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1、从句长难句翻译例句及讲解教学内容从句长难句翻译例句及讲解英语从句的翻译 定语从句 状语从句 名词从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)定语从句的翻译 无论是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句,翻译成汉语时是处理为前置定语还是后置定语,要视具体情况而定;有些定语从句和主句存在着状语关系,翻译时更要灵活对待。 It was what sentimentalists, who deal in very big words, call a yearning after the ideal, and simply means that women are not satisfied until

2、 they have husbands and children on whom they may center affections, which are spent elsewhere, as it were, in small changes. It was what sentimentalists call a yearning after the ideal, and means that women are not satisfied until they have husbands and children. 大意是说:这就是情感主义者称之为对于理想爱情的渴望,简单说来,就是女人

3、必须在有了丈夫和孩子之后才能感到满足。 who引导的定语从句who deal in very big words 用来修饰sentimentalists (情感主义者) whom引导的定语从句on whom they may center affections用来修饰husbands and children which 引导的定语从句which are spent elsewhere, as it were, in small changes用来修饰affections 一般情感主义者喜欢用大字眼,称之为对于理想爱情的渴望。换言之,他们认为女人的情感平时只能零星发泄,必须有了丈夫和孩子,情感

4、收聚起来有了归宿,自己才能得到满足。前置法: 如果定语从句较短,限制能力较强,一般我们将此类定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组,放在被修饰的先行词的前面。 Those who sacrifice themselves for the peoples cause are the real heroes of history. We found a restaurant where the food was excellent. There are other techniques that might help you with your English studying. 那些为了人们的事业而牺牲

5、自己的人是真正的历史英雄。 我们发现了一家菜肴非常好的餐馆。 还有另外一些能帮你学英语的方法。后置法: 如果定语从句结构较为复杂。译成前置的定语短语显得太长而不符合汉语表达习惯时,我们往往把定语从句与主句分译,译成后置的并列分句。 Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it everywhere. I know a lot of students who want to be teachers in the future. They are striving for the ideal which is close to the h

6、eart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 圣诞乐曲为大家所喜爱,人们每年都在欣赏和演唱。 我认识很多学生,他们都想将来做老师。 他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是买个中国人所珍爱的,而且过去许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。 He gave me a book which I kept to this day. Stratford is the native place of Shakespeare that I have longed fo

7、r. He received a letter that announced the death of his father. Our records show that a large group of young people, about 95% of them boys, are computer freaks who live for nothing but the machine 他曾送我一本书,我保存至今。 斯特拉特福德是莎士比亚的故乡,是我向往的地方。 他收到一封信,说他父亲去世了。 我们的记录表明,很多年轻人,其中95%是男孩,成了电脑迷。电脑成了生活的唯一。溶合法: 当定语

8、部分所给信息与被修饰词关系紧密、必不可少时,可将原来的语序打乱,用自己的话将原句中的主句与定语从句重新组织,译成一个独立的句子。 There is a man down stairs who wants to see you. Thousands of red, beautiful roses that blossom almost at the same time make the park the great resort of people in spring. 楼下有人要见你。 春天,公园里成千上万朵娇艳的红玫瑰几乎同时盛开,让人流连忘返。非限制性定语从句 He liked his s

9、ister, who was warm and pleasant, but he didnt like his brother, who was aloof and arrogant. It seems to me that there are two causes, of which one goes much deeper than the other Metals are very strong and can be made into any required shapes, which makes it possible to be widely used in industry.

10、All the while, George Bush, who ultimately benefit from the try that failed, sat silently by, a nearly forgotten spectator. Although he lacks experience, he has enterprise and creativity, which are decisive in achieving success in the area。 He blamed me for everything, which I thought very unfair. T

11、he man had suddenly awakened to the fact that there were beauty and significance in these flowers, which they had so long trodden carelessly beneath their feet. World War II was, however, more complex than World War I, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, re

12、sources and territories.具有状语职能的定语从句 有些定语从句在逻辑上相当于让步、条件、原因、结果等状语功能,这时可将此类从句译为相应的状语分句。 A driver who is driving the bus mustnt talk with others or be absent-minded。 司机在开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。(表时间) Men become desperate for work, any work, which will help them to keep alive their families。 人们极其迫切地要求工作,不管什么工作,只

13、要它能维持一家人的生活就行。(表条件) He insisted on buying another house, which he had no use for 尽管他并没有这样的需要,他坚持要再买一幢房子。(表让步) She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was。 她对孩子们很有耐心,而她丈夫却很少这样。(表转折) As you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut

14、our prices to the minimum. 如你所知,我们正处在一个竞争激烈的市场中,不得不将价格降到了最低限度。 He wished to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. 他想写一篇文章,以便能引起公众对这件事的关注。 The ambassador was giving a dinner for a few people whom he wished especially to talk to or to hear from. 大使只宴请了几个人,因为他特想和这些人谈谈,听听他们的

15、意见。同位语从句 同位语从句就是跟在名词后面,表达具体内容、起解释说明作用的从句。that是其最常见的引导词,不能省略。 注意下列名词后面可接同位语从句:hope(希望), fact(事实), news(消息), problem(问题), conclusion(结论), rumor(流言), agreement(同意,协议), belief(信仰), concept(观念,概念), idea(想法), question(问题), suggestion(提议), thought(想法), conviction(确信,定罪), doubt(怀疑), decision(决定,决心), assumpt

16、ion(假定,设想), evidence(迹象,证据),等。1.如果同位语从句较短,我们可以考虑把它放在先行词之前 But the idea/ that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen/ rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. 【意群直译】但是这种观点/记者必须比普通公民更深刻地理解法律/立足于对新闻

17、媒体既定习俗和特殊责任的了解 【全句整合】但是“新闻记者必须比普通公民更深刻地理解法律”这种观点立足于对新闻媒体既定习俗和特殊责任的了解。 【解析】that引导的同位语从句,that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen就是idea的具体内容,相当于汉语中的“这一观点”。正是由于同位语从句的使用,使得这句话的主语较长,这句话的主干应当是the idea rests on an understanding.2. 如果同位语从句较长,放在先行词之前对其解释会使整个句子结构失去平

18、衡,我们把它译成后置的并列分句。 In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. 译文 在欧洲,像在其他地方一样,传媒集团越来越成功:这些集团将相关的电视、广播、报纸、杂志和出版社组合在一起。 3. 通过词类转换法,将引导同位语从句

19、的先行词的性质进行转变。 On the other hand,/ he did not accept/ as well founded/ the charge made by some of his critics/ that, while he was a good observer,/ he had no power of reasoning. 【意群直译】另一方面/他不接受/缺乏根据/他的一些批评家的指责/尽管他是个好观察家/他不具备推理能力 【全句整合】另一方面,某些人批评他虽然善于观察,却不具备推理能力,而他认为这种说法也是缺乏根据的。 这里的名词charge是“指控”的意思,转换为

20、动词即为“某些人批评他虽然善于观察,却不具备推理能力”。同位语从句翻译练习 He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again. 他表示希望再到中国来访问。 An obedient son, I had accepted my fathers decision that I was to be a doctor, though the prospect interested me not at all. 作为一个孝顺的儿子,我接受了父亲的决定去当医生,虽然我对这样的前途毫无兴趣。 It does not alte

21、r the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.迟延应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的 They were very suspicious of the assumption that he would rather kill himself than surrender. 对于他宁愿自杀也不投降的这种假设,他们是很怀疑的。 But considering realistically, we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good. 但是现实地考虑一下,

22、我们不得不正视这样一个事实:我们的前景并不妙。 And there was the possibility that a small electrical spark might accidentally bypass the most carefully planned circuit. 而且总有这种可能性一个小小的电火花,可能会意外地绕过了最为精心设计的路线。 These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally

23、with age. 这些领导者都是些活生生的例子,证明疾病预防措施是有效的,我们可以应付由年纪增长而自然带来的健康问题。状语从句:时间状语从句 1. 时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的连词有when, whenever, while, as, till, until, since, after等。 注意as, when, while的用法区别。as强调时间上的“一先一后”,“同一时间”,或“随着”之义;when则强调某个特定的时间;while表示的时间不是一点,而是一段。试比较以下三个句子中的时间状语从句: As the time went on, the weather got worse.

24、When he was eating his breakfast, he heard the door bell ring. Strike while the iron is hot. Hardly had we arrived when it began to rain. There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. 就在一批又一批科学家极力要使我们意识到全球气候变暖这一

25、越来越大的威胁时,今天出现了令人不安的类似情况。 However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behavior became markedly different. 但是,把两只猴子分别放在相邻的两个房间里,使它们彼此能够看见对方用石头所换回的东西,这时它们的行为变得截然不同了。 People sometimes expect

26、 gratitude when they arent entitled to it. 人们有时希望别人感激他们,尽管他们没有权利要求别人这么做原因状语从句 引导原因状语从句的连词或复合连词有because, since, as, for the reason that, in that等,其中because表示原因的语气最重,as和since所表示的原因则常常是人们知道的。试比较以下两个句子: 1. Because they lived on the edge of the Persian Empire, they were ruled by the king of Persia. 2. Si

27、nce/As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. 在上述两个句子中,Because引导的原因状语从句表示一种直接的原因,而Since/As则表示一种人们所知的显而易见的事实。1. 译成表示原因的分句 Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or not we are forming the powers which will secure

28、this ability. 由于我们对年轻人所做的首要工作在于使他们能够在生活中彼此相融,因此我们不禁要考虑自己是否在形成让他们获得这种能力的力量。 The Republic made a fuss about because they might get something out of it. 共和党人对此小题大做,以便从中渔利。 Consumers say theyre not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good. 译文 虽然有不少令人担

29、忧的新闻报道,但消费者们说他们并没有感到绝望,因为他们的个人财富仍然保持良好。条件状语从句 条件状语的引导词有:if(如果), unless(除非,如果不), suppose(假设,假定), in case (that)(如果,假使;以防万一), in the event (that)(万一,倘若)等。 两种条件句: a. 真实条件句,表示现实的或可能会变为现实的条件,用直陈语气。例如: If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country. b. 非真实条件句,表示非现实的或不大可能会变为现实的条件,常用虚拟语气。例如: If

30、 I were you, I would leave now.(该句包含了if引导的条件状语从句,且因为是非真实条件句因此用were表示虚拟语气。) At the end of the day, theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in panic,” Cartwright says. Cartwright说,不管怎么说,如果做的梦并不会使我们睡不好或不会让我们总是从惊恐中醒来,那就无需注意它。 B

31、ut dont bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, theyre there to stay. 但是,可别想把旧习惯统统消灭,那只是白费心机。因为,一旦那些程序路径被植入大脑,将会永远留在其中。让步状语从句 让步状语从句的引导词有:although, though, even if, in spite of the fact, whereas, while, for all (that)等。 注意even if与even though的区别:even if意为“即使”,表述的内容不一定为即成事实;even though则表示“尽管”,即尽管有什么样的事实存在。试比较以下两个句子: Even though he knows it, hell not let out the secret.(他知道这个秘密。) Even if he knows it, hell not let out the secret. (不确定他是否知道这个秘密。) While it is easy to ignore in our contact

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