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1、Unit 1 Sports and Gamesn单元1 运动和游戏nTopic 1 Are you going to play basketball?n话题1 你要去打篮球吗?nSection AnA部分n1a Listen, read and sayn1a 听,读,说nMichael: Hi, Kangkang.n迈克尔:你好,康康。nKangkang: Hi, Michael. Are you going to play basketball?n康康:你好,迈克尔。你要去打篮球吗?nI saw you play basketball almost every day during the

2、summer holidays.n我看你暑假的时候几乎每天都去打篮球的。nMichael: Right. You know, we are going to have a basketball game against Class Three this Sunday.n迈克尔:对啊。你知道的,我们这个星期天和三班有一场篮球赛。nKangkang: Yes, This is the first basketball game in our school this term.n康康:是的,这是我们学校这个学期的第一场篮球赛。nMichael: Would you like to come and

3、cheer us on?n迈克尔:你愿意来为我们加油吗?nKangkang: Sure.Id love to. I hope our team will win.n康康:当然。我很乐意去。我希望我们队能够赢。nMichael: Me, too.n迈克尔:我也是。n2 Look, ask and answern2 看,问,答nLook at the pictures and make conversations after the example with your partner.n看下面的图片,看完例子以后和你的搭档一起组织对话。nExample:n例子:nA: Which sport do

4、 you prefer, cycling or rowing?nA:骑车和划船,你更喜欢哪一种运动呢?nB: I prefer rowing.nB:我更喜欢划船。nA: Do you row much?nA:你常常划船吗?nB: Yes, quite a bit/a lot./No, seldom.nB:是的,我经常划船。/我经常划船。/不,我几乎不划船。nA: Are you going to join the school rowing club?nA:你要参加学校的划船俱乐部吗?nB: Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im going to.nB:是的,我会参加。/不,我不

5、会参加。我打算去nsportsn运动nskatingn溜冰nskiingn滑雪nrowingn划船ntable tennisn乒乓球nvolleyballn排球ncyclingn骑脚踏车nSection BnB部分n1a Look, listen and sayn1a 看,听,说nMichael: Whats your favorite sport, Maria?n迈克尔:玛利亚,你最喜欢什么运动?nMaria: Basketball, of course.n玛利亚:我当然最喜欢篮球啊。nMichael: Me, too. And whos your favorite player?n迈克尔:

6、我也是的。那你最喜欢的球员是谁?nMaria: Tracy McGrady. And yours?n玛利亚:特雷西麦克格雷迪。你呢?nMichael: I like Yao Ming best. How tall is he, do you know?n迈克尔:我最喜欢姚明。你知道他有多高吗?nMaria: Yes. He is 2.26 meters tall. He is McGradys teammate, and they both play for the Houston Rockets in the NBA.n玛利亚:知道。他身高2.26米。是特雷西麦克格雷迪的队友。他俩现在都是N

7、BA的休斯顿火箭队球员。nMichael: Right. He is great! Im going to be a basketball player like him.n迈克尔:对啊,他非常棒的!我将来要成为像他一样的一个篮球运动员。nThats my dream. What are you going to be when you grow up? n那就是我的梦想。你长大以后想做什么呢?nMaria: Im going to be a dancer.n玛利亚:我想做个舞蹈家。n2a Read and understandn2a 阅读理解nDavid Beckham, a famous

8、soccer star, arrived in Beijing with his team yesterday.n大卫.贝克汉姆是个很有名的足球明星。昨天他随队到达北京了。nThe team will play against Chinas national team.Their fans are very excited.n他们的球队将和中国的国家队进行一场比赛。他们的球迷非常的兴奋。nIts too bad that they arent going to stay in Beijing for long.n可惜的是他们呆在北京的时候不会太长。nThey are leaving for J

9、apan the day after tomorrow.n他们后天就会去日本。n3 Work alonen独立练习nComeplete the letter with the proper forms of the words in the box.Then LISTEN to the tape and check the answers.n用框内的单词的正确形式填空。然后听录音,核对答案。nDear Tony,n亲爱的拖尼,nHere are some photos of my favorite sports stars,Zhang Yining, Ronaldo and Liu Xiang

10、.n这些是我最喜欢的体育明星们的一些照片,张怡宁,罗纳尔多和刘翔。nZhang Yining,one of the worlds best women table tennis players,won two gold medals for China in the 2004 Athens Olympics.n张怡宁,世界上最棒的女乒乓球选手之一,在2004年的雅典奥运会上为中国获得了两枚金牌。nRonaldo comes from Brazil. He took part in the last World Cup. But Brazil didnt win first place. Wha

11、t a shame!n罗纳尔多来自巴西。他参加了去年的世界杯。但是巴西并没有获得第一。真可惜啊!nLiu Xiang is an active young man from Shanghai,China.n刘翔是来自中国上海的一位活跃的年轻人。nHe is one of the best runners in the world.He broke the Olymic record and won a gold medal in the Athens Olymics.n他是世界上最棒的跑步选手之一。他打破了奥运会记录并在2004年雅典奥运会上获得了一枚金牌。nDo you have any p

12、hotos of sports stars? Would you like to tell me something about them? Please write back soon.n你有体育明星的照片吗?你愿意告诉我有关他们的一些信息吗?请尽快回信。nYours, Miken你的, 迈克nSection CnC部分n1a Read and understandn1a 阅读理解nAnn likes sports very much.n安非常喜欢运动。nShe goes cycling twice a week and often goes hiking on Sundays.n她每个星期

13、骑两次自行车,而且经常在星期天徒步旅行。nShe spends half an hour doing exercise in the gym every day.n她每天花半个小时在健身房里。nShe learns baseball on Saturdays, and now she plays it pretty well.n她每周六学习打棒球,现在她打得很棒了。nShe is also good at jumping.n她还很擅长跳跃。nThere is going to be a school sports meeting next weekend.n下个周末学校将要举行一次运动会。nS

14、he is going to take part in the high jump and the long jump.n她将会参加跳高和跳远的项目。nHer classmates are going to cheer her on.n她的同学将会去为她加油。nThey are sure that she will win.n他们肯定她会获胜。nSection DnD部分n2a Grammar focusn2a 语法重点nFuture tense with be going ton用be going to表示的将来时nWe are going to have a basketball game

15、 against Class Three this Sunday.n这个周日我们将和三班有一场篮球比赛。n.they arent going to stay in Beijing for long.n他们不会在北京待太久。nAre you going to join the school rowing club?n你会参加学校的划船俱乐部吗?nYes, I am./No, Im not.n会。/不会。nWhat are you going to do tomorrow morning?n明天早上你打算做什么?nIm going to play soccer.n我打算去踢足球。nThere is

16、 going to be a school sports meet next weekend.n下个周末将开全校运动会。n2b Useful expessionsn2b 习惯表达nsee sb./sth. do sth.n看见某人/物做某事ncheer sb. onn为某人加油nquite a bit/a lotn相当多/很多ngrow upn长大nplay againstn与对抗nleave forn去(某地)ntake part in n参加nWhat a shame!n真可惜啊!npretty welln很好nall over the worldn全世界nmake/keep sb./st

17、h. + adj.n使/让某人/物nHave a good day!n玩得开心!nWhich sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? n你更喜欢做什么,骑脚踏车还是划船?nI prefer rowing.n我更喜欢划船。nUnit 1nTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me?n第一单元n话题2 你介意教我吗?nSection AnA部分n1a Look, listen and sayn1a 看,听与说nKangkang: Michael, could you please do me a favor?n康康:迈克尔,请你帮我

18、个忙好吗?nMichael: Sure. What is it?n迈克尔:当然可以。什么事啊?nKangkang: We are going to have a soccer game against Class Four this Saturday. But one of my teammates fell ill. Will you join us?n康康:这周六我们和四班有场足球赛。但是我一个队友生病了。你愿意加入我们吗?nMichael: Id be glad to. But I am not really good at it. Would you mind teaching me?

19、n迈克尔:我很乐意加入。但是我真的不擅长踢足球。你介意教我吗?nKangkang: Not at all. You can do it! Lets go and practice.n康康:一点也不介意。你可以踢得很好的!我们去练习吧。nSection BnB部分n1a Listen, read and sayn1a 听,读与说nKangkang: Michael, you are always so careless! You missed a good chance!n康康:迈克尔,你总是这么粗心!你错过了一个好机会!nMichael: What do you mean by saying

20、that?You shouldnt shout at me. I didnt want to miss the goal, either.n迈克尔:你那么说是什么意思?你不应该对我大呼小叫的。我也不想失掉这个球。nKangkang: But you did. n康康:但是你确实失了一球。nMaria: Kangkang, Michael, please dont fight.n玛利亚:康康,迈克尔,请别吵架。nJane: Kangkang,dont be angry with Michael. He did his best, and hen简:康康,迈克尔已经尽力了,而且他nMaria: K

21、angkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael?n玛利亚:康康,你介意向迈克尔道歉吗?nKangkang: Michael, I am very sorry for what I said.n康康:迈克尔,我为我说的话感到很抱歉。nMichael: Its nothing.n迈克尔:没关系。nJane: Michael, we believe you will do better next time!n简:迈克尔,我们相信下次你一定可以踢得更好!nMaria: Right! Keep trying! We are sure to win next

22、 time.n玛利亚:好吧!继续努力!我们下次一定会赢的。nSection CnC部分n1a Look, listen and sayn1a 看,听与说nKangkang: Could you please tell me your plans for this year?n康康:你可以告诉我你今年的计划吗?nMing: Sure. In March, Im going to take part in the games in France. In June, I will be in Korea. And in August, I will be in Russia.n明:当然可以。三月份我

23、会去法国参加一个比赛,六月份我会去韩国,八月份我要去俄罗斯。nKangkang: Thats a lot of traveling.n康康:好多旅行。nMing: Yes, its a lot. But I love traveling. I enjoy playing basketball in different countries.n明:是的,是很多。但是我喜欢旅行。我喜欢到不同国家打篮球。nKangkang: You have a very exciting life now, Ming.n康康:明,你现在的生活真刺激。nMing: Exciting? Yes. But very ti

24、ring as well.n明:刺激?是的。但是也很累。n3 Class activitiesn3 课堂活动nLets chant.n一起唱歌。nBasketballn篮球nWe run for health and for fun,n为了健康,为了快乐,我们跑步,nTrying not to trip or fall.n不要跌倒。nWe want to be number one,n我们要成为第一。nAs we throw and catch the ball.n传球、接球。nPlaying outside in the sun,n在阳光下锻炼,nBasketballs the best s

25、port of all!n篮球是最好的运动!nSection DnD部分n1a Read and understandn1a 阅读理解nI enjoy runningn我喜欢跑步nI am a 15-year-old boy. And I am quite healthy.n我是一个15岁的男孩。我很健康。nHowever, one year ago, I was fat.n然而,一年以前,我很胖。nI loved chips and chocolate and I got tired easily.n我喜欢吃薯条和巧克力,而且我很容易感到疲累。nOne morning I saw some

26、young men running in the park.n一天早上,我看到一些年轻人在公园里跑步。nThey looked really fit and active.So I started running.n他们看上去的确健康而有活力。因此我也开始跑步。nNow I have a 2.5-mile run every morning.n现在我每天早上跑2.5英里。nI drink milk and eat fresh fruit and vegetables instead of chips and chocolate.n我不再吃薯条和巧克力,而是喝牛奶和吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜。nHeal

27、thy eating habits and running help to build me up.n健康的饮食和跑步让我变得健壮。nI have great fun running and I feel well and look fit.n我从跑步中享受到了很多的乐趣,我感觉很棒而且看起来很健康。nRunning has become my favorite sport.n跑步成了我最喜欢的运动。nIm sure I will do well in the boys 800-meter race in our school sports meet.n我相信在我们校运动会上的男子800米跑步

28、中会做的很好的。n3a Grammer focusn3a 语法重点nmaking repuests and responsesn提出请求与应答nCould you please do me a favor?n请你帮我个忙好吗?nSure. What is it?n当然可以。什么事?nWill you joins us?n你愿意加入我们吗?nId be glad to.n我很乐意加入。nWould you mind teaching me?n你介意教我吗?nNot at all./Of course not.n一点也不介意。/当然不介意。nWould you mind not putting y

29、our bike here?n你介意不把自行车放在这里吗?nSorry. Ill put it somewhere else.n对不起。我会把它放到其他地方的。nWill for intentionsn用will表示意向,打算nIll tell them.n我会告诉他们的。nIll do it righ away.n我会马上做它的。nI wont do it again.n我不会再那么做了。nIll play it more quietly.n我会静静地玩它。n3b Useful epressionsn3b 习惯表达ndo sb. a favorn帮某人一个忙nshout at sbn朝某人大声喊nbe angry with sb.n生某人的气ndo ones bestn尽某人最大的努力nsay sorry to sb.n对某人说抱歉nbe sure to do sth.n肯定会做某事nbe important to sb./sth.n对某人/某物很重要nbuild sb./sth. upn使某人/某物增强nhave fun doing sth.n干某事有趣nThats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.n你

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