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1、U8Isthereapostofficenearhere全单元教案Unit 8 单元备课本单元的话题为“Talk about the neighborhood”,在一个陌生的环境问路、在自己熟悉的社区、景区向别人指路是青少年经常遇到的情景。这种话题学生感兴趣,并有话可说,在问路、指路的对话练习中熟悉多个方位词的用法、多个建筑物名称。本单元应该围绕“问路、指路”这一话题展开,设计一些任务型活动,以给学生一个训练、提高的机会。从而,学生要能够学会用there be来表达存在,学会指路、问路,介绍建筑物直接的位置关系、向别人介绍自己居住的社区周围的建筑,并能利用地图准确地寻找某一建筑物的位置。【教学

2、目标】1.基本目标 能听、说、读、写以下单词:post, office, police, station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, pay phone, near, across, front, behind, town, north, along, turn, right, turn right, left, turn left, crossing, enjoy, easily, road, spend, climb, around, air, sunshine, free, money能听、说、理解以下单词:neigh

3、borhood, sunshine,straight.能理解、会用下面的词组:across from, next to, in front of, on the right/left,2.能力目标学会用there be表达存在,学会问路、指路,介绍建筑物之间的位置关系、向别人介绍自己居住的社区周围的建筑,并能利用地图准确地寻找某一建筑物的位置。3.情感目标遇到别人有困难时,热情礼貌地提供帮助。课时划分:第一课时 Section A 1a-1c第二课时 Section A 2a-3c第三课时 Section B 1a-1e第四课时 Section B 2a- 3aPeriod 1一、教学目标:知

4、识目标:1.学习表示建筑物的几个名词: post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay phone, park,near and pay.2.学习therebe结构的用法。Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is. Its on the Bridge Street. / NO, there isnt.3.能够用there be 句型表示存在。二、教学重难点1. 建筑物名词。2.there be 的句型表达存在,以及there be 句型的肯否定

5、句与肯否回答。三、教学步骤Step 1 Lead-in1.Greet as usual.2.Show a picture of the local city, ask and answer like this:T: Do you know the name of this park?S: Yes, its Zi Wei park.T: Thats right. Is there a restaurant near the park?S1:Yes.T: Good. Do you know the name of the restaurant?Where is it?T:Its Restauran

6、t. Its on the Pingan Street.Step 2 Presentation1.展示图片或幻灯片,呈现其他生词,如:post office, police station, hotel,bank, hospital, pay phone, street 等,然后带领学生朗读生词。2.Show pictures to present the target language:Is there a post office near here?Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.Step 3 Practice1.Pairwork. 根据1a中的图片内容,两人

7、一组编对话,如:Is there a hotel near the park?Yes, there is. Its on Long Street.No, there isntStep 4 Production1.Finish 1a. Match the words with the places in the picture. 2.Work on 1b. Listen and circle the places you here in 1a.3. Listen again and fill in blanks.播放第一遍录音,学生完成1b的活动,找出录音中所提到的地点。播放第二遍录音,让学生边

8、听边尝试跟读与复述,这样做的目的是为了训练学生听辨词汇与句子的能力。Step 5 Progress Look and say.(according to 1a) like this:There is a restaurant near the police stationThere is a restaurant on the Bridge Street; There is a restaurant near the police station on the Bridge Street.Period 2一、教学目标知识目标1.能够掌握下列方位介词.near, next to,in front

9、 of, between and, behind, across from, on.2.能够使用上述方位介词来描述物体的位置并掌握目标语言:The pay phone is across from/ behind, in front of/ next to/betweenand能力目标学会用where的句型来问路,学会用方位介词来描述方位。二、教学重难点1.方位介词的用法。2. there be 句型。3.where 句型。三、教学步骤Step 1 Lead in 1.Greet as usualStep 2 Presentation首先用图片复习in,on,under表示物体方位的用法,接着

10、呈现方位介词next to,in front of, between and, behind, across from等。教师带读这些词汇,再通过看图提问的方式检测学生是否理解这些词汇与短语的含义。如:T: Where is the pay phone?S1: Its across from next to between and on in front of behindStep 3 PracticePariwork. 用幻灯片来呈现一幅图片,并让学生结对训练。A; Where is the post office/ the restaurant?B: Its across from nex

11、t to between and on in front of behindStep 4 Production1.Work on 2a. 让学生观察2a的图片,将正确的序号填入图上的空格中。核对答案,并让学生朗读2a中的句子。2.Work on 2b, listen and fill in blanks with the words in the box.。播放第一遍录音,让学生填写2b中的句子。播放第二遍录音,让学生核对信息,将答案补充完整。3Check the answers. 针对2b中的地点进行问答,并核对答案。 T: Wheres the park? S: The park is a

12、cross from the bank.4. Ask and answer. 两人一组根据1a的图片内容,模仿2c的示范内容编对话。5. Work on 2d.(1)导入情景:If we want to go somewhere in a new place, what should we do? Look through the map or ask local people for help, which will you choose? (2) Read the conversation and answer the questions:Q1: Where does Tony want

13、to go?Q2: Who is new in town?Q3: Where is the bank?Q4: Is there a park near the bank?(3) Study on language points.(4)Role-play the conversation. Step 5 Homework.Period 3一、教学目标知识目标1.能够掌握以下单词与短语:go along, turn right, turn left, on the right, on the left, at the first crossing road.2能够掌握指路的基本句型:Go alon

14、gStreet, turn leftand its on能力目标让学生能进一步熟练掌握there be结构,能谈论自己社区周围的一些建筑物、去某一建筑物的路。学会问路与掌握指示路线的基本结构。二、教学重难点1.如何指示出某地的具体位置2.学会问路与指示路线的对话。三、教学步骤Step 1 Revision the Grammar focus of section AA: Where is the?B: Its .Step 2 Presentation1. Present and learn the signs of transportation. Such as: turn left, tur

15、n right, go along, on the left, on the right, crossing.2.Present the target language like this:T: Look at the picture, if I start from here. How can I get to the post office?S: Go along the Bridge Street and turn leftStep 3 Practice1.Ask and answer the positions of the places.2.Role play. Student A

16、is new and Student B tells him/her how to get somewhere.Step 4 Production1.Work on 1a. Match the words in the box with the signs.2. Work on 1b. Listen and write the correct place for each letter in the picture.该项听力前要先让学生适应在图上的面对方向,明白要以图上人物的面对方向来区分图上的左右。3. Work on 1c. Listen again and fill in blanks.

17、 4. 1d. Imagine you and your partner are the two people in the picture in 1b. Ask and answer questions about the places. ( 1) 利用section B,1b 中的地图练习问路、指路,设定A在某个建筑物附近想去另外一地方,可由教师与一学生先行演示。 (2)让同桌之间练习3分钟,注意用以上的知识点。(3)选择几组同学表演,教师注意适当点评。Excuse me, Is there a supermarket near here?Excuse me, where is the b

18、ank? Step 5 SummarizeGroup work. Summarize what we learned in this class.Period 4一、教学目标1.掌握以下单词与短语:Neighborhood, spend, spend time, climb, road, often, air, sunshine, free, enjoy, enjoy reading, easily, money.2.能够快速阅读,准确回答问题,提升阅读目标。3.能够谈论某个地点的具体位置二、教学重难点重点短语与重点句型。三、教学步骤Step 1 Revision and warming up

19、1.Ask student to talk about their neighborhood. 2.Work on 2a. Check the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are.Step 2 Pre-reading假设图片123中剪头所指的地方为我家,让学生尝试用方位介词来描述家周围的建筑或地名。Step 2 Skimming and Note-taking(速读与速记)Fast reading. Read the passages quickly and match each passage with a map.

20、Step 3:Scanning and carefully thinking (审读)1. Carefully reading. Read the passages carefully and answer the questions:Q1.HowdoesAnnagettothezoo?Q2.Whereisthepark?Q3.Whereisthepostoffice?Q4.Whereisthelibrary?2. Work on 2c. Read the passages again and answer the questions. (1). What does Anna like doi

21、ng in the zoo?(2). Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?(3). What does John like to do at the park?(4). John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so?(5). How does Lisa get to the library from her home?Step 4:Explaining main and difficult points(释疑)down 在本句中是介词,意思是“沿着,沿”。 down 用作副词时,其反义词是up, 表示方向。从城区往农村市、中心城区往城郊用down, 反之从农村往城市、从城郊往市中心用up. 例如:Go up this road, and you can get to the city. 沿着这条路往前走,你就会到达那个城市。Go down this road, and you can find the village. 沿着这条路往前走,你就会找到那个村庄。

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