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1、要几天才能修好 我可以明天拿去修 It takes a few days. Ill take it tomorrow and fix it. -没事 它好着呢 别担心 -好吧 - No, hes fine, dont worry. - All right. 那我走了 再见 Then I go, goodbye. 这门坏成这样还不如扔掉 This door gets out of hand. It is to be thrown away. 进门打不开 出门关不上 To enter it does not open, going out does not close. Look. 我可以把它修的

2、跟新的一样 Ill make it like new. 你什么都不用做了 坐下 You dont have to do anything again. Sit down. -不收钱 -来吧 - Its free. - Come. -我能修好 -不用 - Ill fix it. - No. 吃吧 给你做了这个 Eat, Ill offer this to you 不然这么下去你要把整个店都拆了 if not slowly you dismantle the whole inn. 好吧 莫雷诺 Okay, Moreno. -不管怎么样 门得修 -我知道 - Anyway, the door nee

3、ds to be changed. - I know. 我再给你一份面包配奶酪 I also give you this piece of bread with cheese. 多谢 Thanks. 但是你什么都不要再说了 好吗 But you dont have to say anything anymore, okay?一时半会儿修不好 要个几天 It should not be done immediately, a few days holds 不过实际上 桌子挺好 In fact, the table is fine. 它自己就修好了 椅子也没坏 He fixed himself.

4、The chair is also doing well. 欢乐降临 The fun has come!欢庆已至 Cheerfulness has arrived!吅家欢乐的 For all children and families!木偶大剧场 The Grand Puppet Theater!食物也能换票 We also accept things to eat!保证精彩 Fun is guaranteed!抱歉 但 抱歉 什么样的木偶 Sorry, but . Sorry, but puppets like?-木偶就是木偶 -木头做的那种吗 - puppets puppets. - Bu

5、t made with wood?-当然 -是吗- Sure. - Oh yes?-我能看一下吗 -不行 快来啊 - Can I see a moment? - No. Hurry!今晚 只需四枚钱币 Tonight, all with only four coins!来看世上最美的木偶 The most beautiful puppets in the world!让你美不胜收 It will be a beautiful sight!老少咸宜 For all children, for all mothers!快跑吧 真正的木偶 都是真正的木偶 Run! Run! Real puppets

6、! They are real puppets!快跑 孩子们 跑去告诉妈妈吧 Hurry! Children, run to your moms!你们将看到世上最美的木偶 You will see the show most beautiful in the world!真正的木偶 都是真正的木偶 Real puppets!够了 你不能看 Enough, you cant watch!看上去也不怎么好 It is not seen so well. -好了 感谢 -今晚见 - Okay thanks. - See you this evening. -谢谢 -快来啊 - Thank you.

7、- Hurry!孩子们 快去告诉你们的妈妈吧 Children, run to your moms! 前所未有的绝世表演就要来了 Here is the show more beautiful than ever!切里师♥傅&Master Cherry?Master Cherry!切里 Cherry!-切里 你坐地上干嘛 -没什么 - Cherry, what are you doing on the ground? - Nothing. 切里 是我啊 Cherry, its me. -怎么样 还好吗 -没事 你说你说 - Hows it going, all right? -

8、Yes. Say, say. 没什么 我来就想让你帮个忙 No, I came . to ask you a favor. 我今早上想了个点子出来 我觉得棒枀了 I had an idea this morning, I think beautiful. -你能听见吗 我跟你说的 -能- Can you hear me? I tell you? - Yup. 我想要亲手做一个 I had thought of making with my hands 木偶 a wooden puppet. 不只是普通木偶 是世上最美的木偶 But not just any puppet, must be th

9、e most beautiful in the world. 人们看了会问是谁做的呢People have to say: But who did it?然后被惊艳到 And be amazed. 然后我想带上这个木偶去环游世界 And then with this puppet I want to travel the world 四处谋生 and earn a living honestly. 我还给他起了名字 I also found his name. -叫匹诺曹 不错吧 -挺好 - I thought of Pinocchio. Nice, huh?切里啊 Cherry?老实说 你是

10、不是喝了 Tell me the truth, did you drink?-不 我没喝 -你喝酒了 - No, I didnt drink. - You drank. -没有 -我都知道了 你可以告诉我 - No. - I know, you can tell me. 吆佩托 你来我这儿到底想要什么 Geppetto, what do you want from me?我就想来找点乐子 I wanted a little pleasure. 你知道我爱你的 You know I love you. -我一直都爱你 -是 ve always loved you. - Yup. 如果不劳烦您的话

11、 Master Cherry, I need, if it doesnt bother you, 我想跟你要块木头 我现在一穷二白 of a piece of wood, because I currently have nothing. -你有木头吗 -当然 当然 - Do you have a piece of wood? - Yes, yes. 我有 我有 I have it, I have it!拿走那块吧 Take that over there. 说什么呢 你真喝高了吗 这太多了 What are you saying? Are you really drunk? This is

12、too much!拿走 Take it!这我不能收 我拿一些边角料就行 I cant accept it, Im fine with a scrap. 我给你了 不行 这根不行 我要这根 ll give it to you! No! This no, I need it. -这根给你 -但是切里 这 我想想 ll give it to you. - But Cherry, this . let me think. 妈呀 这是我见过的 Oh, mom, this is one of the most beautiful pieces of wood 最漂亮的木头之一了 ve ever seen

13、in my life. 一个完美的木偶 就要来了 Here we come . a wonderful puppet. 好了 马上就做完了 Here, now Im almost done. 你能听见我说话吗 匹诺曹 Can you hear me, Pinocchio?听得到我吗 Can you hear me?来吧 匹诺曹 Come on, Pinocchio. Pinocchio!来吧 说句话 给爷爷动动嘴唇看看 Come on, say something. Move your mouth for your dad. 来 说爷爷Here, say dad. 爷爷 你看你看 Dad. L

14、ook look. 爷爷 Dad. 说嘛 Come on!Dad!我生了个儿子 我生了个儿子 I born a son! I born a son!我有儿子了 听见了吗 I have a son! Can you hear me?我当爸了 我当爸了 I became a dad! I became a dad!-怎么回事 -雷明戈 - What happened? - Remigio!-你猜怎么着 -怎么了 - But do you know what happened? - That?-我有儿子了 -真的 - I had a son. - Really?-他刚生出来 -恭喜你啊 - He w

15、as born now. - Best wishes!-多谢 我当爸了 -吆佩托 - Thanks. I became a dad. - Geppetto!-芭芭拉 -怎么了 - Barbara! - Whats up?我想说 我有儿子了 我当爸了 I wanted to tell you. I born a son, I became a father. -今晚生吗 -不 马上就生出来了 - So, overnight? - No, any minute. -你逗我呢吧 -没有 - You are making fun of me? - No!我真替你高兴 但你现在该睡觉了 I am hap

16、py for you, but now go to bed. 你把邻居都吵醒了 You woke up the neighborhood. 我不是故意的 我只是想说 It wasnt my intention, but I wanted to 我生儿子了 say that a son was born to me!差不多好了 来吧 I almost did, huh. Here we are. 来吧 Here we are. 你看 Look. 这就是你 匹诺曹 你喜欢你的样子吗 This is you, Pinocchio. Do you like yourself?你喜欢我给你做成的样子吗

17、Do you like how I made you?我是可喜欢了 To me a lot. 匹诺曹 注意 现在爷爷教你走路 Pinocchio, be careful. Now Father teaches you to walk. 你得走好路 You have to walk well, 不然的话 你会摔倒伤着自己 if not, you fall and you can hurt yourself. 你得集中注意 看 You have to pay attention. Look. 我教你 先迈一条腿再迈另一条 一二 ll teach you, first one leg and the

18、n the other. One and two. 看我 好吗 一二 Look at me, huh? One and two. 一二 一二 One and two, one and two. 跟着我做 两三天以后 If you do like me, in two or three days 你就能自己走 you can already walk by . 匹诺曹 匹诺曹 你已经学好了吗 Pinocchio! But have you already learned?匹诺曹 匹诺曹 匹诺曹 我还没把你做好呢 I havent even finished making you 我已经没有威严了

19、吗 and I already lack respect?这可是个坏兆头 坏兆头 It starts badly, badly!爷爷 我去也 Dad, Im going!听爷爷的 快回来 Listen to dad, come back. 救命啊 Help!谁啊 Who is it?是我 我是会说话的蟋蟀 s me, Im the Talking Cricket 我在这房&间已经住了一百多年了 and I live in this room for more than 100 years. 我看到你怎么对你&爷&爷的了 I saw how you behaved with your fathe

20、r 我来跟你讲个大实话 and I want to tell you a great truth. 不听爷妈话的孩子 Woe to the boys who disobey to their parents. 在这个世界上是过不好生活的 They will never have well in this world. 可我不想一味地顺从别人 I dont want to obey. 那你什么时候上学 And when will you go to school?其实我也不想去上学 In fact I dont feel like going to school. 可怜的匹诺曹 我真同情你 Po

21、or Pinocchio, you really pity me. -为什么 -因为你是一个木偶 - And why? - Because youre a puppet. 更糟的是 你有一个木脑袋 And whats worse, you have a wooden head. 你现在烦死人了 Now you got bored. 不然我为什么叫你木脑袋Why did I call you dumbbell?你搞得我很紧张 It makes me nervous!看吧 你就是个木脑袋 You see? Youre a dumbbell!-够了 闭嘴 -木脑袋 - Enough, shut up

22、! - Dumbbell!我受够你了 You got tired of me!-谁啊 -匹诺曹 是你在家吗 - Who is it? - Pinocchio! Are you at home?我找你找了一整天 我可是你爸啊 ve been looking for you all day! I am your dad!-给我开门 -我来了老爷 - Open up! - Dad, Im coming!-爷爷 -匹诺曹 开门啊 - Dad! - Pinocchio, open!不行 我的腿没了 t, I no longer have legs!腿没了什么意思 开门啊 What does it mea

23、n? Open the door!-我的腿没了 -等我 - I no longer have legs! - Wait up! 快啊 爷爷 快 Fast, dad, fast!匹诺曹 匹诺曹 爷爷在这 Pinocchio, here is Father. 爷爷来了 别害怕 Father is coming, do not worry. 看这儿一团糟的 你怎么把脚烧成这样了 But look over there! How did you do to burn your feet like this?我把脚放在火炉上就睡着了 I fell asleep with your feet on the

24、 fire. 你竟然把脚放在火上睡着了 匹诺曹 You fell asleep with your feet on the fire?你应该多多注意的 But you have to be careful!如果我没来你会搞成什么样 全都烧掉吗 If I didnt come, what were you doing, burning everything?你看看 我给你做了两只脚 Look at them. I had you two feet, 那么漂亮的两只脚 Pinocchio, beautiful, very beautiful 那两只小脚多么精巧可人儿 so beautiful, t

25、hat they lovely so much. 你看看你弄成了什么样 And now how do you do it?您还能重新做吗 Can you do it again?不行 我要是做了新的 你又会搞坏 No! If I do it again, run away again. 你要涨点教训啊 You have to learn 求求您了 我不会搞坏了 Please! I said no. 每次我做给你 你学会了走路就乱跑 As soon as I did for you and you learned to walk, you ran away. 我要到处去找你 再也不给你做脚了 ve looked for you everywhere. I wont do it again. 求求你了爷爷 好爷爷 Please, dad, dad. 不行 No. 我真的再也不乱跑了爷爷 求求你嘛 Com

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