人自己适应 add up to 总括起来,相称于in addition to 除了之外 in advance 预先,提前take advantage of 运用,欺骗 aga

9、in and again 再三地 ahead of time 提前above all 特别是,最重要是 let alone 更不用说the amount of数量 one after another 一种接一种 answer for 为负责in any case 无论如何 anything but 决不keep up appearances 维持门面,保持体面 have an appetite for 兴趣around the clock 昼夜不断地 artificial intelligence 人工智能background music 背景音乐 go from bad to worse 每

10、况愈下bank account 银行帐户 on the beach 在海滩上,在岸上bed clothes 床上用品 from beginning to end 从头到尾on behalf of 代表 talk big 说大话give birth to 生育 black and blue 遍体鳞伤Peter had visited 5 countries before 12 years old(过去某个时间前).同步强化练习:(D)1、The company had about 20 notebook computers,but only one-thirdUsed regularly.A i

11、s B are C was D were (时态一致及主谓一致)(B)2、Would you please keep silent?The weather report and I want toListen.A is broadcast B is being broadcastC has been broadcast D had been broadcast(C)3、The volleyball match will be put off if it .A will rain B rained C rains D is raining(D)4、Send my regards to your

12、wife when you home.A wrote B will write C have written D write(D)5、Where in the past three years?A had you gone B have you goneC did you go D have you been注:have gone to 表达去了某地尚未回;have been to 表达去过了某地已经回来(A)6、Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he .A was busy B is busy C had been busy D will be b

13、usy(B)7、I dont know if (与否)it tomorrow,If(如果) Ill stayIndoors.A rains,rains B will rain,rainsC will rain,will rain D rains,will rain(B)8、Jack was happy that the train when he the station.A left,had arrived B had not left,arrivedC had not left,had arrived D left,arrivedAnswers:DBCDD ABB二、定语从句11(A)1、T

14、he reason the president kept silent is still unknown.A why B how C what D when ()(C)2、Mary was looking for a shop she could buy some chocolate.A which B that C where D who ()(C)3、James had never seen Brando again,was really a pity.A who B what C which D where ()Answers:ACC 成考分析: 年语法未考定语从句,但 年后每年考 1

15、个定语从句题,具体用法参见武汉大学出版社出版全国各类成人高考招生考试规划教材P105-108。这里从几年成考中总结几种常用规律:1)总原则:重要看先行词(所修饰名词或名词性短语)在定语从句中所作是什么成分,如作是 主语 、宾语、定语则使用关系代词,关系代词有 which,that ,who,whom,whose(=of which) ; 如 作 是 状 语 则 使 用 关 系 副 词 , 关 系 副 词 有 when,where,why,that(=in which,和 way 连用表方式):类别 指代范畴 主格 宾格 所有格关 人 who whom Whose(of whom)系 物 whi

16、ch which Whose(of which)代that that whose词 人或物As 无The same as 无关系代词如果在定语从句中作宾语,常可省略关 指代范畴 连接词 功能系 时间 When(介词+which) 状语副 地点 where(介词+which) 状语词因素 why(介词+which) 状语方式 that(介词+which 状语Eg:1、The boy who/that talked to me is my classroom.(作主语,指人,不可省)2、The boy who/whom/that/可省略 is my classroom(作宾语,

17、指人,可省)3、The boy whose parents are abroad is my classroom.(作定语)4、I have bought such a book as you did5、September 1st is the day when (=on which) school begins.6、That is the school where(=in which) I study.7、This is the reason why(=for which) he was absent from class.8、I dont like the way that(=in whi

18、ch) he speaks.注意:(1)、如果先行词是 all,much,anything,something,nothing,everything,little,none 等不定代词时,关系代词只用 that,不用 which.(2)、如果先行词被形容词最高档以及 first,last,any,only,few,most,no,some,very 等词修饰,关系代词惯用 that,不用 which,who,whom.(3)、非限制性定语从句中,不用关系代词 that,作宾语用关系代词也不能省略,如指代前面整个一句话,普通用 which.(4)、先行词有 2 个,既包括人,又包括物,关系代词只

19、能用 that同步强化练习:(A)1、Look out!Dont get too close to the house roof is under repair.A whose B which C of which D that(C)2、Where is the farm your brother is working?A that B when C on which D in which(B)3、We live in an age more information is available with greater easethan ever before.( 浙江高考)A why B wh

20、en C to whom D on which(C)4、Do you know the student won the speech contest?A / B which C who D whom(B)5、I want to buy the same coat you are wearing.13A which B that C one D and(D)6、She got the schoolarship,made her happy.A who B what C that D which(B)7、do morning exercise have a strong body.A All B

21、All that C All which D All what(C)8、I work in a company everybody has high salary.A how B which C where D thatAnswers:ACBCB DBC三、非谓语动词(B)1、It was a pity that he missed the meeting in London last month.A to be told B held C having told D to hold ()(D)2、Every Friday evening George will sit quietly in

22、the chair,hisfavorite TV show.A to watch B watch C watched D watching ()(A)3、with all his homework ,the boy was allowed to watch TV.A finished B to finish C will finish D having finished ()(C)4、The film star walked to his car,by a crowd of fans.A to follow B follow C followed D to be followed ()(C)5

23、、a small business,Jane is able to support her family now.A Run B Ran C Running D To run ()Answers:BDACC 成考分析:非谓语动词是一项重点和难点题目,它包括:不定式、当前分词、过去分词三种形式,在句子成分中除谓语不在能充当,其他成分均可以,故称为非谓语动词。成考考试中出题不会很难,这里列举几种较为常用现象:不定式:1)动词不定式普通式(to do)表达不定式动作发生在谓语动作之后;表达发生在谓语动作之前,用不定式完毕式(to have done)。2)不定式表达一次性动作(动名词表达普通性、经常

24、性动作)。143)有些动词只跟不定式作宾语,惯用此类动词有: want,wish,hope,expect,agree,decide,learn,pretend,ask,promise,plan,refuse,beg,demand,manage,offer,prepare,claim,struggle等。4)remember,forget,regret+v-ing 表达动作已经发生;Eg:I remember seeing you.我记得看见过你。remember,forget,regret+to do 表达动作尚未发生Eg:I remember to do my homework.我记得要做作

25、业了5)在 try,stop,mean,go on,cant help 后,用动名词和不定式所表达含义不同,要注意:Try doing sth 试着做某事;try to do sth 竭力做某事Stop doing sth 停止做某事; stop to do sth 停下来再做某事Mean doing sth 意味着; mean to do sth 打算做某事Go on doing sth 继续做(和本来事相似),go on to do sth 继续做另一件事Cant help doing 忍不住,情不自禁; cant help to do sth 不能协助做某事6)不定式作定语普通用积极式,

26、只有当不定式逻辑主语不是句子主语或宾语时,才用被动式同步强化练习:(C)1、_ warm at night,I would fill the woodstove,then set my alarm clockfor midnight so I could refill it.A. Staying B. Stayed C. To stay D. Stay(A)2、The challenge we are faced with is _ the work before the fixed time.A. to finish B. to be finished C. to have finished

27、 D. finished(D)3、Volunteering gives you a chance _ lives,including your own.A. change B. Changing C. changed D. to change(B)4、Tom took a taxi to the airport,only _ his plane high up in the sky.A. finding B. to find C. being found D. to have found(A)5、Please make my excuse at tomorrows meeting Ive go

28、t too much work_.A. to do to come B. doing comingC. to do coming D. doing to comeAnswers:CADBAV-ing 和 V-ed 形式:V-ing 形式与 V-ed 形式是非谓语动词一种,在句法功能上重要起形容词或副词作用,在句中可作除谓语之外所有成分。其中最难一种是作状语用法,相称于副词用法,用句子构造中,V-ing 形式与 V-ed 形式可以表时间、条件、因素、随着、方式、让步等。例句:1、Walking in the street,he met an old friend.2、Having a lot o

29、f things to do,I cant go swimming with you.3、Turning right and covering another two blocks,you will get to your destination.4、He came here,running and singing.5、Asking around,I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that areenvironmentally friendly.6、Seen from the top of t

30、he hill ,the city looked like a big garden.7、Deeply moved by the story ,the excited people stopped quarrelling with each other.8、Given another chance ,he will do better.9、Laughed at by many people ,he continued his study.V-ing 形式与 V-ed 形式构造及用法(三原则)1):逻辑主语一致原则。V-ing 形式与 V-ed 形式一方面遵循逻辑主语一致规律, 即主、从句共主语

31、2)、且看构成主主谓还是动宾原则。如果逻辑主语与谓语动词构成积极关系,使用 V-ing 形式;如果逻辑主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,使用 V-ed 形式3)、且看有无时间先后原则四种状况:1、没有时间先后,如果构成是积极关系:则使用 V-ing 普通式2、有时间先后,如果构成是积极关系:则使用 having done 形式。3、没有时间先后,如果构成是被动关系:则使用 V-ed 形式普通式164、有时间先后,如果构成是被动关系:则使用 having been done 形式。注意:V-ing 形式与 V-ed 形式否定式是在分词前面加 not.同步强化练习:1、he sat there,not knowing what to do.(not know)2、inspired by him,we worked even harder.(inspire)(D)3、many times,he finally understood it .A To

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