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1、中考英语知识点谓语动词和主语的一致2018中考英语知识点:谓语动词和主语的一致各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢新一轮中考复习备考周期正式开始,中考网为各位初三考生整理了各学科的复习攻略,主要包括中考必考点、中考常考知识点、各科复习方法、考试答题技巧等内容,帮助各位考生梳理知识脉络,理清做题思路,希望各位考生可以在考试中取得优异成绩!下面是2018中考英语知识点:谓语动词和主语的一致,仅供参考!谓语动词和主语的一致有些谓语动词必须和主语在人称和数上保持一致,特别是动词为现在时态时。在一般现在时中,若主语为第三人称单数,多数动词都要加-s或-es,如:He comesMary

2、 cries。如果主语不是第三人称单数,就不需加这样的词尾,如:I comeThey cry而且,不管是作主要动词还是助动词,在第三人称单数的主语后都得用is,has,does这种形式,否则用are,am,have或do。至于can,may,must这些助动词,在各种人称后形式不变:HecomesHeis waiting,has come,does go, is kind,has a funny face,doesnothing at allIcomeI am waiting,have come,do goWeare waiting,have come,do goI am sorryThey

3、are kind,have funny faces,do nothingat all任何主语+mustcome过去时可和住何主语一起用,只有was和were是例外。was和第一第三人称单数主语一起用,其他主语都和were一起用,如:He was illI was illThey were ill在将来时中主要是用shall或will,不需加词尾,如:They will come,shall comeHe will come,shall come?判断主语的人称不难,但判断它的数有时却并不容易。至少有39种有关数上一致的问题,它们可以分为两大类。第一大类是哪个是主语的问题。在这类中,决定哪个词或

4、词组是主语比决定某个主语是单数还是复数更困难。以下面句子为例:The students,as well as the teacher,arein the classroomMy guide is the stars第二大类是主语是单数还是复数的问题。在这类中,决定主语是单数还是复数比决定哪个是主语更困难:Billiards ismy favorite gameThe phenomena is unbelievableThe headquarters isin London1)第一大类:哪个是主语?谓语动词通常跟在主语后面,但有时却放在主语前面,特别是在由who,which,how,when等疑

5、问词或助动词引起的问句中:Who are they?Which does she like best?Has your wife come back from Paris?Are the guests celebrating her birthday?在某些倒装句中,谓语动词有时放在主语前面:If you are not satisfied,nor is PeterNever in my life have I forgot herNobody else can I loveHardly has Liz woken up when the sun rises.“I feel bored”“So

6、 is evrybody”在下面这类倒装句中情况也如此。There come many childrenBefore the house stands a tree.Before the house stand a tree and a benchIn the house there is a cat,a dog,andthree birdsTo Dick fall the duties of maintaining the familyAfter Jan comes NoraHeres all the coins I have.Theres three friends waiting for

7、 meWheres the kids that stole the apples?在下面这类句子中,补语或分词提前,主语在is,was,are,were之后:Gone are all my happy days!Waiting for the results are thousands of peopleGathered under the roof were all the big shots两个单数名词由and连接可构成复数主语:John and Maryare comingMy money and my friend are both goneGood coffee and bad ar

8、e different from each other两个人称代词由and连接也构成复数主语:He and I are friendsBoth you and heare ill由every,any等词修饰的几个主语,尽管由and连接,仍然保持是单数:Every boy and every girl is playingAny relative,any friend and any neighbour is ready to helphimEach grownup and each child likes itNo city,no village,no mountain, no sea is

9、a place ofsafetyMany a man and many a woman has seen the accident两个名词前各加同一限定词,表示是两个人或两样东西,谓语动词要用复数:A general and a statesmanwere killedHis home and his office are very far from my homeA black and a white dog are playing in the yard一个不可数名词,如有两个形容词修饰,而指两样东西,动词用复数;否则用单数:English and French grammar are d

10、ifferentSweet and sour pork is delicious如果主体词重复,表示是两样东西,动词要用单数:The situation before the war and the situation after are differentWhat he said and what he thought were the same如作主语的两个名词用同一限定词,指的是一个人或一样东西,动词要用单数:A general and statesmanwas killedHis home and officeis very far from my house.A black and

11、white dog is playingWhat he said and thought was for others有时两个名词虽由and连接,但习惯上被看作是一样东西,这时动词也用单数:Bread and butter is enough for meWhisky and soda is his favouriteDuck and peas is delicious,but eggs and bacon is betterThat cup and saucer is brokenThe wheel and axle is out of repairA needle and thread i

12、s all my grandmother needsRomeo and Juliet is a tragedy两个抽象名词一起用时,有时代表两个东西,有时代表一个东西,动词的单复数要根据意思来决定,有时两者都可以:The use and object of this aresimpleThe stitching and binding of books area hard jobHis courage and endurance areGreatSym pathy and understanding arerequiredTrial and erroris the best way tolea

13、rnAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyThe ebb and flow of ones fortune is a matter of course有时一个主语后跟一逗号,以及“and+名词+副词”,后面的动词就常和第一个名词一致。“and+名词+副词”可以看作一个省略的分句:Mary,and her parents too,isfond of JohnMary,and perhapsherparents,is fond of JohnMary,but not her parents,is fond of JohnMarys parents,bu

14、t not Mary herself,are fond of John单纯数词一般看作单数,如果有两个数词由and或time或其它词连接,动词可以用单数或复数形式:Thirteen is an unlucky numberTwo and two makefourEight plus five equals thirteenThree fives arefifteenThree times five arefifteenWhat aretwice seven?40 multiplied by 58 equals 2320Five from nineisfourSix hundred and on

15、e minus forty equals five hundred and sixtyoneThree into twelve goes fourTwo hundred fifty divided by fifty equals five如果数词表示复数的人或东西,动词也用复数形式:Fivewere killedOne and a half为复数,而half a为单数:One and a half dollars were spent on sugar,and half a dollarwas Spent on flourA fine andor imprisonment isnot enou

16、gh如果两个主语由or或nor连接,动词与最靠近的主语一致:Either you or I am rightNeither Alice nor her parents like MikeOne or two words are enoughThere is one or two examplesWang or rather his brothers decide the matter但:Life ordeath are nothing to me.Whether John or Mary are willing to help me is still a problem两个主语若由not on

17、lybut also连接起来,动词和最近的主语一致:Not only my house,but many other houses have been whitewashedNot only Marys parents,but also Mary herself likes MikeThere is not only Mary,but also Marys parents如果主语后跟有介词短语、连词短语或是分词短语,动词仍与主语一致,不受中间插入成分的影响:Two girls,besidesMary,are studying MalayAll my sisters,except Lilian,

18、study flowerarrangingThe street,with so many people going up and down,is dirtyLee,together withhis three brothers,has cometo our partyThe horses,along with their owner,fall into the riverThis problem,in addition to the other two,make me sadYou,as well ashe,are mistakenThe students,much more than the

19、 teacher,wish for a holidayThe teacher,as much as the students,wishes for a holidayWangs friends,no less than Wang himself,wish for his successOne apple,dividedby six children,is a thingunpleasantThe manager,accompanied by his assistants,has gone outMy schoolmates,including John,are kind to meAll th

20、e members,not excepting the chairman,are arrived上面那种插在主语和谓语动词之间的成分,也可移到句首,意思是差不多的:Besides Mary,three students are studying MalayIn addition to the other two,this problem makes me sadNo less than Wang himself,Wangs friends wish for his successAccompanied by his assistants,the manager has gone out主语后面

21、有时跟有of或其他介词时,动词仍和主语一致:One of the boys is sickThe meeting of so many strangers broadens his viewA cleanup of such a government is absolutely necessaryThe loss of his parents was too much for himA truckload of oranges costs about a thousand dollarsTwo spoons of sugar are just enoughTwo bottles of whis

22、ky are nothing to himOnly five bags of rice are in stock.Six cases of cholera are reportedSigns of revolt are increasing every dayThis kindofcat is rareThese kindsof flowers are rareFlowers of this kind are rareOne of the students,who speaks lrish,is her sonOne of the students who speak lrish is her

23、 sonMore children than one are infectedNobody but five workers is promotedSuch people as John are wonderfulThe number of banks in this city is about fortyThe average of absentees is four in each meetingThe total of murders in this year is over two hundred后面跟复数动词的短语有:a majority of people,a variety of

24、reasons,a rain of bullets,a storm of stones,a flood of re-sources,a sea of faces,a trickle of tourists,a mountain ofwatermelons等等。系动词一般都和前面的主语一致,而不受后面补语的影响:My only pleasure is the movies.The movies are my only pleasureThose stars are my only guideMy only guide is those starsHis food is fruit and mil

25、kFruit and milk are his foodDogs are a pleasant troubleWe are a football team主语后的同位语和补语一样都不影响动词的形式:The movies,my only pleasure,are also my ruinThose stars,my only guide,are twinkling all the nightHis food,fruit and milk is delicious and nutritiousThey become masterof the situationMany fall victimThe

26、y seem to be our enemyThey are always the victorThe world appears too many for meThe nation is but individualsWho is knocking?It seems to be John and MaryShe is all eyesThe room is all books and newspapersThe street is all loiterers and beggars但:The following is my address在某些习惯用法中补语用复数形式,动词仍与主语一致:He

27、 isgreat friends with JohnHe is pals with youHe is enemies with everyoneI am quits with him不定式、动名词或从句作主语时,尽管里面有复数名词,动词仍用单数形式:For them to tell lies is very easyFor us businessmen to know many people is necessaryTelling lies does not payVisiting all European countries is my ambitionWhat we want is goo

28、d roadsThat they like power and wealth is true“It pours cats and dogs”means it rains heavily“Many happy returns”is a form of greeting on somebobys birthday在it引起的强调某句子成分的句子中,动词用单数更好一些:It is they whoiswrongIt is you thatoften makes such mistakes但实际上用复数的人也不少。2)第二大类:主语是单数还是复数?数词,不管是泛指还是特指,只要是指人或物,通常都跟有复

29、数动词:Seven were killedTwo are missingFew know itA few have been thrown awaySeveral were woundedHundreds have become homelessBoth have comeThousands upon thousands were starvedSome were killed,others were woundedA large variety of umbrellas are on saleA few are satisfied,but a great many are disappointed and very angryThe majorityof human beings are selfishFifty dozen of stockings have just arrivedTen pairof gloves are on displayFour yoke of oxen are comingTwenty head of cattle are gr

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