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1、_【答案】Kitty has been in Hongkong for two months.【解析】句意:Kitty去香港2个月了。故填Kitty has been in Hongkong for two months.。【2】我们俩已经不可能像过去那样经常见面了。【答案】It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before我们俩已经不可能像过去那样经常见面了。故填It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.【3】我

2、们每周使用电子邮件来互相交流。【答案】We use emails to communicate with each other every week.我们每周使用电子邮件来互相交流。故填We use emails to communicate with each other every week.。【4】Kitty已决定如何处理这些书了吗?【答案】Has Kitty decided what to do with these books?Kitty已决定如何处理这些书了吗?故填Has Kitty decided what to do with these books?。【5】她说:“活到老,学

3、到老。”【答案】He says, “You are never too old to learn.”她说:”故填He says, “You are never too old to learn.”。【考点】句子翻译。3. 【1】这个飞机场已经投入使用十年了。The airportfor ten years.【答案】has been in use/service【解析】考查短语in use/service在使用中。根据时间状语for ten years 可知本句描述的是从过去一直持续到现在的动作,故用现在完成时态。主语the airport是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用单数,填:has been

4、in use/service。【2】当他听到这个好消息时,忍不住笑了。He when he heard the good news.【答案】couldnt stop smiling/laughing【解析】考查短语couldnt stop doing sth禁不住做某事。【3】你梦想过开车周游世界吗?Have you by car?【答案】dreamt of traveling around the world【解析】考查短语dream of梦想,动名词作宾语表示抽象动作,故填:dreamt of traveling around the world【4】我得按时完成这项工作。I on tim

5、e.【答案】have to finish the work【解析】考查短语have to不得不,注意主语I是第一人称,故谓语动词用复数。填:have to finish the work【5】他们正在讨论去哪儿度周末。They are discussing ?【答案】where to spend their weekend(s)【解析】考查疑问词+不定式结构。注意疑问词+不定式在句子中可以起宾语从句的作用,故填:where to spend their weekend(s)【考点】考查补全句子4. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)【1】顺便问一下,你能告

6、诉我什么时候要交读书报告吗?【答案】By the way, can you tell when to hand in the book report?【解析】“顺便问一下”是by the way,同时注意宾语从句的语序是陈述语序。所以可译为:By the way, can you tell when to hand in the book report?【2】大多数学生习惯在空余时间去图书馆借书。【答案】Most of the students are used to borrowing books from the library in their spare time.【解析】“习惯于”是

7、be used to doing,“从借”是borrowfrom,所以此题可译为:Most of the students are used to borrowing books from the library in their spare time.【3】 如果英国人开始交谈,他们通常避免像年龄,体重或金钱这样的话题。【答案】If Englishmen start a conversation, they usually avoid topics such as ages, weight or money.【解析】“避免”是avoid,“例如”是such as,所以此题可译为:If Eng

8、lishmen start a conversation, they usually avoid topics such as ages, weight or money.【4】 博物馆就在马路对面,你很容易就会找到。【答案】The museum is just opposite the street, and you can easily find it.【解析】“在对面”是be opposite,所以此题可译为:The museum is just opposite the street, and you can easily find it.【5】 我设法阅读大量的历史书,因为这能增强我

9、对过去知识的了解。【答案】I manage to read many history books, because they can improve my knowledge of the past.【解析】“设法”是manage to do sth.所以此题可译为:I manage to read many history books, because they can improve my knowledge of the past.【考点】翻译5. 翻译句子(10分)【1】他应该躺下来,休息。He_lie down and_.【答案】should rest【解析】should应该,情态动

10、词,后跟动词原形,rest休息,动词,故填should rest.【2】我做标签贴在学校的周围。Im making some signs to _ _ around the school.【答案】put up【解析】put up张贴,动词短语,故填put up.【3】你能倒垃圾吗?Could you please_ _the rubbish?【答案】take out【解析】take out the rubbish倒垃圾,动词短语,放在情态动词后要用原形,故填take out.【4】我父母不允许我和朋友闲逛。My parents dont allow me to_ _ with my frien

11、ds.【答案】hang out【解析】hang out with sb.与某人闲逛,动词短语,allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,故填hang out.【5】当天空下雨的时候,我正在睡觉。When it began to rain, I_ _.【答案】was sleeping【解析】表示过去某个时刻正在做某事要用过去进行时,故填was sleeping.6. 翻译下面句子(每题2分,共10分)【1】我的家乡近几年发生了很大的变化。【答案】My hometown has changed a lot over the years.Many changes have taken

12、place in home town over the years.There have been great changes in my hometown over the years.【解析】根据语境可知,家乡的这种变化是从以前就开始,一直持续到现在,并且变化的结果已经存在,故用本句应该用现在完成时。而表示近几年,用over the years。【2】你经常怎样和朋友保持联系【答案】How do you usually keep in touch with your friends?【解析】“保持联系”是keep in touch with。根据语意可知,本句是一个特殊疑问句。故翻译成Ho

13、w do you usually keep in touch with your friends?【3】露西的爸爸已去了香港出差了【答案】Lucys father has gone to Hong Kong on business .【解析】“去了”应是has gone to。“出差”是on business。故翻译成Lucys father has gone to Hong Kong on business .【4】你介意我关掉电视吗?【答案】Do you mind me/ my turning off the TV ?【解析】“介意某人做某事吗?”是Do you mind sbs doin

14、g sth? “关掉”是turn off。故翻译成Do you mind me/ my turning off the TV ?【5】他们不知道如何处理那些旧书【答案】They dont know how to deal with those old books.【解析】“处理”是deal with。“怎样做某事”是how to do sth。故翻译成They dont know how to deal with those old books.【考点】考查汉译英。7. 根据所给汉语句子,完成英语句子。每空填一词.【1】别吵闹,有人在睡觉。Dont _. Someone is sleeping

15、. (make)【答案】make any noise【解析】吵闹,make noise,该句是否定句,故填make any noise【2】他在那部电影中扮演过重要角色。He _ in that film. (role)【答案】played an important role【解析】扮演过重要角色played an important role,过去时态,故填played an important role【3】我要带汤姆出去转转,让他振作起来。I want to take Tom out to_. (cheer)【答案】cheer him up【解析】使振作起来cheer sb up, 故填

16、cheer him up【4】如果你们不自信,你们就会感到不安或紧张。If you are not _, you may feel upset or nervous.【答案】confident about yourselves【解析】自信的,confident ,故填confident about yourselves【5】咱们回到讨论的要点上来吧。Lets _ the main point of the discussion. ( get)【答案】get back to【解析】返回到,get back to 故填get back to【6】总之,我们应该自己解决这个问题。_, we shou

17、ld solve this problem ourselves. (word)【答案】In a/one word【解析】总之,一句话,故填In a/one word【7】请不要在这儿吸烟以防火灾。Dont smoke here_ fire ,please. (case)【答案】in case of【解析】以防in case of,故填in case of【8】我一到家就会给你打电话的。I will call you _ I get home. (soon)【答案】as soon as【解析】一就,as soon as故填 as soon as【9】我的朋友们希望再次参观我们的学校。My fri

18、ends _ our school again. (forward)【答案】look forward to visiting【解析】盼望着,期盼着,look forward to doing sth, 故填look forward to visiting【10】如果你总是心情不好,这对你的健康不利。It will be bad for your health if you are always_. ( mood)【答案】in a bad mood【解析】处于不好的情绪状态in a bad mood,故填in a bad mood。【考点】完成句子。8. 完成句子:请根据句子意思和中文提示,用英

19、语把下列句子补充完整。请将答案填写在答卷相应的位置上。(本题共5小题,每小题2分, 共10分)【1】With the help of the Internet , people can chat with each other_(面对面).【答案】face to face 在因特网的帮助下,人们可以面对面的互相聊天。face to face 是一个固定短语,意思是面对面的,经常放在句末。【2】 If we dont protect the rainforests, more and more plants and animals will _(灭绝).【答案】die out如果我们不保护雨林,

20、越来越多的植物和动物会灭绝。die out 是一个动词短语,意思是灭绝。这句话中空的前面是will,故应该用动词的原形。【3】Mr. Know says he knows everything . _(事实上), he knows little about anything .【答案】In factKnow先生知道每件事。事实上,他不知道任何事。in fact 是一个固定的短语,意思是事实上,实际上。经常放在句首。【4】When he _ (醒来) the next day , it was ten oclock .【答案】woke up第二天当他醒来的时候,已经10点了。wake up 固定

21、短语,醒来,叫醒。这里的woke 是wake 的过去式。根据句意以及句中的it was ten oclock可知,这里应该用过去时。【5】Miss Yang is kind to us and all the students _(把她看作)our friend .【答案】regard/treat as杨老师对我们很友好,所有的学生都把她看做是我们的朋友。regardas 把某人看做。也可以用treat,对待,它也有这个短语,意思相同。【考点】短语填空。9. 英汉互译。(5分)【1】一就_【解析】as soon as【2】入睡_【答案】fall asleep【解析】fall asleep【3】

22、与相处_【答案】get along with【解析】get along with【4】算出,解决_【答案】work out【解析】work out【5】忍不住_【答案】cant help doing【解析】cant help doing【6】cheer you up_【答案】使你振作起来【解析】使你振作起来【7】prepare for_【答案】为做准备【解析】为做准备【8】its hard to say_【答案】很难说【解析】很难说【9】such as_【答案】例如【解析】例如【10】at noon_【答案】在中午【解析】在中午【考点】英汉互译。10. -What does “kg” mean

23、(意思是)?A. 克 B. 千克 C.吨【答案】Bkg意思是什么?kg是kilogram的缩写,千克。故选B【考点】考查单词的缩写。11. 翻译下列句子(每小题2分,满分10分)【1】这条鱼已经死了三个小时了。_.【答案】The fish has been dead for three hours.【解析】根据所给句意可知要用现在完成时,have done,达三天,for three days,故答案是The fish has been dead for three hours.【2】我们忍不住地和那些著名的足球运动员们拍照。【答案】I couldnt stop taking photos with those famous football players.【解析】cant stop doing sth ,忍不住做,根据句意可知用过去时态,故答案是I couldnt stop taking photos with those famous football players.【3】除了冬天之外,我们可以在任何季节去那里。_ .【答案】We can

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