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1、引文、正文和结论句三部分。在引文部分提出论点,即文章的主题;正文部分摆出有力的事实,对论点进行严密的论证,最后根据前面的论证得出结论。1. 论点:简洁明确。有一个中心论点,一般在文章开头提出。2. 论证:合理严密。对自己的观点或选择等进行论证,阐明自己的理由。3. 论据:充分可靠。可用名人名言、谚语或者生活事例等作为依据。评分标准评分分为A、B、C、D、E五档档次内容语言组织结构A910分45分B78分3分C56分56分2分D34分1分E02 分02分0分1. 总分为25分:其中内容10分,语言10分,组织结构5分。2. 评分时应注意的主要方面:内容要点,应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下

2、文的连贯性。3. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定所属档次,然后对照相应的组织结构档次给予加分。其中,内容和语言两部分相加得15分或以上者,可考虑加45分,15分 以下者只能考虑加03分。4. 词数少于70个,总分最多不超过10分。各档次评价标准:内容部分语言部分组织结构部分内容充实,主题突出,详略得当。具有很好的语言表达能力,语法结构正确或有些小错误,主要是因为使用了较复杂的结构或词汇所致。自然地使用语句间的连接成分,全文流畅,结构紧凑。句子结构多样,词汇丰富。内容较充实,能表达出作文要求。具有较强的语言表达能力,语法结构和词汇的应用基本正确,错误主要是因为尝试较复杂的结构或词汇所致。


4、畅,必须用些承上启下的信号词,让阅卷老师在最短的时间内抓住你写作的脉络。2.表达清晰;语言规范。必须避免语法上的错误和使用不规范的中文式表达。受欢迎的作文是用词标准,清晰表达中心思想,行文流畅的文章。整篇文章必须做到正确使用时态语态,主谓一致,没有错误的单词拼写和标点符号的滥用。3.词汇丰富;句式多变。语言丰富,善于运用高级词语和词组。句式结构应较为复杂,富有变化。如有比喻、夸张或对比等修辞手法增加表现力,更易得高分。4.书写整洁;篇幅适中。写作步骤:4. 检查1. 审题2. 列提纲3. 写作认真审阅所给材料,要确定文章的体裁和主题。尤其注意题 目提供的信息和特别要求。对语法和词汇进行快速检查


6、5句。写作策略:1、内容 【审题;列提纲;写作】2、语言 【词汇、句型句式】A. 词汇单词是文章最小的单位。用词方面,良好的语言表达能力,体现在用好同义词、近义词,用好介词,用好形容词,用好副词,用好词性转换,用好词组和用好英语俗语等。(1) 用好同义词、近义词:要使文章生动,可以在上下文中将同一个意思的词语用同义词或词组替换。例如:“重视素质教育”:value quality education,lay emphasis on all-round education, give priority to quality education等。“网络时代的到来”:the arrival of t

7、he digital age, the approach of the Internet era, the emergence of the Internet age, the rise of the network等。遇到一时想不起来的词语,可以用近义词代替,也可以用否定词加反义词来表达,亦可变换句式或使用单词前缀后缀来灵活变通。(2) 用好介词:with,without,despite,against,regarding等都是常用的介词。用好介词能使文章的语言更加简洁。 If we dont have passion for life, we might easily lose our w

8、ill to fight when we have trouble. Without passion for life, we might easily lose our will to fight in difficult times. When we read-books,we are actually traveling everywhere. Through reading, we are actually traveling across time and space. It is hard for me to describe the joy with words. My joy

9、is beyond words. 用介词替代从句,文章就更加紧凑了。(3) 用好形容词:避免千篇一律的主谓宾结构。加入恰当的形容词能使文章更加生动具体。例: Nowadays, students are under pressure. Nowadays, numerous students are under high academic pressure.在形容词的选择方面应该避免使用空洞的词语,比如good,bad等。例如: Making friends on the Internet is not good. Making friends online is time-consuming

10、and risky.(4) 用好副词:副词的位置灵活多变,可以修饰整个句子,也可以修或形容词等。英语句型并非总用主语开头,用副词、词组等都可以使句子结构多样化。 He is wrong. Clearly, he is wrong. I believe. I firmly believe。 illustrate a phenomenon. vividly illustrate a phenomenon。加了副词后,整个句子的感觉会变得含义更丰富,动作更具体化。(5) 用好词性转换:对于一些高频形容词,不妨尝试用一下它的其他词性,使语言不落俗套。 Independent thinking is n

11、ecessary in study. Independent thinking is a necessity in study. Computers are more and more popular. Computers are growing in popularity.改用名词的结构后,更能抓住读者眼球,留下更加深刻的印象。(6) 用好词组:丰富的英语表达少不了一些常用的词组,增加文章的文采。 例如:The theater is being built now. The theater is under construction.Dirt and disease, exist toget

12、her. Dirt and disease go hand in hand.When one meets a demanding challenge,the speech of Steve Jobs is a great guide. In face of a demanding challenge, the speech of Steve Jobs serves as a great guide.(7) 用好英语俗语: 为了写出地道的语言,形象化、生动化及趣味性的词语或词组也应进入我们的备考词典。能够在正确的语境中使用这些英语俗语会给文章增加不少亮点。例如 “成天看电视的人”叫couch p

13、otato, “喜欢乱说话的人”叫 a big mouth,“没有经验的新手”叫a green hand,“装作没听见”或“置之不理”叫turn a deaf ear .to,“洗耳恭听”叫be all ears,“备受关注”叫in the spotlight,“轻而易举的事情”叫a piece of cake, “没前途的工作”叫dead-end job,“最后的忍耐极限”叫the last straw,“茫然不知情”叫in the dark,“连锁反应”叫chain reaction,“金科玉律”叫 golden rule,“善意的谎言”叫white lie, “不辞而别”叫take Fr

14、ench leave,“害群之马” 叫black sheep,等等。实例分析例如,就“大学校园是否应该向公众开放”这个题目,我们对下面的段落在词语的选用方面进行修改。原文:1 University is a good place. Although being open to the public has a bad effect on its teaching order, it shouldnt ignore those people who want to feel its atmosphere. The goal of a university is to spread the kno

15、wledge to the people and improve their quality.改后:1 Undoubtedly, university is a place where people gain more advanced knowledge. Although being open to the public more or less disturbs its normal teaching order, a university shouldn, t turn people away,especially those with a strong desire to feel

16、the first-rate educational atmosphere. The ultimate goal of a university is to spread knowledge in different fields to the general public, enhancing the quality of the whole nation.(8) 插入语:插入语使句子有一种跌宕起伏的感觉。副词、连接词和短语都可以当作插入语,放在句子句中,一般位于主语之后,动词或助动词的前面,两边分别加上逗号。 Life is, in a sense, a harsh battle. Pro

17、tecting the environment, as I see it, has a far-reaching influence on future generations. Other individuals, however, take the attitude that the government should take the responsibility to take care of the old. The cultivation of good habits at an early age, to some extent, benefit one for his whol

18、e life. A good teacher not only offers knowledge, but more importantly, he also teaches students how to behave well.B. 句型/句式(1) 倒装句:否定词语或词组放句首要部分倒装。Not only(倒装)but also;only位于句首时,要用部分倒装,only后面的状语【副词、介词短语、状语从句】;让步状语从句倒装结构为:副词/形容词/名词+as/though+动词(名词放句首,冠词要省略)。倒装句的运用使强调突出的内容更明显。 There is no denying tha

19、t we all lead a busy school life, but by no means should this be an excuse for not doing housework. Not only does the Internet provide us with easy access to a wealth of information, but also it helps us to escape from the pressure in reality. Small as Armstrongs step on the moon is, it is a giant l

20、eap for the human being.(2) 强调句:强调句是重要的语法形式,具有一定的灵活性和难度。其句型结构; It is/ was+被强调的部分+that/who.;当被强调的部分是人用who,其它情况用that。例如 It is self-criticism that helps us to see our own weakness. In many cases, it is not until we fall ii that we begin to pay attention to our health.(3) 复合句:包括定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句。考生应该能在作文中

21、应用各类复合句,表达较为复杂的逻辑关系。 In face of a real challenge, it is essential that you screw up your courage. (主从) A lot of people still hold the opinion that appearance is far more important than capability. (同位语从句) Everyone possesses a dream. That is why they establish ahead of themselves a series of goals an

22、d are motivated to fulfill the ultimate dream. (表从) Home is like a harbor, where we can rest when we feel upset or frustrated, and then we can set out again with encouragement and confidence. (非限制性定语从句; 时间状语从句) Success and failure is often wrongly defined by grades where exam-oriented education is p

23、opularized.(地点状语从句) Human nature is such that man always desires to earn more money. (结果状语从句) Whatever the future may have in store, we will be well-prepared for it if we learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and .different.(让步状语从句; 条件状语从句; 宾语从句)(4) 非谓语:非谓语动词改变了动词只能作谓语的功能,使其在英语句子中的用法更加灵活

24、、多变。非谓语包括动名词、不定式和分词。多尝试运用非谓语结构的表达,这是在英语写作中使文章增色的重要手段之一。 To make the most of our abilities and find the positions that most fit us in society are shortcuts to fulfill our value. (不定式) It is no use crying over the spilt milk.(动名词) If life is a sea, dream is like a compass, leading us to the. shore.(现在

25、分词) President Obama said educational success and economic well-being are linked, especially in a world economy driven by information and technology. (过去分词) Past records, correctly interpreted,can give us warning of what to do and what not to do(过去分词) There being little time left, we had to speed up.

26、 (独立主格) All things considered, the proposal is worth a try.(独立主格)(4) 固定句型: We cant be too cautious when choosing majors. (再也不过分) We have to admit where there is a solution, there might also be a barrier. (哪里有,哪里就有) There is no denying that a friend might change your life by being part of it. (不可否认)

27、Just as woods are absolutely necessary to birds, so is the earth to human beings. (正如,也一样)(4)修辞句型:比喻、夸张、排比、反问等都是常用的修辞手段。 Lost in the Internet world, you lose your passion for life, miss the beauty of nature and make an indifferent person of yourself. (排比). Reading is just like a travel across time a

28、nd space. (比喻) For me, the book is a soul mate, a teacher and a window to see a broader world. (排比) What else can we do but obey, the law of nature? (反问) Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns (皱眉) upon the coward (懦夫). (对比,拟人) Failure is the mother of success. (拟人) The boss shouted at his employe

29、es in a loud voice which could wake up the dead.(夸张) 优秀作文的句子应该具备两个基本特点:符合语法规则和富有变化的句式。但是也不能为了凑字数而追求繁琐的表达方式和词句,建议长短句交错使用,增强文章的可读性。实例分析 2例如,就“关于塑料袋对环境的影响”这个题目,我们对下面的段落在句型的选用方面进行修改。1 Plastic bags are cheap and useful, but they are often thrown away quickly. It is not convenient to deal with the bags. They will cause a lot of pollution. The plastic wastes will cause the white pollution. Animals sometimes may mistake the plastic bags f

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