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版高中英语北师大版选修六讲义Unit 16 Stories Period Three Lesson 3 Life Stories 精品.docx

1、版高中英语北师大版选修六讲义Unit 16 Stories Period Three Lesson 3 Life Stories 精品Period ThreeLesson 3Life Stories.重点单词1 adj.出色的,卓越的2 adj.严重的;严厉的3 n限制,约束4 adj.不能忍受的5 adj.倔强的,固执的6 adj.以前的7 adj.引起麻烦的8 adj.直接的;坦率的9 adj.准确的,精确的10 adj.宝贵的,珍贵的11 adj.渴望的,热衷的12 adj.逐渐的13 v扩大,扩充14 adj.复杂的15 adj.明显的,显而易见的16 n温暖17 n突破,重大发现18

2、 adj.不确定的.重点短语1 共有,共同2 介绍;引进;挣得3 打开;开放4 既然,由于.重点句式1unless引导条件状语从句Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything I touched it.她的话使我感到非常困惑,因为那时我若不用手触摸就什么都不理解。2it作形式宾语I thought strange that my teacher could not show me love.我感到奇怪,为什么老师不能告诉我什么是爱。3形容词短语作原因状语 how to fix them,she

3、 stopped to think carefully.由于不能确定怎样解决,她停下来仔细思考。4Itbefirst/second.time sb.have/had done sth.It was the first time Helen (understand) such a complex worda word for something she couldnt touch.这是海伦第一次明白这么复杂的单词一个表示一种她触摸不到的东西的单词。.课文判断正(T)误(F)1The word “love” was a complex word for Helen.()2Helen didnt f

4、ind it difficult to understand the word “love”()3The understanding of “think” helped her understand “love”()4Helen got to know the meaning of “love” through touching.()5Annes first goal was to teach Helen to learn language.().课文阅读理解1Anne Sullivan could understand Helen well because she .Awas a docto

5、rBhad had eyesight problems early in her lifeCwas almost the same age as Helen2When she learned the word ,she began to understand her teacher was telling her the meaning of the object.AwaterBloveCdoll3Of the following words,which is the most difficult for Helen to learn?ALove. BWater. CThink.4When ,

6、Helen learned the meaning of “think”Amaking necklacesBmaking a dollCplaying in the park5The words “love” and “think” are .Aobjective Babstract Cmaterial重点词汇1With these severe restrictions on her communication,Helens behaviour was often unbearable.因为有这些交流上的严重的限制,海伦的有些行为让人难以忍受。归纳拓展(1)restriction n限制,约

7、束make/place restrictions on限制speed restrictions速度限制(2)restrict vt.限制,限定;约束restrict ones freedom 限制某人的自由把限制在(to是介词,后跟名词或动名词)restrict oneself to sth./to doing sth.限制自己(做)某事语境助记(1)The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom.政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。(2)I was announced that new sp

8、eed restrictions would be introduced.据宣布,将有新的速度限制规定出台。(3)I restrict myself to one cup of coffee a day.我限制自己每天只喝一杯咖啡。题组训练完成句子(1)政府限制进口车的数量。The government the number of foreign cars that could be imported.(2)这些衣服使你行动不便。These clothes of movement.(3)我努力把烟限制到一天五支。I try to five cigarettes a day.2Anne was

9、a teacher and former student at a school for the blind in Boston.安妮是波士顿一所盲人学校的老师,她也曾在那里就读。归纳拓展former作形容词用时,意为“以前的,从前的”;作名词用时,常与the连用,表示“(两者中的)前者”。the former.the latter.前者后者语境助记(1)This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.这座美丽的老建筑已恢复了昔日的壮观。(2)Tom and Jack are brothers:the form

10、er is a teacher,and the latter is an engineer.Tom和Jack是兄弟俩:前者是一名教师,后者是一位工程师。题组训练(1)完成句子令人惊奇的是,莎丽没有像以前的老师那样被赶出学校。Surprisingly,Sally was not driven out like the teachers.(2015广东)莎士比亚和毕加索都是名人。前者是剧作家,后者是画家。Shakespeare and Picasso are wellknown persons. is a playwright and is a painter.(2)单句改错Of the two,

11、I prefer a former one.3Now that Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.既然海伦理解了语言之迷,她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多地使用它们。归纳拓展1now that既然;由于易混辨析because,since,for,now that(1)because回答why问句,表示直接原因,语气最强。(2)since语气较弱,强调已知的事实。(3)for语气最弱,用来补充说明理由或提供一种解释。(4)n

12、ow that既然,与since 同义,但更突出事实本身,口语中that 常可省略。语境助记1(1)Now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways,researchers are discovering new rules.(2016全国)既然信息正在以不同的方式扩散和监控,研究者正在发现新的规则。(2)Now that you have finished your work,youd better have a rest.既然你已经完成工作了,你最好休息一下。题组训练1(1)用because,since

13、,for,now that填空 you cant go,Ill ask Lao Li instead.From space,the earth looks blue.This is about seventyone percent of its surface is covered by water. Chicagos waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River,the citys next step was to clean the polluted river.(2015湖南)He must have had so

14、me bad news, he is so quiet.(2)句型转换Since everybody is here,lets have the meeting. everybody is here,lets have the meeting.归纳拓展2eager adj.渴望的,热衷的;热心的,热切的;急切的be eager to do sth.渴望做某事be eager for sth.渴望(得到)某物易混辨析eager,anxious(1)eager渴望的,急切的,强调“热切地期待获得成功或办成某事”的心情。(2)anxious渴望的,焦急的,强调的是“担心或焦急”的心情。联想归纳表示“

15、急切盼望(做)”的短语还有哪些?请补全。(1) for sth.(2)be for/to do sth.(3)be for sth.(4)be on/to do sth.语境助记2(1)She was eager to have the basket.(2016浙江)她渴望拥有这个篮子。(2)When I was in trouble,I was eager for your help.当我处于困境时,我很渴望得到你的帮助。题组训练2(1)用eager和anxious填空Her mother is about her safety.Believe it or not,he or she is

16、on your side and is to see you do well.(2015浙江)She is to go to college,but about the College Entrance Examination.(2)单句改错He rushed back to the classroom,eagerly to know the result.4As Helens knowledge and vocabulary expanded,she asked more and more questions.随着知识面的扩大和词汇量的增加,海伦问的问题越来越多。归纳拓展expand v扩大

17、,扩充;膨胀,扩张;详述expand into.扩展成为expand on/upon详述助学图解语境助记(1)The middle class is expanding.(2015广东)中间阶级(的数量)在扩大。(2)His modest business eventually expanded into a supermarket empire.他原先不大的生意后来扩展成了超级市场集团企业。(3)He later expanded on his initial statement.他后来详细陈述了最初的声明。易混辨析expand,extend,spread,stretch(1)expand

18、(使)(尺寸、数字或数量等)扩大;扩大(活动范围)。(2)extend延伸,延长(建筑或道路、时间等);伸展(手臂、腿等);扩大(控制、影响力等)。(3)spread把(物)铺开、张开;(疾病、感情、问题或火等)蔓延;(消息、思想等)流传,传播;张开(手臂、双腿等)(4)stretch伸展,伸长,指事物长度、宽度中的一端向外伸长或两端一起伸长。题组训练用expand,extend,spread,stretch的正确形式填空(1)They the road for three more miles.(2)The rumor was widely among the crowd.(3)My woo

19、l coat when I washed it.(4)The pupils(瞳孔) of your eyes when you enter a darkroom.5The word “think” was also a difficult one for Helen but she had a breakthrough while working on a simple task.对海伦来说,“think”也是很难学的一个单词,但是在她完成一项简单的任务的过程中,她取得了突破。归纳拓展breakthrough nC突破;重大发现make a breakthrough取得重大突破break th

20、rough冲破,突破;克服,战胜语境助记(1)Scientists predict a major breakthrough within six months.科学家预测在6个月内会有重大突破。(2)A group of young demonstrators attempted to break through police lines.一群年轻的示威者试图冲破警方的防线。题组训练完成句子(1)科学家已在癌症治疗方面取得了重大突破。Scientists in the treatment of cancer.(2)他们希望明年此时能有突破。They hope to by this time

21、next year.经典句式1I thought it strange that my teacher could not show me love.我感到奇怪,为什么老师不能告诉我什么是爱。归纳拓展(1)本句中it为形式宾语,strange为形容词作宾语补足语,that从句为真正的宾语。(2)当think,make,find,feel,consider等动词后面是不定式或从句作宾语,并且宾语带有补语时,通常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语置于宾补后,构成句式:主语谓语it宾语补足语真正的宾语。语境助记(1)I find it hard to do the job well.我发现做好这项工作

22、很难。(2)The public thought it strange that no explanation was made about the matter.公众认为奇怪的是对这件事情没有任何解释。题组训练(1)完成句子无论他在哪里,他都把早餐之前去散步作为惯例。No matter where he is,he before breakfast.(2)句型转换We think it is necessary that we go home.We think home.2Uncertain about how to fix them,she stopped to think careful

23、ly.由于不能确定怎样解决,她停下来仔细思考。归纳拓展(1)uncertain about.为形容词短语作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。(2)形容词(短语)还可作时间状语,放于句首,相当于时间状语从句。(3)形容词(短语)表示主语所处情况或意义的增补,常放在句末,相当于一个和主句并列的句子。语境助记(1)Thirsty and hungry,he went to a farmers cottage to ask for something to eat.由于又饥又渴,他来到一家农舍要点吃的。(2)Little Tom sat amazed watching the monkey dancing

24、 in front of him.(2015四川)小汤姆吃惊地坐在那儿看着小猴子在他面前跳舞。题组训练完成句子(1)由于害怕挨骂,小弗兰克起了逃学的念头。 ,little Frank thought of playing truant.(2)他安全地到家了。He arrived home, .(3)他看着试卷,很失望。He was looking at the paper, .3It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something she couldnt touch.这是海伦第一次明

25、白这么复杂的单词一个表示一种她触摸不到的东西的单词。归纳拓展在“It is/was the first(second.) time (that).”结构中,主语除it外,还可用this,that等,从句中一般用完成时态。如果前面是is,后面用现在完成时;如果前面是was,后面用过去完成时。语境助记(1)This is the first time that I have been in Russia.这是我第一次来俄罗斯。(2)It was the third time that she had gone abroad.这是她第三次出国了。题组训练用所给词的正确形式填空(1)It was th

26、e third time that I (be) to the Great Wall.(2)This is the fourth time that she (ring) you today.难句分析Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it.句式分析这是一个复合句,其中because引导一个 从句;在这个从句中unless又引导一个 从句。自主翻译 .单词拼写1She e her store by adding a second room.2The

27、actor gave a s performance.3The (限制) on the use of the playground are:no fighting,no damaging property.4He gave us a (易懂的) explanation.5The victim was able to give a (准确的) description of the suspect.6Philo Farnsworth made an important (突破) in the development of TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s.7

28、His father is a very s person.Once he decides to do something,you can never change his mind.8The present situation is very (复杂的),as a result,it will take me some time to figure out what to do next.9Being forgiven for the past is the most (珍贵的) gift we can receive.10It soon became (明显的) that our oppo

29、nents were too strong for us.选词填空11All the mothers can her sadness of losing her son.12Our business a new situation since the new manager came.13The scientists to deal with the difficult problem.14That I like a lot of what she likes means that we have a lot .15 you mention it,I do remember the incid

30、ent.完成句子16They (还没宣布) where they are to hold the conference.17 (除非你改变想法),I wont be able to help you.18I will never forget (是我的老师) helped me overcome all kinds of difficulty.19 (当第一次被引入市场时),these products enjoyed great success.20 (束手无策),we watched our home destroyed before our eyes.课文短文改错Helen Keller was a very specially girl who needed superb teacher.By th

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