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1、(2015浙江卷)下面文章中有5个段落需要添加首句(第15题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出适合各段落的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。ACome in with something to say.BPrepare general comments.CBring materials with you.DDont make them wait.EHave no fear.FGo it alone.One of the best things you can do any time in the semester is go see the professor.So hoof on

2、over to an office hour and have some oneonone face time with someone wholl help you master the material and improve your grade,to boot.But how should you have this conversation with the professor?Here are five insider tips about how to make that office hour really count:1_ No need to get all bent ou

3、t of shape about going to see the professor.The professor would actually like to see you and answer your questions.Believe it or not,he or she is on your side and is eager to see you do well.And besides,he or she has seen many students stupider than you,so nothing youre going to ask will set the rec

4、ord for stupidity.2_ Even though you might feel more comfortable going with a friend or partner,the office hour will go better if its just you and the professor.Youll get in more questions,the discussion will be tailored to what you need most help on,and twoparty communication is almost always more

5、productive than committee work.Your friend can wait outside for the discussion.3_ If you cant make the official office hours,most professors are willing to make individual appointments to help you out.If youre lucky enough to land such an accommodation,though,be sure youre 100 percent on time.Theres

6、 nothing that ticks off a professor more than making himor herself available for a custom office hour only to find that you dont care enough to come on time.And besides,the professor might leave after ten minutes,which would make your trip a total loss.4_ If youre meeting with the professor to go ov

7、er a paper or test,or your lecture notes or a copy of the article.The professor doesnt remember the comments he or she wrote on your individual piece of workthough he or she will be able to recall them after just a brief glance at your work.And if you have your lecture notes or the article in hand,y

8、ou and the professor will be able to examine specific points that are confusing to you,rather than just talking in a general way about the contents.5_ Office hours almost always go better if you bring a few specific questions to the meeting.Its almost never good to start a meeting with general comme

9、nts such as:“I didnt understand what you said about main topic of the course” or “I couldnt understand any of your lectures last week.” Much better is to come in with two or three conversation starters,about a specific concept,point,or problem you didnt understand.Keep in mind that in a fifteenminut

10、e office hour (which is how long these things usually last),two or three questions are usually the most youll have time to discuss.能力提升练A在下面的采访中,滑雪运动员Kelly Clark(KC)在索契冬奥会前接受了记者Angela Haupt(AH)的采访,回答了5个相关的问题(第15题)。请从下列提问(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出与她的回答相匹配的问题,选项中有一项是多余选项。AWhat do you love about snowboarding?BHo

11、w do you work out in the gym every day?CHow are you feeling in these weeks leading up to Sochi?DWhat are you looking forward to about this years Olympics?EHow do you get into the right mood to compete so successfully?FWhy do you think it is important to train smarter rather than harder?Snowboarder K

12、elly Clark Is Preparing for the2014 Sochi Winter OlympicsIn an interview with US.News & World Report,Kelly Clark,the most famous athlete in mens and womens snowboarding history,talks about how she is preparing for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games.AH:1._KC:I was fortunate enough to qualify for the

13、 Olympics before Christmas.I could put myself in competitive,technically challenging situations.Ive had the privilege (特权) of this opportunity several times,and now I know theres a difference between having potential and being prepared.And for me,its been all about being prepared.2._Traditionally,sn

14、owboarding is considered as a sport for the young.I just rounded 30 this year,and I can definitely tell you that my body doesnt respond as quickly or recover as quickly as it used to.Therefore,I have to be smarter with my training.I cant go out and do five days on the hill straight.Its usually three

15、 days on,one day off.I have to rest a little bit more.Its a bit more of an investment than it used to be.All that being said,the sport has progressed,where its more physically demanding than its ever been as well.So from both a performance and an injury prevention standpoint (立场),its required.3._I l

16、ove that you can be creative,and I love that you can progress and bring your own style into things.But I think what keeps me coming back is that youre never going to be the best.Its always changing.Its impossible to be perfect.And there isnt a day that I go out there and Im not challenged,and I thin

17、k thats why I can still be so motivated and enjoy it so much after 15 years of competing.4._I dont want to say I isolate (隔离) myself,but I definitely protect the environment Im in,and that helps me perform at a high level.I listen to music when I compete to protect what I hear,for example,so I can s

18、tay focused on the task at hand.I dont need to be thinking about what the announcers are saying or what my competitors are saying; I need to stay focused on the process that Im in,because I never want to get ahead of myself and think about the outcome.I find that youre not able to perform well when

19、youre focused on the outcome and step outside the process.5_Ive learned that the Olympics shouldnt be treated as a destination.My experience has given me that perspective,and that was something that was very successful for me at the last OlympicsI really enjoyed it.I dont want to get done and be rel

20、ieved its over.I want to enjoy it.I want to be excellent.I want to see if I have what it takes,and I want to give it my all.I think it should be fun,because thats why I started snowboarding.B下面文章中有5个段落需要添加小标题(第15题)。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出适合各段落的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。ASeek advice and help.BUnderstand how pho

21、bias arise.CLearn to reduce your tension when at the wheel.DMake changes to the car to improve the safety of your driving.EAvoid black and white,or absolutist thinking.FSeek to recognize symptoms of a phobia in yourself.A phobia (恐惧症) is a fear of an activity,object,or situation that is in excess to

22、 the inherent dangerousness of the feared thing.A driving phobia is likely to be enormously harmful to your life because it will stop you from going to places you need to be and can even interfere with jobs requiring driving as part of the work.Here are some suggestions to help you overcome your dri

23、ving phobia.1_Phobias can be genetic in nature,although a phobia about driving is probably not likely to have this cause; however,if youre a parent displaying this phobia,it can be easily passed on to your children.Phobias are also grounded in witnessing or experiencing something traumatic (创伤的) and

24、 then developing avoidance of doing or dealing with the feared object or situation.A driving phobia could develop gradually or quickly,and might arise because of such experiences as being involved in,or witnessed a car accident.2_When suffering from a phobia,you can experience a range of emotions an

25、d physical reactions,some of which are mild,some of which can be debilitating.Common phobia responses include:Stopping the activity altogetheryou might not even be able to drive a car anymore; or you may never have even sat for a license or tried to drive a car.Feeling physical reactions such as swe

26、ating,headaches,chest pains,dry throat,feeling faint,“jelly” legs,dizziness,etc.3_It can be very hard to overcome a phobia on your own,especially if youve let it grow over a period of time.But phobias can be easily treated and not seeking help will cause you to suffer needlessly.Your driving phobia

27、makes you vulnerable because your judgment can be easily clouded when driving when you seek any way out of whatever makes you anxious while driving.See your doctor first and discuss your feelings,so that your doctor can confirm that you have a phobia.Your doctor will probably then recommend a course

28、 of action that includes seeing a therapist who deals with cognitive reprogramming.4_Convincing yourself that being in a car will attract a car accident is a type of black and white thinking.It often arises after the “one trial learning” of being involved in a single car accident.Basically,youre sug

29、gesting to yourself that when you re not in the car,youre safe from car accidents,but when youre in a car,youll have one.And while saying things like “roads are dangerous ” and “ longdistance driving is dangerous” might be factual truths,repeating these statements over and over to yourself as justif

30、ications for avoiding driving does nothing to alleviate (减少) the potential dangers; it simply confirms the problem and avoids the reality that you can do things to minimize the dangers.5_When youre tense and nervous,you restrict the information being received and acted upon by your brain.Practice relaxing before you drive.If you notice yourself tensing up as youre driving,tighten consciously and then let go of all te

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