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Unit 19 Language.docx

1、Unit 19 Language巩固练习.单句语法填空1.Canada is a country _(consist) of many different nationalities.2._ is well known to us all is _ Kobe has become one of the most popular NBA players.3.Please look after my house while I am absent _ home.4._(surround) by a river,the park had a central pond with flowers flo

2、ating in it.5.It embarrassed her greatly _(borrow) money from him again.6.It took her a while to adjust to _(live) alone.7.I am sure we can help you solve the problem,_(provide) that you tell us all the necessary information.8.It is rather _(embarrass) that we still do not know how many species ther

3、e are in the world today.9.Everyone in the village is very friendly.It doesnt matter _ you have lived there for a short or a long time.10.It doesnt necessarily happen _ youll do well academically even if youre highly intelligent.答案1.consisting2.What; borrow6.living7.provide

4、d8.embarrassing9.whether10.that.单句改错1.That doesnt necessarily happen that youll do well academically even if youre highly intelligent.2.Canada is a country consists of many different nationalities.3.He owed his success to the fact which he worked twice as long hours as other colleagues.4.I am sure w

5、e can help you solve the problem,provide that you tell us all the necessary information.5.She was always calm and never seemed embarrassing.6.What impresses me most is that the little girl can speak English fluent.7.Teachers like students who are very quick to catch on things.8.The boy is poor,to wh

6、om love was totally absent of his childhood.9.It happenedwhether by accident or by purpose that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.10.If he will go there or not is not clear.答案1.ThatIt2.consistsconsisting或consists前加that/which3.whichthat4.provideprovided或providing5.embarras

7、singembarrassed6.fluentfluently7.on后加to8.offrom9.第二个byon 10.IfWhether.课文缩写语法填空1._ was predicted that as early as the 1700s English would one day be the global language and it has proved to be the case in the last few decades.The 2._ (grow) of international companies and the great advances in communi

8、cations have started the trend for learning English as a foreign language.In todays world,3._ (be) able to speak more than one language,4._ (include) English,is how you stand out and get ahead.However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in 5._ absence of a native language enviro

9、nment.Some 6._(respect) theories on language acquisition believe that 7._(attain) a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language,you need to be surrounded 8._ it.But sadly,the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an Englishspeaking country are small.9._,most of us hav

10、e to rely on 10._ we can learn at school as part of the school curriculum.答案 attain8.by9.Therefore10.what.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.老板不在期间, 李华总是业务缠身。(in the absence of,be surrounded by)_2.今天早上,他先是接到通知和一家重要公司谈判,然后他要去为一家新公司开业贺喜。(be informed,negotiate with,be

11、 to do,congratulate on)_3.无论他愿不愿意,他都得尽其所能以确保顾客满意。(ensure)_4.只要公司业务得以发展,他们的产品真正受欢迎,他乐意让自己适应这种忙碌的生活。(provided that,get ahead,catch on,adjust oneself to)_答案1.In the absence of the boss,Li Hua is always surrounded by business.2.This morning,he was first informed that he had to negotiate with an importan

12、t company,then he was to congratulate a new firm on its opening.3.Whether he was willing or not,he would try his best to ensure the guests were pleased.4.Provided that the business of their company gets ahead and their products really catch on,he is ready to adjust himself to such a busy life.二、加入适当

13、过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】In the absence of the boss,Li Hua is always surrounded by business.This morning,he was first informed that he had to negotiate with an important company,and then he was to congratulate a new firm on its opening.Whether he was willing or not,he would try his best to ensure the guests we

14、re pleased.Provided that the business of their company gets ahead and their products really catch on,he is ready to adjust himself to such a busy life.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解AI was a bit late for work, so I was in a hurry.On the way, I was thinking about my work schedule to sort out, my immediate wor

15、k to be done. But I felt a little dizzy, so I thought about having some coffee or tea in the nearby restaurant. When I was moving towards the restaurant, I sensed someone was following me.I turned around and saw a boy standing behind me.I really couldnt guess whether he was asking money or what. Any

16、way, I thought for a while, then gave him a small note and walked away.But he was not satisfied with that.He still followed me.I asked in confusion, “What now?” He started doing some beautiful dance steps.Then I entered the restaurant.It was Saturday, and obviously the restaurant was almost full.The

17、 waiter put the menu in front of me.“Tea only!” Two minutes later, the tea was served. I was really impressed with their serving the tea so quickly.Through the window, I was surprised to see the boy was still dancing.When I came out of the restaurant, the music was changed.The song “Come along if yo

18、u feel.because I am happy” was started.I loved the song so much that if I heard this song, my body movement was changed.My steps began.To my surprise, I saw the boy ran towards me and started dancing before me. He didnt allow me to go, and he forced me to dance.I never expected that situation, but w

19、ithout thinking anything, I danced with him.Believe me or not, within two or three minutes, I found that I was not alone.We were accompanied by fifty to sixty young boys and girls.The way the people were dancing, trust me, was worth seeing! Regardless of their age or the place, they were simply danc

20、ing to get happiness.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,题材为日常生活类。匆忙上班的作者,偶遇一个男孩。在餐馆外,喜欢跳舞的男孩和作者一起跳舞,而他们的舞蹈改变了作者和周围的人。1.Why did the author decide to go to a restaurant?A.She was a little late for work. B.She found herself being followed.C.She wanted to refresh herself. D.She wanted to sort out her work.答案C细节理解题。根据第一段中的But

21、 I felt a little dizzy, so I thought about having some coffee or tea in the nearby restaurant可知,作者感觉有点头晕,因此想喝点咖啡或者茶来让自己提神,也就是让自己清醒一下。2.What impressed the author most in the restaurant?A.The lovely song. B.Its quick service.C.The number of guests. D.The beautiful window.答案B细节理解题。根据第三段中的I was really i

22、mpressed with their serving the tea so quickly可知,让作者感到印象深刻的是尽管餐馆人很多,服务员也能很快给作者端上茶,也就是他们的服务速度很快。3.What happened after the author danced with the boy?A.Many other people joined them.B.All the people forgot their sadness.C.The authors body movement began.D.The music in the restaurant changed.答案A细节理解题。根

23、据第四段最后一句可知,作者开始与小男孩跳舞后不久,其他人也都加入到跳舞的行列中。4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A.The crowd forgot their ages.B.Dancing can make people happy.C.The crowd are very kindhearted.D.The dancing steps are very modern.答案B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段内容可知,跳舞能让人们更加幸福。BThe words of Bob Dylans song The Times They Are a

24、Changin was so true then and remains true today.Many changes we see, especially about technology, happen at lightning speed.Many of us remember the suitcasesize cell phones and heavy computers.Yet in several years, we carry mini computers in our bags and use smart phones every day.Who would have tho

25、ught that?If you are in business or in a profession, you are likely to experience changes.What I have found is that you must be flexible and adaptable if you want to succeed during the changing times.Most of us who have entrepreneurial (企业家的) mindset have learned to be flexible through failures. I k

26、now I have.I think of many varied business endeavors (努力) I have made.When they didnt go the way I wanted, I got upset.Everyone gets upset.The problem comes if you keep upset.You must adapt to the new reality.The mindset to move on may make a difference in your success or failure.On a sunny day my b

27、usiness partner walked into the room and announced she no longer wanted to work with me.I got upset, really upset.I took it personally.I was angry and hurt.I got coached.It took some time and several conversations, but eventually I saw this change as a good thing.I saw it as a chance.When a chance w

28、as before me, I was the most creative and excited one.I adapted to the new reality and created my next business.That for me is truly an expression of who I am and what I am passionate (充满激情的) abouthaving people get what they want in life!【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文,题材为人物故事类。作者通过自己的故事告诉我们,要积极应对变化,适应新情况,才能取得成功。5.W

29、hy does the author mention Bob Dylans song?A.To show his love for music.B.To introduce the topic of the text.C.To introduce a famous singer to readers.D.To show the development of technology.答案B推理判断题。作者在第一段提及歌手鲍勃迪伦的歌是为了引出本文的话题,说明社会变化很快,我们要积极应对。6.The text is mainly intended for_.A.businessmen or empl

30、oyees studentsC.users of smart phones D.technicians答案A细节理解题。根据文章第二段If you are in business or in a profession,you are likely to experience changes可知,本文主要写给商业人士或者上班族。7.After his business partner stopped working with him, the author_.A.acted positively a better chanceC.turned to others for help D.gave up his dream答案A细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,在合作伙伴和作者终止合作关系后,他曾一度很难过,但最终积极应对,获得了成功。8.The author writes the text to_.A.describe the changing world B.tell a personal storyC.analyze a problem D.give advice答案D推理判断题。综合分析全文,本文主要是给商业人士或者上班族提出建议,告诉他们要适应新情况,才能取得成功。.

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