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CNN Student News Transcript0519.docx

1、CNN Student News Transcript0519CNN Student News Transcript: May 19, 2010CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Get ready for globetrotting. You geography gurus are gonna love todays edition of CNN Student News; Weve got stories from all over the map. Im your tour guide, Carl Azuz.First Up: Afghanistan

2、AttackAZUZ: The U.S. embassy calls it a deplorable act of violence. A NATO spokesman says its desperate brutality and aggression. However you characterize Tuesdays attack in Afghanistan, its a reminder that the Asian country is a very unstable place. The Taliban, Afghanistans former rulers, say they

3、re responsible for it: a suicide bomb in Kabul, the Afghan capital. It killed five American troops, a Canadian service member, and at least 12 civilians. Atia Abawi was on the scene after the bombing. She fills us in on whats nearby.ATIA ABAWI, CNN CORRESPONDENT, KABUL, AFGHANISTAN: At around 8:10 T

4、uesday morning a suicide car bomber detonated his vehicle in the capital of Kabul. The attack took place around 300 meters down this road, in front of the old kings palace. Darulaman Road is a road that has many ministerial buildings and government buildings including the parliament. The Taliban hav

5、e claimed responsibility, saying that they had a vehicle laden with 750 kilograms of explosives that detonated in front of five foreign vehicles.Strong SanctionsAZUZ: It looks like Iran could be headed for some punishment over its nuclear program. The United Nations Security Council has the authorit

6、y to do that - to impose sanctions - to try to discourage Iran from doing something the international community doesnt want it to do. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says several members of the UN Security Council are on board to penalize Iran. Were not sure yet what the penalty will be. But the

7、problem for the international community is Irans plan to enrich uranium. Thats a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons. Iran insists thats not what it wants to do, that its only for nuclear power. But the country wont allow international inspectors to check up on that. If the UN approves

8、the sanctions, this would be the fourth time that Iran has been punished over its nuclear program.I.D. MeTOMEKA JONES, CNN STUDENT NEWS: See if you can ID Me! My size is about 600,000 square miles. Im sometimes called the Mediterranean of the Americas. Im a body of water bordered by five U.S. states

9、. Im the Gulf of Mexico, and my five U.S. border states are Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.Gulf Coast Oil SpillAZUZ: Almost one-fifth of the Gulf of Mexico is now closed, as far as fishing is concerned. NOAA - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - made this announ

10、cement yesterday. Along with the Food and Drug Administration, theyre planning to sample seafood taken from the Gulf, to figure out whats safe to eat and whats been contaminated by this. These are some of the pictures of the oil sheen swirling in the Gulf. Government officials may attempt to stop th

11、e oil spill this weekend by clogging it up with a sort of manmade mud of fluids and chemicals used in oil drilling. But the damage, as you can see, has been, and continues to be, done. And a new concern is about where a Gulf current could carry this oil. On Tuesday, meteorologist Jacqui Jeras explai

12、ned to another CNN anchor, Tony Harris, how that could happen.(BEGIN VIDEO)JACQUI JERAS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Now, one of the best places I can show this to you is what were seeing here is how it gets into the loop current. This is a satellite picture from NASA that was taken yesterday. All right? See

13、 this little line right here?TONY HARRIS, CNN ANCHOR: Yes.JERAS: That is a little trajectory, a little movement of some of that oil slick, that oil thats moving in here. And if you take a look at this little area right there, thats the loop current. And that is what were concerned, is that its start

14、ing to get entrained within this area. So the loop current -HARRIS: OK.JERAS: - goes up around the middle part of the Gulf of Mexico.HARRIS: Hence, the loop.JERAS: Comes down toward the Florida Keys. OK? And then it brings it back up into the Gulf Stream. Weve all talked about the Gulf Stream. And i

15、t brings it on up the coast there.So, this is a computer model forecast from the University of South Florida, and the black is the oil spill itself. And so its projecting that its going to be moving down here, and theyre telling us now that it could be five days, maybe six days away from hitting the

16、 Florida Keys, potentially.Now, one of the things that we need to keep in mind as we look at these computer model forecasts, this is just based on the currents in the ocean. Imagine, you know, dropping that bottle, right, the water in the bottle and what that would do. But this doesnt take into acco

17、unt things like evaporation of that oil. It doesnt take into account things like the wind, what the wind trajectories are going to be doing, and all of those things influence.So, I still think its a little questionable whether or not its going to get there and how long that will actually take, becau

18、se this current moves one maybe to two miles per hour, so its a slow mover. And if it does spread into that loop current and makes its way down and around, of course, thats going to be more widespread and more of a problem. It will be more likely to hit the Florida Keys.HARRIS: Yes.JERAS: It will be

19、 more likely to affect the southeast coast and the western coast. So places like Miami, into Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, could be impacted. Then itll probably - because of the movement of the gulf stream it would head up more toward the Carolinas.(END VIDEO)ISS Gets BiggerAZUZ: Miles above the

20、 Gulf, astronauts are planning to go for a walk today. Their mission will be to replace the batteries on the international space station. The biggest and most expensive manned object ever sent to space, got a little bigger yesterday when its visitors added a new room. Its a Russian module thatll be

21、used mostly for science work and storage. The station flies over your head once every 90 minutes.ShoutoutBILL CAIACCIO, CNN STUDENT NEWS: Todays Shoutout is dedicated to Mr. Langhorsts American History classes in South Valley Junior High Liberty, Missouri. Which country is hosting the 2010 FIFA Worl

22、d Cup soccer championship? You know what to do! Is it A) Brazil, B) South Africa, C) Australia or D) Italy?Youve got three seconds - GO! The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be held in South Africa; it starts on June 11. Thats your answer and thats your Shoutout!World Cup SoccerAZUZ: One day after that, the

23、 U.S. mens national team is scheduled to take on England while in South Africa. And while American soccer stars set their sights on South Africa, an American committee is setting its sights on FIFA, trying to get soccers governing body to consider the U.S. as the host of either the 2018 or the 2022

24、World Cup. Richard Roth throws in some reasons why.(BEGIN VIDEO)RICHARD ROTH, CNN UNITED NATIONS CORRESPONDENT, NEW YORK: The United States is bringing in all the heavy hitters it can in order to win the hosting bid for the World Cup in the years either 2018 or 2022. Former U.S. President Bill Clint

25、on is now the honorary chair of the effort. At least nine other countries have submitted bids so far. The former U.S. president said he thinks he could succeed where President Obama failed in trying to win Olympics back, but its going to take a lot of work.FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: Its ver

26、y important to point out were going to put in seven months of hard work on this. I think we all learned something in the Olympic bid. We got outworked by some of our competitors. And, youre always disappointed when you dont win something but I always feel like this competition is just like sports. Y

27、ou have to learn from the competition. You figure out what they did right and then you try to do it right. One of the things I learned from the Olympics is that this is not a one-week process. Were going to work hard at this for seven months and see if we can prevail.ROTH: Winning the bid could have

28、 an economic impact of at least $5 billion according to one estimate. Meanwhile, the United States mens national team gathered to practice for this years World Cup in South Africa. The U.S. team was not at its full level of players, some are still in Europe, some are injured, Meanwhile former U.S. P

29、resident Bill Clinton thinks they have an outside chance to beat England in the first game on June 12.CLINTON: You know the great thing I like about this sport is that if you play good defense you always have a chance to win. And so you know England has a very, very good team. But I think we have a

30、chance to win. We have a pretty good team, we put a pretty good side up. And I think I wont be astonished if we win but I could have done with a different draw.ROTH: The former president says the sport of soccer best represents what the United States is: full of diversity and people from all over th

31、e world inside America. Richard Roth, CNN, New York.(END VIDEO)Downloadable Maps PromoAZUZ: Told you youd see some serious mapping today. Heres something cool for you geography and social studies teachers: Download some of the locations weve visited - and challenge your students to label them -you c

32、an do it all at CNNStudentN! Just scroll to the bottom of the page to unfurl our free, downloadable maps!Before We GoAZUZ: And if our globetrotting pace has been brisk, heres a ride thats as slow as they get. Heres a sight from B. This has gotta be the laziest dog Ive ever seen. I dont know if they told him he couldnt ride in the car or if he outright refused to go for a walk or if he just figured the tortoise would have no choice. But

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