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新视野第二册 Unit 5 Book 2.docx

1、新视野第二册 Unit 5 Book 2 Unit 5Teaching ObjectivesStudents are supposed to acquire:1. The main idea and structure of the text2. The key language points and sentence structures in the text3. The proper usage of words and expressions4. Writing techniqueTeaching Contents & Time AllotmentPeriodTeaching Cont

2、ents1-21. Introduction of Background information.2. Giving topics for discussion.3. Explaining new words and expressions.4. Language points in the text of Section A.3-41. More details interpretation in Section A.2. Some exercises in the section.5-61. Useful words & Expressions in Section B.2. Langua

3、ge points in the section B.3. Listening and Speaking Unit 5.Section A Weeping for My Smoking DaughterPreviewAll parent-child relationships demand excellent communication skills. Without both parents and children working together, poor or no communication occurs. Questions with few answers exist abou

4、t how to improve communication in many negative parent-child relationships. Think about how the mother might save her daughter from her grandfathers fate in Passage A. How can parents improve their relationships with their children according to Passage B? Background Information1. Queen Victoria (181

5、91901) was queen of Great Britain and Ireland (18371901) and empress of India(1876 -1901). 2. Hollywood is the center of the U.S. movie industry. In terms of geography, Hollywood refers to an area consisting of the City of West Hollywood and its vicinity that form part of the Greater Los Angeles met

6、ropolitan area. You can take a look at for an interesting guide and virtual tour of Hollywood movie studios. Visitor information about the Greater Los Angeles area can be found.3. Third World refers to the technologically less advanced or developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.4. A b

7、attered womens shelter is a safe place for women and children to escape from violent relationships. Text structure Part 1 (Para. 1): I weep because my daughter smokes.Part 2 (Para. 2-5): I recalled how my father was hooked and eventually killed by smoking.Part 3 (Para. 6): I gain a better understand

8、ing of the harm of smoking in the Third World countries. Cause Effect Cause: I see many people like my father and daughter. Effect: people starve themselves of both food and air The cause: When I travel to Third world countries I see many people like my father and daughter. There are large advertise

9、ment signs directed at them both:the tough, confident or fashionable older man, the beautiful, “worldly” young woman, both dragging away.The effects: In these poor countries, as in American inner cities and on reservations, money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco companies; o

10、ver time, people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves. I read in the newspaper and in my gardening magazine that the ends of cigarettes are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one, it is likely to die, and that the b

11、oiled water from a bunch of them makes an effective insecticide.Part 4 (Para. 7): I have a feeling of hurt and useless at my daughters smoking.Part 5 (Para. 8): I hope people would stop smoking at each family.Discussion: Anti-Smoking Campaigns in ChinaChina has been tightening up restrictions on smo

12、king over the past decade, banning tobacco advertising and sponsorships of major sporting events. In 2009, the authorities raised taxes on cigarettes. Smoking is banned in public places like schools, railway stations and government buildings. But enforcement is spotty. In is not uncommon to see men

13、smoking below non-smoking signs in the cancer wards of hospitals. The government said it out 100,000 inspectors to enforce the ban but the $1.40 fine offers little deterrence. Tobacco advertising is banned on television and radio and cigarette packs are required to carry health warnings but the warn

14、ing on cigarettes packs are small and not very explicit. Anti-Smoking education is also minimal. Laws preventing the sale of tobacco products to minors were only put on the books in 2007 and even these laws failed to spell out punishments or say how they would be enforced. Chinese cigarettes have no

15、 warning labels although that is scheduled to change in 2011. In January 2010, China expanded its crack down on smoking by banning smoking in public spaces in seven provincial capitals. The success of the effort could determine whether the move will be expanded. New words & Expressionsweep v. 1. cry

16、 哭泣,流(泪)to weep for/over/about 为哭泣、叹息Its not worth weeping even a single tear over him. 为他流泪是完全不值得的。The optimistic never weep over their failure or misfortune. Instead, they hold a positive attitude towards anything in life. 乐观的人从不为自己的失败或厄运而哀叹,而是以积极的态度对待生活中的一切。People in the streets wept with joy whe

17、n the end of the war was announced.宣布停战时,街道上的人们高兴地哭了起来。2. (of a wound) produce liquid (伤口) 渗出液体The cut is no longer weeping and is starting to heal. 伤口不再流脓水,已开始愈合了。 filter vt. pass liquid, light, etc. through a special equipment 过滤The cigarettes are filtered. 这些是过滤嘴香烟。vi. (of a group) move gradually

18、 (人群)逐渐走出(走入)Around 10 Oclock the crowds started filtering out of the stadium. 十点左右人群开始走出体育场。n. C 过滤器 an oil filter 滤油器I like to experiment with different light filters on my camera. 我喜欢在照相机上用不同的滤光镜做实验。 grateful a. feeling or showing appreciation for sth. good done; thankful 感激的,感谢的to be grateful to

19、 sb for sth 因而感激/感谢某人灾民们非常感激党和政府在他们危险之际给予的真诚关怀和帮助。The victims of the disaster are grateful to the Party and government for their sincere care and help when they were in danger.I am grateful to you for your help. 我感谢你对我的帮助。If you could get that report finished by Thursday Id be very grateful. 如果你能在周四

20、完成那份报告,我将十分感谢。 harden v. 1. (cause sb. to) become strong; make sb. less conscious of sth. (使) 变得坚强, (使) 变得冷酷无情to harden oneself against doing sth 硬着心不做After her husbands sacrifice for the national cause, this heroic woman hardened herself against feeling deep sorrow and sent her beloved son to the b

21、attle front.在丈夫为民族事业牺牲后,这位坚强的妇女强忍悲痛,又将自己的爱子送上前线。Rough living in the desert hardened the young men a lot. 沙漠中的艰苦生活把这些年轻人锻炼得更加坚强。As the war progressed, attitudes on both sides hardened. 随着战争的推进,双方的态度都变得强硬了。2. (cause sth. to) become hard, strong, etc. (使) 变硬, (使) 硬化The mixture hardens as it cools. 这种混合

22、物冷却时会变硬。The paint takes a few minutes to harden. 这油漆需要几分钟才会变硬。 brand n. C particular make of goods or their trade mark (商品的) 牌子, 商标Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer? 你喜欢用哪种牌子的牙膏?This isnt my usual brand of shampoo. 这不是我常用的那种牌子的洗发水。vt. mark sth. with or as if with a brand 打烙印于,以烙铁打(标记)The exper

23、iences of his unhappy childhood are branded on his memory. 他痛苦的童年经历烙刻在他的记忆中。The cows were branded with an A in a circle. 那些牛被烙上了加圆圈的A字。noticeable a. easily seen or noticed 易见的,明显的Theres been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting. 她的书法有了明显的提高。Its noticeable that the weather is getting colder. 天

24、气明显地转冷了。 Derivative: unnoticeable a. not able to see or notice 不引人注意的,不明显的The armys presence in the north of the city is unnoticeable. 部队在这座城市的北部出现并不引人注目。The orange wallpaper at the back of the hall is unnoticeable. 大厅后面的橘色墙纸不很显眼。 slim a. 1. not fat 苗条的,纤细的Im trying to get slim. 我在设法让自己的体形变得苗条些。Shes

25、 got a lovely slim figure. 她有着可爱的苗条身材。2. not thick 薄的 a slim pocket-book 薄薄的袖珍笔记本Its quite a slim book so its not too heavy to carry around in your bag. 它是本很薄的书,所以放在你的包里并不重。3. (of hope, etc.)very small; slight 微小的,渺茫的slim hopes of success 成功的希望渺茫They have only a slim chance of winning. 他们获胜的机会微乎其微。

26、drag vi. 1. (slang) smoke 抽烟to drag away : 连续不断地抽烟每当遇到麻烦,他往往是一根接一根地抽烟,以藉此消愁。Whenever stuck in trouble, he would drag away so as to remove his annoyance.2. move slowly and with effort 缓慢而费力地行进She always drags behind. 她总是磨磨蹭蹭地走在后面。The old man dragged along slowly. 那个老头拖着沉重的脚步慢慢地往前走着。vt. pull (sb. / st

27、h.) along with effort and difficulty 拖,用力拉We dragged the fallen tree clear of the road. 我们把倒下的树从路上拖开。He moved slowly, dragging his tired feet. 拖着疲惫的双脚慢慢地走着。n. C person or thing that makes progress difficult 障碍物,累赘She loves her family, but theyre a drag on her career. 她爱她的家人,但他们是她事业上的累赘。His brother i

28、s a drag to him. 他的兄弟对他是一个拖累。 starve v. (cause a person or an animal to) suffer seriously or die from hunger (使)挨饿或饿死They got lost in the desert and starved to death. 他们在沙漠中迷了路,饿死了。Shes starving herself to try to lose weight. 她为了减轻体重而忍饥挨饿。to starve sb. of sth : (cause sb. to) suffer or long for sth.

29、 greatly needed or wanted (使) 因缺乏而受困苦,渴望,(使) 丧失Industry is being starved of advanced technologies. 现在,工业的问题是缺乏先进的技术。People starved of sleep start to lose focus. 睡眠不足的人会变得注意力不集中。It is only when it comes to the application of our book learning that we regret starving ourselves of it. 书到用时方恨少。bunch n.

30、1. C number of things (usu. of the same kind) growing, tied or grouped together 串,束, 把a bunch of keys 一串钥匙 a bunch of keys on a ring 圈上的一串钥匙a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes / bananas 一串葡萄 / 香蕉 a bunch of newspapers 一捆报纸 grass growing in bunches 丛生的草 I bought a bunch of flowers in the market.

31、 我在集市上买了一束花。2.C group of people 群,伙Theyre a nice bunch. 他们是一群好人。I dont like any of them much, but hes the best of the bunch. 他们当中哪一个我都不大喜欢,不过他就算这伙人当中最好的了。vi. form into a bunch 集中,挤在一起The monkeys bunched together up in their cage. 猴子们齐刷刷地都抓着笼子顶部的铁丝网聚在了一起。Cross the road one at a time - dont bunch up. 一个一个地过马路不要拥挤。vt. form sth. into a bunch 使成一束(或一群等)Make sure the wet sheets arent bunched up; otherwise they wont dry. 别让湿床单团成一团,那样的话,是不会干的。Bunch the fresh fruits together and send them as the birthday gift. 把新鲜水果放在一起,送给他们作生日礼物。 batter v. hit sb. / sth. hard and often 接连重击He kept battering at the do

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