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先锋英语6B Unit9 Life in the year 教案.docx

1、先锋英语6B Unit9 Life in the year 教案 单元主题:Unit 9 Life in the year 2050单元内容概述本单元是先锋英语六年级6B的第三单元,重点学习孩子们到森林里种树、清除垃圾的情节,在休息期间,孩子们由自己种的树想到2050年已经长大引发的讨论。从而谈及畅想未来的生活。重点学习了现在进行适合一般将来时,在孩子么的讨论中学习表示同意或者不同意别人的观点的表达法so do I /I do, too. Neither do I /I dont either . 单元教学目标知识与技能目标:1、知识目标: 语音:了解有些字母在单词中不发音的情况。 词汇:So

2、 do I. I do, too. Neither do I. I dont, either. 语法:进一步了解一般将来时的用法。2、能力目标: 能用一般将来时(含有will和be going to两种句式)谈论未来发生的事情。 能用So do I. I do, too. Neither do I. I dont, either. 表达同意或不意。过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用语言进行表达和交流。情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标:通过学生植树、清理垃圾这一主题故事的学习,增强学生热爱自然、保护环境的意识。通过畅谈2050年的未来生活,培养

3、学生热爱生活的态度,激发学生探索未来的欲望。教学重点能用So do I. I do, too. Neither do I. I dont, either. 表达同意或不同意。教学难点能用So do I. I do, too. Neither do I. I dont, either. 表达同意或不同意。学生情况分析学生在前面的学习中已经接触了will 引导的将来时学生曾经学过,因此在故事教学前可以让学生说一说对未来世界的想象,发挥想象力进行表达,从而为后面的故事教学作铺垫。本单元容易出现的问题及措施本单元重点学习表达同意或者不同意的几种观点的说法,因此对于句型结构要让学生理解清楚,再进行练习,

4、以降低学习的难度。可通过复习、巩固、再练习的步骤来提高学生学习的兴趣。教学资源见资源文件夹ppt单元检测见单元检测文件夹 教学主题:Unit 9 Life in the year 2050 授课课时第一课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标1、能使用be going to 和will结构表达将来发生的事情,能用So do I. / I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont, either. 表达同意或不同意。2、能够基本正确地听、说、读、forest, neither, trashcan, huge, different, modern cities. back to wor

5、k, present.等新出现的词和词组。3、初步了解同意或不同意的观点:So do I. / I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont, either.并会运用。4、通过本单元课文的学习,学生能够正确朗读课文,并运用所学的句型根据图片描述故事大意。二、过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用语言进行表达和交流。进而理解本单元的重点内容。三、情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过学习本单元的故事内容,通过本课课文的学习,通过对未来世界的想象,说明环境保护的重要性,我们应该怎样做才能更好的保护环境。教学重点1、理解、复述故事,能使用

6、将来时表达,并理解其用法。2、通过故事内容的学习,学生能够掌握课文中出现的一些单词和词组,并且会灵活的运用。教学难点难点是让学生带着一些问题来理解主题课文内容。灵活使用将来时和理解So do I. / I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont either.句型。教学用具教具:录音机、课件,单词图片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Oral practice . T: Whats the weather like today ? T: What rules about mountain bike race ? 设计意图:通过教师和学生之间的口语交际,拉近教师和学生的距离,

7、营造英语学习氛围。Step 1Warming-upStep 2PreviewSet the scene.Ask students if they have ever done anything to help clean up the environment, by picking up trash. Explain the meaning of to plant trees. Step 3PresentationPresent the new language.(1) Say that in the story the BINGO Kids are talking about their i

8、deas about life in the year 2050.(2) Ask a concept question: “Are we talking about the past, present, or future. ”(3) Listening drill.(4) Choral repetition: Students listen and repeat after you three times.(5) Individual check.(6) Present the second model: in the year 2050 computers will do everythi

9、ng : Repeat steps 2-5 above.(7) Practice the first and second models.(8) Elicit the other five models by following steps 2-5Revise all seven models.Watch the video for second time and answer some questions: Q1: What does Sue think about the future?Q2: What does Ann think about the future?Q3: What do

10、es Ken think about the future?学生在听课文时找到上面三个问题的答案。同时学习huge, different, 等并理解其意思。设计意图:让学生带着问题去读课文,阅读前对问题进行翻译,照顾部分中下等学生。从细节上感知故事内容.Ask the children read the text for picture 1 to 10 with the video and find answers.Q4: Computers will do everything .Do you agree ? Q5: Where does Lisa want to live in the f

11、uture? 设计意图:通过让学生再次读课文,让学生理解同意或不同意的观点怎么表达,为学生很好的理解复述内容作铺垫,提高学生的理解能力。Step 4Practice 1. Now play the tape and have students look at the picture.2. Play the tape again and have the students read the words.Step 5Consolidation and extension Read and fill in the blanks.The BINGO Kids are _ a field trip in

12、 the forest. They are _ up trash. There are _ bottles and tin cans in the forest. In some areas, there arent many _. So the kids are _ new trees. In the year 2050, these trees will be _. During the break, the kids talk about life in the _. Some kids say the _ will do many things, such as shopping an

13、d _ dishes, but computers cant _ trees. Everyone will _ in modern cities, but some people still love the _.设计意图:拓展知识,让学生独立阅读故事理解故事,同时通过排列句子的练习对学习的内容进行反馈。Step 6 Homework 1、Tell the story to your parents by yourself and read the story or retell the story .2、Copy the words for twice time .板书设计Unit 9 Li

14、fe in the year 2050 I will . am going to .So do I. / I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont, either.教学主题:Unit 9 Life in the year 2050授课课时第二课时教学目标:一、知识与技能目标:1、让学生能够用描述性的语言复述本单元的主题课文。能够在理解的基础上以小组的形式表演全部或部分故事内容。2、熟练掌握Talk together 中的重点句型,掌握本课中出现的表达同意或不同意的观点的几种说法。提高表达能力。Words you know 中的关于了解森林及环保相关的词汇3、在Agre

15、e with a friend 中通过让学生根据意思来表达自己的不同观点,进一步运用So do I / I do, too. Neither do I / I dont either. 并进一步了解一般将来时的用法。在complete the sentences 中通过讲解 much, a lot of和many在用法上的区别。学生能够会运用。4、听力练习中要注重听力策略的培养。指导学生认真观察图片,进而进行标序号的练习。 二、过程与方法目标:通过模仿、操练、应用等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用同意或不同意的观点进行交流,提高学生的运用能力和表达能力。通过以旧代新,复习一些动作

16、词,在语境中有效进行词句结合教学。培养学生总结发现规律,按规律仿写句子。三、情感、策略、文化意识目标:1、培养学生学习英语的兴趣。2、通过老师的指导,继续掌握复述课文的方法和技巧。3、通过对主题的学习交流增强学生热爱自然,保护环境的意识。通过畅谈2050年的未来生活,培养学生热爱生活的态度,激发了学生对未来生活的憧憬。教学重点1能够掌握本单元的句型So do I ./ I do, too.等,much, a lot of和many在用法上的区别及用法。2根据重点单词的提示学生能够复述本单元的主题课文内容。教学难点句型So do I ./ I do, too. Neither do I / I

17、dont either.等表达同意或不同意的几种观点的用法表达。教学用具录音机,课件、单词卡片教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Oral practice What are you doing tomorrow ? Whats your favorite sport ? In the year 2050. computers will do everything .Do you agree ? In the year 2050, Robots will help us do housework. Do you agree ? 设计意图:通过日常口语操练,培养学生的口语表达能力.Step 1Warmi

18、ng-upStep 2PreviewReview the story. Tell the story with the children again. Elicit the story from the children with the questions.These are the dialogue of the text. Can you retell it in your words. Show the questions and ask the children retell the story. Q1: What are the Bingo Kids doing next Mond

19、ay? Q2:What are they talking about the future ? 设计意图:通过复习故事情节激发学生的学习兴趣。培养学生按照顺序复述课文的能力。为学习下面的内容做铺垫。Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks. The BINGO Kids are _ a field trip in the forest. They are _ up trash. There are _ bottles and tin cans in the forest. In some areas, there arent many _. So

20、the kids are _ new trees. In the year 2050, these trees will be _. During the break, the kids talk about life in the _. Some kids say the _ will do many things, such as shopping and _ dishes, but computers cant _ trees. Everyone will _ in modern cities, but some people still love the _.Step 3Present

21、ationTalk together学生看插图内容,同桌读一读,了解谈话内容,可以替换划线的部分。(鼓励学生相互学习,扩展思路,尽量替换。)找两位同学示范,鼓励学生替换对话内容。学生练习后,让学生表演、展示对话内容。(尽量让学生创设情境,进行真实的表达。)Ask the children say some sentences with these. 设计意图:培养学生独立运用语言的能力。Did you know Do you know when you playing in the forest . What should you do? What shouldnt you do ? Ask

22、children talk about They show the ppt. We should stay with friends .We should take away the trash when we leave. We shouldnt play with fire.We shouldnt walk into the deep forest alone. We dont cut down branches of trees.We dont catch birdsLearn the “Did you know ” Read the sentence and answer with S

23、o do I , I dont either.We shouldnt play with fire . So do I We should walk into the deep forest. I dont either . Step 4Practice Listen to thisAsk children look the pictures and Write the number.设计意图:引导学生观察图片,自己试着表达,指导学生做听力练习,提前说一遍图片照顾部分学困生,能够明白听力从哪入手。进而在进行判断的练习。Words you knowAsk the students look at

24、 the picture and answer some questions .Where are the boys and girls ? What are they doing ? What do they wear? What do they do ? Then ask children say some sentences. S1: Theyre in the forest. They are picking up the trash. They wear gloves. They put the trashcans in the trash bags. They are planti

25、ng the trees . 新课标第一网At last ask children write the words 在相应的位置写出单词,注意纠正书写中的错误。Activity 3:agree with a friend Have the students read the sentence and think about the ideas. Use So do I= I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont either. Answer the sentences. I dont like trash on the street. I dont know wher

26、e Ill be in 2020.I dont go to school on Sunday. I dont do chores every day.I sometimes read stories. I always eat breakfast before school.I like listening to music. I like going on vacation.I dont go shopping every week. I often give gifts1)、出示所有句子,学生自主读,找问题,提问。2)、明确语言用法. 3)对子示范-学生与同桌进行对话练习。4)、对子展示。

27、Complete the sentences 1)读故事,找出much, a lot of 和many 在故事中出现的句子,体会意义。 2)说一说much, a lot of和many在用法上的区别。 3)看句子,选择适当的词补全句子。 There arent _ people in the forest today. There wont be _ fresh water in the future. There are _ fish in the river. There arent _ birds in the tree.1 There isnt _ snow on the mounta

28、ins.2 There are _ animals in the zoo. 4)核对答案,同学相互检查。设计意图: 通过不同形式的练习提高学生的能力。Step 5 Homework 1、Copy the words for twice . 2、Recite words about words you know . 3、Read the story and recite it . 板书设计Unit 9 Life in the year 2050 So do I . / I do, too. Neither do I. / I dont ,either.I think so. I hope not

29、.I agree. I dont agree. I dont think so . 教学主题:Unit 9 Life in the year 2050授课课时第三课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标:1、通过阅读材料学习清理垃圾、植树等背景知识,练习将来时,通过talk about the future练习表示是否同意他人,表达自己的想法。2、让学生能够完成Listen and match 中的练习,加大学生信息量的输入。新 课标 第一网3、让学生能够在交际的情景中运用所学习的语言,培养学生的语用能力。4、通过阅读材料训练学生的阅读能力,对整体意义的理解与具体信息的理解相结合,培养寻找具体信息的能力

30、。二、过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、巩固练习等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用祈使句的语言进行表达和交流。同时在语境中有效进行词句结合教学。培养学生总结发现规律,按规律仿写句子。三、情感、策略、文化意识目标:1、通过阅读材料的训练,培养学生仔细认真的习惯,形成有效的学习策略,为后面的学习打好基础。2、通过对阅读材料的学习,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。培养学生的环保意识,调动学生相互配合。教学重点重点是学生独立完成Read and find out 中的阅读材料的练习,和listen and match 和answer about you 及Talk about the future 三个活动练习,学会对重点句型的运用,同时在课堂上加强后进生的强化练习。 教学难点培养写的方法和能力,附和别人意见的表达方式对个别学生来说是个难点,因此需要通过有效的活动来完成本单元的练习。教学用具教具:录音机、课件,图片,教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Step 1Warming-upOral practice .T:What day is it today ?T: Whats t

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