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unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark 4Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 To enable students to know that everyone surely changes. If you are afraid of speaking in front of the class, encourage yourself not to be shy. More practice, and youll feel more confident.3. Teaching Key Points To learn the key vocabulary and the target language. To learn the usage of the structur

2、e used to.4. Teaching Difficult Points To improve students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. To enable students to grasp the usage of the structure used to. 5. Studying Way Teach students how to use the structure used to to compare the past with now. Language Function Talk about what

3、you used to be like. Target Language 1. Mario used to be short. Yes, he did. Now hes tall. 2. I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot. Structures 1. Used to 2. Conjunction but. Vocabulary used to, dark, spider, insect. Recycling alone, quiet, snake, outgoi

4、ng, friendly, serious, funny, tall, shy, short, straight, long hair.Learning Strategies 1. Brainstorming 2. Comparing.Teaching Time Seven PeriodsThe First Period.Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects (1)Key Vocabulary used to, dark (2)Target Language Mario used to be short. 2. Ability Objects

5、 (1) Train students listening skill. (2) Train students communicative competence.3.Moral Object Dont judge a person by his appearance.Teaching Key Points1. Target language2. The structure: used to. Teaching Difficult PointThe structure:. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by induction2. Pairwork. Teaching

6、Aids1. A tape recorder2. Pictures of people cut out from magazines or newspapers. Teaching ProceduresStep Revision (1) Check the homework exercises. (2) Ask some individual students their ways of learning English. T: How do you learn English, A? SA: I learn English by listening to cassettes. What ab

7、out you, B? SB: I study with a group. Do you learn English by practicing conversations with friends, C? SC: Yes, I do. I think it helps.Step 1aThe activity introduces tile key vocabulary. Call students attention to the chart with the headlines Appearance and Personality.Say, You are to fill in the c

8、hart with words describing people. The words under Appearance will describe how people look and the words under Personality will describe what people are like. Ask two students to say the sample answers. Then elicit one answer to each column from the class.Get students to fill in the chart individua

9、lly.Check the answers by asking different students to read their lists to the class.Make sure that all the students understand what each word means.Note: Answers will vary from the sample answers below.Sample answersAppearance: tall, straight hair, long hair, short hair, curly hair, short, fat, thin

10、, slim, good-looking, prettyPersonality: outgoing, funny, quiet, kind, warm-hearted, friendly, shy, easygoingStep 1bThe activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Write two dates side by side on the blackboard. The first is todays date, including the

11、 year, and the second is the same day, but ten years ago.Ask a student to stand up. Use words or phrases to describe that student now. Ask students to suggest words Or phrases that describe him/her ten years ago.T: Liu Chang is tall now. Was she tall ten years ago?S1: No, she was short. She has long

12、 hair. Did she have long hair ten years ago?S2: No, she has short hair. (You may wish to ask Liu Chang to answer the question) Ask some more questions and add more examples to both columns.Ensure that the blackboard ends up like this: Sep. 10,2004 Sep. 10,1994 Tall short long hair short hair Say, we

13、 use used to to talk about things that have changed.Write the following on the blackboard:Liu Chang used to be short, but she is tall now.She used to have short hair, but she has long hair now.Read the instructions to the class.Point out the sample answer. Say, You will hear someone in the recording

14、 say that Mario used to be short. Listen and fill in the other blanks with words you hear.Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.Play the recording again. This time, students listen and fill in the blanks.Check the answers. AnswersMario used to be short. He used to wear glasses.A

15、my used to be tall. She used to have short hair.Tina used to have red and curly hair.TapescriptConversation 1Boy 1: Mario, is that you?Boy 2: Yeah it is. Its Bob! Hey, guys, its Bob! I havent seen you in four years ! Yeah. Im here with my parents.Weve visiting for a couple of days. Wow, Mario, you l

16、ook different! You used to be short, didnt you? Yes, I did. NOW Im tall. And so are you!Thats true. And you used to wear glasses. You have a great memory. Now I wear contact lenses!Conversation 2 Hey. Amy, its great to see you.Girl1: Hi, Bob. How are you? Fine. Wow, youve changed! Really? How? Well,

17、 you used to have short hair.Girl 1: You remember that? Yes, I did. And you used to be really tall!Girl I: Not any more. Youre taller than me now, Bob.Conversation 3Girl 2: Hiya, Bob. Hi, Tina. Youve changed too.Girl 2 :Oh, yeah? You have blond hair! Yeah, it used to be red, didnt it? And its straig

18、ht! It used to be curly.Step 1cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Call students attention to the conversation in the box. Invite a pair of students to read it to the class.SA:SB: Yes, he did. Now he is tall.Write it on the blackboard. Then demonstrate a new conversation w

19、ith another student. Mario used to wear glasses.SC :Yes, he did. Now he wears contact lenses.Say, look at the picture in Activity 1b.Have a conversation with a partner about people in the picture. Talk about how the People look now and how they used to look.As students work, listen in on various pai

20、rs checking progress and helping with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come the front of the room and act out their conversations.Step SummarySay, In this class, weve learned the key vocabulary words used to and dark. And weve also

21、learned the target language Mario used to be short. Yes, he did. Now hes tallStep HomeworkTake out the pictures of people cut out from magazines or newspapers. Hand them out to students. Its better to find colorful, full-length photos. Ask students to write about the person in the picture as they ar

22、e now and as they were ten years ago. Students may collect pictures and information of the person they like best.Then write a passage about the person.Step Blackboard DesignSection A1. The structure: tall short Liu Chang used to be short, but she is tall now.2. Target language: A: B: Yes, he did. Now hes tall第二课时The Second Period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects be interested in, sure I used to be really quiet, I know. Now youre very outgoing. Did you use to have straight hair? Did you use to play the piano? No, I did

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