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1、A. The Artist as NationBuilder: William Butler Yeats and Chaim Nachman Bialik JohnHutchinson,DavidAberbach The poets William Butler Yeats (18651939) and Chaim Nachman Bialik (18731934) were among the builders of their respective Irish and Jewish national cultures. Their lives and careers were in lim

2、ited ways remarkably alike and throw light on the dynamics of cultural nationalism. Each emerged in an historical watershed, leading to the establishment of an Irish state in 1921 and a Jewish state in 1948. Though their circumstances, styles, receptions and fates differed, each represented a p .rof

3、ound moral vision in an age of declining faith, expressed his peoples sense of victimization and exposed their weaknesses as he saw them. Each saw his culture as being humanist and universal, not narrowly nationalistic. Each identified with his nation for reasons that were in part intensely and dist

4、urbingly personal. Each found a poetic voice in a rich heritage of ethnic myth, legend and symbol but was conscious of tension between the need for selfexpression and national demands. It is argued that the creative powers of both Yeats and Bialik were set free by the national movements of which the

5、y were a part, and that the national struggle for selfdetermination was, in effect, mirrored on the private scale by the poet striving for artistic freedom and originality.B. 爱尔兰民族解放运动中的叶芝 刘建国William Butler Yeats and The Irish Nationalist Movement摘 要: 从爱尔兰诗人叶芝的政治诗歌出发, 分析了诗人的爱国热情、其与民族解放运动领导人之间的关系以及诗人

6、对待整个爱尔兰民族解放运动的复杂情感, 指出叶芝不仅是蜚声世界的诗人, 而且亦是争取爱尔兰民族解放的卓越战士。 The paper is an analysis of the patriotic feeling of the Irish poet, W. B. Yeats. By revealing the relationship between Yeats and the leaders of the Irish Nationalist Movement, it shows the complicated sentiments of Yeats towards the people and

7、 the events in the movement. It is concluded that Yeats is not only a world famous poet but also a brilliant fighter for the independence of Ireland.C.叶芝的爱尔兰神话情结 吴国杰Yeats Complex to the Irish Mythology摘要:威廉勃特勒叶芝是爱尔兰20世纪最伟大的诗人,他的诗歌渗透着浓烈的爱尔兰情感和明显的爱尔兰因素,古爱尔兰的浪漫神话故事是叶芝诗歌汲取营养的主要来源之一,也只对爱尔兰神话故事的运用有利于帮助爱尔兰

8、人民族集体记忆的恢复,爱尔兰历史的重建,以及爱尔兰民族身份的确立。 William Butler Yeats is one of the greatest poets in 20th century. His poetry is characterized by the strong feeling for his nation and distinct Irish factors. The romantic ancient Irish mythology is the main source of Yeats imagination. The application of Irish myt

9、hology in his poems can help the Irish people restore their collective memory, reestablish the Irish history, and reassure the Irish identity.DDecolonization: Yeatss Revolt Against English Cultural Colonization 张丹 Abstract:William Butler Yeats, a well-known Irish poet and playwright, has many extrao

10、rdinary poems and plays created in fine with the historical trend of fighting against English cultural colonialism and restoring Irish national culture. Confronted with English political subjugation and cultural colonization, Yeats actively devotes himself to the cause of decolonizing Ireland. This

11、thesis focuses on Yeats decolonization efforts by probing into Yeats political activities and literary creation in the decolonization process, and points out that Yeats prefers to decolonize Ireland through a non-violent literary path and his literary creation contributes a lot to Irish independence

12、 from English cultural colonization. During the literary decolonization process, Yeats adopts the marginalized culture and language as weapons to challenge the dominant English colonial culture. He upholds Irish and Oriental subject matters in his works, and vigorously criticizes the condescending a

13、ttitude of the English colonists towards the colonized people and their cultures. He also revises English by incorporating Celtic words and syntax into it, thus destroying the attempt of the English colonists to control the Irish peoples mindsets through the imposition of English language. However,

14、Yeats literary works by no means function as a political declaration. He involves himself in the fight against English colonialism and creates many political works, but there is no lack of literariness in them. His adherence to literariness in his works shows that he unswervingly follows the non-vio

15、lent literary path to achieve Irish independence. In his later period, he makes incessant efforts to seek for the eternity of art which alsoembodies his wishes for the eternity of his nation一Ireland.著名爱尔兰诗人、剧作家威廉巴特勒叶芝一生创作了许多优秀的诗歌和戏剧,这些文学创作暗合着当时反抗宗主国英国文化殖民和复兴爱尔兰民族文化的历史潮流。面对英国的政治和文化殖民统治,叶芝积极投身于“非殖民”浪潮

16、中,极力寻求爱尔兰民族文化身份。本文以叶芝的“非殖民”努力为研究对象,深入探讨叶芝在爱尔兰“非殖民”过程中的政治实践和文学创作。通过把其文学创作置于后殖民语境下进行观照,分析了叶芝的文学创作对爱尔兰摆脱宗主国文化殖民统治所作的贡献,指出了叶芝对通过文学创作“非殖民”的坚持和其对非暴力文艺路线的追求。 在文学的“非殖民”中,叶芝以相对边缘的文化和语言为武器,与强势的主流英国文化展开平等的对话甚至挑战。通过对爱尔兰题材和东方因素的赞扬,有力地回击了居于中心的英国殖民文化对处于边缘的殖民地文化的贬低和不屑;通过对凯尔特语言和英语的混杂使用,打破宗主国英国企图通过语言殖民束缚爱尔兰人思想的幻想。同时,

17、在“非殖民”过程中,叶芝的文学作品并没有沦为政治的传声筒,而是保持了作品的艺术性,很好地兼顾了文艺作品的形式美,体现了叶芝对作品文学性的坚持。在其创作后期,叶芝通过文学创作一直努力寻求艺术永恒,也寄托了叶芝对民族永恒的追求。E. 叶芝早期诗歌中的神话用典Mythological Allusions in Yeats Early Poetry 张晓伟叶芝是爱尔兰文艺复兴运动的主要领导人之一,他不仅对于促进爱尔兰文化的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而且对现代英国诗歌的发展也产生了巨大的影响。他同时也是二十世纪运用神话题材最著名的作家之一。爱略特曾经这样评价他:“他是我们这个时代最伟大的诗人,他也是英语

18、诗歌领域中最伟大的诗人。”1923年,他被授予诺贝尔文学奖。他的功绩在于他把凯尔特文化和英国文化揉合进他的充满幻想的神话般的诗歌世界之中。 早期创作阶段的叶芝是一个浪漫主义诗人。他继承和发扬了布莱克运用神话体系创作诗歌的技巧、前拉斐尔派崇古的观点和雪莱热情洋溢的浪漫主义思想。这些作家的影响使叶芝早期的诗歌语言比较朦胧和神秘,而且使他在早期诗歌创作中经常采用神话用典的方法来达到展示写作意图的目的。叶芝对古典神话和民间传说进行了深入研究,他在诗歌领域中经常采用神话题材进行创作,并取得了巨大成就。叶芝神话用典的来源主要是爱尔兰神话,希腊神话,印度神话和一些圣经故事。叶芝通过采用来自不同领域的神话用典

19、不仅创造了充满神秘色彩的理想生活画面,而且使他的诗歌意象新颖,内涵丰富。有一些批评家说叶芝是一个逃避现实者,说他的作品是从真空发展起来的,其中没有任何有价值的东西。但事实并非如此。经过仔细研读他的早期诗歌之后,我发现叶芝早期诗歌中的神话用典是他诗歌创作成就的重要体现,充分展示了他的艺术才华。Abstract:William Butler Yeats (1865-1839), the most outstanding poet dealing with mythological themes in 20th century, made indelible contribution to Iris

20、h culture. Hes one of the most important leaders in Irish Renaissance Movement. He produced great impact on the development of modern English poetry. T. S. Eliot evaluated him as “the greatest English poet in our times .the greatest one in English poetry.” In 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for

21、 Literature. His great achievement lies in his efforts to blend Celtic and English cultures together and in his imagery of mythological poetic world.In Yeats early career, many poets such as William Blake, Shelley and Pre-Raphaelites influenced him a lot. William Blakes ideas of mysticism, the archa

22、ic ideas of the Pre- Raphaelites and Shelleys romantic ideas have great effect on Yeats. Influenced by them, Yeats has created pictures of the ideal life and his language in his early period is dreamy, evocative and mystic. In his early poetry, he makes use of many kinds of mythological allusions fr

23、om Irish mythology, Greek mythology, Hindu mythology and allusions from Christian legends. These allusions help Yeats imagine splendidly and create mythological and beautiful world to contrast the sordid reality. Thus Yeats purposes of writing are realized. So these allusions have great literary val

24、ue to his later poetry.Yet some critics say Yeats is an escapist and try to underestimate his early creation as development in vacuum and does not produce anything to make him a poet. In fact it is not really so. After a careful and serious study of his early poetry, I find that Yeats early poetry w

25、ith its rich mythological allusions displays fully his poetical art and becomes an important part of his poetical achievements.3. His writing stylesA. W.B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction Stan SmithAn original, yet lucid and accessible introduction to the often difficult poetry of W.B. Yeats. No poet

26、 in this century has shaped his work so directly out of reaction to the history of his times. Yeats antithetical vision, his fascination with conflict, energy, turbulence and the bodiliness of being, his sense of poetry as a dramatic process, indicate how closely bound up are the stylistic and the t

27、hematic dimensions of his art. As a poet of carnality as much as of politics, Yeats is unexcelled. The aim of this book is to show what an exciting writer he is, to reveal the relevance and contemporaneity of his work, even in its more esoteric aspects, and to make its study less intimidating than i

28、t can sometimes seem.B. Metaphors of center and periphery in Yeats the Second Coming Paul D. Deane This paper examines the metaphoric structure of Yeats poem The Second Coming in the light of the Lakoff-Johnson-Turner theory of metaphor. It argues that the poems meaning depends critically upon vario

29、us conventional metaphors of center and periphery which combine to define a cultural ideal of legitimate authority. The poem exploits these metaphors to create powerful images in which society is first decentered and then recentered into an inverted social order.C. A Readers Guide to William Butler

30、Yeats John Eugene UntereckerThe poetry of William Butler Yeats presents unusual problems for the general reader. Yeats drew heavily upon mystical and theosophical systems of a more or less arcane nature. Moreover, he often referred to events in his own life and in the history of modern Ireland which

31、 require elucidition for the non-specialist. A Readers Guide to William Butler Yeats not only provides the background needed for an understanding of the works but also reveals the structure of images and meanings of the various lyrics.D. Symbolism in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats Alana WhiteAbstractThis the

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