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1、他不得不在如流的车海中艰难行进。 You have to walk through the sea of bicycles. You have to fight through a boiling sea of bicycles. The drunkard walk along the path. The drunkard bumped along the gravel path. The plane lands at Shanghai International Airport. The plane arcs softly into the final descent at Shanghai

2、 International Airport. As the representative of the working class, he mercilessly criticized the social evils of his age. As the representative of the working class, he mercilessly lashed the social evils of his age.3.2 活用词类 Instead of blindly following them, we should observe them carefully and an

3、alyze them critically. After we have observed them carefully and analyzed them critically, we may identify the conceptions that will actually contribute to the social development. We shall only follow those conceptions that will contribute to the social development. Instead of blindly following them

4、, we should observe them carefully and analyze them critically. Through the careful observation and critical analysis, we may identify the conceptions that will actually contribute to the social development. It is only those contributive conceptions that we should follow.3.3 拟声绘色 The coin fell on th

5、e sidewalk, but no passers by even looked at it. The coin fell tinkling on the sidewalk, but no passers by even looked at it. Christmas is pure, but my heart is gloomy. Christmas is white, but my heart is blue.练习: Teenage smoking increases sharply. we should take the responsibility. He will lead the

6、 delegation.4. 名词化 Fireworks are very important to our festivals and celebration. Fireworks are of great importance to our festivals and celebrations. The Chinese New Year is as popular as Christmas in the western societies. The popularity of the Chinese New Year is nowhere less than that of Christm

7、as in the western societies.人们都有一种感觉,现在的人没有以前诚实了。 People feel that people are no longer as honest as before. There is a general feeling that people are no longer as honest as they used to be.如果我们比较一下这两种交通工具,我们不难发现骑自行车更为方便。 If we compare the two forms of transport, we will find riding bicycles is muc

8、h more convenient. Careful comparison of the two forms of transport will show that riding bicycle is much more convenient.老师走后,激烈的争论才宣告结束。 After the teacher had left, the heated discussion then ended.人们越来越关注人口的迅猛增长。 People are increasingly concerned with the population growth.如果我们认识不到这个问题的严重性,就会犯大错误

9、。 If we dont recognize the seriousness of the problem, we will make a big mistake.5. 多样化【第一步:汉译英比较】【第二步:哲学引入】5.1 对象针对性After having an ambrosial feast at the most magnificent restaurant in the city, with euphonic music around, and talking with a graceful lady who he could ever dream of marrying, the

10、man had his sweetest dream of his life that night.5.2 程度差异性 Good普通程度Fair, good, nice, fine, okay,中等程度Great, excellent,高等程度Outstanding, perfect, superb, superlative, supreme, surpassing, ultimate, Increase普通增长Increase, ascend, climb, rise, go up, mount,急速增长Soar, rocket, jump上一层次Level up小技巧:A is so X

11、(未知形容词) that it can V 可以将V转换词性直接修饰A,达到程度化。 The rain is so cold that it can penetrate our skin. The penetrating rain is The price is high that it cannot be afforded. The unaffordable price is The plan is so good that it can save much money. The money-saving plan is 5.3 同义替代性表示原因的连词Because, since, as,

12、 for, in that,表示原因的介词For, due to, owing to, thanks to, on account of, because of,表示结果的连词So, so that, sothat, suchthat, 表示结果的副词Therefore, hence, consequently, as a result,原因导致结果的动词Lead to, contribute to, account for, be responsible for, result in结果源于原因的动词Lie in, result from, be attributed to, derive

13、from, originate/stem from,.考研作文最常用的九大词汇扩展:1. 学生最喜欢的句型“with the development of the society”1.1 从无到有With the advent of information technologyWith the invention of modern computersWith the discovery of radioactive elementsWith the introduction of assembly linesWith the success of cloning Dolly the Shee

14、pWith the achievement of space traveling1.2 从有到无With the abolition of slaveryWith the passage of timeWith the extinction of some endangered speciesWith the lost of lives and properties1.3 从低级到高级With the improvement of peoples living standardWith the advance of science and technologyWith the progress

15、 in chinas human rightsWith the efforts made in fighting fake commodities1.4 从高级到低级With the depression of economyWith the recession of the standard of economyWith the deterioration of our living environmentWith the degeneration of youthful idealismWith the degradation of peoples moral conceptWith th

16、e decadence of cultural characteristicsWith the decline of his career1.5 抽象的变化With the progress of globalization/ socialization/ modernization/ urbanization/commercialization/ desertification/ industrialization2. 表示正误的词2.1 正确普通意义的正确Right, correct, understandable, accepted,具体方面的正确Reasonable, rational

17、, logical, responsible, feasible2.2 错误Wrong, incorrect, mistaken, unaccepted,Unreasonable, irrational, illogical, irresponsible, unfeasible, harmful, unreliable错误程度的区分Questionable, ridiculous, fallacious3. 表示重要的词从程度上讲Important, vital, crucial, 从表现方面Necessary, essential, indispensable, urgent, immedi

18、ate,从后果上讲Severe, serious, irreversible, irreparable, disastrous, catastrophic,4. 表示优缺点的词表示优点Advantage, pro, merit,表示缺点Disadvantage, con, demerit, shortcoming, drawback, defect, flaw,5表示描述图表的词表示增长的词Increase, ascend, climb, rise, mount, accumulate, go up, surge, soar, jump, level up,表示下跌的词Drop, declin

19、e, decrease, fall, go down, level off, dip(下降后重新上升),表示走平的词Stabilize, remain stead, maintain stable, keep the same, stay unchanged,表示波动的词Fluctuate,表示变化剧烈的词Sharply, dramatically, drastically, greatly, immensely, noticeably,表示变化缓慢的词Gradually, moderately, slowly, gently,表示顶部的词Peak, highest,表示底部的词Bottom,

20、 lowest point,6. 表示让步、转折词:转折的连词But, while, yet, whereas,转折的副词However, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, still,转折性对比(副词词组)Instead, on the contrary, in comparison, by contrast, in contrast with/ to表示让步的连词和词组Though, although, even if, even though, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that7. 表示原因和结

21、果的词原因的连词和词组原因的介词和词组结果的连词和词组结果的副词和词组Therefore, hence, consequently, thus, as a result,原因导致结果词组Lead to, contribute to, account for, be responsible for, result in, bring about,结果源于原因词组Lie in, result from, be attributed to, come from, derive from, stem/originate from,8. 表示年轻人的词表示年轻人的词Youth, young people

22、, juvenile, youngster, teenager, adolescent, kid, child, school children, pupil,形容年轻人褒义词Young, vigorous, carefree, ambitious, fashionable, active, curious,形容年轻人贬义词Immature, impractical, ignorant, amoral, vulnerable,9. 表示环境的词汇环境热门词汇Environment, atmosphere, ozone, carbon dioxide, freon, plastic, rubbi

23、sh, litter,环境污染词汇Pollution, contamination, deforestation, soil erosion, acid rain, desertification, nondegradable, greenhouse effect,考研常用词汇汇总:好学生:top/ smart/gifted/ superior/ excellent/ outstanding/ high achieving/ A student, boys and girls/ school populations of high ability想象:imagine/ visualize积累财

24、富:make money and possess luxuries/ amass wealth and possessions经济拮据:financial cares, financial pressures能力:ability, skill, capacity天生:be born with, be endowed with永不屈服的精神:a never surrender attitude, an unrelenting drive to succeed迷住了:become fascinated with, become obsessed with了解:have a perspective

25、on, have an understanding/appreciation of, provide/gain an insight into越来越:be increasingly+adj, be on the rise, the growing number of意识到:there is growing awareness of/ realization of, awaken sb to the fact that适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment作出努力: make tremendous/persist

26、ent/sustained effort to do sth, take great pains to do产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on , have a dramatic/undesirable effect on满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of把考虑进去:take sth into account/ consideration, give much thought to 提出观点建议:advance/put forward/come up with+issue/arguments/ide

27、as/suggestions品味人生、自由、青春:savor the life/freedom/youth阻碍了:hamper/impede/stunt the development of, stand in the way of, be an obstacle/barrier to.缩小差别:bridge/ narrow/ fill the gap/gulf between and 把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/owe the success/failure to重视:attach/assign much importance/significance to 强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate ones attention/efforts/thoughts upon有可能:there is (little/much) possibility/li

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