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1、81.我感到喘不过气来;我开窗你会介意吗?82.你们应该理论联系实际,培养应用语言的能力83.他将永远记得家乡解放的那一天。84.令人惊讶的是,他竟然放弃升职加薪的机会。85.可以肯定的是,奥运会(the Olympics)将为北京带来成千上万的中外游客。在许多公司(企业),计算机已在很大程度上取代了日常文书工作,因为它们快速、灵活而准确(且不出错)。而且即使他们被抓获(发现),也难以惩罚他们;因为没有证人,通常也没有证据。每当某位被她盗用了款项的客户质疑其帐户的余额时,(这位)出纳则谎称(声称)是电脑出了差错,然后用其他客户帐户上的钱补足缺额。最近,一家大公司解雇了一位职员。解聘的理由涉及他

2、的人品(私生活)而非其工作表现。我在想那些真正的专家那些真正了解计算机工作原理的人在做些什么。It is certain that the Olympics will bring thousands of visitors from home and abroad to Beijing.You should combine theory with practice and develop the ability to use the language.He will always remember the day (when) his hometown was liberated.To our

3、 surprise, he gave up (should give up) the opportunity to get a promotion and a pay raiseI can hardly breathe. Would you mind my (me) opening the windows?(2003.01)Americans interest in spectator sports seems excessive and even obsessive to many foreign visitors. (76) Not all Americans are interested

4、 in sports, of course, but many are. And some seem interested in little else. Television networks spend millions of dollars arranging telecast sports events, and are constantly searching for new ways (for example, using computer graphics and hiring glamorous announcers and commentators) to make thei

5、r coverage more appealing. Publications about sports sell widely. In the United States, professional athletes can become national heroes. (77) Some sports stars have become more widely recognized than any national leader other than the president. Some of them earn annual salaries in the millions of

6、dollars(78) Nowhere else in the world are sports associated with colleges and universities in the way they are in the States. College sports, especially football, are conducted in an atmosphere of intense excitement. Games between teams classified as “major football powers” attract nationwide televi

7、sion audiences that number in the millions. There is a whole industry built on the manufacture and sale of badges, pennants, T-shirts, blankets, hats, and countless other items. Football and basketball coaches at major universities are paid higher salaries than the presidents of their institutions.

8、Athletic department budgets are in the millions of dollarsBlack Americans are heavily overrepresented in the sports of baseball, football, and basketball. While blacks comprise about 12 per cent of the countrys total population, they make up well over half of most college and professional football a

9、nd basketball teams. (79) It is not unusual to see a basketball game in which all the players on the floor are blackForeign visitorsespecially maleswho plan to be in the United States for an extended period of time will enhance their ability to interact constructively with Americans if they take the

10、 trouble to learn about sports teams that have followings in the local area. (80) Knowing something about the games and the players improves the foreign visitors chance of getting to know “average” Americans你不应该让电脑游戏妨碍你的学习。上星期Kelly 请我们出席她的婚礼,昨天我们收到了书面邀请我不知道他为什么对宇宙会这么好奇我们可得出这样的结论:公司的新计划是会取得成功的正如这位专家所

11、说的,哪里有水,哪里就有生命As the expert puts it, where there is water, there is life.You should not allow computer games to interfere with your studyKelly invited us to her wedding last week, and we received the written invitation yesterdayI wonder why he is so curious about the universeWe can come to the concl

12、usion that the companys new plan will be successful当然,并不是所有的美国人都对体育感兴趣;但是许多(美国)人对此感兴趣。而且有些人似乎对体育以外的东西几乎没有兴趣一些体育明星享有比除总统以外的任何国家领导人更广泛的声誉。体育在世界上任何一个国家都不像在美国那样与大专院校密不可分在一场篮球比赛中看到场上球员都是黑人是不足为奇。对比赛项目及运动员的一些了解能增加海外来访者对一般美国人的了解机会。(2003.06)English is not only used as a foreign language, it also has some kin

13、d of special status (地位) in those countries where it has been chosen as an official language. This is the case in Ghana and Nigeria, for example, where the governments have chosen English as the main language to carry on the affairs of government, education, commerce, the media, and the legal system

14、. (76) In such cases, people have to learn English if they want to get success in life. (77) They have their mother-tongue to begin with and they start learning English, in school or in the street, at an early age. For them, in due course, English will become a language to fall back on when their mo

15、ther-tongue proves to be inadequate for communication talking to people from a different background, for example, or to people from outside the country. For them, English becomes their “second” languageIn 1985, the population of India was estimated to be 769 million. English is an official language

16、here, alongside Hindi. (78) Several other languages have special status in their own regions, but English is the language of the legal system; it is a major language in Parliament; and it is a preferred language in the universities and in the all-India competitive exams for senior posts in such fiel

17、ds as the civil service and engineering. Some 3,000 English newspapers are published throughout the country. There is thus great reason to learn to use the language well. In real terms, (79) the English speakers of India may only number 70 million a small amount compared with the total population. O

18、n the other hand, this figure is well in excess of the population in BritainWhen all the estimates for second-language use around the world are added up, we reach a figure of around 300 million speakers about as many as the total of mother-tongue users. But we have to remember that most of these cou

19、ntries are in parts of the world (Africa, Sough America) where the population increase is four times as great as that found in mother-tongue countries. (80) If present trends continue, within a generation mother-tongue English use will have been left far behind为了保护环境,我们必须减少各种污染请多穿些衣服,因为恐怕天气会变冷一个大学生应

20、该知道如何关闭计算机你什么时候来这里的?其实你不必亲自来看望我.连接两个港口城市的高速公路是上个月建成的The highway that links/connects the two port cities was built last monthIn order to protect the environment, we must reduce various kinds of pollutionPlease put on more clothes, because Im afraid it will get coldA college student should know how to

21、 turn off a computer.When did you come here? In fact, you neednt have come to see me in person.在这种情况下,如果人们想在生活中获得成功,就必须学习英语。他们首先开始学习母语,并且从小就开始在学校或街头学英语在他们自己的地区,好几种其他的语言拥有其特殊的地位,但英语是法律系统的语言在印度讲英语的人数可能只有七千万,这与印度的总人口相比较是个小数字。如果目前的趋势继续下去,在一代人的时间之内以英语为母语的使用就会远远地抛在后面/大大落后(2004.01)Nearly every day, giant t

22、ankers carry 8 million barrels of oil from Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) to refineries (炼油厂) around the world. But after the recent bombing in Riyadh, energy analysts (分析家) are nervously reassessing(重新评估) the stability of supplies of crude from the oil kingdom.Since oil prices are relatively high entering wi

23、nter, Americans will notice any further problems in Saudi Arabia as they fill up their gas tank or pay for home heating oil. 76) The price for West Texas crude closed above $32 a barrel last week, the highest point since the beginning of October and up from about $25 a barrel last year at this time.

24、 The higher price of crude is already reflected in steeper costs than last season: home heating oil is up some 19 cents a gallon, and gasoline is 9 cents a gallon higher. “The only thing keeping prices above $25 a barrel is fear of terrorist (恐怖分子) activity,” says Dennis Gartman, publisher of the Ga

25、rtman Letter, an influential political and economic newsletter. “77) All things being equal and if there are no terrorist attacks, these are very high pricesThe US depends heavily on Saudi Arabia for oil. In terms of that arrangement, 78) one key concern, says Mr. Gartman, is the long distance that

26、Saudi Arabia moves its oil to terminals (终点). “The pipelines are long and exposed as they move across the desert,” he says. “I dont care how vigilant (警觉) you are, there are places that you are not defendingSo far, however, there have been no attacks on the pipelines, producing areas, or terminals. The most recent attack was on a housing complex. But energy analysts are ta

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