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1、01年托福听力文字01年8月托福听力文字Part A 1. W: Tina says you wont be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow evening. 1。W:蒂娜说你不能去参加明天晚上的会议。M: Yeah, sorry about that. I just found out that I have to work over time. M:是的,抱歉。我刚刚发现我得加班。Q: What does the man mean? 2. W: Would you mind taking a picture of me in front of

2、 the fountain? 2。W:你介意拍一张照片,我在前面的喷泉吗?M: Not at all. But Im not sure how this camera works. M:不客气。但我不确定这架照相机如何工作。Q: What will probably happen next? 3. W: Oh my goodness. Your help services card is sitting right here in your file, it should have been sent out to you weeks ago. I hope you havent had an

3、y need for it. 3。W:哦,我的天啊。你的帮助服务卡是在这里坐着在你的文件,它应该是几周前寄给你。我希望你没有任何的需要。M: No, not yet. But its nice to know I have it, so I dont need to reapply. M:不,还没有。但是很高兴知道我有它,所以我不需要再申请。Q: What does the man mean? 4. M: Excuse me, Pro. # But Im still confused, could you go over that last point one more time? 4。M:对

4、不起,Pro。#但我至今仍不明白,你能走在这最后一点一次吗?W: Of course, thats what Im here for. W:当然,这是我应该做的。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?5. M: Im sorry I made you wait. The bus was stuck in traffic and took forever to get here. 5。M:我很抱歉让你等待。公共汽车被堵在了路上,把永远到这儿。W: No harm done(一切平安无事). I was able to catch up on弥补 so

5、me reading. W:没有人受到伤害(一切平安无事)。我能够赶上on弥补一些阅读。Q: What can be inferred about the conversation? 问:我们可以推断出关于谈话吗?6. M: Thats a really nice raincoat, Lisa. 6。M:这是一个很好的雨衣,丽莎。W: Thanks. I like it too. If only it had a heavy line in it before I can wear it in winter too. W:谢谢。我也喜欢它。如果它有一个沉重的线在它之前,我可以把它戴在冬天也。Q

6、: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?7. M: I just heard the news that Mary won the election. That must be a big disappointment for you. 7。M:我刚听到这个消息,玛丽赢得了选举。这必须是一个很大的失望而归你。W: Well, actually, she probably was the best candidate this time around, and I can always run again next year. W:嗯,实际上,她可能是最

7、佳人选这一次,我总是可以再次运行明年。Q: What does the woman imply? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?8. W: Do you have your film festival schedule with you? Id like to find out whats playing this weekend. 8。W:你有你的电影节时间表吗?我想找出这周末的玩。M: I past it on to my roommate,放我世友娜了 but there should be more in the bookstore. I can pick one up for you n

8、ext time on there. M:我过去对我的室友,但应该有更多的放我世友娜了在书店里。我可以为你拿起一个下次在那里。Q: What does the man offer to do? 问:男人如何主动提出做吗?9. W: My new neighbor next door is really great. She # fantastic collection of classical music, I mean dozens of composers Ive never even heard of. 9。W:我的新邻居隔壁是真正伟大的。她#奇妙的收藏的古典音乐,我的意思是几十个作曲家

9、我从来没听说过。M: Hmm Just be careful Annie, a hobby like that can be contagious and expensive. M:嗯只是小心安妮,嗜好那样可以传染和昂贵的。Q: What does the man imply? 男人什么意思?10. M: The bus they are renting to take us to the museum? Its goanna leave at ten in front of the library. So, lets meet on the library steps before ahea

10、d, ok? 10。M:公共汽车他们租用带我们去博物馆吗?这是巨蜥十点钟离开在图书馆前面。所以,让我们在图书馆见面之前的步骤之前,好吗?W: Oh I thought I told you. I have a dentist appointment this morning so Im going to meet up with you guys downtown城市中心 at the museum, ok? W:哦,我想我告诉过你。我有一个牙医预约今天早上所以我打算与你们见面downtown城市中心在博物馆,好吗?Q: What does the woman imply? 问:什么是女人意味

11、着什么?11. M: Gee, you have a lot of change in that jar. Are you a coin collector? 11。M:哎呀,你有很多的改变,jar。你是一个硬币收藏家吗?W: No, Im just saving them for a rainy day. W:没有,我只是拯救他们以备不时之需。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?12. W: I saw you in the lecture hall yesterday on your way out to Pro. #s philosophy

12、 class. 12。W:我看到你在演讲厅昨天你出去到Pro。#的哲学课。I was quite surprised, I couldnt imaging you are someone interested in philosophy. 我很惊讶,我不能成像你感兴趣的一个人的哲学。M: I dont know whats so surprising, there are lots of engineering students in that class. M:我不知道什么是那么奇怪,有许多工程学生在这类。Q: What can be inferred about the man? 问:我们

13、可以推断出人类如何?13. M: Did I hear that right? Out reports are due next Friday? 13。M:我才听到,对吗?报告将在下周五吗?W: Just the introduction, the rest will find out about today in class. W:只是介绍,其余将找出今天在类。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?14. M: This painting would go great in my room, but they want 30 dollars fo

14、r it and its probably mostly for the frame. 14。M:这幅画会大在我的房间里,但他们想要30美元买它,它可能是主要的框架。W: Then why dont you # it # separately? W:那你为什么不#,#分别?Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 问:什么是女士建议男士做什么?15. W: Dr. Smith, this is #, those stretching exercises that you recommended are really helping with my b

15、ack pain. But the pills you prescribed, I think, they are giving me a headache. 15。W:史密斯博士,这是#,那些伸展运动,你推荐真的帮助我的背部疼痛。但你的药的处方,我认为,他们让我很头痛。M: That not unusual,正常 lets try cutting back two, just one a day, all right? M:那不寻常的,正常让我们尝试削减两个,仅仅是一个一天,好吗?Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 问:男人如何建议女人做什么

16、?16. W: Congratulations, Tom. I heard you got a job with the Wilson Company. 16。W:祝贺你,汤姆。我听说你得到一份工作和威尔逊公司。M: Hmm, thanks, Pro. #, but its a little too soon for congratulation, all I got so far目前为止 is an interview, early next week, on Thursday. M:嗯,谢谢,Pro。#,但是它有点太早表示祝贺,我变得如此far目前为止是一次采访中,下周初,周四。Q: Wh

17、at does the man imply? 男人什么意思?17. W: Im never going to volunteer to help Janet with the party again. 17。W:我再也不会自愿帮助珍妮特和共产党再次。M: I know what you mean. We ended up doing most of the cleaning-up. M:我知道你的意思。我们最终做大部分的派遣。Q: What can be inferred about the party? 问:我们可以推断出关于派对的?18. W: This is a pretty small

18、 room to be sharing with someone. Dont you find it a little crowded? 18。W:这是一个相当小的房间是与人分享。你不觉得这有点拥挤吗?M: Well, I dont know about my roommate. But me, Im used to being a little cranes. I grew up with six brothers, remember? M:嗯,我不知道我的室友。但是我,我曾经被一个小鹤。和我一起长大的六个兄弟,记得吗?Q: What does the man mean? 男人什么意思?19

19、. M: Excuse me, do you know what time the train to Middle Town leaves? 19。M:对不起,你知道火车什么时候到中产镇开吗?W: You mean left, the last one was in eleven p.m. and thats it, till tomorrow morning. W:你是说离开了,最后一次是在11点,就是这样,到明天早上。Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? 问:从对话中可以推断出什么?20. M: Im thinking about w

20、earing a suit to the party tonight, what do you think? 20。M:我想穿西装去今晚的派对,你觉得怎么样?W: Well, I havent heard anything about dressing up. I bet a sweater would be fine. W:哦,我还没有听到任何有关打扮。我打赌一件毛衣会没事的。Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 问:什么是女士建议男士做什么?21. M: If you see your friend Julia in the next cou

21、ple of days, would you mind asking her to give me a call, I was hoping shed be able to help out with course registration next week. 21。M:如果你看到你的朋友茱莉亚在接下来的两天,你介意让她给我打电话,我希望她能帮忙下星期课程登记。W: Sure, Pro. #, if I see her. Shes made herself pretty scarcely lately.它很少出现 W:当然,Pro。#,如果我看到她。她使自己漂亮lately.它很少出现几乎没

22、有Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?22. W: Ive never seen a larger collection of this authors books than the one here in this library. Its impressive how many she managed to write in her lifetime. 22。W:我从来没见过一个更大的收集这个作者的书比在这个库。这是使人印象深刻,多少她设法写在她的一生中。M: Yeah, actually a lot more than even this

23、collection was Seger. M:是的,其实许多甚至超过这个集合是塞格尔。Q: What does the man imply about the authors books? 问:什么是男士暗示作者的书吗?23. M: My boss keeps asking me to work overtime but I always said no because I dont wanna jeopardize my studies, but Im starting to waver有些动摇. 23。M:我的老板总是问我加班,但我总是说不,因为我不想危及我的研究,但我开始waver有些

24、动摇。W: I wouldnt give in if I were you. W:我不会屈服于如果我是你。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?24. M: Whats keeping Kevin? He said last night hed meet us here by 2 oclock and its already 2:30. 24。M:是什么让凯文?他说他前一个晚上会满足我们这儿乘2点钟,可是2:30分。W: Its so typical of him, isnt it? Just watch, hes going to show up

25、 in 5 minutes with some wild excuse. W:这是他与众不同,不是吗?只是看,他会出现在5分钟与一些野生的借口。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?25. W: Woo, are all those books youve got there required for the modern European history class? 25。W:哇,都是那些书你那里需要现代欧洲历史类?M: No, a lot of these listed are optional, but you know me, when

26、I do something, I do it 200 percent. M:不,很多这些上市是可选的,但你知道我,当我做什么,我做这200%。Q: What does the man mean? 男人什么意思?26. M: Lets go to a movie after dinner. 26。M:让我们去看电影晚餐后。W: Thats attempting. However, the tennis tournament is tomorrow, and I need to get in W:这是尝试。然而,网球锦标赛是明天,我需要进去a short practice session ton

27、ight. 一个短的练习今晚。Q: What will the woman probably do this evening? 问:什么将女人可能今天晚上要做什么?27. M: I just got this car and already its falling apart. First, one of the door handles fell off and now the inside light wont go on when you open the door. 27。M:我刚收到这车,我们已经分崩离析。首先,一个门的把手摔了下去,并且现在在光不会继续当你打开门。W: Hey, w

28、hats the big deal? Falling apart is when your car needs a new engine, like mine does. W:嗨,有什么大不了的?散架了只是表明你的车需要新的发动机,就象我的一样。Q: What does the woman imply? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?28. M: Oh, Mrs. Wilson, now the classes are starting again and I could probably keep working at the front desk if you are willing to g

29、ive me a flexible schedule and let me come in and work between classes, I really would like to stay. 28。M:哦,威尔逊夫人,现在的类是重新开始和我很可能保持前台工作如果你愿意给我一个灵活的时间表,让我进来和类之间的工作,我真的想呆。W: And we like that too, trouble is, that means the front desk wont be covered and well, the hotel just cant operate that way. W:,我们

30、也喜欢,麻烦的是,这意味着前台不会被覆盖,嗯,酒店就可以不遵循这种模式。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?29. W: You didnt care for the movie, did you? 29。W:你不喜欢这部电影,是吗?M: You can say that again. M:你能再说一遍。Q: What does the man mean? 男人什么意思?30. M: That grade on my philosophy paper? It really took me by surprise, you know I work

31、hard in everything, but I never thought I get such a high grade, I mean, she actually gave me an A. 30。M:那我的哲学论文成绩吗?它真的让我吃惊,你知道我努力在所有的东西,但我从没想过我得到这样一个优质的,我的意思是,她实际上给了我一个a。W: We look Pro. # as scare, but, I wont call her over-the-terrible , so you really have yourself to thank. W:我们看Pro。#作为恐慌,但是,我不会叫她在可怕的,所以你真的有自己感谢。Q: What does the woman mean? 问:什么是女人意味着什么?Part B B部分31-35: listening to two friends preparing dinner 31 35:听两个朋友准备晚餐M: We are almost finished. Could u hand me the white pepper? M:我们几乎已经完成了。你能递给我白胡椒粉吗?W: Why white pepper and not black? Arent

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