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1、大学生英语四级考试常考词汇讲解资料2020大学生英语四级考试常考词汇讲解资料 新闻1: How college students can handle their psychological problems处理心理问题. deal / cope with;tackle;psychology - physiology have stress problems sufficient sleep It is not good for students to play video games电子游戏. making last-minute最后的 preparations for tests gene

2、rally通常 get higher scores Genesis;gene;generate;generator;generation probably 很可能 - possibly wreck (v.破坏;失事;n.残骸) a students sleep habits . at an increased risk from obesity 肥胖症的风险增加 car crashes 车祸 have poorer attendance and lower grades 出勤率和成绩更低 suffer from sleep-loss You are probably better off 更好

3、 sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test. 新闻2: Whether adequate investment 投资 is being made to improve airport facilities 改善机场设施. (facility) Whether the British Airports Authority should sell off some of its assets变卖一部分资产. Poor ownership structure股权结构. -struct-建立:construct; destruct

4、; deconstruct解构;reconstruct;instruct;instructor;superstructure上层建筑;instrument工具;仪器;乐器 inefficient management lack of innovation and competition. nova; supernova; novel; novice新手;renovate翻新 Lack of runway跑道 and terminal capacity港口吞吐能力/终端容量. delayed flights 延误的航班 Much of the criticism is directed at .

5、 很大一部分批评针对的是 rival operators 竞争运营商 the root cause of the problem is not the ownership structure, but a lack of runway and terminal capacity, which is addressing through a program of heavy investment 新闻3: Set a limit to设置限制 the production of their cigarettes. The biggest increase in nicotine content尼

6、古丁含量tended to be in brands young smokers like. Big tobacco companies were frank坦白直率的 with their customers about the hazards危险 of smoking. They have not fully realized 充分意识到the harmful effect of nicotine. . gathers and carefully examines the figures 收集并仔细检查数据and then draws its conclusions. have highe

7、r nicotine yields产量 get hooked 上钩上瘾 make an informed decision做出明智的/有根据的决定 长对话1: Indonesia / Holland / Sweden Getting a coach教练 who can offer real help. Acquiring 掌握the necessary ability to socialize社交. It trains young peoples leadership领导力abilities. It offer various courses with credit points学分. to

8、communicate decently 体面地;像样地 Dutch people 荷兰人;go Dutch split the bill listening exposure 接触听力 there really is no substitute for没有什么能够替代 trying to speak and use the language in a relaxed atmosphere在轻松的氛围中 stitut,stit=set up,place,表示“建立,放” constitute建立;制定;institute学院;institution制度;机构 target language目标

9、语 gosh天啊 Study Circles 学习圈 sort of 有几分;有那么点儿 长对话2: Rules and regulations规章制度 for driving. The impact of engine design on road safety. Make cars with automatic control自动控制. They follow traffic rules closely. They like to go at high speed. They keep within speed limits. It is as effective as speed bum

10、ps减速带. It should be combined with education. band - bind绑 - bond 结合- bound 束缚;受约束的- combine jump the traffic lights 闯红绿灯 speed camera超速摄像头 car manufacturers汽车制造商 have some responsibility in limiting the power of their engines有责任限制汽车引擎的动力 within their ability range在他们的能力范围内 a residential area住宅区 resi

11、de居住;residence住宅;preside主持;president;consider 篇章1: The card was found invalid无效的. The card reader读卡器 failed to do the scanning扫描. The card reader broke down unexpectedly意外地发生故障. By covering the credit card with a layer of plastic一层塑料. By calling the credit card company for confirmation确认. firm坚定的;公司

12、;affirm肯定,断言;affirmative肯定的 By typing the credit card number into the cash register收银机. Affect the sales of high-tech appliances高科技电器. Give birth to引起;产生 many new technological inventions. Produce many low-tech fixes for high-tech failures. 产生许多高科技故障的低技术含量的解决方案 in downtown San Francisco uptown上城;住宅区

13、 swipe刷卡 his credit card to pay for a pack of一包cigarettes magnetic strip磁条 engineering degree工科学位 the shaky economy 摇摇欲坠/不景气的经济 in postwar Japan战后的日本 【post-】 在后面:postpone推迟;postgraduate研究生;大学毕业后的;posterior较后的;postscript附笔,附言;posterity后代,子孙 邮政:postage邮资;post office邮局;postcard明信片;postal邮政的;postmark邮戳;

14、poster招贴 household cleaner家用清洁剂 tips and tricks把戏 for fixing malfunctioning devices有故障的设备 as simple as paper and glue 像纸和胶水一样简单 tech home remedies 高科技的家庭疗法 篇章2: They vary among different departments. 在不同院系有所不同 They leave much room for improvement. 有很大改善空间 They are set by the dean院长 of the graduate s

15、chool. They are determined by the advising board. By consulting the examining committee.咨询审查委员会 By visiting the universitys website. By reading the Bulletin of Information考生手册/信息公告栏. Bulletin Board System电子公告板 undergraduate本科生;specify详细说明;approve批准 improve grades提高成绩;acquire financial support获得经济资助

16、Academic departments学院 vary in their procedures程序 for assigning academic advisers 分配导师 to graduate students. Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn, the minimum grade point average 最低平均学分绩点you must achieve and the distribution 分配of credits you must have from among differ

17、ing departments or fields of study. 篇章3: Ph. D.博士 candidates in dieting. Students majoring in nutrition. Its changing criteria标准 for beauty. Its overemphasis过分强调 on thinness. Its overestimate of the effect of dieting. To illustrate说明 her point that beauty is but skin deep美丽只是外表/肤浅的. To demonstrate证明

18、 the magic effect of dieting on women. To help students rid themselves of摆脱 bad living habits. establish an emotional connection建立情感联系 Her biggest concern is 最关心/最担忧的是the emphasis American culture places on thinness . 选词填空 dependent a.依靠的,取决于的 (depend) design v.设计(sign) launch v.开展;发射(lance长矛;freela

19、nce自由职业者) policy n.方针,政策(-polis-) prospect n.前景,前途;v.前瞻,前望(-spect-) reliable a.可靠的(rely) signal n.信号(sign) treatment n.治疗,处理(treat) Signs (barring禁止;阻拦 cell-phone use) are a familiar sight to anyone who . 的人都很熟悉禁止使用手机的标语 electronic medical records电子医疗记录; desktops台式电脑 give way to wireless devices 让步于

20、无线设备(被所取代) as clerical loads increased, 随着文书工作不断增加(clerk文员,职员) a former chief resident in the University of Chicagos internal-medicine program 芝加哥大学内科项目的前总住院医师 a pilot project 一个试点项目 (pilot 飞行员;领航员;试点) have paperless, iPad-based curriculums 提供无纸化的、基于iPad的课程 slogan标语;口号 with large pockets to accommod

21、ate tablet computers 带有大大的口袋以便于容纳/携带平板电脑 Passage One Attitudes toward new technologies often fall along generational lines随着年龄的增长而下降. That is, generally通常情况下, younger people tend to outnumber数量上超过 older people on the front end of a technological shift在技术变革的前沿. It is not always the case. 并非总是如此 drive

22、rless cars无人驾驶汽车 The public overall整体来说 is split on在事上有分歧 . Every age group is similarly engaged每个年龄组的人都有. Whereas虽然 older generations are sometimes reluctant to adopt有时不愿意接受 new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to具有真正的价值 these age groups in particular尤其. the classic usecases典型用户 for

23、 driverless cars Differences in attitude are more pronounced based on factors not related to age. 与年龄无关的其他因素引起的态度不同更加显著 Where a person lives matters, too. 人们居住的地域也很重要 suburb城郊; rural areas农村 There is reason to believe that interest in . is going up become mainstream 成为主流 46. What happens when a new

24、technology emerges? It further widens the gap进一步加大差距 between the old and the young. It often leads to innovations创新 in other related fields相关领域. It contributes greatly to the advance进步 of society as a whole.整个 It usually draws different reactions引起不同的反应 from different age groups. 47. It may start a

25、revolution革命 in the car industry. It has given rise to unrealistic expectations导致了不切实际的期望. 48. Why does the driverless car appeal to对有吸引力 some old people? It helps with their mobility. 帮助他们出行 It stirs up their interest in life. 激发对生活的兴趣 50. The seniors老年人 / The educated / The wealthy / The tech fans

26、技术迷 Passage Two In agrarian, pre-industrial Europe 在工业化之前的农业欧洲 agriculture农业(agri+culture培养);agronomy农学(agro+nomy学科) This comfortable cycle在这种舒适的循环中, in which the rhythms节奏 of the day helped shape塑造 the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal丰盛的午餐, eaten with the exten

27、ded family大家庭. There was a very important interconnection互联 between eating together and strengthening family ties强化家庭关系. Since industrialization工业化, maintaining维持 such a slow cultural metabolism新陈代谢 has been much harder, with the long midday meal shrinking to缩减为 whatever could be stuffed into塞进 a lu

28、nch bucket午餐盒 or bought at a food stand小吃摊. Modern techniques现代工艺 for producing and shipping运输 food led to greater variety and quantity种类和数量大大增加, including a tremendous increase大量增加 in the amount of animal protein蛋白 and dairy products奶制品 available, making us more vigorous有活力的 than our ancestors祖先. T

29、ake Italy.以意大利为例。 Its no secret that这已不是什么秘密 the Mediterranean地中海 diet is healthy. territory领土;领地 The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals. 现在的晚餐抵原来两顿饭的作用 time zones时区;sundown日落 51. Their daily routine followed the rhythm of the natural cycle.他们的日常作息遵循自然循环的节奏 52

30、. maintain a nations tradition保持传统 53. Evolutionary adaptation. 54. Its quality is usually guaranteed保证. It is varied, abundant and nutritious多样、丰富、有营养. 翻译 风筝:kites 玩具:toys 风筝之都:the Capital of Kites 古代哲学家墨子:Mozi, the ancient Chinese philosopher 坠落并摔坏:fall down and break 木匠:carpenter 据说:It is said that . 飞了三天后才落地:flew for three days before falling on the ground / it did not land until three days later

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