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1、主语为第三人称单数时的用法,以及Lets开头的祈使句,一些形容词的用法。A第一课时(附课件)教学内容1a Match the words with the things in the picture.1b Listen and circle the words you hear.1c Pairwork教学目标a. 能够听、说、写单词:have soccer ball tennis racket ping-pong volleyball basketball batb. 能够听、说、认读句子:Do you have?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 并能在实际情景中运用。c. 能

2、够完成1a 、1b中的任务教学重难点1、重点:能听说读写单词:句子: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2、难点:有关球类词汇的发音,以及助动词do的运用。课前准备1、学生常见的球类运动器材或有关的教学幻灯片或图片。2、表格3、录音机、磁带4、本课内容相关的教学课件建议与说明实物的运用,直观形象,也使对话贴近生活。歌曲的播放营造了一种氛围,引出了本单元的体育主题,同时,使人产生一种高昂的情绪。用实物或图片使呈现直观、易懂。学生通过读、听、说,并动手做了配对题,对新词的记忆进一步加深。教学设计教学步骤复习(Review)1、教师运用教室中的实物询问,Whats this in En

3、glish? Wheres the?复习Unit 4 中的内容。2、出示baseball的图片或实物。 T:Whats this in English? Ss:Its a baseball.I have a baseball. Lets play baseball.呈现/操练(Presentation / Practice)1、播放A song(the cup of life)2、出示踢足球的幻灯片,引出新单元主题:Its a ball.What ball is it? S1:Its a soccer ball.3、出示basketball的图片,呈现新单词:Its a basketball,

4、书写并拼读basketball.以同样的方法教学soccer ball, volley ball, tennisball, tennis racket ,ping-pong bat / ping-pong racket.朗读单词并记忆图片,可采用集体读,小组或个别读的形式4、完成课本1a. match the words with the picture.并校对答案。5、出示打篮球、踢足球、打排球、打网球等图片,让学生活用所学单词。6、呈现新句型出示一张篮球的图片。T:This is my basketball. I have a basketball.学生跟读,并出示图片(足球、排球、网球拍

5、、电视等)运用句型:This is my, I have进行操练。从易到难的图片到身边的真实物品,使对话的操练变得很自然,与生活相融合。此活动让学生动笔、动口、动脑多种器官运用于语言学习中,使课堂不枯燥。7、出示图片(一只双肩包)This is my backpack. I have a backpack. Do you have a backpack?Ss:Yes, I do. / No, I dont.出示其他图片(乒乓球拍、椅子、闹钟、网球)等,运用句型Do you have a /an ?Yes, I do. / No, I dont进行两人小组的操练。8、引导学生转入对自己身边物品的

6、提问Do you have a pencil? S2:Yes, I do.9、完成课本1b ,1c的内容10、出示图片(篮球与笑脸),让学生思考教师要说的句子:I have a basketball. 出示图片(双肩包与笑脸),说出句子: I dont have a backpack. 出示类似的图片,以笑脸表示“有”,以哭脸表示“无”的形式,练习说句子。 改变主语为they, we, the girls, Tim and Tom用同样的方法说句子,并书写句子。11、Task Make a survey. 活动设计:运用句型Do you have a? Yes, I do. /No, I do

7、nt.询问同桌是否拥有本课学过的球类,然后根据表格,让同桌进行汇报。 No, I dont.Do you have a basketball?I have , and .I dont have or .拓展/巩固(Extension / Consolidation)1、运用学过的知识,让学生列举所知道的运动项目。2、背诵课文对话并熟练单词。Exercise你知道下列球类的中文名字吗?1、basketball 2、football 3、soccer 4、rugby 5、baseball 6、volleyball 7、tennis 8、badminton 9、golf 10、softball 11

8、、hockey 12、bowling 13、table tennis / ping-pong 答案:1、篮球 2、足球3、英式足球 4、橄榄球5、棒球 6、排球7、网球 8、羽毛球9、高尔夫球 10、垒球11、曲棍球 12、保龄球13、乒乓球A第二课时(附课件)2a Listen to the conversation. Number the pictures 142b Listen again. Match the people with the balls2c Pairwork .Grammara. 能听、说、读、写单词does doesnt 能听、说、读单词Peter Barry b.

9、能运用句型:Does he / she have ? Yes, he/ she does. No, he / she doesnt.Do they have? Yes, they do. / No, they dont.c. 能运用句型与朋友讨论其他人是否拥有某物。重点:have在第三人称单数时的运用,即句型Does he / she have a soccer ball?Yes, he / she does.No, he/ she doesnt.难点:助动词do在不同人称中的运用。课前准备1、录音机、磁带2、挂图或本课课件复习 Review1、T:Its a basketball.Spell

10、 it, please.B-A-S-K-E-T-B-A-L-L. 出示上堂课的球类图片,进行单词的复习。2、T:Excuse me, do you have a pencilcase? 让学生以两人小组为单位进行对话表演。1、呈现新句型Do they / we / Tom and Tim have?出示几人在踢足球的图片Do they have a soccer ball?Yes, they do. 出示张伊宁与王楠打乒乓的图片No, they dont.Do Zhang Yining and Wang Nan have a soccer ball? 学生运用这些类似的图片或者自己班级里的物品

11、进行对话操练。2、呈现新句型Does he / she have? 从两个人的图片转变为一个人的图片(姚明与篮球)Does he have a basketball?Yes, he does. 出示李连杰与网球的图片Does he have a tennis ball?No, he doesnt. 出示类似图片并进行两人问答,并把he,she转变为具体的人名。3、课本2a Listen and number 2b Listen and match 完成2a、2b的练习后,进行Listen and repeat.4、Task 1 猜测图中有什么物品?P25彩图或者P26 2c中的图片,运用句型:

12、 Does he / she have? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.来把图中有何物进行猜测,可以采取两人小组形式或者班级分组比赛,并进行记分。 Task 2 考考谁的记忆力好?出现某人的房间,以快速闪动的方式,把其它物品加入进去,给学生以瞬间的出示。消失后运用句型Does she / he have? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt来进行。 Task 3 猜猜某人书包里有什么东西?活动设计: 在某人书包里藏入一些东西,然后进行猜物游戏。Does she have a ? Yes, she does. No, she does

13、nt.(以上三个任务可以任选使用)1、Grammar focus Read the sentences.2、Finish the exercise in the workbook. Fill in the blanks with do, dont does or doesnt 1. you have a soccer ball? Yes, I . 2. Dave have a tennis racket? No, he . 3. your sister have a volleyball? Yes, she . 4. they have a TV? Yes, they . 5. we have

14、 a computer? Yes, we . 6. your brothers have a basketball? No, they . 7. your father have a car? 8. Lin Tao and Yang Ming have a bat? 9. Alan have and apple? Yes, he . 10. your father and mother have a son?1. Do, do 2. Does, doesnt. 3. Does, does 4. Do, do.5. Do, do 6. Do, dont 7. Does, doesnt 8. Do

15、, dont9. Does, does 10. Do, doPeriod 3-5 教学内容3a Fill in the blanks with the words from the box3b Pairwork. Make conversations with your partner4 Pairwork. Join the sports club. Fill in the form教学目标a.能听说读写单词let us play well sound good sport we many club more classb.能够理解并运用本课时的对话.c.能够学会新句Lets的用法;并在情景中

16、运用。d.能够填写入俱乐部的表格,并进行自我介绍。教学重难点1.重点:句型I dont have a soccer ball. That sounds good. Lets play soccer.2.难点:Let开头祈使句的用法,以及句子That sounds good的运用。课前准备1.本课时的课件2.每位学生一张俱乐部入会卡教学设计B第四课时教学内容Section B 1a Match the words with the picture. 1b Draw a picture and guess the meaning. 2a listen and tick. 2b listen and

17、 write. 2c Pair work.a.能听、说、读、四含单词及词组:interesting boring fun difficult relaxing watch watch TV.b.能学会运用good; interesting; relaxing; boring; difficult 等形容词来表达自己对某事物的看法。c.学会在生活中互相询问所爱好的运动,并根据情况发出邀请。a.掌握四会单词的认读与书写。 b.学会形容词的恰当运用。形容词的恰当运用。1.录间机,磁带2.每人一张白纸3.教学挂图或课件B 第五课时3a Read this magazine article. Circl

18、e the sports things 3b Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks.3c Write about sports things and other things you have 4 Survey Self cheeka. 能够听说读写,四会单词和词组:has great but only them every day collection play sportsb. 能够学会一些名词复数的用法与数字的表达c. 能够学会句型:He/She has a soccer ball. He/She doesnt have a soccer ball.d. 学会谈论自己拥有的东西以及别人拥有的东西a.名词的复数b.句型:He/She has volleyballs. He/She doesnt have a baseball.She doesnt play sports.a. 名词的复数b. 主语为第三人称单数时,一般现在时中动词have ,play, watch等用法1.每位学生一张白纸2.一份表格3.本课时课件或者图片、几支笔、几本书

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