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1、A case study,Chen JingLei Chun,Contents,What is a case studySelecting the subjectsCollecting data-Interview.Chen Jing-Think-aloud-Diary.Lei Chun,What is a case study,A case study is a study that examines one or more cases in detail by using multiple sources of data.,What is a case study,Example One

2、Chen studied one six-year old boy whose way of learning English words was particularly interesting.Different from other children,he tried to remember new words thorough pictures.Chen observed how he learned new words for a period of six months and took down a lot of notes.,Example Two Dong studied a

3、 case of a joint online in which the students from Nanjing University and Randolph-Macon Womens College read selected writing of Pearl S.Buck and then communicated online about what they read.She observed the classes,and collected the e-mails and assignments for the purpose of examining the advantag

4、es and disadvantages of the course.,What is a case study,Example Three In order to illustrate and supplement the results from a survey study,Wen examined two students who entered Nanjing University with similar matriculation scores but differed greatly in English Proficiency Test for English MajorsB

5、and 4.Through interview scripts,observing notes and the students diaries,she intended to find out why these two students showed such great differences in their achievement after two years study in university.,What is a case study,From the above examples,you may find that a case study may involve a s

6、ingle case such Example One or Example Two.We call the single-case study where the focus is within the case.,Example Three involves two or more cases.It is a multiple-case study where the focus is both within and across.,Features of a case study,Case studies do not investigate all the details of eac

7、h case.Instead,the case study has a clear focus which serves as a lens through which the researcher studies the case.,The focused aspect should be examined within the context.The focused aspect has to be viewed as part of a system rather than as an isolated factor.,Selecting the subjects,Considerati

8、ons for subject-selection-the subjects attributes-the subjects attitude,Selecting the subjects,-the subjects attributes You have to decide in which attributes you want the subjects to be varied and in which ones to be similar.The simple answer to this question is except for the attributes you are to

9、 investigate,you should try to neutralize as many attributes as possible.,Selecting the subjects,-the subjects attributes Example Three In order to illustrate and supplement the results from a survey study,Wen examined two students who entered Nanjing University with similar matriculation scores but

10、 differed greatly in English Proficiency Test for English MajorsBand 4.Through interview scripts,observing notes and the students diaries,she intended to find out why these two students showed such great differences in their achievement after two years study in university.,Selecting the subjects-the

11、 subjects attributes,Note:#L1P=Scores on the Matriculation English Test L2P=Scores on the Matriculation Chinese Test LP=Views about the importance of learning English Efforts=Amount of time on self-initiative study per week Band 4=Scores on English Proficiency Test-Band 4,Selecting the subjects,Firs

12、t of all,you may find Wen tried to keep constant as many variables as possible except for the variable of scores on TEM-Band 4 and Efforts.The reason is that the differences identified later in Strategy Use could be regarded as a major cause for their varied L2 achievements without too much disagree

13、ment.,Secondly,the efforts are different.The reason is that Wens interest was in in the role of Strategy Use and she did not want other people to challenge by conclusion by saying the more important reason was efforts rather than Strategy Use led which led Subject One to a better L2 learning outcome

14、.,Selecting the subjects,-the subjects attitude A case study is much more demanding on the task individually.Then we should make sure that the subjects to be chosen will have a positive attitude.,How?#,Selecting the subjects,-the subjects attitudeall the candidates should be well informed of what th

15、ey are expected to do in the study and in which way you will compensate for their time and effort,if you plan to,before they make their own decision whether they are willing to join the study or not.,To motivate those candidates to cooperate with you,it is often best to find a way to show your appre

16、ciation of their work.For example,you can give them some gifts like dictionaries,books or stationery.,Collecting data,Three techniques-Interview-Think-aloud-Diary,Collecting data-Interview,What is an interview?#It may simply be defined as a talk through which the researcher asks the interviewee a se

17、ries of questions to find out some information about the interviewee.,Interviews may be conducted by open-ended questions or close questions.However,only truly open-ended questions can lead to qualitative data.Therefore,the interviews discussed below only contains open-ended questions.,Collecting da

18、ta-Interview,Advantages and limitations-Advantages It can elicit information which impossible to obtain by other data-collection techniques.For example,you can observe feelings,thoughts and intentions.,It can allow us to enter into the other persons perspective.The assumption we have for interviewin

19、g is that the perspective of others is meaningful,knowable,and that it is possible to make such a perspective explicit.,Collecting data-Interview,-Limitations We have to be cautious about such self-reported data resulting from interviewing.In an interview,people may understate,Collecting data-Interv

20、iew,Three Types of interview1.unstructured interview2.semi-structured interview3.structured interview,Collecting data-Interview,-unstructured interview It is also called open interview.They provide interviewers with a lot of freedom.The interview questions are generated spontaneously in the natural

21、flow of an interaction.The interviewee may not even realize the interview is being conducted.,Collecting data-Interview,-semi-structured interview It is conducted according to an interview schedule which is prepared before the interview begins.The questions in the schedule need not be taken in any p

22、articular order and the actual wording of questions is not determined in advance.Such an interview requires the interviewer to have a high level of skills.,Collecting data-Interview,-structured interview It consists of a set of open-ended questions carefully worded and arranged with the intention of

23、 taking each interviewee through the same sequence and asking each interviewee the same questions with essentially the same words.The structured interview is particularly appropriate when several interviewers are needed to conduct interviews on the same topic.,Preparing an interview guide/schedule-s

24、emi-structured interview-structured interview,Preparing the interview guide involves the following tasks:#1)decide what type of information you want to obtain2)determine the sequence of questions3)choose the wording of questions,Preparing an interview guide/schedule,-types of information1)experience

25、s/behaviors2)feelings3)opinions 4)knowledge/abilities5)backgroundYou can put the above five types of questions in the time frame:#past,present and future.,Preparing an interview guide/schedule,-sequence of questions There are no fixed rules sequence in organizing an interview.some suggestions:#1)eas

26、ier questions first2)questions about here and now first3)interesting questions first,Preparing an interview guide/schedule,The truly open-ended question does not presuppose which dimension of feeling or thought will be salient for the interviwee.The truly open-ended question permits the person being

27、 intervieweed to select from among that persons full repertoire of possible responses.,Preparing an interview guide/schedule,Example1:#How do you feel about the speaking class in the language laboratory?#What is your opinion of the speaking class in the language laboratory?#What do you think of the

28、speaking class in the language laboratory?#,The purpose of an in-depth interview is to get the interviewee to talk-to talk about experiences,feeling,opinions,and knowledge.,Interviewing strategies,using a tape recorderprobingconversational style,Interviewing strategies-using a tape recorder,Tapes ar

29、e a permanent record pf primary information that can be kept an passed on to other researchers.You should prepare two tape recorders in case one is out of order.You should use really good tapes.,Interviewing strategies-probing,-silent probe-echo probe-conversational style,Interviewing strategies-pro

30、bing,The apparently easiest yet the most difficult probing technique is the silent probe,which simply means remaining quiet and waiting for an interviewee to continue.The silence may be accompanied by a nod,or by a mumbled uh-huh.,The silent probe is a risky technique to use.If an interviewee is gen

31、uinely at the end of a thought and you do not provide further guidance,your silence can become awkward.,Interviewing strategies-probing,Another kind of probe is called the echo probe that is simply repeating the last thing an interviewee has said and asking them to continue.The echo probe is particu

32、larly useful when an interviewee is describing a process,or an event.,For example,once an interviewee stopped describing,you might say,I see.You read the title first to predict the general idea about the text.Then what do you do next?#This probe is neutral and does not redirect the interview.It show

33、s that you understand what has been said so far and encourages the interviewee to continue with his or her narration.,Interviewing strategies-probing,By conversational style,an interviewer and an interviewee should talk to each other in a natural manner.This is a difficult task.,1)As an interviewer,you have prepared a set of questions to ask and you have to keep the conversation on the track.2)You should tal

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