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1、英美概况填空British Survey TestPart I GeographyI. Fill in the Blanks1. The U.K. is situated in _Northwestern_ Europe.2. The full title of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of _Great_ _Britain_ and Northern_ _Ireland_.3. The largest part of U.K. is England_.4. Greater London is made up of 12 _Inner_ London bo

2、roughs and _20_ Outer London boroughs.5. The British national anthem is _God_ _Save_ _the_ _Queen_.Part II History1. At about 3000 BC, some of the _Iberians_ settled in Britain.2. _John_ _Milton_s “Paradise Lost” was published in 1667.3. Beowulf, considered the greatest Old English poem, is assigned

3、 to _Anglo-Saxon_ Times.4. “Renaissance” means “_rebirth_”, i.e. Europe rediscovering its origins in the cultures of ancient Greek and Rome.5. In the summer of 1588 the Spanish ships, the _Invincible_ _Armada_ was defeated by English ships.6. The steam engine was invented by _James_ _Watt_ in 1769.7

4、. Samuel Crompton invented the _Spinning_ _Mule_ in 1779.Part III CultureI. Fill in the Blanks1. Charles Robert Darwin published his book On the _Origin_ _of_ _Species_ which caused a stir in Victorian times.2. Oscar Wilder was an aesthete advocating “_art_ _for_ _arts_ _sake_”.3. The place where ma

5、ny famous figures are buried is called _Westminster_ _Abbey_.4. _Hyde_ Park in the Centre of London is one of the Worlds most famous city parks.Part IV Social LifeI. Fill in the Blanks1. London Cockney is a kind of _dialect_ spoken by some people in London.2. The nickname for Britain is _John_ _Bull

6、_.3. Father Christmas is also called _Santa_ _Claus_, who gives presents only to children and knows what every child wants.4. The doctrine of _Buddhism_ is found in Buddhist Scripture.5. The doctrine of _Islam_ is found in Koran.6. The doctrine of Christianity is the _Holy_ _Bible_.7. The Church of

7、England today is all inclusive, have the ability to be both Protestant and _Catholic_.Part V Political SystemI. Fill in the Blanks1. The House of Lords is also called the _Upper_ House, the House of Commons the _Lower_ House.2. The Lords and the Commons share the same building of the _Westminster_ _

8、Palace_.3. The head of House of Commons is the Speaker or _President_ _of_ _the_ _Chamber_.4. The Lord President is the head of the _Privy_ _Council_.5. The headquarters of the London police is the famous _Scotland_ _Yard_.American Survey TestPart I GeographyI. Fill in the blanks1. The U.S. is bound

9、ed by _Canada_ on the north and by _Mexico_ and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.2. The Declaration of Independence was first read on July 4th, _1776_.3. _Pearl_ _Harbour_ is the base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A.4. _Rhode_ _Island_ is the smallest state in size and the most densely populated st

10、ate of the U.S.A.Part II HistoryI. Fill in the Blanks1. It was _Columbus _ who first discovered the America in 1492.2. In 1620 some English Puritans sailed to Plymouth on a ship called _Mayflower_.3. In _1607_ the first group of English colonists came to America.4. With the passage of the military R

11、econstruction Act in March 1867 the power of Reconstruction of the south passed from president to the _Congress_.5. The _Second_ World War was a destructive war and an anti-fascist war.Part III CultureI. Fill in the Blanks1. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is in _Hyde_ Park, New York.2. Gone with

12、the Wind was the best known of all _romantic_ films.3. Jazz music developed out of the music of the early American _Negroes_.4. _Washington_ _Irving_ was considered the father of American literature.5. Hawthornes best novel is The _Scarlet_ _Letter_.6. _Mark_ _Twain_ is the pen name of Samuel L. Cle

13、ments.7. Whitman is remembered for his poems The _Leaves_ of _Grass_.8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered _Mark_ _Twain_s masterpiece.9. Ernest Hemingway belonged to the _lost_ generation.10. The best novel written by Theodore Dreiser is “_The_ _American_ _Tragedy_”.Part IV Social Lif

14、eI. Fill in the Blanks1. The coffee without cream or sugar is called _black_ coffee.2. The most typical and true national holiday in the US is _Thanksgiving_ _Day_.3. The peculiarity of American history made the American spirit of _do-it-yourself_ come into being. This spirit is reflected in many as

15、pects of American life.Part V Political SystemI. Fill in the Blanks1. Only the _Supreme_ _Court_ has the right to interpret the constitution.2. The president who was first assassinated in 1865 was _Abraham_ _Lincoln_.3. The American Congress is made up of two houses: the _Senate_ and the House of _R

16、epresentatives?_.4. The head of he House of Representatives is called the _Speaker_.5. According to the _Constitution_, the president should be a citizen born in the US territory.6. The two main parties are the Democratic and the _Republican7. _ Party.注意:请自己根据课本内容确定答案以下是范围没有缩小前的答案Keys to the testsBr

17、itish Survey TestPart III.1. Northwestern2. Great Britain, Northern Ireland3. Scottish, Welsh4. England5. London6. Northern Ireland7. 19218. Ben Nevis9. Pennines10. North Sea11. Thames12. London13. Northern Ireland14. Atlantic Gulf Stream15. 1750, 185016. 169417. 5718. manufacture19. Irish20. Welsh2

18、1. English22. dark23. Scots, Irish24. Welsh25. Inner, 2026. Edinburgh27. God Save the Queen28. North29. West30. Clyde31. England32. Thames33. Cardiff34. coalPart IIII.1. Iberians2. Romans3. 43 A.D4. John Milton5. Anglo-Saxon6. Alfred7. William8. Lackland9. Magna Carta10. Domesday11. Bede12. Hastings

19、13. feudalism14. Conqueror15. French16. Great Council17. Church18. Glorious Revolution19. 620. Nanjing21. Russia22. Watt Tylers23. Lancasterians, Yorkists24. 15th25. Paris26. 184027. Chartered28. international, national29. Bloody30. rebirth31. humanists32. feudal civil33. money34. Invincible Armada3

20、5. Thomas More, Utopia36. 16th37. Stuart38. Roundheads, Cavaliers39. Lord Protector40. Paris41. Tory, Whig42. universal suffrage43. Spinning Jenny44. splendid isolation45. Settlement46. Commonwealth47. Poland48. 18th49. James Watt50. Spinning Mule51. Power Loom52. Industrial Revolution53. Manchester

21、54. Act of Supremacy55. Italy56. world, 457. Paris Peace Conference58. Locarno Treaty59. Germany60. Winston Churchill61. cabinetPart IIIII.1. State, Independent2. public3. grammar, technical4. 115. selective, comprehensive6. eleven plus7. grammar8. Comprehensive secondary9. 15, 1610. Advanced Level1

22、1. Technical12. public13. character14. Oxford, Cambridge15. old, Scottish, independent16. 12th, 2817. 1200018. middle-aged19. Bachelors, Masters, Doctors20. form21. London22. Fleet Street23. British Broadcasting Corporation24. Reuters25. Cambridge26. advertising27. Radio Times28. London29. Cricket30

23、. soccer, cricket31. rounders, hockey32. basketball, baseball33. Royal Society34. 2335. Issae Newton36. Scottish37. Edward Tanner38. Davy39. Origin of Species40. art for arts sake41. Westminster Palace42. Benjamin Hall43. Westminster Abbey44. Capital45. Hyde46. Tower, London47. Whitehall48. Madame T

24、ussaudsPart IVII.1. dialect2. 163. mortgaging4. wife5. John Bull6. ten7. King James, Shakespeare, Industrial8. ladies first9. Whitehall10. Commons11. December 25th12. Scotland13. April 1st14. Boxing Day15. Santa Claus16. Armistice Day17. 35, 4018. cash19. cheques20. Income Tax21. Water Closet22. sic

25、kness, retirement23. 6024. Buddhism25. Islam26. Holy Bible27. 3028. CatholicPart VII.1. Queen Elizabeth II2. 19523. Prime Minister4. Crown5. Crown, Lords, Commons6. Parliament7. Queen8. 13th9. Commons10. finance11. Upper12. Westminster Palace13. 1911, 194914. constituencies15. President of the Chamb

26、er16. Government, Opposition17. Privy Council18. No. 10 Downing Street19. executive, clerical20. parishes21. chairman22. borough, city23. Conservative, Liberal24. loyalists, Parliament Men25. Conservative, Whig26. grants27. 528. 1829. Returning Officer30. 65131. Lords32. Criminal33. jury34. 15, 1235

27、. Court, Bar36. Home Secretary37. Scotland YardAmerican Survey TestPart III.1. central, north2. Canada, Mexico3. Pacific4. Atlantic5. Columbia6. eastern7. Yellowstone8. Great Plains9. Great, Mexico10. Death Valley11. Colorado Valley12. Great Salt13. 50, federal14. 177615. Mississippi16. Canada17. 50

28、 centimetre Rainfall Line18. Sunny South19. Alaska20. Southwest21. Wall Street22. Broadway23. Iron, Steel24. Chicago25. Alaska, Hawaii26. European27. 17th28. 8529. 240/25630. New York31. Pearl Harbour32. Rhode Island33. 834. Space City35. Hawaii36. Mississippi River37. Washington38. northeastern39.

29、California40. IndustrialPart IIII.1. Columbus2. Amerigo3. Magellan4. red5. Independence6. 19147. Mayflower8. Independence9. Virginia10. prelude11. France12. Spanish13. 193314. Cold War15. 1116. Homestead Bill, Emancipation Proclamation17. 19th18. Russia19. 13, 178720. Articles21. 178722. anti-federalist23. Federalists24. Secretary, State25. War, Independence26. second27. Holy28. veto29. Westward30. Uncle Toms Cabin31. John Brown32. 160733. Presidental34. Congress35. Ku Klux Klan36. Paris Peace37. Washington3

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