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英汉翻译 经典练习题Word文档格式.docx

1、 Last winter Stanfords new e-commerce elective was the hottest thing on the business school campus, with 28 students using their single “ silver bullet” to secure one of the 66 available spots. 去年冬天,斯坦福大学新开设的电子商务选修课成为商学院最热门的课程,28名学生各施绝技,以求在66个听课席中争得一席。 The study found that non-smoking wives of men w

2、ho smoke cigarettes face a much greater than normal danger of developing lung cancer. 研究结果表明,丈夫抽烟,妻子不抽烟,那妻子得癌症的危险,要比一般人大得多。 你红光满面。 You look so healthy and full of pep. 他是个“气管炎”。 He is a hen-pecked man. 你是在班门弄斧。 You are showing off your proficiency with an axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. Tran

3、slation Technique Practice 21)请分别用直译和意译翻译以下内容: to flog a dead horse 直译:鞭打死马 意译:白费力;徒劳 过街老鼠直译:like a rat crossing the street意译:the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by everybodyA nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.点头也好,眨眼也好,示意盲马,同样无效。犟汉难劝,狂人难喻。树倒猢狲散。When the tree falls, the mon

4、keys scatter.Members run away when the family falls./ Rats leave a sinking ship.2)英译汉:Then what? Well, mankind is not doing a very good job of running the earth right now. Maybe, when the time comes, we ought to step gracefully aside and hand over the job to someone who can do it better. And if we d

5、ont step aside, perhaps Supercomputer will simply move in and push us aside. 到那时会怎么样呢?唉,反正人类现在也没有做好管理地球的工作。也许到那时候,我们真该豁达大度地让到一边,把工作交给更为称职的去做。如果我们不主动让位,也许超级电脑就会不客气地闯进来,把我们推到一边。The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was still. Paradox flowed into paradox, stillness mixed with sti

6、llness, sound with sound.大地止而亦行,大海动而亦静。万籁交而万籁合,若真若假,若是若非。The garden was a paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed and more money than could be spent.花园里面是人间乐园,有的是吃不了的大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银财宝。3) 汉译英:她们大家,不仅个个身上都给太阳晒得暖烘烘的,而且人人心里都有一个小太阳,温暖着各自的心灵。那是一种迷梦,一种痴迷,一种嗜好,至少是一种渺茫的希望,这种

7、希望虽然可能正在化为泡影,但却依然活在个人的心中,因为一切希望都是如此。因此,她们大家全都喜气洋洋,好些人还兴高采烈。And as each and all of them were warmed without by the sun, so each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in; some dream, some affection, some hobby, at least some remote and distant hope which, though perhaps starving to nothing, st

8、ill lived on, as hopes will. Thus they were all cheerful, and many of them merry. 年年难过年年过,处处无家处处家。Hard up, we manage to get over it each year;Homeless, we try to make home everywhere.他决定洗心革面,脱胎换骨。He is determined to turn over a new leaf.本店货色齐全,品种多样,任君挑选。We have a good assortment of goods to choose f

9、rom.Translation Technique Practice 31)请翻译, 注意选词A run a fever 发烧 run a car 驾驶小车run oil 提炼石油run the risk of 冒着.的危险The idea runs in his mind 这个念头萦绕在他的脑海里。The street runs north. 大街向北延伸。The news runs rapidly in the town. 这个消息迅速在镇上传开。B 干部要能上能下。 A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher p

10、ost. 这盘你上。 You play this game. 我来给门上油漆。 Let me paint the door. 这事已经上了电视。 It has been publicized on TV.2) 请翻译,注意灵活处理。 After the fall of France, Germany was incomparably stronger than England on the ground, about equally matched in the air, and gravely inferior at sea. 法国崩溃之后,德国陆军大大超过英国,空军力量旗鼓相当,海军则不幸

11、处于劣势。 The happiness - the sperior advantage of the young women round about her, gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy. 利蓓加看见她周围的小姐都那么有福气,享受种种权利,说不出的眼红。 He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. 他是

12、个聪明人,谈吐非常风趣,可是不肯用苦功。他老是东借西挪,又喜欢上酒店喝酒。3) 请根据文体,翻译以下内容:酱香突出,幽雅细腻,酒体醇厚,回味悠长,空杯留香持久,历届国家名酒评比之冠,尊为国酒。Carefully BrewedPure and MellowWith a Long-lasting Aroma美国媒体变恐怖主义传声筒American Media: Mouthpiece of Terrorism中国已成功发射了第一颗试验通讯卫星。这颗卫星是由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正常。它标准着我国在发展运载工具和电子技术方面进入了一个新阶段。The successful launching of C

13、hinas first experimental communication satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命力的种子绝不会悲观和叹气,因为有了阻力才有磨练。生命开始的一瞬间就带来了斗争的草,才是坚韧的草

14、,也只有这种草,才可以傲然地对那些玻璃棚中养育着的盆花哄笑。When the seed falls in debris instead of on fertile soil, the seed with life is never pessimistic or sad, for it has undergone resistance and pressure. The grass that begins to fight its way out right after its birth is strong and tenacious, and only that grass has the

15、right to smile with pride at the potted plants in glassed green houses.Translation Technique Practice 4Assignment:I. Discuss the following questions1. When and where is conversion used in translation?2. Why is it necessary for a translator to convert parts of speech in translation?3. What are the ma

16、jor forms of conversion in English-Chinese translation?4. Do you think the conversions in English-Chinese and Chinese-English translation are just the same? Why do you think so? Or why not ?II. Put the following sentences into Chinese, using the technique of conversion.1. With the passage of time, m

17、y admiration for him grew more and more.2. We are enemies of all wars, but above all of dynastic wars.3. My audience varied from tens to thousands. 4. Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievement you have made in this direction.5. No wonder the sight of it should send the memori

18、es of quite a number of people of the old generation back to 36 years ago.6. There is a big increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country.7. Out of all the glorious tales written about the U. S. revolution for independence from Britain the fact is hardly known that

19、a black man was the first to die for American independence.8. I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug and cried like a child.9. The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing.10. The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.11. I enjoy the clean volupt

20、uousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water.12. It was a truth of which I had for some time been conscious that a figure with a good deal of frontage was, as one might say, almost never a public institution.III. Put the following words and expressions into Chinese, trying to

21、 get the correct meaning of the original.1. Chinese oil2. a good (bad) sailor3. a goodman4. dry (wet) nurse5. bowel movements6. turn the tables7. a matter of great import8. be out with sb.9. to sit above (below) the salt10. worth ones salt11. to sleep late12. hold water13. blow hot and cold14. a bul

22、l in a china shop15. to pull the string16. put all ones eggs in one basket17. to eat ones own words18. to turn over a new leaf19. a short (long) drink20. a man in good shape21. dead men22. the outer man23. the inner man24. the odd manIV. E-C TranslationTranslation Technique Practice 5Assignment1. Wh

23、at is restructuring? What are its usual ways in English?2. What are the differences between inversions in English and in Chinese?3. How should we practice the skill of restructuring in English-Chinese translation? Cite some examples to explain.1. This tea-party was given by Mr. Smith, senior corresp

24、ondent of The Times, London.2. He would be a rash man who should venture to defy world public opinion and act arbitrarily.3. I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.4. Accounts are given of huge mountai

25、ns sinking, of former plains seen heaved aloft, of fires flashing out amid the ruin.5. Can you forge against these enemies in a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?6. Bright, very brigh

26、t were the stars over the wild, dark Yenan hill.7. I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.8. It is easy to see what weight can be overcome and what thrust is necessary to maintain flight.9. N

27、owadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing.10. Many more visitors than it can comfortably accommodate poured into it, off the regular steamers, off charted motorboats and off yachts; all day they amble u

28、p the towpath, looking for what?11. I believe that I speak for every sincere and serious representative in the United Nationsso I am encouraged to believe by the speeches to which we have already listened this morningwhen I say that the anniversary must be an occasion for an honest assessment of our

29、 failures in the past, matched by an equally determined will to do better in the future, so that we can escape from frustration and turn the anniversary into an inspiration and an achievement.III. Put the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the italicized words1. I challenge my own

30、 conclusion.2. I challenge you to answer the question.3. China challenges the world in discipline.4. Recent discoveries have challenged the old notions.5. His question challenges us to think.6. Survival in enemy-occupied territory challenged skill.7. He is not committed to an early election.8. I am committed to improving relations with China.9. I cant commit myself by

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